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Gardening Thread

Started by: jo anne (34764) 

Carrying on from the lengthy thread - Jun‘16 - Aug’20

This free online event looks interesting:

Grow your Own and Encourage Wildlife Tips from a Farm near Wigan
Mon 28th Sep, 6pm till 7pm -

Started: 23rd Sep 2020 at 12:19

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Planted two different lots of potatoes Earlies Charlotte and Main crop Pentland Crown during the year,Got about 10-12LBS of potatoes from each crop(2LB bags) and could tell the difference in taste from shop bought potatoes. Will buy them again next year, Just getting to the back end of the tomato's in the greenhouse . Pear trees did not produce much fruit on either bush only about 6 pears on each will feed them over winter and hope for a better yield next year. Cannot make my mind up if I am going to plant any winter veg in the raised bed or just sort it out for next year.

Replied: 3rd Oct 2020 at 15:41

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

jo anne! this weather [:D
The only gardening I am doing is in the greenhouse..... painting garden chairs.

Replied: 3rd Oct 2020 at 16:26

Posted by: anniedingle (191)

Flowers are slowly going but still have a few in bloom .

Replied: 13th Oct 2020 at 16:36

Posted by: cheshirecat (1518) 

I didn't get many tomatoes out of my harvest this year but l got a decent amount of cucumbers.
I'm not complaing though as it was an improvement on last year!

Replied: 13th Oct 2020 at 19:09

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Cheshirecat in the end we had ample toms and I was giving them away,My missus had a few fried with her breakfast or sliced on butties.I grow a few different veg every year but do not eat many myself( not ate most veg for nearly 50yrs

Replied: 13th Oct 2020 at 21:01

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

This November is the first ever Greater Manchester Tree Month.


To get involved follow the hashtag on facebook, twitter or Instagram #GMTreeMonth for fun facts, blogs, videos and more.

Replied: 5th Nov 2020 at 07:59

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

AgeUKWB (19th Jan):
#Foodactiontogether & #FFLGetTogethers would like to tell you about some great free training available to people in the Wigan area. Join us and Get Growing! Small pots of funding available.

For more information, email Sarah-Beth Cooper: sbcooper@soilassociation.org

Replied: 19th Jan 2021 at 11:16

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

Age UK Wigan Borough - @AgeUKWB (29th Jan):

Replied: 29th Jan 2021 at 10:38

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Just come in after spending a couple of hours in the garden. Surprised I didn't feel the cold even though I wasn't working hard, mainly removing and raking rubbish off the lawn. Stood and watched buzzards sky dancing for a few minutes but best of all I do believe I have a resident owl. Not had an owl for years but over the last week I have heard one. As I went about the lawn seeing enormous pigeon droppings I soon realised they were regurgitated owl pellets. Very pleased about that.

Replied: 11th Feb 2021 at 16:33

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne you have the right backdrop for wild life.

Replied: 11th Feb 2021 at 17:24

Posted by: momac (12539) 

My garden is close on getting back to nature with things that happened since April last year,but as soon as it gets a bit milder I'll be in there getting it back to how it used to look..I'm a bit of a softie when it's cold.

Replied: 11th Feb 2021 at 17:38

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Tried to get some weeds out of the ground yesterday,The ground was that hard it nearly bent my hand fork.Crocus are well into flower and the daffs are growing ,bit early for the tulips thou. A lot of the shrubs are starting to get small buds on them

Replied: 12th Feb 2021 at 07:40

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Exactly Peter....I took note of the ground/beds being in ideal condition for raking loose rubbish without the danger of lifting or disturbing roots or bulbs. Will do so later today.

Replied: 12th Feb 2021 at 07:52

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

What a difference from my last post. Lots and lots of snowdrops in full bloom, daffodils well into bud, bluebells sprouting and best of all eight imperial fritillaries ten inches high. These have several stalks from one bulb, more than last year.

Replied: 26th Feb 2021 at 14:44

Posted by: JR (586)

My 100+ winter pansies took a battering by the snow and frost and are looking sorry for themselves unfortunately. Perhaps the change in weather may resurrect them! However, the many white crocus are looking great and the tulips are developing well. My winter Hellebores are in full bloom, the heathers look good and out of the blue a few snowdrops have appeared! It won't be long before the Azaleas start to bust into colour. Isn't it wonderful to be able to get such pleasure from our gardens during these strange and restricted times.

Replied: 27th Feb 2021 at 13:37

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

If the warm weather holds then I can clean the greenhouse out and set it up ready for seedlings and plug plants.I want to plant a couple of shrubs or roses up against the patio base and get some manure for the raised bed. Lawns ready for their 1st high cut.Kept on top of garden best I could during the wet and cold weather,

Replied: 1st Mar 2021 at 08:32

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Waiting for the bins to be emptied tomorrow. Three green ones filled over the last fortnight or so and could easily fill them again. Leaves and rubbish blow into corners and nooks, stuff under bushes is unbelievable. My greenhouse is being used to re-paint wall trellis at the moment.

Replied: 1st Mar 2021 at 08:45

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Bought some plants and 2 shrubs yesterday. Planted them now I have read there could be freezing temp at the week end.Just hope the new plants are not killed off with the frost I want two/three house plants but not many garden centres sell them.Looks on B&Q site and one plant I want now selling for £25 was only a £5 last year. Bents is local to me but they have always been dearer than every where else so may need plenty of money if I go there

Replied: 3rd Mar 2021 at 07:05

Posted by: marsin (192)

PeterP When we had a ground frost-a couple of years back- in June, I covered what l could with cardboard boxes . I covered the new shrubs with bed sheets.looked funny, all survived. Good luck with yours.

Replied: 5th Mar 2021 at 14:42

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

Give it a Grow Wigan - giveitagrowwigan.co.uk/:

A campaign to make Wigan bee-friendly and increase biodiversity. Set up by Ali and Victoria, who aim to help residents, and the council to focus on bringing bees and wildlife to our urban spaces.

Replied: 6th Mar 2021 at 09:24

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Got a bag of Charlotte potatoes will wait till next week before planting due to the bad weather we are expecting.

Replied: 9th Mar 2021 at 10:41

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Our youngest son bought his mam a half whisky barrel for mothers day. We decided to buy a standard rose to put into the centre.Contacted a few garden centres but no joy, one said it may get towardsthe back end of April before stock comes in.Bents say it may be the week end when they get some in,Phone up and they will reserve one for us.

Replied: 15th Mar 2021 at 17:26
Last edited by PeterP: 16th Mar 2021 at 12:43:58

Posted by: JR (586)

Jo anne, Thanks for the link to the initiative to protect and promote bees. I’ve been personally endeavouring to protect/promote bees (and other wildlife) in my projects. Their idea of wild flower meadows certainly provides the nectar and I have recently been involved in 2 Council schemes in the borough to create wild flower meadows (more will follow as funds become available). I also have input into many environmental schemes throughout the country and there are some great initiatives that have favourably had impact. However, although I am a campaigner and champion for our natural environment, I was a bit concerned with the ‘campaign for bees’ targets. For instance, they mention Mesnes Park as having manicured formal lawns which isn’t favourable for bees and suggest wild flower meadows. This is rather uniformed thinking in respect of Mesnes Park being a Grade II listed historic Victorian Park and should be treated as such. Those huge lawns are over 150 years old and part of our unique heritage, locally and even nationally. Also, the huge funding from the HLF stipulated that the park was to be returned to the original intentions of its designer. In addition, what they have failed to acknowledge is the huge amount of annual bedding providing nectar throughout the year, along with hundreds of trees whose flowers are incredibly important for bees; particularly Lime trees. Mesnes Park in its present and indeed former state is providing much favourable habitat to an abundance of wildlife. Another of their targets is Alexandra Park – the park actually already has a sizeable flower meadow. However, there are many parks in the borough with neglected areas (due to budget restraints) and unresolved areas (former bowling greens, etc.) that could have the potential for bees and other wildlife if converted and managed accordingly. But there is great opportunity outside of parks too. Domestic gardens can attract bees with just a little thought; my shrubs, herbaceous perennials and herbs attract an abundance of bees. In fact last year they made a nest in my garden! Also there is an abundance of derelict land that could be temporarily adapted before developers move in. As I travel the country as part of my work, I see many derelict sites being cultivated by volunteer groups, plus some wonderful community gardens (the best I’ve seen is in Hearn Hill, London). I’ve seen places where local businesses put the funds up to transform spare land as it enhances the environment around their offices. What I’d really like to see is motorway verges turned into wild flora meadows… and there are thousands of acres of them. Anyone looking for good advice on bees and bee keeping should visit Manchester and District Beekeepers at Heaton Park, Prestwich. Their HQ is in the historic Dower House within the park and they are open to the public every Sunday afternoon (although closed presently).

Replied: 19th Mar 2021 at 15:59

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Over the last few days I have gone out into the back garden were I have pots with various plants and bulbs in them to find soil scattered over the gravel from the pots. Some of the bulbs have gone missing and I cannot make up my mind if its birds or a squirrel.Annoying not only because of the loss of bulbs but it is the mess on the gravel which is hard to clean off.I have to use a riddle over my raised bed to get rid of the soil. If it carries on I will have to net the pots.

Replied: 19th Mar 2021 at 17:33

Posted by: JR (586)

Peter, mice are the main problem for bulbs and I always put a fine wire mesh over my pots until they begin to grow. Squirrels can be a problem too, but mice are usually the main suspects. I have harvest mice in my garden, but lately they have moved into my workroom (in the house). The mistake I made was to store a big sack of wild bird seed there which must be like caviar for mice as they have devoured the lot!

Replied: 19th Mar 2021 at 18:01

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Covered the pots with fine mesh netting up to press everything ok Bought some peas and will start them off in the greenhouse. Still looking for a standard rose will phone the garden centres tomorrow.Decided I am not planting main crop potatoes this year will grow a small amount of veg's instead plus some tom's in green house. Will pot up some sunflowers in the next few weeks hope I get a better display than last year

Replied: 24th Mar 2021 at 10:47

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Got the standard rose today

Replied: 25th Mar 2021 at 14:54
Last edited by PeterP: 25th Mar 2021 at 16:51:43

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

TomPlum has some good little videos on his YouTube channel: The Brew Cabin

Replied: 5th Apr 2021 at 12:06

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

Replied: 9th Apr 2021 at 14:04

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Had a delivery of 24 perennials on Thursday, plug size. Yesterday decided to pot them up,and leave them in the greenhouse. Looks like a good idea, heavy sleet at the moment.

