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Bevan French

Started by: Joe Maplin (903)

Signed a new four year deal,
Happy with that

Started: 3rd Apr 2024 at 15:48

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Fantastic news

Replied: 3rd Apr 2024 at 18:55

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes great news .

Replied: 4th Apr 2024 at 00:19

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

That's put paid to the speculation that like Wardle, he was going to a NRL club.

Well done, Wigan!

Replied: 4th Apr 2024 at 07:45

Posted by: peter g (3585) 

Great news

Replied: 4th Apr 2024 at 13:09


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