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Local Chronology, 1898-99.


Dec. 24.
Selection of Col. Richard Pilkington as Conservative Candidate for the Newton Division.
Dec. 28.
Old Folks' Treat at Higher Ince.
Dec. 29.
Old Folks' Treat at Wigan, given by the members of the Wigan and District Amateur Operatic Society.


Jan. 4.
Wigan County Borough Council adopted a scheme for providing recreation grounds in Mesnes Park. - Old Folks' Treat at Hindley.
Jan. 7.
Old Folks' Treat at Abram.
Jan. 9.
Address on "Our School Days" at St. John's Hall, Wigan, by the Recorder of Wigan, Mr. Joseph Walton, Q.C. - Wigan Borough Quarter Sessions; three prisoners for trial.
Jan. 10,11,12.
Public Inquiries at Upholland, Billinge, Hindley, and Pemberton respecting the charities of the ancient parish of Wigan.
Jan. 12.
Severe storm passed over Wigan, doing much damage to property.
Jan. 13.
Meeting of the Geological Society in Wigan. Paper by Mr. James Keen on the Sinkings at Maypole Colliery.
Jan. 14.
Opening of the Church of England Temperance Institute, Wallgate, by the Bishop of Liverpool. - Attempted double murder and suicide at Upholland. - Death of Mr. Thomas Platt, managing clerk for many years for Messrs. Darlington and Sons, solicitors.
Jan. 15.
Hospital Sunday in Wigan and the district.
Jan. 16.
Col. Richard Pilkington, Rainford Hall, elected unopposed for the Newton Division, in place of the Hon. T. W. Legh, who succeeded to the title of Lord Newton. - The Hallé Orchestra at the Drill Hall.
Jan. 17.
Lowton and District Ploughing Match.
Jan. 18.
The Licensed Victuallers' Ball.
Jan. 20.
First annual Ball of the Wigan and District Operatic Society.
Jan. 21.
Co-operative Society Festival in the Drill Hall. Speeches by Lord Balcarres, M.P., and Mr. George Harwood, M.P.
Jan. 24.
Henry Bennett committed for trial at the Liverpool Assizes for attempting to murder Jane Eckersley at Upholland on the 14th January.
Jan. 25.
Meeting of the Wigan and District Congregational Association in Wigan. - Wigan Conservative Ball.
Jan. 27.
Juvenile Party and Ball given by the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. Councillor and Mrs. J. T. Gee) in the Drill Hall.
Jan. 30
and during the week - Performances at the Royal Court Theatre by the Local Amateur Operatic Society.
Feb. 2.
Conference and Meeting in Wigan on behalf of the International Peace Crusade. Addresses by Mr. W. T. Stead. - Appointment of Mr. H. C. Bishop, of Leyton, electrical engineer for Wigan.
Feb. 3.
Mr. Richard Johnson, J.P., Ince Hall, selected as the Liberal Candidate for the Ince Division.
Feb. 6.
Deputation waited upon Mr. Richard Johnson, J.P., at Ince Hall, and asked him to become the Liberal Candidate for Ince Division at the next election. He promised to consider the invitation.
Feb. 8.
Visit of Mr. Justice Day to Wigan. Welcome by the Mayor and Corporation. His Lordship presided over a lecture by Father Cortie, S.J., in the Public Hall.
Feb. 10.
Col. W. Woods, J.P., accepts the invitation to become Liberal Candidate for Wigan.
Feb. 11.
First annual meeting of the Wigan and District Miners' Permanent Relief Society.
Feb. 13.
Daring escape of John Garlic, sentenced for "long firm" frauds at Ashton and elsewhere, from Stafford gaol.
Feb. 14.
Death of Mr. Meyrick Blair Bankes, of Winstanley Hall, at Balconie Castle, Scotland.
Feb. 16.
Forty-third annual match of the Makerfield Ploughing Society.
Feb. 17.
Death of Mr. Thomas Heald, Clerk of the Peace for Wigan, at Greenfield, Billinge.