Replied: 10th Apr 2021 at 13:01

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Got two large trays of peas growing in the greenhouse now 2-3 inches tall will put in the raised bed mid week also got two trays of sunflowers poking though the soil. Doing a swap for 2 tomato plants giving them some peas

Replied: 11th Apr 2021 at 12:09

Posted by: momac (12539) 

I've got Tomato seedlings growing on the windowsill,plus Cucumbers..Lavatera seedlings for myself and a friend..as soon as it warms up a tad they will be going into the greenhouse...roll on sunshine.

Replied: 11th Apr 2021 at 12:53

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Outside temp 8c feels like 5c greenhouse 25c

Replied: 11th Apr 2021 at 15:56

Posted by: tonker (29150) 

As it has no chlorophyl it is totally parasitic on nearby plants and gets all its nutrients from them.  Any idea?

Would it make a nice soup?

Replied: 11th Apr 2021 at 17:45

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

looked outside at about 6-00am this morning and everything was covered in frost and ice. Too early in the week to start planting anything out doors. Did a swop with a neighbour got two tomato plants and give him about 20 pea shoots On our travels noticed tomato plants for sale at £1 each

Replied: 12th Apr 2021 at 07:55
Last edited by PeterP: 17th Apr 2021 at 18:12:55

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Saw a hack online about house plant feed made from banana skins brown sugar and water. Made a mix in a milk bottle will leave another week then try it

Replied: 18th Apr 2021 at 21:39

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Any recommendations for an all round all year gardening book,more so for plant/shrub identification.I am terrible at remembering plant/shrub names. The two books I have are dated and one most of it is in black and white. Readers digest all year gardening book 1974 and the RHS gardening book month by month 2011. Could do with either one book or two seperate books one for plants /flowers and the other for shrubs.

Replied: 2nd May 2021 at 10:08

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Peter,I know you don't live near Beech Hill,but the re-cycling library have hundreds of books on every subject,I'm sure you would find some up to date gardening books there.

Replied: 2nd May 2021 at 10:18

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

On Sunday 9th May, Derian House Children’s Hospice in Chorley is opening their gardens to the public.

Adult: £3, Child: Free, Book here

Replied: 4th May 2021 at 08:45

Posted by: marsin (192)

Spring has arrived here in Northern Ontario.
5 bluebells, 4 tulips-had approx 25 last year.
3 daffodils.
momac , did you ever get any plums on your tree?

Replied: 5th May 2021 at 15:37

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Marsin no I didn't,nor any fruit on pear tree, surprised to see three flowers on plum tree which I didn't have last year and thought I might just be lucky this year..but nothing so far...oh well God loves a trier.

Replied: 5th May 2021 at 15:48

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Momac you might get some pink heads on your pampas grass

Replied: 5th May 2021 at 15:51

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

momac ..... speaking of plum trees, I have had blossom for the last two years. Guess what, strong winds blown all blossom away, the year before the two windy years had lots of tiny plums. Guess what? Wind blew every single one away. Hardly any blossom left for this year as well.

Replied: 5th May 2021 at 16:03

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Peter..still praying for that to happen.it would be lovely.
Anne,sometimes it seems like a losing battle doesn't it.

Replied: 5th May 2021 at 17:02

Posted by: marsin (192)

momac. 2 summers back had some friends visiting -from Wigan- they butchered my plum tree and last year had 19 big, juicy plums. still in bud so keeping my fingers crossed for more success this year.

Replied: 6th May 2021 at 16:46

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Marsin,do you mean they chopped it right back?

Replied: 6th May 2021 at 17:48

Posted by: marsin (192)

yes momac, they chopped it down to 1/2 it¨s size.
Yesterday l bought a lovely lemon geranium . Growing up we always had one at the bottom of the stairs, when we would go up or down would have a nice smell.

Replied: 7th May 2021 at 16:23

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Thank you Marsin,I'm going to do the same with my plum tree definitely.....and re your lemon geranium,I love geraniums but don't think I've ever seen a lemon one,will look out for one though.

Replied: 7th May 2021 at 17:40

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

The wind took a lot of the flower buds off the pear trees but there does seem to be some sign of pear growth on each tree. Peas growing well in the raised bed along with the potatoes which I have started banking up with soil. Caulies onion and carrots poking throu in pots in the greenhouse.Overall happy with what is growing Put various sized Sunflowers into the garden.Hope for a better display than last year

Replied: 25th May 2021 at 14:11

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Sunflowers are doing well some already about 3 ft tall. Bought an outdoor grape plant hope it gets established and maybe will bear fruit.

Replied: 19th Jun 2021 at 08:10

Posted by: anniedingle (191)

Not seen a butterfly yet this year ..

Replied: 24th Jun 2021 at 14:42

Posted by: momac (12539) 

AnnieD,get a butterfly bush (Buddlia) and you'll have butterfly's every day.

Replied: 24th Jun 2021 at 15:05

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Lavender Lobelia Foxglove Montbretia all attract butterflies

Replied: 24th Jun 2021 at 15:39

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Lawn looking in a sorry state owing to lack of rain and recent heat. No growth for two weeks so no cut for two weeks. Last night I scattered blood, bone and fish granules following rain forecast for today. At the moment, hallelujah quite steady rain.

Replied: 3rd Jul 2021 at 10:06

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne the rain will help my crop of peas and potatoes and my newly planted Grape The lawns are covered in clover and are beginning to look like meadow grass than lush green lawns. Over the last few years used all kinds of lawn preperations weed/feed etc but to no avail. Has long as it is grass not concrete then I am not really bothered

Replied: 3rd Jul 2021 at 10:35

Posted by: momac (12539) 

When I planted tomato seeds early in the year I had a lot left so planted them in a trough which is outside,and they are growing just the same as the pampered ones in the greenhouse..and have flowers on,it makes you wonder doesn't it.

Replied: 3rd Jul 2021 at 12:18

Posted by: jo anne (34764) 

Wigan & Leigh Hospice
Garden Open Day
Sun 25th Jul, 11am - 4pm
Adult: £4, Child: Free

www.wlh.org.uk / ngs.org.uk

Gardener Jim’s blog: thehospicegardener.com
(Not up-to-date, but worth reading past entries)

Replied: 7th Jul 2021 at 11:12

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Lost both tomato plants after experimenting with the banana feedOne just rotted and the other seemed to shrivel,stick to feed I know next year. Peas nearly finished picked plenty of pea pods maybe I will get another container full before they die back. Think I may be loosing one of my pear trees,Very little fruit which looks stunted and the skins are dry and mottled. Next time I go to the garden centre I will take a pear with me to see if they can come up with some answersKept watered and they were fed over winter and sprayed against bugs and fungus.Plenty of growth which in general looks healthy,Odd leaf which appears to have like an orange spot in the middle but no sign of any bugs.

Replied: 7th Jul 2021 at 14:54
Last edited by PeterP: 16th Jul 2021 at 07:57:25

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Comfrey (aka Knitbone) takes some beating when it comes to tomato feed. Usually, it is for free: grow it yourself.

Old-time gardening books oft have recipe for a comfrey 'tea', but it really stinks, and is hard work. Just a mulch of comfrey leaves and broken up stem around the plant, and LIGHTLY incorporated (id est dug-in) seems to work quite adequately.

Apply when tom's buds begin to form (when plant's need is for potassium), and happily this is also the time when your comfrey will be mature for cutting.

ps I have used banana peel around plants for decades with no problems. I would not use whole banana, or for that matter the fruit . Too much fructose (sugar), it will attract ants and other pests, which may well be a vector for fungal decay/rot.

Replied: 15th Jul 2021 at 21:42

Posted by: momac (12539) 

I'm going out weeding every three days now,as soon as I turn my back ..Mares tail is even growing through the middle of paving stones and the brown clover looking weed with little yellow flowers is growing rampant between the paving stones on the patio..I've never had to go out as many times and I've applied weed killer,but can only use roundup due to the fact that it isn't poisonous to dogs ..is anyone else having as much trouble with weeds?

Replied: 24th Jul 2021 at 13:53

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Both lawn were covered in brown clover, Cut the lawns on Weds and the clover has started growing again. Mares tail can spread quickly and has a very long root system

Replied: 24th Jul 2021 at 17:45
Last edited by PeterP: 11th Aug 2021 at 18:09:37

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Me too... never known a year like it for weeds. Weeds of all descriptions growing between pavings in beds and the lawn. My worst enemy is nettles from over the garden wall, as tall as me. One good thing about them is they are a thick barrier against intruders. Pity they don’t grow in winter.

Replied: 25th Jul 2021 at 10:26

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne you will have to plant Blackthorn bushes near to the wall. With thorns up to 2" long and very sharp could be painful if anyone tried to climb over them.

Replied: 25th Jul 2021 at 12:40

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Anne,I too have nettles as long as my arm and got stung yesterday,I've sawn the pear tree and plum tree down,neither producing nothing but leaves..will see if as Marsin says by copping it down it will do it good. My green bin is full now so will start again tidying things up after Wednesday..oh and a cherry tree which Cliff had sawn down three years ago because of producing nothing was just full of leaves and nothing else so that has to go...it's hard work isn't it lol...wish Alan Titchmarsh would pay me a visit..everything was so easy to manage when Cliff was here.

Replied: 26th Jul 2021 at 14:05

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Latest problem for me.....possibility of rats. I saw one running across my front and into next door a few weeks ago. The chap who cuts my grass disturbed one about the two hours ago. I know they are everywhere but not often seen. Will need to keep doors and downstairs windows closed.

Replied: 26th Jul 2021 at 14:30

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Double post.

