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Posted by: old man on 5th December 2019
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know about it for ages
winnie.. can you find any info on Atherton house on orrell rd, ive been looking for a while but any info is very limited, i think it was built for a pit owner in 1755 ?
Posted by: Helen of Troy on 20th October 2019
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Ages ago
Helen has given you a good tip there John. Lancashire Parish Clerks Online is a very informative web site, I have used it often with very good results.
Posted by: Helen B on 16th October 2019
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Used it for years
John Riley. Are you just interested in the name RILEY, or other surnames? Please publish all, and you may get more responses.
Are you familiar with Lancashire OnLine Parisk Clerk website?
Posted by: Beryl Hallsworth on 13th October 2019
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Milton Keynes
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long standing member
John it might be worth your while telling us what areas/streets you are looking for as a lot of people on this site have a very wide knowledge of the area
Posted by: John Riley on 13th October 2019
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Somerset County Pennsylvania
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Google search
Many family members were born in and around Wigan in the mid to late 1800s. I've been looking around the site trying to find streets or anything else that might match my family records.
No luck, but interesting seeing where we came from.
Posted by: TerryW on 5th October 2019
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Been a member for a while.
Any new members wishing to join please contact, ron@wiganworld.co.uk, the site really needs new members.
Posted by: TerryW on 30th September 2019
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Been a member for a while.
Stuart, please email admin, ron@wiganworld.co.uk and he will be able to help you out.
Posted by: Stuart Davies on 29th September 2019
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Already a member but lost log in details
Hi everyone I moved from Wigan in 1991 after my dad passed away and I had to move to Cheshire to be with family. I'm now married and live with my wife in Ontario Oregon. I was born in poolstock then at age 5 moved to ashton-in-makerfield. I lived at 58 Bolton road then moved next door to the huge house at 60 Bolton road. I attended cansfield high school finishing in 1989. If anyone uses this site that remembers give me a holla it would be great to catch up. I miss Wigan the memories and all of my friends.
Posted by: Valerie Cooper (Walls ) on 19th September 2019
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been on lots of times
To Frank, Don't suppose you have heard anything from Rita Butcher ? If you contact her please tell her I managed to track down Ann Unsworth. Thanks.
Posted by: Janet Stephan on 18th September 2019
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I happened upon your site whilst I was looking for some info on my Paternal side of the family. My late father was born and bred in Wigan and I loved visiting my Grandma and Uncle often. Sadly I've discovered with the help of your site my Aunt and Uncle have died and are interred with my Grandma. I know I had a cousin Gladys, older than myself; she's somewhere still out there. Keep up the good work on here
Posted by: TerryW on 16th September 2019
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Been a member for a while.
Wigan World is accepting new members,

please email admin, ron@wiganworld.co.uk
Posted by: Paul Andrews on 13th September 2019
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Family use it
Hi all, I'm new on here but just needed to send out the biggest love for my unbelievably brave Sis Shirl Andrews following her intensive course of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy to rid her body of the disease that caused her to need a mastectomy recently. Thanks to her fantastic kids (v.old btw!!) JP and Jen, grandkids and close family she now is clear and on the road to full recovery. Love you so much beautiful lady. Your brothers Paul (me) Lee and my partner Chris are so very proud of you. What an inspiration xxxx
Posted by: Paul Andrews on 13th September 2019
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Family use it
I was born in Wigan and still love to see old images from when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s.
Posted by: Keith Beckett on 8th September 2019
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Ashton in Makerfield
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It’s sad news I’m sorry to say. If you enter ‘Spencer Road bridge,Beech Hill ‘ in the Wigan World search box. Read copperhead’s second post which says that Tony passed away around 2003.
It may well be that copperhead or one of the other people who posted will be able to put you in touch with Tony’s family. If you wish to contact them do so with an email to ron@wiganworld.co.uk
Posted by: Hilary on 7th September 2019
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Perth WA
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Lived in and around wigan before I emigrated to WA.Ive been trying to contact an old boyfriend who lives in wigan....we were very closeonce. I tried to find him last time I was home but drew a blank.... would love to catch up with him and his Family. His name is Tony Lawton,he is or was a butcher and had a stall in the old wigan markets. He had a younger brother Paul. Cheers Hilary
Posted by: D.Charles on 27th August 2019
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Norley Hall
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Hi, Wilkinson, are you a friend of Mindar?
Posted by: Isabel on 17th August 2019
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On line
I used to stay with my Auntie Rose Hastie in the 40’s in York Road and I made a very dear friend who lived, I think in Vere Street her name was May Bradley she had a brother called Billy, an elder sister called Doreen and a younger brother who I used to call Alfie I would dearly love to know if they are still around .....just to say hi
Posted by: Steven Gallagher on 10th August 2019
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ex member-friend told me about Dazzy's post
Dazzylatics, I wish you all the very best for your upcoming surgery. God speed your recovery, pal.
Posted by: TerryW on 7th August 2019
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I have been around for ages!
Does anyone have any information on two ex-members, Town of Memories (Tom) and Pennywise?
The three of us were all close at one time and I would like to get back in touch.
Posted by: Cyrus on 3rd August 2019
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Int' parlour
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Soreen mentions on the boards about a friends mother being a servant at Elmfield, this was the big house on the corner of Walter Scott Avenue leading onto Wigan Lane, it is now a care home and has been largely extended though the original house can still be seen, also there was at one time some gateposts which had the name Elmfield engraved on them. The land on which the houses have been built on that form Elmfield Rd could well have been, at one time, the gardens of Elmfield house - someone may know.