Feb. 18.
Conference of Orangemen in Wigan.
Feb. 22.
Wigan and District Sunday School Union; third exhibition in the Public Hall.
Feb. 24.
Henry Bennett sentenced to eight years' penal servitude for attempting to murder Jane Eckersley at Upholland, on January 14th.
Mar. 7.
School Board Election. The retiring members re-elected unopposed.
Mar. 8.
Annual Meeting of the Wigan and District Women's Liberal Association.
Mar. 16.
Dr. Clifford in Wigan.
Mar. 17.
Mr. Arthur Smith appointed Clerk of the Peace for the Borough in the place of the late Mr. Thos. Heald.
Mar. 22.
Mr. George Hardy, Chief-Constable of Kendal, appointed Chief-Constable of Wigan.
Mar. 25.
Twenty-sixth annual general meeting of the Lancashire and Cheshire Miners' Permanent Relief Society.
April 11, 12.
Jubilee Celebrations at St. Paul's, Wigan.
April 17.
Mr. R. Johnson (C) elected a councillor for All Saints' Ward in place of Mr. Arthur Smith, resigned.
April 17.
Death of Mr. Wm. Simm, formerly Chief-Constable of Wigan.
April 22.
Conference of the Lancashire and Cheshire Band of Hope Union in Wigan.
April 29.
Strike of Wigan Painters.
May 1.
Annual Meeting of the Wigan Branch of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
May 6.
May Day Procession in Wigan.
May 10.
First Concert of the Wigan and District Catholic Choral Union.
May 17.
Concert by Students of the Wigan School of Music in the Public Hall.
May 20.
Wigan Volunteers' Camp at South Shore. - Foundation Stones laid of New Wesleyan Chapel at Blackrod.
May 28.
Death of Mr. Wm. Roocroft, J.P.
June 7.
The Wigan County Borough Council decide to give Sunday Concerts in the Park.
June 8.
Three men suffocated by sewer gas in No. 6 manhole of the Wigan Corporation sewage works, near Crooke.
June 10.
School Attendance Officers' Conference in Wigan.
June 13.
Settlement of the Stonemasons' Strike by the Editor of the Wigan Observer.
June 15.
Mr. Richard Mayes, clerk at the Wigan Post Office, appointed Postmaster of Ambleside.
June 17.
Conservative Pic-nic in Haigh Park.
June 24.
Lifeboat Saturday Demonstration in Wigan.
June 30.
Death of Mr. A. Ackers, of Hindley House.
July 1.
Laying the Memorial Stone of a New Wesleyan Chapel at Hindley. - Annual Demonstration of the Wigan and District Sunday School Union.
July 8.
Public announcement that Mr. R. Johnson, J.P., will stand as Liberal Candidate for the Ince Division. - Death of the Rev. Hugh Campbell, formerly minister of St. Paul's Congregational Church, Wigan.
July 13.
Wigan Liberals indignantly protest against the Clerical Tithes Rating Bill.
July 19.
Garden party at the Mount, Wrightington, the residence of Mr. Alderman and Mrs. Layland, to the members of the Wigan and District Amateur Operatic Society.
July 25.
Prize Distributions at the Wigan Grammar School and the Wigan Institute.
July 29.
Announcement that a new Weaving Shed would be built at Standish.
Aug. 1.
At the Liverpool Assizes, Martin Tighe found guilty of murdering his wife at Wigan, and sentenced to death. The sentence afterwards commuted to penal servitude for life.
Aug. 3.
Presentation to Captain Bell, late Chief-Constable of the Borough Police Force.
Aug. 5.
Church Lads' Brigade Camp at South Shore.
Aug. 11.
Presentation of Hand Ambulances to Ashton, Golborne, and Haydock.
Aug. 12.
Garden Party at The Hollies, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ratcliffe Ellis, to the members of the Wigan and District Amateur Operatic Society.
Aug. 15.
