Greenough Street

Wedge Alarms 102 Greenough Street WN1 3SU Remember in the early 1980s the Motorbike shop, (Rogerson’s) Chip Shop, Wedge Alarms, and TV shop (electronic service centre) before the bridge with the HSS hire shop on the opposite side with the snooker club. This end of the Street was demolished for the new road.
My mother had the ladies hairdressers at 39 Greenough St in the 50s and 60s. Hilda from the milk bar used to come to my mothers hairdressers and when I was young she always brought me a cornet.
Would like to no ,the pub that was on the opposite corner from maidwells ,and picture would be great was born in Vaughan St, Maidwell was my first jobzs
Maidwells made shirts my mother worked there in the60s
Still looking for photos of foundry st opposite water heyes can any one help our,s got lost when we moved?zo
There were a series of houses numbered 9A to (at least)9E in Greenough Street. My Dad was brought up at 9D, and I remember visiting my Grandma there until about 1965ish. She called the house Ninepence!
My grandma used to live o. Greenough Street Wigan, I'm curious about the address which was 9E, it wasn't an HMO so I am confused why 9E?
I’m doing our family tree,My mothers name Greenough.I found some lived in 28 Cross Street Wigan. There were a few Greenough’s came from Wigan and surrounding towns. 1st Names were Henry. Swithin , James, William. I’m going back about 1800’s.If any one can help I’d love to hear from you.Thanks
My mother had the hairdressers on greenough street which I think was just up after the river Douglas bridge on the left. Jean ince - does anyone remember this (any photos).?? What was the shop before? Was this opposite Isherwoods shop? I have one of his paintings btw. I used to go to St. George’s around the late sixties early seventies. Any stories much appreciated.
Hi Degs hope u keepin well our band was made up of Degs on lead Bev on vocals Terry on rhythm Sam on bass me on drums good band would be good to hear from you we had some good times
my mother elizabeth coyle (tizzy or betty) worked at maidwells in 1940s. we lived in clarence st. off orchard st.with my step father and my two sisters. she used to mend the wigan rugbyleague jerseys and shorts and sew the wembley badges on
Not much happening on the site these days so i thought it would be a good idea to register the one. thousanth comment Happy Easter to all you Greenough Streeters
I was a 14 yr old in 1966 when I got my first job which was at maidwells I loved it there was some great girls there and helped me to sew my own dresses. It is where I got my finger trapped under the sewing machine needle, I nearly fainted but the girls said that I was a proper machinest now. I also fell for the one asking for rainbow cotton ha, good days.
My Nan used to live in Tichborne Street,off Vaughan Street that was off Greenough street.I went to St Georges school about 1964/5 and remember Gaynor Donnaly, Glenda Morman and a lad called Jeremy.I was born left handed but forced by the elderly teacher there to right with my "proper" hand.
There was also a scrap yard on Greenough street across from Maidwells factory a bit further up on the opposite side, we used to play in there as kids and get in trouble for it as we would always come home covered in
I did my hairdressing at Kathleen Heatons salon in Greenough Street, my dads shop was next door to the Jewelers shop, so different to what it is now.
Does anyone remember greenhough street football club first game it was our game against Standish b d a we played on st pats the the year was 1963,I can still name the squad,would like to hear if any of you played in it,I had to go and get sawdust from bulldog tools to mark the field we made a draw thought it was a good result,gordon
to Cliff.H what a memory! When are you going on Mastermind? Perhaps it was all for the best really, as the money might have gone to my head!!! Er, we seem to have strayed away from Greenough Street.
**** In answer to the lovely Mary Harper **** So sorry Mary, I remember the incident only too well. As I recall it wasn,t for any jackpot but a 'Full House' and the number of the disc was 46 it occured on one Saturday night and the next morning was our weekly committee mettings. Honest man as I am, I mustered all my and said to my comrades Get churehankys out comrades as I have a mitey sad tale to confess. Clifton the Confessor
Does anyone know what hapened to Brian Unsworth from Sandside who wrote regularly on this topic and was a bit of a poet.
My sister Kathleen Ashcroft (nee Moore) used to go to the Mission Hall church down Water Heyes. On a sunday morning we would walk down the Ritz steps, along to the Little Theatre then down waterside to church. One Easter Sunday I was in my new grey Blazer, short pants and cap with a badge on and as I approached the church a gust of wind blew my cap off and it went sailing down the Duggy.Skryked my eyes out cause I knew I'd get a beltin from my dad.
i remember the shop on the right hand side,where i used to take the wet battery to be charged up ,for our radio.cant remember its name though.i also remember isherwoods glogs and shoe repair shop,and mellings bike shop further down on the left ,near maidwells
Can anyone tell me when Greenough street was built?
Re: Cliff Higham. He used to be the bingo caller in Swinley Club. I was waiting for one number for the jackpot. I later learned he had dropped the number, he found it in his shoe when he went home! If I ever see him again I will probably kill him.
I also had a friend in Burlington street,Derek Ashcroft,and Eddie Wilkinson from Windermere st.
