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Saints V Wigan

Started by: wigvet (3561)

Brings Good Fridays ALIVE!!
Be in a packed pub watching a Wigan win, hopefully
Should be a cracker !!!

Started: 28th Mar 2024 at 19:25

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Close call….hard to call….hope it’s not a golden point thing

Replied: 28th Mar 2024 at 22:15

Posted by: Joe Maplin (903)

Match day …here we go
Much too close to call this one

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 08:05

Posted by: whups (13685) 

saints - 20 wigan 24 .

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 12:06

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

Hope your right Brian ,I'll go Wigan by 8

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 13:24

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Saints have not been firing on all cylinders this season and I hope Wigan up their game and come out the winners

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 14:39

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Not to be ..one game too far and playing with 12 men for 26 minutes impossible at that level….not sure why ISA gets so much game time…no excuses today

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 18:10

Posted by: Tiger cat (1151) 

Good game to watch with two very good teams ,some hard tackles flying in with both teams giving 100%.

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 18:33

Posted by: Joe Maplin (903)

great game,no excuses..best team won
Hard lines Wigan...discipline has got to improve,can't play
with 12 every week

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 21:25

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

The discipline has been a problem for the last few seasons and needs to be rectifield otherwise, more games and winning points will be thown away like yesterday!

Replied: 30th Mar 2024 at 06:40

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Tough game again Thursday where discipline is vital and emotions run high

Replied: 30th Mar 2024 at 07:48

Posted by: peter g (3585) 

We was "Kendalled " again

Replied: 30th Mar 2024 at 12:10

Posted by: kathpressey (5620) 

it was a tough game and a sad result but you can't win them all. At least it stops Sts fand constantly moaning that games are fixed to let Wigan win and the refs are biased towards Wigan

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 08:39

Posted by: ian c (446)

just like to point out that discipline as not been a problem over the last 2 seasons.
2022 we conceded the least amount of penalties
2023 we conceded the 2nd least amount of penalties.
this season we are the worst so for for conceding penalties.

Replied: 1st Apr 2024 at 19:55

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

ian c

The disipline I was on about is not just about penalties conceeded in the last three seasons for offences like offside, not standing square etc, but the number of players receiving yellow/red cards and suspensions which has gone on beyond 2022.

Two games have now been lost against St Helens as a result of a player being red carded (one of which was in a Grand Final) with both players getting heavty suspensions.

Replied: 9th Apr 2024 at 06:56


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