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Posted by: Joyce Lintner on 25th November 2001
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Oshawa Ontario Canada
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from the Wigan Leigh site
My mother, grandparents, and many generations back came from Wigan and I have enjoyed your site especially the old news stories and the old pictures. Joyce
Posted by: alan mitchell on 18th November 2001
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geoff elsey
can you put more stuff on about
the history of winstanley,i cant
seem to find much anywhere about
nice site..
Posted by: david kelly on 17th November 2001
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from ye bro
exellent site mate good humour and well laid out forgive the spelling if i as spelt anything rong as being from wigan mesen i spell it as i say it hee hee talk to you soon mate pass my hellos on to your familly
Posted by: Mary Bowell on 16th November 2001
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Would be very interested in knowing more. E.G. where did Bonnie Prince Charlie Stay. Also apparantley when they were digging the foundations for our house, Roman coins were found. They are now in Wigan Reference library.
Posted by: John Bowell on 16th November 2001
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Alec McIntyre
Great site,very easy to navigate. I will recommend it to people who want to know more about wigan, although many people still remember the all nighters at wigan pier.

Good luck with the site.
Posted by: Margaret Deakin on 12th November 2001
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Adelaide South Australia
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Recommended by daughter Sharon Bailey
Really enjoyed your site Brian.Nice and easy to find your way around. Loved all the pictures, and there was so much information I didn't know.
I was born in Wigan and came out to Australia 38 years ago. I have had a lovely trip down memory lane, thankyou.
Posted by: Sharon Bailey on 9th November 2001
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Gawler, South Australia
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Surfing for 'wigan"
Very impressed with your site. I was born in Wigan and emigrated in 1963 and am now researching my family history. Particularly interested in the Wigan Observer stories and the photographs.

Posted by: Stephen Thompson on 3rd November 2001
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St.Charles, Illinois U.S.A.
How did you find wiganworld?
Yahoo Search Engine
I love your web page! Wonderful pictures. My great-great grandfather came to America from Wigan in the 19th Century. I hope to visit the city sometime soon. I would love to hear from anyone from Wigan. Great Page.
Posted by: The Piemaster on 3rd November 2001
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Wigan of course
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Google search
Great site...very professional
Posted by: Suzanne Jones on 3rd November 2001
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Lees, Oldham
How did you find wiganworld?
You visited my site and posted a Message
Thank you for your comments on my website. I, therefore, had to come and look at your site as I am very nosey. I have to say your site is fantastic. It all looks really professional and the content is excellent. I particularly loved your old photo gallery. I really knew nothing about Wigan before I visited your site but, despite this, found your site really interesting and enjoyable. You must have spent lots of time on the website to get it as good as this. Well done!
Posted by: Gill Heine on 1st November 2001
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Edmonds, WA USA
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Searching for anything to do with my home town!
I laughed like crazy at the Wigan dialect stuff. Most of it I could understand, but I don't use it. I really like your web site.
Posted by: Esther Jackson on 22nd October 2001
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Pemberton, Wigan
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Recommended by James Foster of Madrid
Love the site, love Wigan, love my little brother, James.
Posted by: Leanne Evans on 19th October 2001
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dont really know
i think wigan is great really he he
Posted by: ABDUSSALAM on 12th October 2001
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in yahoo
Hello every body
my name is Abdussalam from Libya
I like wigan very very much
I had lived in Wigan for more than 10 months and I studed english at Wigan and liegh college
it was very nice times
I still remember mesnse park ,town center,jjp stadium,wigan pier and alot of places there
thank you and good bye
Posted by: Alan Rhys-Thompson on 1st October 2001
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79110 Bouin, France
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Recommended by Alec McIntyre
I've only had a quick browse so far but it seems pretty interesting to me.
I lived in Wigan for 18 years, and liked it and its people. I'm not a Wiganer but was fonder of Lancashire than my own region, the north-east. My son Paul, now at university, is still a Latics fan despite not having lived in the town for many, many years.
Posted by: Jose on 21st September 2001
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Probably the Exlancs site
Brian, thank you for the news. I've been reading for a couple of weeks. How about trotting out your camera for even more photos of the Wigan area? Would love to see them. Thanks for your hard work.
Posted by: bob on 16th September 2001
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To Harold from Canada
I remember Joan Ellis`s parents ,they were on the swimming baths committee,very popular.
Their "baccy" shop was at the top of millgate
alttle higher up from the baths.
Posted by: Harold on 10th September 2001
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On Ex- Lancs page
Enjoyed looking through your site. While not an ex-Wiganner(?), I did study geology at Wigan Mining & Technical College in 1954-55!!
Does anyone remember a Wigan lass named Joan Ellis whose parents had a "baccy" shop in Wigan in the immediate post-war years? Joan was a very good swimmer and swam competetively in the Wigan area in the late 40's, early 50's. She would be about 65 years old now.
Posted by: y2k on 9th September 2001
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Great site about wigan.Check out http://skem5060.50megs.com/ skem is not far from wigan just by bus,car.

Good site like your pics,guestbook.
Posted by: Antony on 8th September 2001
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On The Internet
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from www.yahoo.co.uk
Good site Brian keep up the good work