Replied: 26th Jul 2021 at 14:31
Last edited by Anne: 26th Jul 2021 at 14:32:36

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Anne,I'm just getting over that problem,I went the shed and discovered something he gnawed through the door of a discarded unit in there,then looked through kitchen window to see one rummaging in all the pots on the patio..both my next door neighbours have had trouble and had the rat catcher down..so I had to call him,he put poison down in the shed but I see it has been disturbed..as you say just keep doors closed..my latest problem is fruit flies everywhere..so I put cider vinegar in a glass cellophane over the top and pricked holes in it,there was about a hundred drowned..then found them in the bathroom so I did the same thing there..I have had to cover everything even as I'm cooking or baking,think I've only a couple left I hope..the glasses must be full of about two three hundred..it's been horrendous.

Replied: 26th Jul 2021 at 14:57

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Peas and potatoes done with for this year. Very happy with the sunflowers waiting for 4 tall ones to flower at the side of the front steps.Will have to dig a lot of foxgloves out taking a section of garden over has they self seed

Replied: 14th Aug 2021 at 10:29

Posted by: jacks (475) 

I've been a keen gardener for many years now, and have an allotment as well as my own garden. Over the years I have grown all the usual veg' without any trouble at all. The thing is, for the last 4 or 5 years I have been unsuccessful at getting carrots to produce anything like a decent crop. I sowed two rows (about 15ft in total) this year and about half a dozen germinated!! I kept them well watered after sowing, as I always have, but I'm baffled about such a ridiculous germination rate. Anyone else had the same experience?

Replied: 22nd Sep 2021 at 14:48

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I have found carrots grow best on a sandy soil, but I guess that is not a factor influencing such a low germination rate.

Seed is very small, easily blown away, or eaten.

It might be worth growing some in a window box, where you can keep good observation of what is happening.

The small/Japanese carrots which are extremely fast growing will produce decent usable crops in a window box or similar trough. Also usually safe from carrot fly.

The late Prof. Alan Gemmell (Keele University and BBC's "Gardeners' Question Time") suggested the following technique for growing carrots.

Plunge a crowbar a couple of feet into the soil, and waggle it around to create a conical hole.

Fill said hole with John Innes No3 compost. (you could mix some sand or grit if your soil is not well draining)

Choose a large variety carrot such as St Valery. (Sutton/Brown/Fothergill all do St Val - it is a classic, but there are probably more recent varieties also worth trying)

Plant about three seeds in each position: discard all but the strongest of emergent seedlings.

A bit of work involved, but I found it produced good results.

PS Also the seedling first emerging from the tiny carrot seed is very delicate. It would take little in the way of wind or rain to destroy it. Spreading the seed sowing over a few weeks so not all of them get caught by undesirable weather might help.

Replied: 28th Sep 2021 at 16:51
Last edited by ena malcup: 28th Sep 2021 at 16:57:49

Posted by: Islander (34)

Fascinating thread.. I live on a small Irish island surrounded by the restless Atlantic and prone to gales. But in a sheltered part peas do very well and leafy greens. Still gathering these as I need them.
There is a large bee colony nearby and we get butterflies and dragonflies.
No more rats as my cats are fearsome hunters. They left me a dead one the size of a well grown kitten. They are beautiful creatures but NIMBY .

Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 00:14

Posted by: marsin (192)

End of gardening for this year. Snow flurries last night .
Had a successful growing season-apart from potatoes.
brought in about 2 ib of green tomatoes. This year tried purple bumble bee tomatoes. heirloom, cherry and beefsteak. brought in lettuce-with roots, hope they will keep producing for a while. In the shops Fruit and vegetables have gone up a lot in price. Hope all gardeners had a good year with healthy crops. For Momac, plum tree coming down . will have raised beds in its place.

Replied: 23rd Oct 2021 at 16:07

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Yes, I have had problems this year with my potato crop.

Grew same variety which I have used lots in the past, but this year, although I cannot see or smell anything unusual, the spuds simply fall apart into an amorphous mush when I attempt to cook them.

Replied: 23rd Oct 2021 at 17:43

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ena I had that problem a couple of years ago with Maris Piper. I always dug them up and used them on the same day Got round this by digging them up and leaving them for a few days ,Found they did not go into a mush. Last year I changed to Charlotte for earlies and Pentland Crown for main crop got a good crop of both. This year I only planted Charlottes and got a good crop of these. Leaving the raised bed till next year. I am going to cut both pear trees well back later in the year nothing but growth this year (I think I picked about 6 pears off each) If this does not work I think I may dig them up.

Replied: 23rd Oct 2021 at 21:19

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Peter, your post minded me of late Prof Alan Gemmel on BBC Gardeners' Question Time. When a listener's question was, "When is the best time to lift potatoes?" His answer was "About two minutes before the water has come to the boil"!

Replied: 30th Oct 2021 at 23:15

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Beautiful day.

It is warm.

The sun is shining.

And, although we have not had a lot of rain, nevertheless it is the first day in months that the garden soil has been sufficiently dry for me to walk on bowt it clumping in copious quantity on my clogs.

And, last day of the year, and my Forsythia has blossom. (only three or so thus far, but many buds ready to break)

Nominally it blooms in February, but the last three years, it has not done so until March. I was beginning to fear it was getting too old.

Other than a love of really fresh fruit and veg, I think the main satisfaction I enjoy from gardening is the optimism inspired when I see the seasonal return of life brought by a new growing season.

And, in February, when the rest of the garden is dismal, the huge splash of golden yellow of the Forsythia is a sight to behold.

This year, also, have had Roses blooming at Christmas. (Get them about one year in three) so there has been some garden eye candy for the whole year.

Still look forward to the daffs: a sign that winter is on its way out. Quite a profusion of daff shoots now breaking the ground surface. Though I used to feel disappointed when they beat the Forsythia to bloom.

I used to also have Snowdrops, but their performance was always somewhat anaemic, and they did not survive the intense spring drought we experiences three or four years back.

Now have to make some decisions about what to do with the garden for the coming year.

Replied: 31st Dec 2021 at 13:03

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Changed my mind about the raised bed and going to plant early potatoes(home guard). Using large plant pots for the peas. Pruned the pear trees well back and they have started budding will see if we get a good crop off them if not I may dig them up and replace with an apple tree. If it stops dry I will later in the week give the lawns a 1st high cut and trim some of the bushes. Also last year I planted a grape vine and there is signs of buds on it already.

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 09:37

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Soon be into wine making then Peter.
Ah well, got to put gardening shoes on and get out there. Good gardening everyone

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 09:54

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

What variety of Apple are you likely to choose, Peter?

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 22:58

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ena will see how the pear trees go 1st,Not even thought about an Apple variety if I decided to replace them.

Replied: 22nd Mar 2022 at 07:13

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Momac it is 4 years ago since you bought a pink pampas grass. Did you manage to get it into the ground instead of in a pot and has it ever got its pink heads

Replied: 28th Mar 2022 at 09:53

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Peter,it's no and no,the garden is practically all patio,so I don't think I will ever fulfill my dream to have a pink pampas.and I suppose to purchase a fully grown one would be too expensive...never mind I've had dreams dashed before.

Replied: 29th Mar 2022 at 20:21

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Potatoes in the raised bed ,Peas in pots and showing through the soil, Strange one put a mix of sunflower seeds shop( bought and last years seeds )into two large trays then put both trays into the greenhouse side by side. one tray showing stems about 1" high nothing in the other tray

Replied: 16th Apr 2022 at 09:42

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Just started banking the potatoes up. Put canes/netting over the peas which have just started to intertwine onto the netting. Hoping for a good crop on the pear trees this year. Outdoor Grape which I planted last year as got some strong buds on it, I have it trained onto the fence but if it takes hold I will build/buy a pagoda frame to train it on. Disappointed with the sun flowers this year started two trays off in the greenhouse. One tray nothing and the other tray has about 6 very scaggy plants. May need to buy fresh seeds and start again

Replied: 5th May 2022 at 10:22

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Tried Tomplums idea with sunflower seeds placed seed on wet tissue and left them to start spriting then transplanted them into a pot .Got 6 healthy plants Bought two tomato plants and they are growing well in the greenhouse already flower buds on both of them.

Replied: 19th May 2022 at 15:45

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Still not having much joy with the sunflowers got 10 shoots which are struggling in the garden(bit late in the year to plant them).Potatoes nearly ready for lifting .Pear trees full of fruit at long last. Tomato plants early stages of fruit, Peas which this year I grew in large plant pots look scraggy and look overwatered but plenty of drainage holes in pots leaving them alone has there are flowers/pods on them. Again half of the side lawn covered in clover leaving it it will get cut back when I mow the lawns only scarified the lawns this year to get rid of the moss did not use any moss killer don't think i will ever have really lush green lawn due to them being in the shade most of the time .

Replied: 28th Jun 2022 at 07:52

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

No peas this year ? Potatoes getting a good crop again . Pear trees full of pears and started picking tomatoes from the greenhouse need to water twice a day 40c in greenhouse.

Replied: 19th Jul 2022 at 08:57

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Scrolled up to top of thread and only a dozen people have posted about their garden exploits yet there have been well over 2200 views Come on you gardeners post what you are doing around your gardens we will not bite

Replied: 16th Aug 2022 at 17:17
Last edited by PeterP: 16th Aug 2022 at 17:18:30

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Does anyone know the best way to sharpen hand held garden shears..or should I just buy new ones..
Thank you.

Replied: 17th Aug 2022 at 11:16

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Momac phone lawn mower repairs and ask them do they sharpen hand shears. and how much You can buy a new pair of hand shears from about £6 upwards

Replied: 17th Aug 2022 at 14:51
Last edited by PeterP: 17th Aug 2022 at 14:53:47

Posted by: momac (12539) 

Thank you for replying Peter..the more I think about it I think I'll just buy a new pair...again..thank you.

Replied: 17th Aug 2022 at 15:39

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Momac did you buy some shears? Getting ready to put the garden to bed .Lawn will get a final cut and some of the bushes will get a trim. Planted some bulbs Crocus Hyacinth and Freesia ready for next year. Even thou I got a good crop of pears this year cannot make my mind up to keep them. Bought a Metal arch and put it up for the grape vine to grow round.

