Powell Street

I live in the house next door to St. John's church on Powell street... It isn't apartments for foreign people at all.
Was Powell Street named after Sir Francis Sharp-Powell whose statue is in Mesnes Park? The museum that Ann Stridgeon remembers was in the Powell Childrens Library (the benefactor being Sir Francis Sharp-Powell) at the bottom of Station Road not on Powell Street. I can remember the Drill Hall and the Co-op. St. Georges Church, which is still there was,I think, at that time behind the Co-op. It seems strange seeing it stand alone now. Don't forget too that if you watched Wigan at Central Park you would have walked along Powell Street to the ground.
I was born in Scholefield Lane in 1938. When we were young lads we once went to the Drill hall to see members of Blackpool Football Club give an exhibition. The 3 names I remember most are Stanley Mathews, Stanlet Mortenson and the captain Harry Johnston. They showed all their dribbling skills, but what I recollect most is Harry Johnsron throwing the ball , from behind his head, the full length of the drill hall, it was magic, and obviously somthing that has stayed with all these years. I don't think the modern player could even match the skills of the old players, when you consider the weight of the ball and the type of boots they wore then.
I remember Powell Street very well as I worked at Pagett's Decorators from 1966 to 1982 and had lots of happy memories there. I remember the Queen and Prince Philip coming to Wigan and they passed the Pagett's office and I have a photograph 'cos I stood outside and got an excellent view! I also remember Dr. Campbell who was the priest at St. John's - he used to come into the office and have a coffee with Mr. Pagett. I'm sure he once said he was related to Paul McCartney!
re anne stridgen the mueseum was couple of doors up from the horseshoe pub which was across the road from the baths in wigan on to the discussion of the drill hall my self and mi mates as young kids would spend many an hour or so looking at the tanks and army jeeps they had there as they did training and marching there many a time as kids
I remember the sweetshop on Powell Street from the late 70's/early 80's when I was a child. My grandmother who was from Lower Ince ran it with her aunty in the early 30's before she moved to Manchester. We popped in for sweets when we visited Wigan before walking onto the empty terraces at Central Park.
Lynn,my Grandad and my dad lived in the house next door to the Sweetshop on Powell St.my dad was livin there when he got married in 1936, I have a pic of mum an dad on the front of the house around that time.I bet we got the same grandad an dont know it?? Hi sis!
are you thinking of greenough st labour club i think its called rileys bar now but not very sure .does anyone remember the pit rescue displays at the drill hall my uncle Bill Bridge used to be in the team but i just cannot if it was there or not
My grandparents lived in Powell St. They were next to Brogdens Funeral parlour just the 2 houses on the corner was a sweet shop run by a nangy old man. They were almost across from the barracks hall. The old house is now apartments for foreign students. After the sweet shop was a street to the left can't remember it and a club on the corner what was it? heer Lynn
I remember the Triangle Island at the road junction with Powell Street and Standishgate. The drive home to Whelley from Wigan meant we drove that way when you could drive all the way down Standishgate (& oppersite to today) and then right into Powell Street. I remember the Army Barracks/Hall and the Car Park after this, and on the other side the Church and the houses then across the River Douglas bridge passing the Green Iron Toilets on the way up the hill up Greenough Street. Of course all this was in the back of my dad's Blue Vauxhall Viva.
am i right in thinking the old museum used to be on powell street? or was it just called the powell museum i used to go every weekend when i was a nipper.
Yes the territorials were there. My pal Dave's dad was in charge, late 50s early 60s Major Ridout.
I can't forget Powell street Being that I am a Powell. I am so sad to learn that it's not there any more. I might be wrong as memory plays tricks on us when it gets stretched, but wasn't there a Painter and decorator called Padgett's. I do remember vaguely the territorial army did things there.Was the old CO-OP on the corner there? I recall there was a garage there that sold second hand cars it was amore like a warehouse, I got my first car there for 90 pounds and paid 2 pounds a week for it. such memories. I know theres progress and we are told we can't stop it but I get really depressed about all this change :)Being overseas is hard as these changes are a shock when you learn about them all at once.
I remember the shop on the corner now the Lotto shop which was owned by Joe Jones where we used to call for sherbert and licorice dips.