Marsden Street

I have found this picture in an old family album. I am trying to identify this gentleman, and what is his chain of office? The picture is stamped Foley & Scott Ltd, Wigan. I am unable to add the picture. Can someone advise what I should try next.
Vic Rosewell My dad worked as a photographer for foley & Scott in Wigan in the early to mid 50‘s it would be good to hear from anyone whonmsycof known him
Hi Jane, of Wigan, UK who posted on 5th Jul 2008. I did A Levels in 1970-72 at the Spring Gardens Annex of Wigan Tech off Frog Lane and Pat Warburton was a fellow student. She looked like Annie Miller, the famous Victorian artist’s model. See photos of paintings of Annie Miller on Google. Nick Nick McGinn. E. Mail.
Hi. I currently came across a wedding album from an antique shop. The photographer mentioned is Eric Thursby . Address 59a.Chapel Street Chorley. It contains wedding pictures seems like from 1960 to 1970 era. If anybody is the owner kindly contact me.
Mr and Mrs Greenall lived at No 6, Marsden Street with their son Arthur and daughter Lilian. Around 1925. Lilian (Lily) married my father Thomas Lowe in Wigan and had 3 x boys.Thomas Keith,Derek and John Lowe.
Marsden street had a photographers shop and studio called Foley & Scott. I started work there when I was 17 and left when I was expecting my second child. The owner of the of the buisness was a lovely Jewish man called Clarry Weldon. He lived in Southport at that time.
The Warburtons' shop on Hope Street has no connection with the one in Oldham mentioned by the person from Canada. It was started by my grandparents in the 1920s.
I remember the travel agents in Marsden Street, it was John Earl Travel and he specialised in cruises. A friend worked there. It was next to the Market Hotel and on the opposite corner at the top end was Barclay's Bank. In the 60s I went in there 3-4 times a week for my work.
I worked for Eric Thursby from 1971 to 1975 his shop those days was on Crompton street next door to Kiwi Travel. He was a keen golfer and I remember he had a caravan in Scotland where he used to go for golfing weekends.Maybe I made up your wedding album or mounted your portrait.
Marsden street still exists. On the corner of Marsden street Mesnes street Stones jewellers on one side Market Tavern on the other side. Going up Marsden street after stones is the Baby botique then entrance to the Royal arcade then Edwards Pie shop. They are all in Marsden street. The Royal Arcade runs from Standishgate opposite Debenhams to Marsden street.
Eric Thursby took my wedding photographs in 1968. Unfortunately I do not have the album anymore. I wish there was some way I could retrieve the photographs.
Re David Devine's assertion that Watkin's pies were the best in Wigan. Every Saturday when Mum came back from shopping we had, in strict rotation, either Watkin's pasties or Vose's pies. I've never tasted pasties or pies to compare with those!
The name of the street you mention was Mesnes Terrace, the Church Hope St Congregational. Marsden St also had a branch of the Williams Deacons Bank, (now the Royal Bank of Scotland). Straight opposite Marsden St was Watkins confectionery Shop. The best pies in Wigan. Two doors down was Taylors overall shop. On the corner at the end of Mesnes St was Bonn Marche fashions. Across the road was Oliver Somers sports shop.
Eric Thursby started off in King St as a photographer. I had a passport photo taken by him in 1952.
I was born at Darlington Street east Tyldesley and emigrated to Canada at One year of age. My Gr Grandfather had a Monumental Sculpter business and lived in Hindley and Wigan. My aunt and husband had a furniture store in Oldham. Their name was Warburton! Thank You! Joyce... This has been a fun site to find. Found the Ad for my GR.Grandfather's business in this site. I shall visit this site often.