About wiganworld
Why do the website?
There were many reasons that prompted me to do a website about my home town of Wigan. The main reason is that I enjoy local history, and rather than keep the information to myself, why not share it. I am a programmer (not designer!) and get plenty of practice writing and tweaking this in my spare time. The other main reason was that I had to learn how to code on the internet due to a career change years back! Believe it or not, wiganworld was started way back in June, 2001. A bit of a dinosaur in terms of websites.
How much money do you make from the site?
Unfortunately, not enough to cover the cost of the server and hosting. It is a hobby, not a commercial site. I may offer a local business sponsorship and/or donations? Something to think about.
What about the future of the site?
I really hope that wiganworld is here to stay. I have put a lot of time and effort into it, so have a lot of visitors who have contributed loads of material. I will continue to update is as often as I can - I'm not giving up yet!
The author?
My name is Brian and I am lucky enough to have been born a native 'Wiganer'. I'm married and have two kids (though they're adults now!). Enough about me. ;o)
Can you help?
The site has had loads of contributions, and thanks to everyone that has helped over the years. However, I'm always looking for more info, photos, ideas... Go on, upload some old photos to the album, suggest a new section, feedback of any kind is most welcome.
And finally...
Spread the word. Tell people about wiganworld, the more visitors, the better. Spreading the word will attract more visitors which in turn will result in more contributions - after all, it is a community site. Thanks for reading.