Replied: 10th Oct 2022 at 09:35

Posted by: momac (12539) 

No Peter I haven't been too well but fine now and will be getting some new ones..I've got a metal arch in the back garden and every Summer I grow Clematis round it..I just love Clematis...I used to have a grape vine but I acquired a little dog and grapes are poisonous to them so guess what....

Replied: 10th Oct 2022 at 14:31

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Not doing much at the moment, taking seed pods from everlasting sweet peas to try to grow next year. Never done this before. Hope I have better luck than I had with the sunflowers tomplum gave me. They were growing really well in a nice sunny position, unfortunately it was also exposed to strong winds which resulted in them being blown over and suffering damage. This despite them being well staked.

Replied: 10th Oct 2022 at 15:27

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Was looking at the raised bed made from decking with 3x3 inch timber corner posts. Found the corner posts had starting to rot and bought some new rough cut timber which cost me £10 to replace the existing posts. Made enquires about how much concrete right angled post would cost (would cut it my self) and was quoted £30. It was six years ago when I built the raised bed so if I get another six years out of the new posts I think that will be the live of the decking boards. Cost prohibitive to make a raised bed out of concrete panels .Plus raised bed is 8x4 &18" high concrete panels would make it 6x3&12" high and look like a grave

Replied: 15th Oct 2022 at 07:51
Last edited by PeterP: 15th Oct 2022 at 08:03:41

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Peter, Wood posts in the ground usually rot at ground level.

If, at slightly above this level, you auger out a down-sloping hole, about 18mm dia, and make a wood plug to fit. you have a chamber in which you can places preservative to protect at this point.

If you are growing foodstuffs, Beeswax, raw linseed oil and turpentine (genuine, that is) makes a foodsafe preservative.

Replied: 16th Oct 2022 at 10:20

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ena I know I could paint them in preservatives . The posts and the decking are sat on concrete (I think it was a garage base).If I just replace the posts they could outlast the sides which I made out of decking timber. If and when it gets past it then I will either replace with some other material or dismantle it and spread the soil over other parts of the garden. Then reinstate it by spreading 20mm golden gravel over the concrete like it was before. I then would grow the potatoes and the peas in large pots. I don't grow any other veg over the winter

Replied: 16th Oct 2022 at 15:11

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

If you are up to bricklaying, and can get your hands on some cheap used/scrap brick (does not have to be quality needed for building, even partially spalled will be OK) it is easy, though a bit of work involved, to build your raised beds walled in brick. This would be particularly suitable for building upon a concrete base.

You have to leave a few lower joints void of cement, for drainage.

It does result in an almost maintenance free, solution which hardly deteriorates over normal usage.

I have for some time, been slowly but progressively replacing my wood with brick as the wood rots.

Added advantage is brick will bear a scaffold board to avoid treading the bed, for deep bed technique of growing produce.

Replied: 17th Oct 2022 at 12:54

Posted by: momac (12539) 

My Wisteria has produced an endless body of growth,it is really beautiful but a big but is.....no flowers..last year I cropped it right back practically down to the ground,do you think it's recuperating ..I don't like trimming it right back but it really takes over the garden.

Replied: 19th Oct 2022 at 16:55

Posted by: marsin (192)

snow in the forecast for later today.
a stark reminder of what´s to come.
i had a good gardening summer.Tomatoes were very leggy and not big,apart from that peppers, chillies, lettuce, garlic, turmeric all good crops. Michaelmas daisies are in full bloom; for some reason i have no berries on the Holly bush. anyone got any ideas why.

Replied: 19th Oct 2022 at 17:10

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I looked at the side timbers of the raised bed and they have just started to rot will get some sort of lining to help protect the timbers. Decided to use the rough timber blocks and will decide later on in the year if I am going to keep the raised bed. This year I only grew potatoes and now the bed is void of any crops . I don't eat veg so that leaves only the missus so it is not practicable to grow more than a couple of any vegetables. May come away from veg altogether and grow flowers instead and just plant potatoes in large containers, Plenty of room in the back garden or even on the decking.

Replied: 24th Oct 2022 at 06:52

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Odd mixed up seasons. At the moment I have an abundance of Cosmos flowering, although at five feet high, unusual. Also my Fatsia Japonica bushes in full bloom which is normal for November.

Replied: 22nd Nov 2022 at 08:52
Last edited by Anne: 22nd Nov 2022 at 08:53:27

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Still had some roses in bloom until the heavy rains. a couple of days back. demolished them.

So looks that I will not have Christmas roses this year.

Was managing about one year in three, but now more like one year in five as the bushes have aged.

Fuchsia still in full bloom though, so good splash of colour likely to remain until Christmas.

Replied: 22nd Nov 2022 at 18:39

Posted by: momac (12539) 

I planted Nasturtium seeds in my window box early Spring,theyre now growing behind the drive gates and onto the pavement outside,they just seem to be growing from under where the leaves have all gathered..and they're flowering,they've also made a journey to the back garden where it's leaves are as big as dinner plates.

Replied: 25th Nov 2022 at 09:35

Posted by: momac (12539) 

I planted Nasturtium seeds in my window box early Spring,theyre now growing behind the drive gates and onto the pavement outside,they just seem to be growing from under where the leaves have all gathered..and they're flowering,they've also made a journey to the back garden where it's leaves are as big as dinner plates.

Replied: 25th Nov 2022 at 09:54

Posted by: Platty (2107)

Can anyone recommend a greenhouse heater. Paraffin preferably?

Replied: 4th Dec 2022 at 19:13

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Last week I had to cut the lawns again with the mower on a high cut the grass mainly round the borders was growing very tall. I have an electric strimmer but find it a bit heavy and I don't have a lot of control on the cut sometimes I end up marking the lawn It is handy for cutting round the base of our bird table. I have had a leaf blower/sucker for a few years and mainly used it for blowing leaves It never really was any good for sucking up leaves. I decided to strip it down to see what the problem was and found a piece of roofing felt had caused a partial blockage and once removed it is now sucking leaves up and shredding them. Glad I dismantled it or it was destined for the skip. Looked at next doors garden and the apple tree is still full of red apples

Replied: 8th Dec 2022 at 06:59
Last edited by PeterP: 8th Dec 2022 at 13:12:18

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I have a bird table in the side garden and the birds are slowly returning to it. Over the last few days next door to us as apples still on the tree and the blackbirds(4) have been eating the apples. Because the garden is mainly covered in frost and ice I put a plant pot base with some suet and mealy worms on the decking and the 4 blackbirds have a feast and we have the pleasure of watching them through either the kitchen window or the bedroom window. Not a lot can be done in the garden next job will be to clear the leaves up when everything defrosts . The Japanese Acer is still full of multicoloured leaves and the Rhododendron is full of buds which look like candles

Replied: 17th Dec 2022 at 09:26

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

We have a Cordyline in our garden which I planted out about 3 years ago. When we had the high winds it really got battered and a lot of leaves got ripped off. Instead of the leaves standing up and then cascading downwards the top looked bare and the leaves looked flattened to one side. I have tided it up and tied the leaves into a bunch and covered it with see through sheeting. Just hope it recovers. Noticed a few bulbs have started to poke through and again hope the ground frost does not kill them off

Replied: 20th Jan 2023 at 06:45

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Over the last few days I have been troubled with a mole/s. I spent the greater part of yesterday tracing tunnels and flushing them out with jets of water followed by flooding them with liberal amounts of bleach. This method of control has worked before. They don’t like it up ‘em, they don’t like it up ‘em!

Replied: 20th Jan 2023 at 07:41

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Over the week end have been reading online various sites about gardening and what to plant in your garden mainly shrubs for hedgerow which can take up to 5 years to get established. One or two sites mention planted bulbs for summer flowering don't know which parts of the country but I went out into the garden this morning and the ice has melted but the ground looks like perma frost and it is solid I think unless you were planting very deep every thing would get killed off

Replied: 23rd Jan 2023 at 09:06

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Spring blooming bulbs, such as daffs and tulips, usually planted around end of August, are really frost hardy. Even when we had the minus 15 Deg C for a prolonged period, (2010, or thereabouts I think) they still thrived.

I had masses of the large (King Alfred) daffodils.

But, having endured the Winter, the March Winds often snapped their stems and flattened them.

Used to love the daffs, When Winter's grip is at its most vicious, they appear and herald the spring which is just around the corner.

Have never, though planted at this time of year for Summer bloom bulbs. My ground is too wet and sticky to work in Winter, even when not frozen.

I sometimes grow Meconopsis, (The Himalayan Blue Poppy)

However, Meconopsis is not a bulb, but propagated from seed. Now there is a plant which likes the frost, but usually you have to 'vernalise' the seed. ie start it in the freezer!

Replied: 23rd Jan 2023 at 13:31

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne did you get rid of the mole

Replied: 27th Jan 2023 at 09:16

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

PeterP….. I seem to have discouraged it/them with the aid of bleach and vinegar. They haven’t shown up for two days now, no doubt they will migrate from the field behind me as they always do. Never without for very long.

Replied: 27th Jan 2023 at 12:50

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

We went to Southport yesterday and on the way home we got to the island at the end of Ormskirk rd to turn right onto Rainford rd and the island was just a mass of mole hills Same when we got onto the by pass , don't know how many moles it would take to make so many mounds

Replied: 28th Jan 2023 at 07:23

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Some of my daffs are budding. Blooms will be open before the month is out.

I do like to see January daffs.

I think the weather pattern we have had: both some cold days and some warm days seems to be what best brings them on.

No buds on Forsythia yet. Should bloom February, though a handful of years now it has been no-show until March.

Replied: 30th Jan 2023 at 11:11

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Crocus are in flower. Daffodils plenty of stalks but no buds. Hyacinth poking through the soil but no sign of Snowdrops that I planted last year? I was clearing some leaves up the other day and part of the ground felt like perma frost It was very hard and could not break it up with a hand fork when trying to get weeds up. A lot of the shrubs are getting buds on now roll on Spring

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 08:54

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Umpteen snowdrops been in bloom for a fortnight, remember last year giving many away and simply clearing many more out. Primroses been in bloom for quite a while with daffodils well on the way but no buds as yet. The tedious job of leaf clearing in full swing following the days and days of wind. I have two green bins full ready to be emptied.
Wouldn’t care but being in a cul-de-sac most leaves are not mine but end up being mine.

