Local Art by Roger Whistlecroft
Local artist Roger Whistlecroft's scenes painted in acrylics. All notes supplied by Roger.
If you would like to contact Roger, please email him direct:

Rowbottom Square - Painted from outside Roberto's restaurant.

My Secret Bridge. This is in Haigh Hall grounds and is just off the beaten track but is well hidden, the wooden bridge has gone now and been replaced mainly by concrete.

Wigan Parish Church - A pen drawing of the church, I was told that the building at the front used to be the school before the Deanery. Later it was a motorbike shop, does anyone know if this is correct and who traded there?

This is the back of Worsley Street, the houses are now altered and used as offices, the building in the background is the back of The Royal Oak pub.

Although not in Wigan this area is nearby and visited by many Wiganers, this is the Pigeon House at Lever Park - named because Lady Leverhulme kept a collection of ornamental pigeons and doves there.

The Terraced Gardens in Lever Park, Rivington.

The Terraced Gardens in Lever Park, Rivington.

Walled gardens, Haigh.

The historic Wiend, Wigan.

Jaxons Court, Wigan, Autumn 2003.

Coopers Row. The John Bull Chop House.

Wigan Pier.

Wigan Pier, 2004.