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The Corruption of Football???

Started by: GOLDEN BEAR (6659) 

I have come out of retirement briefly to ask all sports minded people to log onto the YOU TUBE CHANNEL and view the following,,,,

"""BRITAINS BIGGEST FOOTBALL SCANDAL""" As i have stated this was just a short message and will cease again!!

Started: 13th Apr 2024 at 15:19

Posted by: peter g (3585) 

Whups beat u to that one GB

Replied: 13th Apr 2024 at 16:17

Posted by: chatty (9773)

For all those dads who try to indoctrinate their kids It should be on the national curriculum so there is no doubt

Replied: 14th Apr 2024 at 00:20

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

What like letting a player get away with sneaking out of a drugs test that corruption or the corruption of paying Howard Webb to win them games or being allowed to be 1 billion pound in debt come on GB spit it out or or is your jealousy of city being far better than Trafford these days

Replied: 14th Apr 2024 at 09:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

unlike city who nobble jurys, break ffp laws , pay managers & players thru the back door, have paedos training young lads , get fined £10 million for breaking eufa laws . take your pick whippet yed .

Replied: 14th Apr 2024 at 12:08

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

Good to see your post G B .
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Whups alerted a while ago regarding the U TUBE vid.
Staggering corruption .
I see the dirties are virtually begging people to buy tickets for the cup game v Chelsea and for the return leg v Real this coming week.
What an embarrassment of a club.
Big club my arse.

Replied: 14th Apr 2024 at 12:26

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Come back GB

Replied: 14th Apr 2024 at 18:17


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