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 09:22

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Have a few Snowdrops, but lost majority as they did not survive the numerous Summer droughts of recent years.

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 10:02

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne we had the same problem in our last house. There were no houses opposite us it is common land. and on the far side the council planted trees. Sometimes we could not open the front gate due to the amount of leaves that had blow across the green I could fill a green bin easily with the leaves

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 10:05

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

If you can make a big cylinder from chicken wire, you can compost the leaves. It is good stuff. They break down better if treated separately in the way described, not put into compost heap. They do take some time to decompose.

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 10:14

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Forsythia blooms today. Just a few for now. I was beginning to think the bushes were past it, as they have been late (March) last few years.

Replied: 13th Feb 2023 at 16:18

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

A small dry stone wall knee high separates me from my neighbour. I noticed last year a few hart’s tongue ferns growing in the cracks. This morning been out to pot several up but left others.
Not the foggiest how to care for them other than they will be shade loving. Will wait and see.

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 12:46

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne I was reading that you have to get the fern with part of the rhizomes or they will die.

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 17:37

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Peter….thanks for that. About four of them did have rhizomes others didn’t but had good root systems so as I said will wait and see.

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 21:26

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I read yesterday how important it is to frequently sterilise secateurs/pruning knife when pruning roses.

My roses have terrible blackspot, it is rife hereabouts: the council's roses in the park surrounding me are covered in blackspot.

In times past, maybe I would occasionally sterilise secateurs at start or finish of using them: it is not particularly easy to do so whilst using them in the garden.

So, I have decided to wipe them with the hand sanitising gel which we got used to using in the Covid outbreaks. That I can do without major disruption to the work in hand. Just hope it will be effective.

Replied: 21st Feb 2023 at 13:44

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Just read this comment which struck a chord:

"when you get old, every time you see the daffodils emerging, you know you have survived yet another Winter".

Replied: 26th Feb 2023 at 20:14

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Been offered 8 small rose bushes and if I get them will plant them in the raised bed along with other bulbs. If I get potatoes this year will plant them in large pots or grow bags stood on their end

Replied: 27th Feb 2023 at 12:53

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Peter, I'd go for the large pots. Not sure that grow bags on end will have sufficient girth.

I have used those potato grow bags. The are cylindrical, about 20" diameter, and they have insufficient girth. They stunt the growth of tubers, as at the level they are produced, the plant tries to spread out its roots, which the bag checks. I get fewer and smaller spuds than from just slightly larger enclosure for the compost that I construct from bricks.

Replied: 27th Feb 2023 at 16:06

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I have two small/medium sized lawns and I rake them to try to get the moss out of them. I use a leaf rake to do this job but it takes a long time and it is getting tiring on the body. I am contemplating buying an electric lawn rake but with prices between £80-£130 they are not cheap to buy. Has any one used one and do they do a good job? I don't want to waste money if they don't work or break easy

Replied: 28th Feb 2023 at 08:16

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Reading on General about veg shortage mainly tomato's and Tomplum rigging a heater up in his greenhouse to grow early tom's. I commented that by the time they grew the shortage will be over I normally buy a bag of potato set which where between £2-60 and £3-00 a 2.5kilo bag last year will have to see if they have gone up dramatically this year before I think about buying any. Normally get at least 10 kilo from a bag but will be planting different this year pots/bags instead of the raised bed. I will weigh up the cost of buying a set/produce from the set against how much it will cost to buy from a supermarket Same with tomatoes last year a plug cost 75p/£1 and I grow Two different plants ,Only the missus eats them and a lot are given away. Maybe I will set my sights one one plant.

Replied: 2nd Mar 2023 at 08:34

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Peter, you can check the price in Wilko here.

Replied: 2nd Mar 2023 at 15:58

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ena thanks for the link noticed price of bags not gone up but they have downsized the bags by half a kilo so a fifth less potatoes

Replied: 2nd Mar 2023 at 21:41

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Same thing a couple of years back with compost. I had been buying from ASDA, 3x 70 litre bags for a tenner, which is 210 litres. Then they changed it to 4x 50 litre bags, ie only 200 litres for same cost.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2023 at 14:56

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Went to Asda yesterday: now are 3 bags for £12 AND volume now reduced to 40 litres.

ie price has more than doubled!

Compost has become very expensive!

Replied: 7th Mar 2023 at 13:35
Last edited by ena malcup: 7th Mar 2023 at 14:55:28

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

A few years ago I went to a farm shop and bought 4 bags of top soil for £10 . I went last week for 2 bags of top soil which now are £4 each Still a lot cheaper than garden centres

Replied: 7th Mar 2023 at 14:53
Last edited by PeterP: 7th Mar 2023 at 14:56:56

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

A little while back I threw out some old tomato seed.

Just four seeds and they were 8 years past there best before date. Just loose in the paper envelope, must have been out of their sealed foil for a decade or more.

They landed on the damp paper towel that I had dried my hands upon. AND, the buggers have germinated!

Replied: 11th Mar 2023 at 19:39

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Still waiting for the rose bushes due to the bad weather Don't want to put them in raised bed until the danger of frost has gone . The plants/bulbs I have potted up in the greenhouse as I don't want to put them in the bed and then disturb them when I get the rose bushes.. Also got my potatoes which I have decided to put some between the plants and what is left will go into large pots. Started Sunflowers on a wet tissue on a tray on the kitchen window ledge . Will also put some in a tray in the greenhouse to give me a chance of planting about 40 sunflowers if they all germinate

Replied: 19th Mar 2023 at 20:48

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I bet that is going to look quite impressive if you do get all 40 of them.

Replied: 19th Mar 2023 at 22:19

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ena I hope so too. I have a mix of small singles small multi headed and giant sunflowers. I think I have a good mix of plants and shrubs in the garden but when I look at gardening programmes I realise how in places the garden looks sparce. Like every thing else it is the balance between early flowering plants May /July and later flowering plants July /Sept or even later. At this time of year I have plenty of crocus dotted about in the garden .Plenty of Daffodil stems but only one flower No show on any snowdrops and hoping I may get some tulips this year. Lawns still to wet to use the new lawn rake on them will get them raked at the 1st chance of drier weather. Itching to get some of the moss out of the lawns

Replied: 20th Mar 2023 at 07:49

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Same here Peter regarding moss scarifying. The grass man did the first mow on Friday, we discussed scarifying and decided to wait for a week or two more.

Replied: 20th Mar 2023 at 09:11

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Re. Daffs.

Next year's flower will be beginning its embryonic development in the bulb about now.

Giving daffs a blood, Fish and bone feed at this time will boost the likelihood of blooms next time round.

Replied: 22nd Mar 2023 at 23:31

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I was let down over the roses and decided to buy some instead got 2 floribundas 2 hybrid tea and 2 miniature roses plus 6 heathers not much change out of £75 Put assorted bulbs in pots in the greenhouse last week and most are poking through the soil. Planted "wilja" potatoes around the edge of the raised bed. At last managed to use the new lawn rake and filled the green bin with the moss from only one lawn thats how bad both lawns are.

Replied: 27th Mar 2023 at 12:05

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Looked at the cordyline and it was rotted at the top and all the leaves just ended up in a pile on the ground. I have cut the trunk down to about 2 ft off the ground and will see if it regrows. Roses now in the raised bed and look ok. Most of the plants which will end up with them are growing nicely in the greenhouse. On my travels will pick a tomato plug up to put into the greenhouse. Last year they were a £1 a plug

Replied: 1st Apr 2023 at 12:04

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

This morning looked at the Hare’s tongue fern I plucked from the dividing wall, doing well new fronds uncurling satisfactorily. Also looked at two of my Cordylines which suffered during the winter. Not expecting them to recover but will wait a little longer.

Replied: 2nd Apr 2023 at 09:59

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne I went out last night and one of my friends was telling me their two Cordylines had been damaged with the high winds. She is going to cut them down and hope they recover.

Replied: 2nd Apr 2023 at 10:59

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Peter….I did cut the soft part down to something solid then protected the bare top but nothing happening yet.

Replied: 2nd Apr 2023 at 11:37

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Last few days I have been up early 6-00ish and went out this morn to put food on the bird table, Noticed both the car and the ground has been covered in frost/ice nothing on the weather to show temperatures dropping so low. Yesterday I moved some plants from the greenhouse to the raised bed this morning they looked ok . The roses I planted have got plenty of new growth on them. Managed to cut the side lawn and if it dries out I will rake some of the moss out of the lawn. I hope if I can keep on top of the cutting/raking then next year the lawns will look better with less moss or better still no moss in them

Replied: 8th Apr 2023 at 08:24

Posted by: Anne (4425) 

Early this week I had the lawn scarified, quite a big petrol driven machine for the job. Had a peep underneath , looked to be umpteen rows of blades.
Lots of moss and rubbish removed which left a devastated lawn but recovering nicely now.

p.s. seen more deer last few days, hope they don’t jump the wall.

Replied: 8th Apr 2023 at 09:29
Last edited by Anne: 8th Apr 2023 at 09:49:46

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne still got the roller with the wire tines on the M/c if this does not clear the moss then I will change over to the scarifing blade. Did the front lawn and filled the green bin it was that bad

Replied: 8th Apr 2023 at 09:45

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Went to Pimbo nurseries today and picked up two tomato plants Moneymaker &Gardeners Delight-Cherry tomato £1-20 each. Repotted them and put in position in the greenhouse.

Replied: 27th Apr 2023 at 14:08

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Planted 22 sunflowers in the garden they had started to look leggy in the green house had to put plenty of slug pellets around each plant. potted up about 20 more seeds just in case I loose any
I was checking over the fence panels and found one with loose lats and on further inspection found the cross members had rotted. I looked on line and most panels were £45-£60 plus delivery charge.
I decided to make a new panel myself and it cost me £45 for timber I have not needed to buy nails got plenty.. Frame built and 10 boards fitted 7 more to fit(rain stopped play) then stain it and get son to help me put into the posts

Replied: 6th May 2023 at 07:06

Posted by: Platty (2107)

Peterp: where is Pimbo nurseries?

