Park Collieries, 1948 to 1959
A book by Fred Foster.
Fred's recollections from 1948 to 1959.
I've split the book into sections, some are large. Select a section below to read some interesting tales.
Section 1
Starting Work at the Pit
Section 2
Training for Underground
Starting Work Underground
Section 3
Seneley Green Drift
Face Training
Section 4
The Eastern European Influx of Labour
No 2 Pit Bottom Circuit
A Collier at Last!
Drilling for a Living
Shotfiring Training at Ravenhead Colliery
Section 5
The Prototype Anderton Shearer
An Official at Last
Afternoon Shift with the Rippers
Section 6
The First Face in the Ravine Mine
Characters that Worked at Stones's
Section 7
Pulsed Infusion Shotfiring
No 1 Pit Mouthing