I’ve never known it to be so quiet on here. I had a quick nosy at 4.30 this afternoon and was amazed to find that the last person to have posted was me at 00.40 last night, and it still is.
Have you all lost your tongues? Where’ve you all been? Have you all gone into hibernation on this cowd and miserable day?
Started: 16th Nov 2024 at 17:46
Mollie, thought that mesell. I have been for a CT scan at Leigh Infirmary at 4pm, it was like a morgue in there as well!
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 19:04

It's very unusual, Rio, as folk on here have always got summat to say!
Mayhap it'll pick up a bit later when they've had their tea and their bellies have gone down!
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 19:17

I've been to Fleetwood today doing sea trials in me boat, The sea was a bit choppey and there were loads of yachts using the wind to power them with sails in and out of the buoys , I thought my prop powered boat would ' see then off' But it did't in fact it was just the opposite . they used the wind to their advantage and being a land lubber , I struggled against the wind because the prop was not powerful enough and my sailing skills are not good enough for off shore adventures YET,,,
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 21:06

You old sea dog! How is Buggerlugs these days? And what about Rum Bugger? Did you manage to get her sea-worthy again?
I love Fleetwood. We used to go there once a month where I would spend a fortune on new going out clothes. Can't do that anymore though as I can't afford it, but I did like it there.
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 21:20

Fleetwood is Brill Mollie, Its got a thriving market , a seafront, beaches, Beach huts. loverly walks and a cycle path to Blackpool or you can get on a tram to Blackpool, there's a ferry to Knott end and nice Beaches there too and its not over welmed with souvenir shops, toffee rock shops and the normal seaside town cheap tat shops and arcades, There a good chippy ans several cafe's and just down the road is what used to be Freeport, Its been renamed now and, its a shopping center based on a marina with all the posh shops what you ladies like.
They've put a new road into it as well now from the junction off the M55. its much better now to get there, About 45 mins from Wigan,
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 21:45

The bit we enjoyed to go to was on the sea front and there was a street called Adelaide Street just off the main drag and there was a little cafe towards the top on the left hand side. I'm pretty sure that's where the market is, but was always closed on Sundays when we went. The Ladies clothes shop was called Javid.
On that main drag, there was a cafe, a couple of other shops, and a retro sweet shop. Don't know if they're still there though as this was 16 years ago last time we went. Not sure if that's the same area you were in.
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 21:54

Did yoo go on the Pier
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 22:35

16 years ago well, Lots of changed since then. The Ferry from the isle of man has stopped since then, the kipper shop has gone, the fishing boat trip has gone, the Museum has gone, I was walking up the prom a few years ago and a lady stopped me and asked, What was that there and pointed at a pile of bricks and rubble, Its on the sea front about 200/300 yards from the Life boat station and, I couldn't remember then and could only hazard a guess at a slot machine arcade, ?
Parking on the sea front is still free but, To get a good spot you need to get there before the crows cos, folks tend to park there and watch the tide come in and go out, go for a walk in between and never move their car, I really like Fleetwood because its still got that quintessential English atmosphere with , tram tracks in the streets, Terraced houses in side streets and corner shops with local people running them, Great place.
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 22:47

Tommy, Pier ? I don't think they have one There is a life boat launching structure if thats what you mean,,,
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 22:49

The Lifeboat Station. For the life of me I couldn't remember the name of it. If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's got a flat roof and I'd make him lift me up onto it and we'd eat the butties and pies I'd made for the day out. Dead opposite is Adelaide Street where I bought my things.
We never went round the town, which I'm sorry about now that it's too late.
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 22:56

Fleetwood pier burned down in 2008.
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 23:06

Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 23:06

Oh, no, that wasn't it. The little building I'm remembering was on the main road. Don't know where I was, but that's nothing new!
Replied: 16th Nov 2024 at 23:12
The new road into Fleetwood which is part of the A585 is along what was a section of the Kirkham Junction to Fleetwood railway line which was closed in 1965, but was still used until 1967 for excursions.
Now as a result of all the new housing being built and new businesses opening having been opened in the area, there is a plan to built a new railway line from Poulton to Burn Naze just outside Fleetwood, but that now faces a uncertainty as a result of the new Labour government cutting the funding of some railway projects.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 07:07
Last edited by Owd Codger: 17th Nov 2024 at 07:18:37

Her indoors has had me painting inside the house too to bottom ..new colour scheme..."Egyptian Cotton".. sick of the sight of it already. Then follows the dreaded Glossing..Aaaarrgghhhh.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 15:15