Replied: 6th May 2023 at 18:28

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Platty it is next to Upholland railway station

Replied: 6th May 2023 at 19:33

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Disaster with the heavy rain the slug pellets were washed away or into the ground and the slugs have had a field day. They have eaten most of the sunflower plants good job I have more growing in the greenhouse

Replied: 12th May 2023 at 17:35

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 


When I grew lots of strawberries, I used a product called Nemaslug. It is not adversely effected by rain. It is a biological control (Nematode).

Soil temperature has to be sufficiently warm to use it though.

Very effective, though it is a bit costly.

Replied: 12th May 2023 at 20:52

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

No sunflowers this year 1st lot got eaten and the 2nd batch looked awful and leggy and brown leaf's. Decided to let the foxgloves grow every where and we have a nice display of various iris's this year, I had to dig 2 Hebe bushes out killed off with the high winds/cold earlier this year thought they may of recovered but no joy. I have 3 privet bushes in the front garden which also nearly got killed off but two are ok a little bare but I have slowly cut the dead wood out the third one I cut well back and there are new green leaf's on it. Been looking for growth on 2 hollyhocks which I have in the border but no signs yet, hope they have not rotted..Decided once the Rhododendron bush has stopped flowering to cut it back to about 5ft instead of being about 8ft at the moment and get rid of the dead wood and overlapping branches so sprucing it up a bit then clear underneath it and put some ericaceous soil round it.

Replied: 4th Jun 2023 at 08:16

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Not had much time in the gardens(been laid up with sciatica barely able to walk) Lawns need cutting but weather against us rain followed by more rain. Managed a bit of weeding and pruned the rhododendron bush back to a reasonable height and got rid of most of the cross branches, Privat bushes are regrowing and the twisted hazel is shooting up in the side garden, If the Cordyline does not regrow then will dig it up and transfer the twisted hazel in its place

Replied: 16th Jul 2023 at 09:25
Last edited by PeterP: 6th Aug 2023 at 07:18:53

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Slowly getting back into the garden still in pain with the sciatica. Lawns cut and started trimming some of the bushes back. Potatoes ready for lifting. Roses in full bloom and did get 6 rose bushes given to me which should flower next year. Next door to me has a cherry tree which produced fruit and the blackbirds had a field day eating them. There is no fruit on the pear tree but the apple tree is laden with apples 90% of them are hanging into my garden. I had to cut some branches off the tree because I could not get up my path to get to my shed Will be glad when I get new neighbours so they can sort their garden out Has any one heard anything about "ANNE" she has not posted since APRIL hope she is ok

Replied: 6th Aug 2023 at 08:12

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Started lifting potatoes "Wilja" need to keep an eye on them when boiling them blink twice and they go mushy. Getting a bit of colour into the garden with various plants now in flower. Still patchy in areas more so because a lot of the foxgloves have finished flowering and I have dug them up. I had to cut the cordyline down earlier in the year and was talking with a gardener at the garden centre and he said it should regrow but may end up with multi heads instead of just the one when I bought it.

Replied: 12th Aug 2023 at 08:22

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Had a look at the cordyline this morning and a small shoot has started to grow at the base so things are looking up for a full recovery

Replied: 16th Aug 2023 at 09:19

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Going to utilise the greenhouse more this year. Already started taking cuttings and potting them up. Bought some Daffodils Crocus Alliums & Tulips to put into the ground for flowering next year I hope

Replied: 26th Sep 2023 at 09:31

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Just when Winter is at its most deep and gloomy, nowt like seeing the daffs beginning to poke through to lift your spirits in anticipation of Winter being on its way out.

Replied: 28th Sep 2023 at 11:42

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Shopping yesterday for tulip bulbs.

Sheesh! not bought them for three or so years.

Cost is about 4 or 5 times what I last paid for them!

Replied: 1st Oct 2023 at 10:15

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ena nothing cheap nowadays paid just under a tenner for 50 Daff bulbs 12 Crocus bulbs 4 Alliums bulbs and a Dozen Tulip bulbs then spent a Fiver on 24 Snowdrop bulbs

Replied: 1st Oct 2023 at 14:34

Posted by: JR (586)

Strange year - I planted 100 plus daffs in October 2021 and had a wonderful display in 2022. However, this year barely anything; just around 20 survivors. But we are having strange weather. last year in the north thousands of Hebes and Cordylines were lost despite it being a relatively decent winter - may have been due to the cold east winds.

Replied: 1st Oct 2023 at 16:03

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Perhaps the mild winter did not help.

Some plants need the winter cold.

Daffs are very hardy: mine survived the prolonged minus fifteen degrees we had some time back (2010, I think). They had already emerged, as prior to the freeze up it had ben mild.

I did though lose all my snowdrops: they did not survive recent spring droughts.

Once upon a time, I lived in Grasmere. The daffs that Wordsworth wrote about survive some really cold mountain winters.

It is important to let the greenery photosynthesise after the blooms fall. The embryo of the flower is already formed in the bulb before the plant spouts: last years growing conditions are usually the determinant of whether or not a bloom is produced.

Replied: 1st Oct 2023 at 21:12

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Perhaps the mild winter did not help.

Some plants need the winter cold.

Daffs are very hardy: mine survived the prolonged minus fifteen degrees we had some time back (2010, I think). They had already emerged, as prior to the freeze up it had ben mild.

I did though lose all my snowdrops: they did not survive recent spring droughts.

Once upon a time, I lived in Grasmere. The daffs that Wordsworth wrote about survive some really cold mountain winters.

It is important to let the greenery photosynthesise after the blooms fall. The embryo of the flower is already formed in the bulb before the plant spouts: last years growing conditions are usually the determinant of whether or not a bloom is produced. If the plant did not capture enough energy from sunlight, which is stored in the bulb, then the bulb will not set a flower embryo, and next year the result is a so called blind. ie foliage grows but no flower.

Replied: 1st Oct 2023 at 21:12
Last edited by ena malcup: 2nd Oct 2023 at 12:30:44

Posted by: JR (586)

Yes Ena, the leaves on Daffs shouldn't be cut back for at least 6 weeks after flowering to allow as you say photosynthesis. I've known people to tie up the leaves into a tidy knot... not as bad as cutting the leaves but still restricting the ability of the bulb to form next years flower.
I began my study to become an horticulturist in 1973, when I started with the Council's newly formed landscape section (I was 19 at the time and had to study at evenings and weekends).
Sadly there are so many people today who profess to be 'gardeners' but don't have any idea of the science involved in it.
But I guess it's the same with 'builders' - no legislation to prevent jobbing labourers to set themselves up as a builder, without the basic City and Guilds.
As for horticulture, I regularly see shrubs pruned with hedge cutters and trees hacked back without any thought whatsoever. It does worry me!

Replied: 2nd Oct 2023 at 17:18

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Do you remember Prof Allan Gemmell (University of Keele) and regular panellist of BBC's "Gardeners' Question Time" back in 1960's/70's? (Over 1,200 appearances)

Not only was the guy remarkably knowledgeable and helpful, but his comments were so amusing, they remain in memory for decades.

Sometimes frivolous, my favourite when a question was, "When is the best time to lift potatoes"?

His reply was, "Just a couple of minutes before the water comes to the boil in which you intend to cook them"!

I will never forget his scorn for the tomato variety 'Moneymaker' (you aren't making money, so why settle for an inferior taste) and his urging us to plant Ailsa Craig variety instead.

If only all teachers made their subjects as interesting...

Replied: 3rd Oct 2023 at 12:45
Last edited by ena malcup: 3rd Oct 2023 at 12:45:46

Posted by: JR (586)

Ena, yes I do remember him; he was wonderful. I always tuned into the programme as it helped me with my studies back then.
I taught horticulture and garden design for a few years and I always endeavoured to put a bit of humour into my lectures with some interesting anecdotes to keep the students' attention!

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 19:51

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Went into the back garden and noticed part of the grape vine had come adrift from the frame and went to tie it back and got a nice surprise there was a small bunch of grapes. I did not expect any until at least next year and tried one and even though they are on the small side it was very sweet

Replied: 3rd Nov 2023 at 09:37

Posted by: marsin (192)

PeterP. What a nice surprise you had..
I also had a surprise this year when for the first time a black bear climbed the fence, 6 feet high and ate everyone of my grapes.. They were Concord . l always leave them till after the first frost sweetens them.

Replied: 3rd Nov 2023 at 15:34

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Looked out into my back garden and in places there are large mounds of leaves after the high winds yesterday. Most of these leaves have come from out of other gardens even though we are surrounded by 6ft fences. We have two small pear trees which are still full of leaves and the only other bushes/vine have lost about half of their leaves -viburnum magnolia and the grape vine. I will get (the big gun) out later my leaf vacuum/blower and attempt to clean the leaves up .If that does not work then back to the old fashioned way a lawn rake large stiff brush and shovel

Replied: 14th Nov 2023 at 07:44

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I'd check out the weather forecast and see if there is a dry spell anywhere in the offing.

They're a bugger to shift when they are wet.

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 13:53

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I was talking to a lady yesterday who was adamant that today even with minus degrees forecast she was going to cut her lawn while it was her day off work My lawns are rock hard and covered in frost. I slipped up and planted an annual in a pot and yesterday I wanted to remove the plant and I could not get my hand fork into the soil and the pot was stuck to the ground. I will have to sprinkle some tepid water round the base to free the pot then take it into the greenhouse to thaw out the soil then remove the dead plant I will probably put a small heather into the pot. The pot is a green ceramic pot shaped like the easter island statues and I think a heather will make it look like it has hair

Replied: 29th Nov 2023 at 07:58

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Managed to have a stroll round the garden yesterday and have a look at the bulbs poking through the soil. The 1st crocus was in flower and I was happy with the amount of bulbs showing their heads. Unfortunately I will have to lift a large bush I think it is a Skimmia and two small rose bushes plus various bulbs has we need a wheelchair ramp built at our front door and I will have to cut part of the lawn away to make a new border once this job is done. I have in my minds eye found spaces for the every thing that requires moving and hope I don't loose any plants/shrubs ,I will only lift the plants/shrubs when I have a date for the ramp build.

