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Posted by: Electrical Engineer on 11th September 2023
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Browsing for canal history
I was told that my ancestors emigrated to Wigan by hitchhiking along the Rainhill to Wigan canal on barges. As much as I try, I can't find any evidence of there ever being a canal between Rainhill and Wigan.
Can anyone on here cast any light on it?
Can anyone on here cast any light on it?
Posted by: Bill Broad on 7th September 2023
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Member for years.
In reply to Cam who posted recently are you suggesting all the current posters should change their attitude because you want to do some family research.? Ask your questions I am sure someone will answer.
Posted by: Cam on 29th August 2023
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Looking into ancestry.
Why is the communicate being allowed to be used as a child's playground by so called adult males? The childish bickering and bullying that goes on is appalling, whoever is in charge must be turning a blind eye to the culprits and allowing this behaviour. It isn't fair for people like me who are afraid to ask any questions or ask for help on any subjects of interest or to even join in on Wigan world. It really doesn't look good for overseas people with links to the town looking in.
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If anyone knows the whereabouts of William Martin Whelan (Bill)
Could they get in touch, I really would love to get in contact with my dad. I know he’s back in Wigan, married Maggie then he married again to Ingrid.
He’s often found in Mesnes Park on a Saturday apparently.
Please help get in touch with him.
Thank you! x
Could they get in touch, I really would love to get in contact with my dad. I know he’s back in Wigan, married Maggie then he married again to Ingrid.
He’s often found in Mesnes Park on a Saturday apparently.
Please help get in touch with him.
Thank you! x
Posted by: Paul McCarney on 28th May 2023
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A lived it
Was taken away
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expat Wiganer
Does anyone know whether an archive exists on mines in the Wigan/Blackrod/Haigh areas, and on the migration of Scottish men to work in those mines in the 17th-19thC? There are settlements in, for example, Blackrod known locally as Aberdeen and Little Scotland, which, together with the occurrence of Scottish surnames (e.g. Walls/Wallace, Armstrong and Hutchinson), strongly suggest that there has been Scottish migration to the area in the past.
If there are any Wigan family historians who have been able to trace mining ancestor roots to Scotland, I'd be very pleased to hear from them and to learn how they went about their research.
If there are any Wigan family historians who have been able to trace mining ancestor roots to Scotland, I'd be very pleased to hear from them and to learn how they went about their research.
Posted by: Julie on 8th March 2023
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Marsh green
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Hi, Paul, big Als grandson. Was told about your message here . How's grandmother Julie doing. Would love to keep in touch. Chicago sound a million miles away from Marsh Green. Big Al has my contact details
Posted by: Big Al's grandson on 21st February 2023
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looking for somewhere to hold up
Hi Walter, I lived in Wigan some years ago while the heat was cooling from some business missadventure we had here in Hammond
Anyhow, while I was living there ,another business venture went wrong and we needed some large amounts of concrete to provide resting area's for people who did not want to co-operate, So we built the Galleries, Boy you should have heard the Wigan folks bleat about it, So I guess they finally got their way and had it pulled down,, I'm glad I got outta there because there's going to be a skeleton or two falling outta the cupboard
Anyhow, while I was living there ,another business venture went wrong and we needed some large amounts of concrete to provide resting area's for people who did not want to co-operate, So we built the Galleries, Boy you should have heard the Wigan folks bleat about it, So I guess they finally got their way and had it pulled down,, I'm glad I got outta there because there's going to be a skeleton or two falling outta the cupboard
Posted by: Peter on 15th February 2023
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Walter Wigan market square is undergoing an industrial evolution and its demolition men one square nil. They are wiping the floor of steel and concrete. As to shopping mall's Wigan does not have any but has an out of town shopping centre. You can order Uncle Joes from Asda(what was Walmart) but the toffees are all the same you will have to suck one and see
Posted by: Walter on 12th February 2023
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Hammond, Indiana, USA.
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browsing for industrial history and canal pirate ships
Can any of you seemingly knowledgable people kindly point me in the right direction about the industrial revolution?
I understand it took place in Wigan but where? I think it could have happened on the Market Square, but it doesn't look big enough for a revolution.
I read about the pirate ships that sailed the canal in your locality before it was made into the river Douglas. All very interesting.
I ordered some of your Uncle Joes Mint Balls of Amazon last month, but they haven't arrived yet, but someone on your site says they're not as good as they used to be? Is there any shopping malls in Wigan where I could order some of the older ones that are better?
I understand it took place in Wigan but where? I think it could have happened on the Market Square, but it doesn't look big enough for a revolution.
I read about the pirate ships that sailed the canal in your locality before it was made into the river Douglas. All very interesting.
I ordered some of your Uncle Joes Mint Balls of Amazon last month, but they haven't arrived yet, but someone on your site says they're not as good as they used to be? Is there any shopping malls in Wigan where I could order some of the older ones that are better?
Posted by: Barbara on 3rd February 2023
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Word of mouth.
Totally agree with your comments, Janice.
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ex member
can someone please put the following information on the thread Henry Arthur Parks. This gentleman is buried at St John the Divine Pemberton. If the lady goes to the church site on line, and clicks on History a list of Births Marriages and Deaths come up. go to Deaths 1929 - 2007, and scroll down to January 1950. It is quite clear with his full Name.
Posted by: PeterP on 29th January 2023
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1st Janice who lives in America moans about Tomplum and Tonker spoiling the threads. Then Barbara crops up again after posting in March 2022 that she would STOP LOOKING IN agreeing with Janice are they related? If you do not like the content of the threads just ignore them. There are far worse members than the two T's but no comments about them? There are a lot more positives than negatives on this site so enjoy the positives and ignore the negatives You are entitled to your opinion and Admin let you post has guest's but don't try to spoil even the guest page
Posted by: Barbara on 27th January 2023
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Word of mouth.
Totally agree with your comments, Janice.
Posted by: Janice on 10th January 2023
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My cousin told me about it
Loved looking in on Wigan World over the years. But I do find it has gone down hill. On a par with facebook for members insulting members. Clean humor I don't mind, but I find that tonker and tomplum take it too far. Other than that a great site full of information.
Posted by: Pat Allon on 9th November 2022
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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By luck!
I found my 3rd great grandfather's burial information on your site: Thomas Birch, buried in Ince Cemetery 27 Feb 1874. Thank you - what a great find.
Posted by: Helen of Troy on 31st October 2022
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Ages ago
I know this is not the proper place to ask a question but....
Does anyone know of ALAN GRUNDY who has made a You Tube video of the King Pit Disaster i Pemberton ?
Does anyone know of ALAN GRUNDY who has made a You Tube video of the King Pit Disaster i Pemberton ?
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Perth WA
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Used to hang around in Wigan in my middle to late 20s as I had a Boyfriend called Tony Lawton met him in a nightclub in Preston Lancashire. He owned a butchers shop in Wigan Market . His Dad was a Butcher too. We spilt up and I eventually got married and emigrated to Australia in 2002. Try to catch up with him last time I was home but the Markets were gone and I wasnt sure if He still lived off wigan road. We used to go in the Cherry tree pub or into Wigan. He had a younger brother called Paul ..... any help would be greatly appreciated.....
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Wigan Council Website
I am searching for descendants of Joseph McGahan and his wife Mary Shiels who died in Wigan in 1978 and 1975. A distant relative of hers was killed in WW1 fighting in the Australian Army and the Fromelles Association are looking for blood relatives.
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South wales
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At Wigan grammar school from 1966. Happy to chat with any old friends