Turning on the Thirlmere Water at the Service Reservoir, Wigan-lane.
Aug. 29.
Death of Dr. Stuart, J.P., at Shevington Hall.
Sept. 1.
Annual Meeting of the National Association of Colliery Managers in Wigan.
Sept. 2.
Co-operative Conference in Wigan.
Sept. 5.
Death of Mr. George Burgess, Newtown.
Sept. 7.
Death of Mr. James Whitfield.
Sept. 15.
Sale of Springfield Athletic Ground.
Sept. 19.
Decision of the General Purposes Committee to negotiate with the District Councils of Ince and Pemberton with a view to the amalgamation of those townships with the borough.
Sept. 26.
Annual Conference of the Liverpool District of the Lancashire Congregational Union in Wigan.
Sept. 29.
Ince and Pemberton District Councils decline to attend Conference proposed by the Wigan Corporation to discuss the amalgamation question. Resolution of the Borough Extension Committee that the further consideration of the question be deferred.
Oct. 7.
Unveiling a Memorial Brass in Billinge Parish Church to the late Vicar, the Rev. Canon St. George.
Oct. 10.
Lecture at Ince by Mr. Richard Johnson, J.P., on "England's Duty in the Transvaal."
Oct. 11.
Art and Industrial Exhibition at Scarisbrick-street Baptist School.
Oct. 12.
Decision of the General Purposes Committee that the office of Mayor be filled alternately by a nominee of each of the two political parties.
Oct. 14.
Opening of a Conservative Club in St. Andrew Ward.
Oct. 17.
Schools ordered to be closed in Wigan owing to the Spread of Measles. - Memorial to the late Mr. John Shaw Darlington in the Wigan Cemetery.
Oct. 19.
The Rev. J. Kerr-Craig, pastor of the Wigan Presbyterian Church, accepted a call to the pastorate of the Trinity Church, Canonbury.
Oct. 24.
Deputation representing the whole Council to the Mayor (Mr. J. T. Gee) asking him to accept the office for another year. Mr. Gee consented.
Oct. 25.
Opening of a grand Bazaar at the Hindley Reform Club.
Oct. 28.
Opening of the New Church at Hindley Green.
Nov. 1.
Municipal Elections; Contests in Eight Wards. No change in the position of the parties.
Nov. 3.
Public Meeting in Wigan convened by the Mayor. Opening of a fund for the relief of sufferers by the South African War.
Nov. 5.
Death of Mr. Samuel Laycock, J.P.
Nov. 7.
Recognition of the Rev. O. R. Gibbon as pastor of Scarisbrick Baptist Church. - Death of Mr. Thos. Hoyle Hope, solicitor, Wigan and Atherton.
Nov. 9.
Annual Meeting of the County Borough Council. Mr. Councillor Gee re-elected Mayor.
Nov. 13.
Death of the Rev. Father Doon at Orrell. - Death of Mr. Alfred Ormrod, Messrs. Ormrod and Co., Wigan.
Nov. 14.
Presentation to Mr. J. Bassnett, clerk to the Upholland District Council, on his retirement from the office.
Nov. 26.
Death of Mr. Mark T. Hughes.
Nov. 28.
Public Farewell to the Rev. J. Kerr-Craig.
Dec. 6.
Performance of the "Messiah" in the Drill Hall, Wigan, by the Wigan and District Choral Society.
Dec. 6.
The Wigan County Borough Council adopt the resolution of the Library authority recommending that the completion of the 21st anniversary of the Library should be recognised by the presentation of the Freedom of the Borough to his Lordship, the chairman of this committee, the Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford, K.T.
Dec. 11.
Performances at the Royal Court Theatre by the Wigan and District Amateur Operatic Society. - Death of Mr. Joseph English.
Dec. 10.
Death of Mr. T. B. Weedall.
Dec. 13.
Conference of the Liverpool and North Wales District Union of the Young Men's Christian Association, in Wigan.
Dec. 20.
The Corporation commence their supply of the electric light in Wigan.

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