Replied: 31st Dec 2023 at 07:00
Last edited by PeterP: 31st Dec 2023 at 08:00:04

Posted by: JR (586)

Came across a rose Bush on East Mount, Orrell today in full bloom! Strange weather these days.

Replied: 1st Jan 2024 at 19:26

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

In next doors garden there is an apple tree which still has about 30 apples on it. I have seen a few birds pecking at them.

Replied: 1st Jan 2024 at 20:26

Posted by: JR (586)

Peter, I did see hanging apples on the sides of the M6/M58 junction recently. Also, late November I was in Hillingdon, west London and sloes were still on the blakackthorn bushes.

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 17:36

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

JR a few years ago my sister made a few pints of Sloe gin. She lived at Kings Moss back side of Billinge Hill. She must have had a good supply of berries to make a few pints
I have moved the skimmia and will move the rose bushes today. Crocus are flowering so will only move them the day before the job is started

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 06:41
Last edited by PeterP: 13th Jan 2024 at 08:48:27

Posted by: JR (586)

Peter, Sloes make good wine too. I have made sloe gin in the past which is a good drink at Christmas.
Quince is a good plant for the garden; good flowers and the fruits are good for jam or wine. I've lost a windmill palm this winter. Everything else looks good but I'm mulching the Zantedeskia to protect the vulnerable roots/crown.
My alpines are all fine in their large pots. However, one of the 'frost proof' pots has split in half!

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 18:06

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

JR I cannot get my head round Botanical Names for plants,I looked up "Zantedeschia" and I have a "Calla lily"with black flowers and they can stand -20c you can cut back the top or let it rot off the root /bulb will come back later in the year and give you about 3 months of flower

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 06:21

Posted by: JR (586)

Thanks Peter.
Yes they are quite hardy. However, the variety that I have is a little tender. If I don't apply mulch/protection in winter it is quite slow to emerge in spring. I cut the dying leaves off and leave them on the surface. I then use the brown fern leaves that I've pruned off as a thick layer of mulch. It's been very successful and the fern leaves appear to hold the warmth in the soil and keep out the frost.
Last winter I thought I'd lost my Agapanthus but they made an appearance late on ( but did not flower). Hopefully they will bloom this year. If they don't improve I might put them in pots and overwinter them in the garage. Agapanthas can be difficult. They naturally grow in South Africa in rocky restricted ground. They also like the warmth. Ideal for a conservatory with the roots restricted in a pot. Some people appear to have no problem with them.

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 12:20
Last edited by JR: 17th Jan 2024 at 12:23:07

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Every thing I moved for the building work have grown in their new spots. Once the ramp is finished i will cut part of the lawn back and then I will make a new border between the ramp and the lawn and plant some flowers to break up the eyeline of the side of the ramp.Soon be able to get Yvonne out of the house, She as been stuck in since September.

Replied: 6th Feb 2024 at 09:23

Posted by: JR (586)

I hope all is favourable on completion and Yvonne is able to enjoy the garden very soon. It a nice season now where buds are forming and many early flowers in bloom. Soon be summer.
My best wishes, JR

Replied: 13th Feb 2024 at 14:49

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Cheers JR just need a threshold ramp for the front door framework then we will be able to get Yvonne out so she can see the gardens and beyond

Replied: 13th Feb 2024 at 15:19

Posted by: JR (586)

Wonderful. My best wishes.

Replied: 13th Feb 2024 at 16:24

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Got a threshold ramp made so just a little bit of warm weather then will get Yvonne out and about.The daffs have just began to come into flower and the rest of the plants are getting ready to get into flower. I have potted up some marigold and sunflower seeds. Failed last year with the sunflowers better luck this year Gone from 7/8 ft sunflowers to none last year. Next plan is to get potato set and start them off in the greenhouse,probably go for a main crop potato

Replied: 6th Mar 2024 at 12:14

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I have been looking back at the gardening thread and did not realise it has been around since 2013.Some good hints and tips over the years

Replied: 10th Mar 2024 at 20:22

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Went to Pimbo Nurseries and bought seed potatoes gone up from £2-60 last year to £4-50 this year Medium size spuds thus only 21 spuds =2kilo bag. I thought B&M were dear selling 3 bags for £5 but you end up with more spuds which is what it comes down to if you require more spuds for sowing. You can cut the spuds in half but you need a sprit on each half to be able for the spuds to grow from them. Got "Picasso" spuds so called all rounder will have to wait and see.

Replied: 15th Mar 2024 at 23:40
Last edited by PeterP: 16th Mar 2024 at 07:15:16

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

Good luck with the spuds Peter and I hope Yvonne gets out to the garden soon.

I tried growing a few things last year and failed miserably. Got some peas and tomatoes plus a few chillies but the melons turned out to be some kind of small yellow squash that were very hard and not worth the bother.

Replied: 23rd Mar 2024 at 10:13

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Ground prepared for potatoes forked some manure in .Potatoes now well underway with chits on them and when I get a chance when it stops raining all day will plant them . Lawns look like amess needs a 1st cut but need two days of dry weather with a bit of a breeze to dry the grass a little bit . A neighbour cut their lawn and I think more grass was ripped out than cut .

Replied: 14th Apr 2024 at 08:15

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I planted the potatoes and when I got up the next day there was a ground frost but luckily did not go down to the spuds . I managed to do a high cut on the lawns which at 1st glance do not look like they have been cut but the half full bin shows other wiseNext week weather permitting they will be cut lower and then scarified Daffodils been and gone Tulips in full bloom and various plants either in bud or in flower ,Spring has sprung

Replied: 21st Apr 2024 at 08:11

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Over the last few days I have noticed lumps of manure on the flags round the raised bed even though I thought I had forked it well in for the potatoes. Today I spotted the culprit it was a magpie it must have found some grubs in the manure then discarded it onto the flags

Replied: 30th Apr 2024 at 21:58

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

No Mow May.

Anyone doing it? We don't have much grass but what we have won't be touched until the end of the month. In fact, if it was up to me it'd be left for the insects etc full stop

Replied: 8th May 2024 at 19:30

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

My lawns will be cut during May they don't look like much but they are grass. I have a round rockery which I sow with wild flowers for the insects.We live in a semi rural area so there is plenty of opportunity for the wild life and insects to flourish with in the hedge rows and grass verges. I think this trend to not mow is due to idleness not to help the insects

Replied: 8th May 2024 at 22:07

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

Thanks Peter on behalf of the polinators benefitting from your wild flowers. Every little helps

What little grass we have takes about 20min to mow so no avoidance / idleness here. It's only 1 month.

Replied: 9th May 2024 at 10:53

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I have two medium sized lawns which if left for a month in the growing season would be very tall after that time. Already done a high cut which filled about a third or more of the green bin .If I do a low cut then scarify the lawns I could easily fill the green bin. A few month ago I put in for a second Black bin and at to have an audit of the bins and I was asked then did I need a second green bin. I said there was enough clutter with 5 bins without getting another

Replied: 9th May 2024 at 12:06

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Two hundred posts by a few of WW members who like pottering about in their gardens/allotments/greenhouses. These have been viewed by over four and a half thousand people . It is a pity there were not more postings about gardening from these viewers There must be many more green fingered people out there

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 07:06

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

I did a big weed spray yesterday. Whoever laid the block paving on our drive must have worn a Stetson and ridden a horse! Same for the guy who jestwashed it all a few years back and charged extra to apply something to stop the weeds coming back.

Replied: 14th May 2024 at 16:15

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

J3mbo would not have block paving even if is was FREE I will stick to the 3x2 flags.Block paving is so called low maintenance but my neighbours spend a lot longer than me cleaning weeding coating with shinny paint than I do with the flags and two lawns

Replied: 14th May 2024 at 22:24

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

I agree Peter. It wouldn't be my choice but it was here when we moved in.

What do you think of imprinted concrete or the resin stuff?

Replied: 15th May 2024 at 11:36

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Don't like any man made concrete areasWife's grand parents lived at the time in the high rise flats at Worsley Mesnes and when you looked down from the flats all you saw was a mass of concrete. Once saw a compass printed into resin in a front garden and they had ripped up a very nice lawn to have that done

Replied: 15th May 2024 at 17:59

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

I was thinking resin - but to replace block paving not grass.

Replied: 16th May 2024 at 20:48

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Funny things happening in the garden .
I pruned the Rhododendron last year this year plenty of new growth but very few flowers maybe next yearPlanted three sunflowers which were given to me two look worse for wear.For the last two years i have failed to grow any sunflowers even bought new seeds at £3 a packet. Not grown any tomato plants this year.Cannot make time to go to the garden centre with the boss being ill and cannot be left for a great length of time and not seen any plugs in the supermarkets. I bought a standard rose about 3/4 years ago and this has died will have to replace later in the year ,I have planted wild flower seeds in the tub so do not want to disturb the soil to remove the dead base of the rose. The weather is all over the place soil either water logged or bone dry same with the lawns.

Replied: 26th May 2024 at 17:37

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

With us having a few dry days I will get out into the garden after breakfast to do some weeding and prune some plants back. May have to upset my neighbours by cutting the lawns before 10-00 then its visiting time at the hospital 12 till 8. Unfortunately every thing at this time has been put on the back burner to the extent if I don't have time I may temporary have to employ some one to do the gardens

Replied: 2nd Jun 2024 at 08:42

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Major changes this year I plan to get rid of a bamboo bush out of my front garden it is starting to root under my lawn Also thinking about taking the decking up at the back 20ft x18ft high maintenance and getting past its best. Will put down a flagged patio area with a path and maybe build another raised bed out of the decking timbers if not just cover the remaining area with 20mm golden gravel.A top tip for anyone using rooting powder put some into a bottle top and dip your cuttings into that. This stops cross contamination from just dipping into the pot

Replied: 5th Aug 2024 at 07:28

Posted by: J3mbo (180)

Sounds like a lot of work Peter. I hope you enjoy it

Any tips on weeds? Our block paved drive must have been laid on a bed of seeds. Same with our flags at the back (Although I suspect they go back to when the place was built in the early 60s)

I've sprayed the modern chemicals that kill anything down to the roots. And it does kill them but a month later they start to come back.

