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Shatty thinks boy wonder is better than foden

Started by: eggbeater (3072)

BWAHAHAHAHA not fit to lace Phil's boots

Started: 3rd Apr 2024 at 22:42

Posted by: sammys (292) 

Is that billy no mates

Replied: 3rd Apr 2024 at 23:48

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Yes that's shatty I'm glad you know him as billy no mates! I know him as billy LIAR

Replied: 4th Apr 2024 at 00:41
Last edited by eggbeater: 4th Apr 2024 at 00:42:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no that,s you & your the biggest liar on here .

Replied: 4th Apr 2024 at 01:37

Posted by: Erling (275)


Replied: 5th May 2024 at 13:14


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