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Started by: bentlegs (5330)

Can anyone tell me where Meeks house is please I got a letter from the NHS asking me to go for an eye test ,I have never heard of the place, Thankyou

Started: 29th Oct 2023 at 09:46

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Bentlegs get off a bus at wigan railway station cross over the road and head towards the town centre go past King Street then take the second side street on your right Bretherton row. Clinic on your right about half way down

Replied: 29th Oct 2023 at 10:46

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Take a ball of string with you. Tie one end of it to the bus stop and unwind it as you go. Tie the other end to the door handle of Meeks Building.
Hey Presto, when you come out, simply follow the string and you'll find your way back to the bus stop.
But, you'll have to ask someone directions anyway, as the bus that stops for you will be going the wrong way!

PS: do you want to borrow a sat-nav?

Replied: 29th Oct 2023 at 20:59
Last edited by tonker: 29th Oct 2023 at 22:45:06

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


Others who have a eye test are getting the same letter directing them to new town centre clinic in Bretherton Row which is not as suitable as the previous one which was in the former Boots unit in the Gallaries, but if you have walking dificultities or need parking at a premises, you can telephoned them on the number on the letter and request one which is more suitable to meet your needs.

But if you require parking, you need someone to take you there as you are not to drive home after having the test.

Replied: 31st Oct 2023 at 07:22
Last edited by Owd Codger: 31st Oct 2023 at 07:41:05

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Tonks when I was coming home after having Retinopathy at the Meeks Building I walked down to the station to catch a bus home. At arriving at the station there are three bus shelters and not wishing to jump any queue I ask which one was for the No 10/A and was told use any and when the bus came just signal for it to stop. This I did and only a handful of people got on the bus not a scrum down of people waiting to get this bus

Replied: 31st Oct 2023 at 07:28

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tonker, that bll of string would be better tied to your goolies and the back of a bus I will ring the bell for go

Replied: 31st Oct 2023 at 11:06

Posted by: basil brush (19583)

well said

Replied: 31st Oct 2023 at 11:09

Posted by: tony j (803) 

with you on that one bentlegs.

Replied: 31st Oct 2023 at 14:01

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Thanks all for the directions to Meeks house.

Replied: 2nd Nov 2023 at 10:37

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Replied: 2nd Nov 2023 at 16:15

Posted by: Pyeyta (82)

Go down by the side of the old Wallpaper Supplies from Library St and turn right and its on your left up some steps

Replied: 5th Nov 2023 at 14:15

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

No it's not. It's on your right up some steps.

Don't make Bentlegs any more lost than he already is!

Replied: 5th Nov 2023 at 20:01

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Walk up Wallgate from the station and turn right at the black and white building into Rowbottom Square.
The lady with the pram is about to cross King Street, she’s walking past what was the Minorca.



Replied: 6th Nov 2023 at 21:46

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Gaffer even though the Meeks building is in Rowbottom square you have to go down Bretherton row which leads to the back of the Meeks building for eye tests

Replied: 6th Nov 2023 at 23:25

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Peter P

Thanks. Perhaps you can point out the actual location on this map for Bentlegs. You can move the map with your finger.

Bretherton Row

Replied: 7th Nov 2023 at 08:56

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Gaffer the entrance is up the ramp on the photo at the front of the range rover. I think Bentlegs has been for his appointment

Replied: 7th Nov 2023 at 10:11

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Done and dusted, I could have gone down King St or down the alley frombWallgate thanks anyway,

Replied: 13th Nov 2023 at 19:34

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Hope the results are what you wanted.

Replied: 13th Nov 2023 at 21:04


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