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WW1 Council Minutes

WW1 Council Minutes (December 1916).

A letter and a report published in the Council's minutes, both dated 14th December, 1916. Both relate to land and the growing of potatoes, must have been at a time when food rationing was taking its toll.

The first is a report by the Parks Superintendent:-

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14 December, 1916.

To the Chairman and Members of the Parks Committee


During the month the men have been pruning the shrubs and forking the borders, cutting the privet hedges around Carnegie Library and open spaces at Lamberhead Green. The pony has been lame three weeks, and I have had to hire. Two youths have left and two more engaged.

Re  the growing of potatoes in Alexandra Park. - I have measured the Children's Playground, and I find there are two good acres.

In Mesnes Park the portion by the Brook, we might get about half an acre if it was drained.

I also report the Education Committee have given me orders to plant the Girls' High School Grounds.

I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,

PONY. - Resolved: That the Parks Superintendent call in the Vetinary Surgeon to examine the pony, and if he advises such a course a new pony be purchased and the Horse Purchase Sub-Committee instructed accordingly.

OFFER OF LAND, the following letter was read:-

14 December, 1916.

Dear Sir,

    We are instructed by Colonel Woods to offer to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the County Borough of Wigan the vacant land on his Holme House Estate for the purpose of growing potatoes during the summer of 1917. He does not know whether it is considered vacant or unoccupied land or not.

    Colonel Woods proposed to make no charge by way of rent, unless, for legal reasons, he may ask for payment of one shilling in order to create a tenancy. His only stipulation is that before possession of the land is given up in the spring of 1918 it shall be properly sown down with grass.

    The area of the land, which is at present let, he believes to be about 40 acres.

    It may be somewhat difficult to prevent the destruction of the potatoes by trespass or from mischievous motives.

    Colonel Woods informs us that although he farms fairly largely, he has never grown potatoes, and therefore unable to express an opinion as to whether or not potatoes would grow on the land; he however thinks it unlikely that other vegetables would do well there.

Yours faithfully,

Resolved: That the thanks of this Committee be tendered to Colonel Woods for his offer; that the Parks Superintendent be requested to inspect the land in question and report thereon to the next meeting of this Committee.

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