Now that is a job I used to love doing, but no longer can. I used to wallpaper and paint, and a time came when I had to teach my partner how to hang wallpaper. It was necessary as he was 6ft to my 5ft and, by a certain age, I could no longer go up a ladder.
The last room I painted was my bedroom a few years ago when I still could, and it looked lovely when I finished, although it did take me two weekends to complete, but it gave me a lot of satisfaction getting it done.
Stopped bothering with wallpaper though at one point, preferring just paint, and we'd both get stuck into it. My house desperately needs re-painting now and is an eyesore, so there's another job for you here when you've finished!
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 15:56

There's a job I detest, painting and paper hanging, I always think of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer when painting has to be done and after avoiding is as long as I can, I phone ' a man who can'.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 16:06

Unlike t plum I loved decorating, even papering ceilings but always with someone to keep watch over me. Only needed to do the ceilings once, emulsioned ever after. Nowadays like mollie, quite beyond me.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 17:47
I was shocked to see the price of paint with most glosses being £28-36 for 750ml and emulsion from £28 for 2.5ltre I was looking at some emulsion but changed colour because it would have cost me £56 for 5ltrs because I would have had to buy two x 2.5ltr at£28 got an emulsion for £36 a tin
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 18:03

That is shocking, Peter. Last time I bought a 5Ltr tin it was about £18 from Stretton's in Pemberton. He had colour charts and would mix paints to any shade you wanted for no extra charge. Sadly he closed years ago.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 18:55

Peter those prices are not accidents, Someone somewhere works out how far a tin will go then will make a tin, just too small for an average house forcing the person to buy two tins,
I found this out from plumbing, An average house is , 6 metres wide so they sell guttler in 4 metre lengths, So you need two and your left with 2 metres you don't need, same goes for down spouts,
The DIY stores know this and will sell 3 meter lengths but charge more so you can't win,
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 19:51

Aye they know how line their own pockets, and take out of ours, robbing swine.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 19:53

Where I get paint from, it's ......
£7.49 + vat for 750ml gloss.
£13.39 + vat for 10 litres matt or satin emulsion.
That's Johnstone's. Leyland is slightly less, Berger slightly more. Crown and Dulux a bit more. Armstead a bit more still.
But I've never seen paint THAT dear, Peter!
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 21:04
Tonker go on line for B&Q and some of their paints are £75 a tin I got a tin of Armstead buttermilk gloss last week just under £8 a tin
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 21:23

Talking about the price of things these days. My brother came with me to Lidl today as I hadn't done any food shopping since May. I was picking things up without really looking at the prices, but then it suddenly dawned on me the price hike over the last six months. I still got enough for my needs for the time being, but I'll be sure to be frugal with it.
I won't go hungry though.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 21:47

Mollie, that made me laugh out loud, you ain't done no shopping since May,
Judas Haith Preach,,, I'm thinking, " what no milk, no bread" Hang on wench I'll fotch thee some round,,,
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 23:20

No, I meant a proper shop. I've been buying bits and bobs from Tesco Express, milk, bread, odds 'n' sods, but nothing substantial for proper meals.
To be honest, I couldn't have managed without him so I was very grateful for his help. Now that my freezer is up and running again, I can start re-filling, so I got chops, chicken thighs, prawns, some frozen veg so I've made a start now.
Replied: 17th Nov 2024 at 23:36

reet lass. glad you're sorted,
going back to the bad times when folks only had a pantry, no fridge , no freezer and the man of the house would go find a chicken or rabbit to eat, I've had rabbit in my time and was't impressed because, it tasted like chicken but, more bones which answered the question,
Why did McBloodyDonalds never make rabbit buggers or Colonel Sanders make Kentucky fried rabbit ?
Replied: 18th Nov 2024 at 00:00

I remember one Christmas time when mum bought a big turkey and she put it in a bowl of cold water on the marble slab in the pantry to defrost.
All of a sudden, mum said: "Where's our Sandy?"
Our Sandy was a huge ginger tom cat who was extremely smart, so we went looking for him, as he'd normally be in the living room with us watching telly.
We went into the kitchen and found the pantry door open and there was Sandy, with the turkey on the floor, and he was just in the process of pulling off the plastic wrapper. Mam gave him a clout and put the turkey back as he hadn't quite got to the bird itself, but he did have a grin and a satisfied smirk on his face.
How he'd got into the pantry in the first place was a mystery as there was only a tiny latch to close the door, but, standing on his hind legs he was tall enough to fiddle with it. To this day we didn't know how he'd managed it, then he'd had to roll the turkey out of the bowl without spilling any water. It was so funny and we all had a laugh about it.
Replied: 18th Nov 2024 at 00:13
mollie m
If there has been a price hike in the last six months, it may be due to the change in government as people in business and industry prepare to maintain their profit margins from the expected tax increases and national insurance contributions.
My Wife and I have noticed how some things have suddenly increased in price!
Replied: 18th Nov 2024 at 07:15
Last edited by Owd Codger: 18th Nov 2024 at 07:24:28
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