I have tried to find out via Wigan Council just who owns and is responsible for the maintenance of the Coachroadto no avail yet. I would have thought it would have been ideal for ALL these people who do wrong ie the people that are given community work orders , for them to make an effort to clean and tidy up the path. My next quest is find if the church is responsible for the collapsed wall at on side of the gated entrance to the church-yard. Every time i visit my parents in the church yard it breaks my heart at the condition of the area in general ,it makes one wonder that when your gone ,nobody gives a toss about where one is interred . G.B.
Started: 3rd Jan 2023 at 15:25

GB., it's a railway, not a coachroad. I'm sure I've told you before?
Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 23:37

Tonker , I have to debate this with you . because you say railway well i can state it was never a railway line , why? because the church was built at the start of 1900 ( approx) and the consecration stone laid and church opened in 1926 ,but also my reason to doubt you is that the churchyard was there in and around 1890's ,as for me we had the privilege to be one of the first
families on the new estate that being in 1954 , it was then as is called
"The Coachroad" we were given the keys to 11 Walpole Ave at opposite end to ST .Paul Church , i have no doubt whatsoever i will receive further comments from your goodself Tonks! yrs G.B.
Replied: 4th Jan 2023 at 16:33

Firstly, GB., I might have the wrong idea of what you know as 'the coachroad'.
If it's the public footpath, between the church and the graveyard, it's the responsibility of the council.
Replied: 4th Jan 2023 at 18:47

Eureka! At last we have found the correct path Tonks ,yes it's the path if you like it leads up from Snowden Ave , comes out at the on Warrington Road .Way back at the top used to be an owd building and some lad's from Goose Green used to do WEIGHT LIFTING in it ,i recall a bloke named RICHARDS i think he hailed from Snowden Ave as a youngster me and few of would sit and watch them training another name was Bannister .
BACK to the state of that "path " I will again when next fit will call at the Council in Wigan to see if i can get something done .thanks Tonks cheers i will let you know results ok ! G.B.
Replied: 5th Jan 2023 at 14:54

Aye, well, the path that leads up from Snowden Avenue, over the Smithy Brook bridge and onto the new estate where the new road is, that is the old railway line!
An old friend of mine used to live there, on St.Pauls Avenue, and we sometimes walked through that graveyard as her mum is in there, so I should know!
The chap you're on about, doing weightlifting, would be Frank. He's still very friendly with Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Replied: 6th Jan 2023 at 00:53

IS that true Tonks that was his name Frank Richards he lived in Snowden Ave down where St Jame's School is not far from Poolstock Lane end .just think i might have known you Tonks ,i lived in Walpole Ave 11 oh said that before woops ! I'm not sure if he had a sister or two but in my minds eye i can see us younger kids watching in awe of and some of his mates never knew then he would become famous ,good lad . G,B.
Replied: 6th Jan 2023 at 15:55

It's all true. I wouldn't say it if it weren't. The old railway line ran at the back of the church, alongside the graveyard then over t'Smithy Brook. It's all overgrown, that's why I thought you meant that one, with you saying it needs clearing.
The path that goes between the church and the graveyard is a public footpath, therefore it should be looked after by the local authority. Gerrum Towd!
Replied: 7th Jan 2023 at 01:52

GB - Here's a film of Frank doing his stuff in Mister Olympia, 1985.
Replied: 7th Jan 2023 at 16:42

WOW TONKER ! Thanks mate for finding that for me , i just cannot get my head round that ,that we as kids at Goose Green hut at to of Coachroad top near church used to sit in there mainly when it was raining and watch him and his mates training , still pinch myself , do you know what happened to him or what he is doing now Tonks??? u would like to know , wow still can't get over it . Thanks G..B ..
Replied: 9th Jan 2023 at 16:56

Coachroad my arse!
They'd NEVER get a coach down that path!
Replied: 17th Jan 2023 at 19:10
Last edited by tonker: 17th Jan 2023 at 19:11:15
GB, Tonker, are you talking about the former Winstanley Colliery railway that went to the tippler at Wigan Pier? That line ran near St Paul's.
Replied: 2nd Feb 2023 at 15:08

Yes Brasted, that's the one. GB doesn't seem to know about any railway line there, but it was, and the trees behind the church is where it went, past the graveyard and over Smithy Brook. It's now a footpath.
Actually, it's the footpath that GB was talking about, from Warrington Road, between church and graveyard, then over Smithy Brook bridge to the new houses. Laaaaike!
Replied: 2nd Feb 2023 at 22:01
Thought it was.
Replied: 4th Feb 2023 at 13:17

Tonker ,,
When one stands atop of the bridge up top end of Little lane one could have seen the two lines split one down to robbin and Wallgate tuther towards Tippings railway bridge in point of fact we used to scale the railway banking during summer hols ,Which is now the route of the "new bypass ,so tha sees Tonks i did and do know about line , G.B
Replied: 8th Feb 2023 at 15:43

Tonker ,,
When one stands atop of the bridge up top end of Little lane one could have seen the two lines split one down to robbin and Wallgate tuther towards Tippings railway bridge in point of fact we used to scale the railway banking during summer hols ,Which is now the route of the "new bypass ,so tha sees Tonks i did and do know about line , G.B
Replied: 8th Feb 2023 at 15:43

Now - ".... i did and do know about line"
Five weeks ago - ".... you say railway well i can state it was never a railway line .... "
Replied: 8th Feb 2023 at 18:14
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