The ladies that ran lewis ice cream shop was Hilda and Phyllis.Portland street did run off turner street.Had a friend who lived in burlington st her name is Jean Marshall.
i lived in westmister st my grandmother in vaughan st annie mcgarty.i remember brian bridge the tarbucks lewis icecream Hilda but cant remember the other lady that also served in the shop.did portland street run off turner st to westminster st? also remember Mr Hankin and 2 old women on turner st all kids thought they were witches Susan Baxter and Carol Wright cant remember the name of shop opposite Seddons
i missed a word of i ment to say where was the common
does anbody know were the old scholes common thank you
My mother Alice Martin who died last year age 91 worked at Maidwells for quite a long time. They made overalls for Sainsburys(not many Sainsbury shops in the north then, the overalls mostly went 'down south') The boss was Jack Claxton and the girls would call the place Fenner Fashions after an old programme that was on T.V about a sewing factory. In the sixties they also made shift dresses by the thousands and many times the girls stopped work until he gave them another penny on a dress. I remember sitting there on a Friday or Saturday watching my Mum making me a shift dress to go out in the same night.My Mum loved working at Maidwells and would have us laughing telling us about all the girls who worked there.
Remeber the doctors surgery?Dr Johnson and his wife,the big house they had for their surgey,and doctor Gary who had a little bob-hole in a corner And whoever was waiting next could see right into the consulting room.Mr Johnson called all the ladies maam whatever their age,and used to breathe with you during examination.He reminded you of a mad professor,but three doctors saw to hundreds of patients and the always had time for you...Those were the days.
My grandparents and great grandparents lived in Water Heyes road. down by the River Douglas. I would go there all the time as a child to visit. Grand dad used to let us (my cousin and I). float paper boats dropped from the wooden bridge, then race to the other side of Greenhough st, to see them come out the other side of that bridge there.
I can rember sitting on top of the toilets watching the walking days. I lived in Hill Cottage, beyond Windsor st. past Ashcrofts woodyard. Its great to see the old picture looking up greenie
Cliff Blue. Speaking of Sandside. Wasnt there a bloke used to write on here who called himself Bu Bu Sandside. Where is he now?
Hi Ray. Roy Thomas han't got the Cherries. Its a bloke named Phill Gray.
Hi Clifford. I heard that Roy Thomas has just acquired the Cherry Gardens. Don't know if its true. Thought you might like to know. Would think he was a bit owd for that caper.
Nice place Sandside Becky. Lucky to live there. Bet its very quite now the summers drawing in. Yeah the old Greenough Street community is no more. I could just go to the Lewis's now for an ice cream. Or McNabs chippy for a bag of chipa on a cowd neet.
Oh! What a shock I got whem re-visiting Greenough Street after years away from my home town. Its just a road now - all those lovely shops and community all gone. Deary me!
Hi, I worked at Maidwells for a short period in the 1950's, they made overalls, and very nice ones too. Under the factory was a music shop where I bought my very first Elvis record 'Dont be cruel' I worked with Shiela Smith and the Manager's name was Jack. I remember that in 1962 I was in Billinge Hospital as a patient on B2 ward and the lady in the next bed was Jack's sister. She lived in a bungalow in Winstanley, sadly I lostr touch with her.
Are you the famous Bernard Dowdall by any chance. If so I understand that you are quite an accomplished artist. Do you exhibit your work anywhere? I am a collector of the works of local artists.
I have quite a few recollections of jim Isherwood the famous Wigan artist. One vivid one when I was a young boy.I used to go to St Mary's school in Standishgate Wigan and went to my grandmothers for my dinner each day in Scholes. One day I was returning to school walking down Greenough St where his mother had a shop. As I was walking by, Jim asked me to stop and admire a portrait of Tommy Steele (with two heads) ,and the next day the picture appeared in the Daily Mirror with the caption "Artist unveils portrait of pop sensation Tommy Steele ,young admirer amazed" Years later I was working for a local Bookmaker Joe Kennedy in The Wiend,and Jim Isherwood was a regular visitor to the office,which in those days before betting shops was a credit office. He liked a bet on the horses and more often than not when it came time to settle up he invariably paid his debts by way of a painting . I dread to think of how many of his works ended up being a nice comfy resting place for Joe's two Siamese cats. A couple of years ago I came across a signed copy of Sir Gerald Nabarro's autobiography dedicated to Jim and his lady Lily ,and guess what was inside....a couple of sketches and a photograph of one of his paintings in Venice I think. Hope this is of interest Bernard Dowdall
At least that was your story Carol. I saw you in that entry in Oxford St scoffing that ice cream!
My name is Carol Round and I lived in Oxford St, off Greenough Street. Used to be sent with a pint pot to Lewis's icecream bar and I ran home so fast the piece of 'paper' covering the ice cream had fallen off and so had all the ice cream!! I Remember Hilda and wish I had bought a painting from Isherwoods cobblers!
He may well have passed on Bert. He was no chicken. Not seen him around lately.
What hapened to that chap called himself Bloo. he never writes any more. he was the main man in the past. or has he past on?
Hi John, hows your husband John. Must get quite confusing in your house, Best wishes - Walter :>).
My Husband's John grandparent's owned a shop at 49 Greenough St. John's father was the youngest of their 5 children. William Bernard Ashurst born 1911 was awarded the MBE from the Queen at Buckingham Palace in 1953. We would like to know the maiden name of John's grandmother if anyone knows we would love know.
Brian Unsworths mother had Florries shop on the corner of Kay Street I think. A green grocers shop.
Brian Unsworth will be getting on a bit now. Between 73 and 75 I'd guess. Think he was a St Georges lad but not sure. Think is parents had a shop in Greenough Street. He wnt to Whelley school later on.