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R.I.P. Larry LLoyd

Started by: peter g (3585) 

Loved him at Liverpool Loved him at Latics R.I.P. Big fellow

Started: 28th Mar 2024 at 13:17

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Strangely enough I was watching extended highlights of this game just the other day.

R.I.P. Larry Loyd

Replied: 28th Mar 2024 at 16:45
Last edited by chatty: 28th Mar 2024 at 16:48:43

Posted by: peter g (3585) 

.Yea, Went that one chatty I remember it well, I thought there would have been a bit more response though from others seeing as it was a Wigan Post. Then again probably not

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 12:16

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Loved the Larry Lloyd time at latics..he always had a pint in the Ben Johnson after a game on his way home..my wife worked there then when Bill and Mollie had it

Replied: 29th Mar 2024 at 18:12

Posted by: Erling (275)

R.i.p. Larry Lloyd He was a good no nonsense player Also the lack of Man Utd posters on this topic is noticeable I hope you remember this Peter G when Denis Law or Paddy Crerand pops their clogs.

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 12:47

Posted by: peter g (3585) 

Thank You Erling point taken

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 13:27

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Erm, using a memorial post to points score never a good look....

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 13:45

Posted by: Erling (275)

chatty Not points scoring at all, You are the only one who can come out with credit

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 16:13

Posted by: Tiger cat (1151) 

Erling, its a silly post,
There are 7817 registered members on wigan world and you make a silly remark about united followers not posting,
Dont get like eggflip, thats the type of post he would make.

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 17:12
Last edited by Tiger cat: 31st Mar 2024 at 17:48:07

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

Spot on T C .
We are damned if we post overmuch .
We are damned if we fail to post .
I never had a firm opinion regarding Larry Lloyd as a player but i will say R I P .

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 18:33

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Nothing to do with credit really, people die everyday many who have been in the public eye at one time or another and you could spend all day on websites posting R.I.P. if that was your want, plenty times on here a ex sportsman has been mentioned and many haven't posted, outside of the Yorkshire Ripper and a few more I'm sure most will hope they rest in peace
Just a bit disappointing that United fans were highlighted when there are folk on here who "used to have a season ticket for the Latics" didn't post?
Then again there will be some glory hunters who only jumped on the band waggon when they reached the Prem and probably don't have a clue that Larry led them to their first promotion as a league club...

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 21:18
Last edited by chatty: 31st Mar 2024 at 21:40:21

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes erling it,s a cheap shot . thought better of you .

Replied: 31st Mar 2024 at 23:46

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

Spot on chatty and whups.

Replied: 1st Apr 2024 at 09:00


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