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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: PeterP (11656)

Ena I had that problem a couple of years ago with Maris Piper. I always dug them up and used them on the same day Got round this by digging them up and leaving them for a few days ,Found they did not go into a mush. Last year I changed to Charlotte for earlies and Pentland Crown for main crop got a good crop of both. This year I only planted Charlottes and got a good crop of these. Leaving the raised bed till next year. I am going to cut both pear trees well back later in the year nothing but growth this year (I think I picked about 6 pears off each) If this does not work I think I may dig them up.

Replied: 23rd Oct 2021 at 21:19

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