Ince Directory, 1925/6

Material kindly submitted by Ron Hunt.
Every street in Higher Ince, Lower Ince and parts of Platt Bridge listed along with occupants and trades. Thanks to Paul Stebbing for dating the directory, it was compiled between 1925 and 1926.
Some house numbers seem to be out of sequence, but I have copied the directory as is. Also, some residents have (j) after their trade, thanks to Freda who explains "The (j) after the trade is for 'journeyman' meaning a man who had served his time as an apprentice."
Select a section below:
[Section 1] ADELAIDE Street to BURGESS Street
[Section 2] CANAL Street to ENGINEER Street
[Section 3] FARMER Street to HUMPHREY Street
[Section 4] INCE GREEN LANE to KNOWLES Street
[Section 5] LANCASTER Street to OLD HALL Street
[Section 6] PARK View to VIOLET Street
[Section 7] WALMSLEY Street to YORK Street