Replied: 5th Aug 2024 at 12:44

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

J3mbo I just make a mix of table salt and warm water and water the flags gets rid of most of the weeds and the stubborn ones I dig up with a old knife. Why pay for expensive weed killers

Replied: 6th Aug 2024 at 06:30

Posted by: JR (586)

The Romans used to put salt on tree stumps to stop them from regrowing. Plants work on the principle that the concentration of minerals, salts, etc are greater in solution within the plant than the equivalent in the surrounding soil - subsequently they are able to take in water and minerals. So a lot of salt (or indeed excesses of fertiliser) in the soil will have the opposite effect and sort of such water and minerals from the plant... then it will possible die. So if a plant is struggling, don't automatically think that huge amounts of fertiliser will work... it much more complexed.

Replied: 14th Aug 2024 at 20:34

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

J3mbo I have just turned 70 and am capable of getting the decking up and like every thing in my life now there is no rush to do this.(Yvonne passed away 23rd June) I will pay a local flagger to put the flagged patio /path down and build me a flagged entrance to my back door. Again with the gravel there will be no rush to put this down . I have a wheelbarrow and a shovel and would not over fill the barrow and would get it done over time.The last bush I dug up it took me two days to dig the roots out

Replied: 28th Aug 2024 at 07:47
Last edited by PeterP: 1st Sep 2024 at 08:11:24

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Anne last year I lost my Cordyline but after cutting it down there are now at least 5 new growths from the base may try to divide them. I cut a small hole into the decking to see what was underneath and saw what looked like a wall for a raised bed so will have to wait until I remove the decking to see if it is in good nick. It looks like who ever built the decking just took the coping stones off the wall and put upright timbers onto the wall.It is surprising what you can find in your garden

Replied: 1st Sep 2024 at 08:21

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I had a mad one yesterday and dug the Cordyline out .It was about two foot down but mainly fibrous roots and the soil was easy to dig out. I potted up 5 side shoots from the old tree and put 3 in the greenhouse and left 2 in the back garden hope they all take root and start growing..Down side to all of this clearing is the soil will become a target for cat poo and over the years I have tried all sorts to deter cats from the garden.

Replied: 5th Sep 2024 at 07:08

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

I've hit on a good solution to cat poo Peter, Chicken mesh wire, because the cats can't scratch the soil, they won't poo and even it they did, you just lift that mesh and and because you are keeping it whole and dried up, you avoid that stink from broken poo

Replied: 5th Sep 2024 at 22:15

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Tom you have seen my gardens and apart from it costing a fortune for mesh to cover my soil one cat has started to poo on the lawn. Now the roses have died back I will start taking cutting and same with the blackthorn and the berberis which have very long thorns on them. I will have to get some Lion dung from Chester Zoo cats don't like the smell of that.

Replied: 6th Sep 2024 at 08:18

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

Yea I understand that Peter but, like you said earlier, If you make a clearing where you've took plants out and the soil is soft and loosened , the cats are attacked to that new patch so put a bit of mesh there, the cats don't like walking on it, I think that lion poo is a myth, Cats are very astute and as Soon as I open my door, any cat within 100 yards will bolt out of my garden you ofter here the fence rattle as they hit it at 30 MPH

Replied: 6th Sep 2024 at 08:38

Posted by: marsin (192)

PeterP... i cut small branches from my pine trees and spread them on top of my flower/veg beds.i change them when they start to dry. tried all kinds of deterrents, this works best for me.

Replied: 6th Sep 2024 at 14:55

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Decking all cut up and ready for a big skip I have saved some of the spars which are 4x2 and going to build a pergola to train the grape vine over. I bought a metal rose arch (less than 2years old)but it is useless and started to disintegrate already .Why waste good timber and not bothered about all the screws and nails I have an angle grinder for them I found a pick blade and a small L-shaped hand trowel,but no dead bodies or money

Replied: 13th Sep 2024 at 16:07

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

save yourself the price of a skip, put the wood on facebook marketplace as free to collect wood for reclaiming or firewood, someone will have it,

Replied: 14th Sep 2024 at 00:05

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Tom the decking board cannot be burned even in a log burner due to the chemicals in the timber which could be carcinogenic. If some one wants the spars 4x2 they can have them but they are full of screws but mainly sound timber. There are short lengths of 3x3 which were the upright timbers and they can be cut up for log burners.Told I will need a medium/large skip plenty of work to do yet but no rush

Replied: 14th Sep 2024 at 06:40

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Over the last few days I have planted about 100 bulbs in various parts of the garden, Daffs Anemones Muscari(Grape Hyacinths) Tulips and Snowdrops. About 4-00this morning I was having a quick drink and one of the security lights came on. When I opened the back door there was a grey squirrel bounding across the fence so I will have to keep an eye on the freshly planted bulbs or they will be breakfast for the squirrel. Jo Anne it is 4 years ago you started this thread and its still going but its a pity some more of the viewing members(nearly 5000) did not post about their gardens.

Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 06:47
Last edited by PeterP: 23rd Sep 2024 at 06:52:50

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

You're right Peter, I have put my Garden in Winter mode now, taken out the dead bed plants, cut back the perennials, trimmed the hedges tree and ariated the lawns and give them a winter feed of Hen fertilizer , I don't think it will grow much more this year, Its been a poor growing year all round for me.

Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 09:20

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

I gave my tree a hiar cut too and he seems happy about it

Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 10:01

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I would like to get the lawn cut once more this year. I trimmed 5 bushes and the green bin is two thirds full now and it was only emptied on Thursday

Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 11:50

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

Lots of green tomatoes on the plants yet but, the plants are dying So, I've took the tomatoes off and put them in a draw, according to the wise old gardener, they will turn red in the draw, I've ripped out the plants so, the greenhouse is now a store until next mid Feb when. It all starts again and we hope for better weather un 2025,

Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 18:50

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

I have completed breaking what I can only describe has 5steps made out of concrete floats various sizes from12ft square down to 8ftx3ft . I have kept the latter and also dug about a dozen old broken flags up some about 4" thick. Moved some soil and found 3 steps which I will keep and have flagged. Next job is to get a large skip to get rid of the rubble then get a bricky/flagger to put another layer of brick on the raised bed and fit new copping stones put new flags two ways from my back door and put a brick facing onto these flags . I have about a 9" drop down onto the concrete slab I have kept and about a 2ft drop onto the soil from this slab. Also making a 7ft h x 5ft w x 6ft 6" l Wooden Pergola out of some of the 4"x2" spars to replace the frame which is holding my grape vine up. once all this brick work is complete then I will get about 2 tons of 20mm golden gravel to create a lower maintenance garden with pots on top

Replied: 2nd Oct 2024 at 07:16

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

I'm sure Nanajacquie will gladly arrange the delivery of the gravel Peter, I think she is still at the Helm of wigan turf and top soil, they also do gravel

Jacquie's firm

Replied: 5th Oct 2024 at 16:24

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Just bought two wooden half whisky barrels from B&M £25 each and will be having a ride to Pimbo Nurseries to get some plants and some form of low bush for the rockery at the side of the bungalow. I planted it with wild seed earlier in the year but now cleared it for winter plants.

Replied: 8th Oct 2024 at 10:26

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Rubble removed from back garden started making the frame for the pergola. Bought Viola Winter Pansies Cineraria-silver Leaf and a Kalmia-Peppermint shrub and planted out the rockery in the side garden should have at least a bit of colour over the winter months I still want to do a final cut of the lawns but rain stopped play, If I don't get the chance then will have to use the strimmer on the grass

Replied: 18th Oct 2024 at 09:47

Posted by: tomplum (14114) 

Peter My back lawn was, Toms Flash on wednesday but, It allowed me to try the fire hoses on my new hobby build fire boat and, they work beltin' every cloud has a silver lining

Replied: 18th Oct 2024 at 22:46

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Earlier this year I bought two books to try to up date myself about gardening. One was the RHS gardening month by month which gives me some ideas but the other I dropped a bit of a boob boo which is the RHS plants for places and all of the plant names are in horticultural terms(latin names) so I look at the picture then read the description then have to go online to find the english name
Tomplum as posted on general how he put green tomato's in a draw to ripen and had success with this method

Replied: 31st Oct 2024 at 23:31
Last edited by PeterP: 5th Nov 2024 at 09:40:04

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Pergola frame made and I have stained the back edge.It looks bulky and it took 3 of us to lift it into its rough position. I used two cut spars on either side and one cut spar for each section(two sections) plus two complete lengths of timber on the top.Will finish staining it when weather permits then thread wires from one side through the middle section to the other end about 12-18 inch apart so plants can grow over the frame and be tied onto the wires,no unsightly plastic.I have two chrome lanterns to hang at one end and will transfer a bird box to the middle upright and buy two hanging baskets for the side of the end uprights.Will buy a climber for the outer side cannot make my mind up yet which plant to buy. Getting late in the year for choice may leave it till spring

Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 07:35

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Just come back off my holidays and most of the bushes/shrubs have lost their leaves was going to clear them up today but read the weather report for tomorrow (high winds). So may leave the cleaning up till Sunday has it will be one of two things more leaves or some may get blown out of the garden less work

Replied: 6th Dec 2024 at 09:50

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

Completed the pergola and ended up with candle lanterns at each end .I also put three bird boxes on the side and bought a bug hotel and hung that on the inside.Will wait till next year for the hanging baskets and probably plant a clematis onto the garden side plus two jasmines up against the fence panels either side of the pergola frame to brighten up what is a bland fence

Replied: 24th Dec 2024 at 10:12

Posted by: hollyH (86)

It will look lovely Peter once the plants are established and you'll be able to sit in the sunshine with a glass of wine and take pleasure in what you've worked so hard for over the last months.

Replied: 24th Dec 2024 at 11:33


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