How time flies by
Commenting about my one visit to Ashurst Beacon(PAD ) many years ago it got me thinking about how many years it has been since visiting some local spots. Billinge Hill beacon it must be over 50 years since I last visited it, same with Carr Mill dam rode past it hundreds of times but never visited .It is over 10years since I visited Haigh Hall.When you sit back and think what is within 30mins from home that you have not visited for years.Even the Three Sisters which is on my doorstep it is a few years ago I last paid a visit
Started: 22nd Nov 2024 at 08:03

And many more places too Peter, Since I started cycling I found ,many many parks, wet lands and local area's of interest, The old pit workings from Carr Mill through. Bold , Clock Face, Sutton Manor to Widnes have all become other recreation areas. There's a whole new World unexplored that is rich in nature steeped in History and folk law, Here's a a Sample
How Fiddlers Ferry got its name'
Many years ago there was a ferry across the Mersey Estuary, It was run by an Italian man, Just a small boat pulled across the Mersey by a rope, His name was Viola and Scousers being what they are nicknamed him Fiddler and the crossing became known as Fiddlers Ferry,
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 08:24
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 12:10

I do love myths and legends.
You've brought back a lovely childhood memory of mine, about Carr Mill Dam.
When we were kids in the 50s, dad would pack us into the car and take us there some Sunday afternoons so we'd be out from under mum's feet whilst she was cooking Sunday dinner.
As I recall it, it had a little fairground, ice cream stands, and cafes etc, and, if I remember rightly, people could hire rowing boats for a sail round the dam. It was lovely.
Many years later, my husband and I went there as he'd never heard of it, but it wasn't the leisure park I'd once known, as all there was, was just the dam. Such a shame.
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 21:29

You're right Mollie, It once was a great pleasure ground with, Speed boats too, the Speed boats had lots of meetings though out the year,
<< cough>> talking about boats, I've just in the last couple of days purchased another boat, , I'll be recruiting Galley staff and fisherpersons to go out in the open waters soon,
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 22:48

Of course, yes, there were speed boats as well. It was a wonderful place to go. I wonder why it was all changed?
You and your flippin' boats. We're going to have to re-name you to Captain Pugwash!
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 22:52

Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 23:00
Mollie Carr Mill also had a miniature railway which run along the side of the dam.Years ago a couple went on holiday to Blackpool and went on a Mystery coach trip and ended up at Carr Mill
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 23:07

Its still a pleasant place to visit Peter, The Toby steak bar at the front and walk round to the old boat yard and there is another pub/cafe with a big outdoor garden with a marquee for a lunch or pint and on a sunny day, the place is bustling, lots of wogdarkers and ramblers and they do a special wogdalkers lunch, its a bowl of soup , sandwich and a drink for a £fiver, brill on a cold day,,
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 23:16

Tom: That's a bonny boat.
Peter: I didn't remember the miniature railway, so we probably didn't go on it, otherwise I would have remembered.
People usually end up IN Blackpool on a mystery tour but, if Carr Mill was as I remember it, it would have been nice then.
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 23:16

Pennington Flash is another nice place to go, lots of folks mulling about, bird watching hides, walks, bike rides ,golf course, Its interconnected to the canal which goes from Wigan to Manchester, The Bridgewater Canal was the first canal in the northwest and linked up to the Leeds/Liverpool at leigh If you have a barge/narrowboat, From Leigh to Manchester, there are no locks so. its plain sailing all the way, I might put my boats in the marina at Bickershaw, Sorry before I get a ' tonkering' its Plonk Lone marina
Replied: 22nd Nov 2024 at 23:42
Last edited by tomplum: 22nd Nov 2024 at 23:49:37
I was born at the other end from Carr Mill, Garswood Old Road Garswood. During the summer we (6 kids )would walk to Carr Mill down the lane which was tarmacced past the farms then for the tip which shot off to the left.The dirt track then carried on under a curved railway bridge,We spent a good amount of time rolling coins or washers under this bridgeIf I remember the track then had a right hand bend and there was a cottage on the left then the entrance to the power boating club on the right after a few hundred yards you came up to the overflow for the dam then the funfair.I am talking 60-65 years ago so no Tonks if my memory is not quite right after this amount of time. Last time I went that way was in about 1972ish when I used to ride my motorbike from St Helens Tech to Downall Green
Replied: 23rd Nov 2024 at 06:20

That track is called ' Old Garswood Rd' even thou its not tarmacked its called that all the way to the Toby pub, Under the bridge is very bad in wet weather, Take a pair of wellies if you go there, its wet there even in dry spells and folks put planks down to walk on which, is a pain for us cyclists
Replied: 23rd Nov 2024 at 09:18
I was chatting to my son about holidays and I said it was just over 6 yrs ago when we last had a holiday.We booked a B&B in Beccles Suffolk for a week but ended coming home after 3 days Yvonne could not settle and wanted to come home. Apart from days out that was the last holiday we had away from home.If you get the chance make the most of life and get out and about before it is to late.
Replied: 25th Nov 2024 at 08:31

Tom, firstly, the Bridgewater was NOT the first canal in the north-west.
Secondly, they still race powerboats on Car Mill Dam.
And, finally, it’s ‘Garswood Old Road’.
etc., etc., etc., …….
PS. It’s proper sunny here !
Replied: 26th Nov 2024 at 14:06

Thank you oh wise one for the informative corrections and hope your Sunny day gets more interesting for you, I can just see you now, sat there nit picking my posts drinking tea and aldie mars bar copy cat snacks,,
Replied: 26th Nov 2024 at 14:20

I’ve just had chorizo and spinach tortilla and a cup of tea. Now to carry on with some rendering (scratch-coat!).
Replied: 26th Nov 2024 at 14:29

Tommy tee. good informative video but,, I know that yoo are APLS and thats not yoo on that barge, Is it one of your mates are have yoo pirated that video, not that I'm bothered about royalties or filming rights or any infringements, I'm just curious is All,
Replied: 26th Nov 2024 at 17:28

No, I just recorded it off a TV program, but has regards copyright on video's, if you set the video has 'Unlisted' on YouTube, which means it cannot be searched for on Google or YouTube, only someone who has the link or has been given the link can watch it, that tends to solve the copyright issues, it does not solve the copyright issue's completely, but there is a lot less hassle about it
Replied: 26th Nov 2024 at 18:24

Thanks Tommy tee,
Replied: 26th Nov 2024 at 21:12
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