Timeline, 1378
In the second year of King Richard II's reign, the previous charters were ratified and confirmed to James de Langeton, the parson of Wigan.
Richard, by the grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland. To all to whom the present Letters shall come. We have inspected the Charter of Confirmation of the Lord Edward, late King of England, our grandfather, in these words:- (reciting previous charters.) And we, esteeming the grants and confirmations aforesaid authentic and agreeable, do grant and confirm them for us and our heirs as much as in us is unto our beloved James de Langeton, now the parson of the said church of Wygan, and his successors, parsons of the same church, and the aforesaid burgesses and their successors like as the charter aforesaid reasonably testifies, and as the aforesaid James and his predecessors, parsons of the church aforesaid, and the burgesses aforesaid and their ancessors have hitherto reasonably used and enjoyed the liberties and quittances aforesaid from the time of making the charter aforesaid: In testimony of which thing we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Gloucester, the 2nd day of November, in the second year of our reign.