Site Rules
wiganworld aims to be a friendly and useful local website with your valuable input. If you do not agree to any of the simple rules listed below, please do not register or leave messages on the website.
- Do not attack or provoke others.
- Do not use foul or abusive language.
- Do not post racist, sexually explicit or other objectionable material.
- No trade or commercial links / sales.
- Do not impersonate someone else.
- Do not 'spam' the message boards / comments sections.
- Do not link to obscene sites / images.
- IMPORTANT! You are responsible for what you post. wiganworld is merely a venue. IP numbers and other details are logged.
Registration to wiganworld is only necessary to use the message boards. All other sections can be used without the need to register.
Remember that all information posted to the message boards becomes public and you should exercise caution when deciding to share any of your personal information. wiganworld moderators have the right to remove or amend any posting made to this site, all that we ask is that you keep your posts respectable and suitable for a general viewing audience.