The Wigan Directory of 1869, Dalton
DALTON is an agricultural township, forming the most western portion of Wigan Parish, and also of the Union. It is about six miles west by north from Wigan, and about the same east by north from Ormskirk. It contains Ashurst Hall, now a farm-house, a portion of which dates from the first half of the 17th century, and also Ashurst Beacon, a building on the end of a ridge of considerable elevation, which serves as a mark to vessels on the Irish sea. From it the off scape includes the Welsh hills to Penmaenmawr, Blackcombe in Cumberland, and the hills of Derbyshire. The area is 2000 acres; the population 453.
Airey Edward, farmer
Anderton John, Esq., Dalton priory
Ball Edward, farmer
Bolton William, farmer
Bowstead Ambrose, farmer
Ditchfield Margaret, shopkeeper
Fairclough Jane, farmer
Fairclough Thomas, farmer
Halewood William, farmer
Harwood Joseph, farmer
Higgins Francis, farmer
Lang Richard, farmer
Marsh Frederick, coal proprietor
Marsh Susannah, farmer
Marsh Thomas, farmer
Mason Richard, farmer
Ollerton Joseph, farmer
Ormshaw Henry, farmer
Ormshaw Robert, farmer
Ollerton Richard, farmer
Orrell Richard, farmer
Prescott John, Esq.
Richardson Hugh, farmer
Roberts Mark, farmer
Smith John, farmer
Speakman Charles, farmer
Speakman Joseph, shop and beer retailer
Stopforth James, farmer
Stopforth John, Prince William
Stopforth William, farmer
Walsh William, farmer
Williams Cornelius, beer retailer and farmer