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Started by: sammys (292) 

It seems klopp like Alex ferguson leaving a sinking ship

Started: 11th Apr 2024 at 23:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

oh dear dear dear , wot a bad result .

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 00:14

Posted by: Tiger cat (1151) 

Hope frecky ok after that result
But ah well, never mind, very sad.

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 04:46

Posted by: peter g (3585) 

That was awful what I saw of it last night Still It's only half time. Sammy you must be due for your second ever visit to Old Trafford now. Been once in his life and even a freebee in a box and he's a super fan I've been there more times than him

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 11:22

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your wrong there peter he,s been quite a few times . he,s also been on the stretford end back in the day , i know coz i was with him many times .

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 11:42

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 11:44

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

Chatty .

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 12:36

Posted by: sammys (292) 

I have also been to anfield against muchengladbach ero semi final think jimmy case was playing and the bloke who used to play for arsenal scored a header forgot his name

Replied: 12th Apr 2024 at 17:51


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