Local Poetry

Local poetry by local people.
The poems are listed in no particular order, new additions will be added at the end of the current list.
Sandré Clays
Portent 1914Contrasts
Orwell's Wigan - 1936
Dave Marsh
Whalley's Pet ShopDirty Old Town
Manchester Boy
Goi'nt Pictures
The King is Dead
Belle Vue Zoo
Alex Bolton
Childhood MemoriesDays Gone
Dave Hawkins
SatanUncle Ted
Mandy Brown
I WonderLucky
John Brown
SpellingThe Old Box
How Slow
Stephen Corless
Aunt Bessie
Sue Ward
My ChildrenShopping
My Grandad
Carole Walker
Oh BabyDavid Hook
A Century of Winters PastWhite Coppice
John Clays
DisasterOn Your Horse
Gone But Still There
Sestina of Farewell; Gone
John Jarvis
The Café LifeCyril Ashurst
Battle o'th Wutchy RookTh' Ceawncil Meetin'
Harrogate Street
Weel Waytered
Th' Owd Aspuller
Eawr Owd Petty
Haigh Prize Band
Deawn Bloody Wiggin
Phillip Thomas
Dreadful ShiftPaul Brown
FaithMother and Son
Peace Love & Understanding
The Angel Behind Me
A Backward Glance
I'll Be Your Angel
Two Ladies
Ernie Melling
Evergreen Memories of Goose GreenThe Legend of Old Goose Green
Vince Elliott
TodayKeith I. Platt
Memories Of YesteryearWigan Rugby - Simply The Best
The Legend - Billy B.
To My Wife (Our Roles Reversed?)