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Message to Admin. Open a new board please.

Started by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

And name it not right in the head. Just so the delusional one can have a board named after him

Started: 14th Jan 2024 at 17:53

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 


Replied: 14th Jan 2024 at 19:07

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

admin speyk cant be on about me because hes ignoring me he said! or is he pretending like the rest?

Replied: 14th Jan 2024 at 22:40
Last edited by eggbeater: 14th Jan 2024 at 22:41:52

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

admin ive tried numerous times to stop all this bickering but everybattempt as fallen on deaf ears the trafford fans want free range to bully anybody they choose but theres no way ill let that happen i have stuck up for the bullied posters and will continue to do so
admin they are desperate to get me banned please dont fall for their rubbish they know they cannot and will not beat me please stand firm with me against the bullies thank you

Replied: 14th Jan 2024 at 22:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

a complete lie as usual .

Replied: 14th Jan 2024 at 23:47

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

I see the delusional one says i can't be on about him but yet he responds. How thick is he? And i will ask him again to show me anywhere i have posted that i have him on total ignore? I will try for the last time to explain it again. I respond to some of your drivel if it amuses me to do so and if i choose not to respond then i just ignore your post. Any chance of you finally getting the message now?

And you posted.

"i have stuck up for the bullied posters and will continue to do so"

That comment just proves how delusional you are.

So who are those bullied posters you claim to stick up for

Replied: 15th Jan 2024 at 09:54
Last edited by ahcawntspeyk: 15th Jan 2024 at 10:10:27

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

speyk ask shatty why he calls frecky specky and codger todger! hes the trouble maker not me!!! i have never called anyone till they called me

Replied: 15th Jan 2024 at 16:59

Posted by: chatty (9773)

...he's the trouble maker not me!!!

And before you get a hard on.
As per ahcawntspeyk: I respond to some of your drivel if it amuses me to do so and if i choose not to respond then i just ignore your post.

Replied: 15th Jan 2024 at 17:54
Last edited by chatty: 15th Jan 2024 at 18:09:59

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

I see the missing man is back! I bet he's giving it Billy big bollocks with his 6 hole doc martins on he wasn't hard enough to wear big boy docs

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 11:03

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

For the attention of the delusional one.

So chatty calls other posters by incorrect names. What has that got to do with you They are big boys and I'm sure if they were in any way bothered about it they would say so. Or maybe just respond in the same manner. It is only YOU who assume they are being bullied and thinks you are a super hero by so called sticking up for them when they don't need anyone to do that. You could of course prove me wrong by showing me anywhere that any of those you class as being bullied have actually recognised you as there knight in shining armour for leaping to there defence and given thanks to you for doing so. Go on...... I'll wait.

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 11:03

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Yip there he goes Captain Y fronts to the rescue

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 11:56

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 12:01

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Glad to see I'm still being ignored well into 24 hahahaha you lot couldn't lie straight in bed

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 13:31

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Yea correct not as much as you're ignoring the question: Who's being "bullied" and who ask you to stick up for them?
In your own time "Captain"

PS. Which part of......."And before you get a hard on.
As per ahcawntspeyk: I respond to some of your drivel if it amuses me to do so and if i choose not to respond then i just ignore your post".........are you struggling to grasp?

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 15:27

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

He's here again mr bullshit starting threads laughing about people ignoring me well into 2024!!


Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 15:42
Last edited by eggbeater: 16th Jan 2024 at 15:43:49

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Yea I noticed quite a few people stopped "ignoring" you recently to nip on and tell you what they thought of you.

How did that turn out......."SITE MURDERER"

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 17:18

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Hahahahaha you really thowt I'd be scared if you NOT A CHANCE OF THAT BILL

Replied: 16th Jan 2024 at 17:39

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it seems all the nutcases arnt in rampton .

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 01:10

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

This was posted by the delusional one just before Christmas.

You are all on ignore so I won't be replying to any of you in future I know what your game is you want me to overstep the mark and get myself banned but you have shot yourselves in the foot I will just post whatever I want from now on lol I hope you are happy hahahaha

If that doesn't show how warped he is i don't know what will, if he has us all on ignore what's the point of him posting whatever he wants ? Who is he posting them to if he supposedly won't make any replies Does he just keep reading them to himself over and over muttering and chunnering?

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 10:12

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he,s full of lies speyk & he once said this " ok chatty you win . i,ll never put another reply on these boards " . that lasted around a day . a complete lair if ever there was one .

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 11:22

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 12:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i think this idiot is now history . no-one is taking him on & refraining to get drawn into any conversation with him . long may it last .

Replied: 26th Feb 2024 at 12:21

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)



Replied: 26th Feb 2024 at 14:38

Posted by: whups (13685) 


Replied: 26th Feb 2024 at 15:10

Posted by: whups (13685) 

25 blogs & no replies . HISTORY .

Replied: 7th Mar 2024 at 15:36

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

An open message to admin workshys SKRIKING again

Replied: 7th Mar 2024 at 16:15

Posted by: whups (13685) 


Replied: 7th Mar 2024 at 23:45

Posted by: roylew (4096)

I’ve tried raising the subjects of Wigan Rugby and Latics…Manchester supporters are blinkered

Replied: 8th Mar 2024 at 07:58

Posted by: chatty (9773)

roylew I don't think you have noticed but 95% of the things posted on these boards about Manchester aren't from a supporter.
And blinkered isn't one of the adjectives I would use to describe said poster.
PS. No doubt the needy child will now consider this post some kind of invitation to start seeking my attention

Replied: 8th Mar 2024 at 16:24

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Eyup he's finally showed up hahahaha calls other people for going missing! The brass necked idiot

Replied: 8th Mar 2024 at 22:08

Posted by: whups (13685) 

and roylew he,s reportedly a latics supporter .

Replied: 8th Mar 2024 at 23:48

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Same time every neet eh midnight moron? Your up to something very dodgy you workshy! Are you on your break from being a rentboy?

Replied: 9th Mar 2024 at 10:17

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your history .

Replied: 9th Mar 2024 at 23:45


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