what's the appley bridge skull

and why can't it be moved.
Started: 21st Sep 2009 at 21:33
The following is from off wikipedia.
In between Appley Lane North and Miles Lane is a road called Skull House Lane. The lane takes its name from a cottage known as Skull House, which is located about halfway down Appley Lane North.
The story goes that in the time of the war between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers, Oliver Cromwell ordered that the monks of England should be driven out of their monasteries and killed, with their monasteries then razed to the ground. One canny monk fled from his monastery and took refuge in a large cottage in Appley Bridge. To try to avoid discovery by Cromwell's Roundheads, the monk hid in a small cubby-hole halfway up the house's chimney. He hid there for some time, until the Roundheads eventually discovered him, and tried to drive him out. They lit a blaze in the fireplace, and the searing heat and thick smoke eventually forced the monk out, whence he was killed. Ever since then, the monk's discoloured skull has remained on the mantelpiece of the house, in the living room.
The inhabitants of Appley Bridge tell that, throughout the history of the house, there have been many residents who have tried to get rid of the skull, and all have experienced disastrous results from doing so. According to legend, one threw it into the River Douglas at the bottom of Appley Lane North. Shortly after, the skull returned to the house and the offending resident drowned in the river. Another tried to get it as far away from the house as possible, and shortly after, the skull returned once again and this time, the house's inhabitant fell down the stairs and severely injured himself. Others have tried many ways to banish the skull, and all have met with misfortune or fatality—sickness, the death of a loved one, bad luck ... the list goes on and on. The house's current residents have, unsurprisingly, never tried to remove the skull.
Replied: 21st Sep 2009 at 22:11

A bit puzzling this, Oliver Cromwell, yes, we're all familiar with him, but, there was a Thomas Cromwell who was involved in the dissolution of the monasteries. Oliver was Thomas's great-great-grandnephew.
Replied: 21st Sep 2009 at 22:33
Last edited by dave©: 21st Sep 2009 at 23:02:36

I thought this was a wind up when a pal asked me if I knew anything about it.
So does this skull really exist ? Or are we into ancient urban myths.
Replied: 21st Sep 2009 at 23:13
It certainly does I have seen it for myself when a friend of my mothers lived there.
Replied: 22nd Sep 2009 at 18:21

Done some detective work and discovered the Skull is not in Skull House Lane but in Beacon View.
Still not sure I believe it though.
Replied: 22nd Sep 2009 at 21:25

The skull is called Charlie, even though forensic tests have
found it to be that of a woman.
Replied: 23rd Sep 2009 at 13:47

this skull hasnt got anything to do with the Dangerous Corner corpse has it.??
Replied: 23rd Sep 2009 at 19:23

What's the dangerous corner corpse?
Replied: 1st Oct 2009 at 23:39
Replied: 2nd Oct 2009 at 09:51

Alas poor Yorick I dont think it was Charlie from Appley Bridge.But I could be wrong.
Replied: 2nd Oct 2009 at 23:42
This is a really old thread but I thought I'd add to it .I used to live in Skull House on Beacon View .The skull was never there while I lived there for a few years .The owners often sent it away for preservation ,display etc .No ill befell them or me .There was a cupboard above the fireplace where it used to be housed , allegedly .The house was full of character and quirks , but not all frightening or spooky .I lived there alone (F) and felt perfectly safe .Myths have sprung around Skull House for years but it was just a very lovely old house with an odd name .
Replied: 11th Jul 2022 at 00:34
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