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Does any of you believe .......

Started by: tonker (29193) 

........ in "the spirit world"?

Well, I don't. But let me tell you this.
I've had many 'funny feelings' in various places and scenarios, in the past, but none for a while.
Anyroadup, a couple of weeks ago, in Spain, friends of ours, from London, asked me to drive their LandRover about 70 miles, to collect them, while they drove their motorhome in for it's first service.
So I did.
As I drove, following them, I couldn't stop thinking about an old friend who died of cancer a few years back. He was there in my head. I thought about him riding his motorbike to southern Spain several times, where he had a place, calling to spend a few days with us on his way back, and how he crashed into a dry-stone wall in Scotland, seriously hurting his leg.
I went through everything I knew about him in my head, for no reason really.
When we arrived at the motorhome dealers, in El Vendrell, we had something to eat and a drink then all got back into the LandRover to drive back to Mora.
Janet, the owner, was now driving.
Anyway, as we travelled and I looked out of the window, two BMW motorbikes passed us, just like my friend had, and the thoughts of him started again. So, I said to Janet, "hey Janet, did you ever meet our old mate, Henry? he came to Mora a couple of times".
To which she replied, "no, I never met him. BUT ...... this LandRover actually belonged to him, we bought it off his friend who got it after he died"!

How wierd is that?

Have you had any of this kind of experience?

Started: 12th Nov 2024 at 16:55

Posted by: mollie m (8379) 

Oh yes. Will tell later and, whether you believe me or not, is entirely up to you.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 16:58

Posted by: tonker (29193) 

Another of my old mates, Tommy, also now dee-ud, would've said, "aye, that's reet, he's 'in' that LandRover, in't'e. He was theeer, withi "!

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 17:03

Posted by: retep1949 (1361)

I had very vivid dream of Tommy Cooper dying on stage and a few weeks later saw it happen on the telly.Years later I was in a pub near Teddington studios and just had a strange feeling near the bar and found out later it was the the pub he went in when recording some shows.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 17:41

Posted by: mollie m (8379) 

Tonker: That is a very interesting thing to have happened to you, but it tells me that your friend was with you and his memory brought comfort to you whilst driving his vehicle, although you didn’t know that at the time.

Now, I don’t believe in “spirits” as such, but I do believe in a sort of second sight or ESP, and I’ve had quite a few experiences. These stories are true, and I’ve said before that I never tell lies, nor do I have flights of fancy, but here goes anyway.

It all started when I was a child of about 8. The house we were in was very old and was due to be demolished, and one night my little brother and I were sent to bed and my bedroom was under the sloping roof at the back. I lit a candle on the other side of the room and went to get into bed but, as I turned, I noticed a shape on the wall at the side of my bed. Wondering what it was, I went round the room and patted things down, thinking something was throwing the shadow, but it was still there so I went downstairs and told my mum that there was a man and a dog on my wall.

She came upstairs and saw what I was seeing and she said: “Oh, it’s alright. It’s just your grandad with one of his greyhounds. He's just watching over you.” My granddad had died just a few weeks before. She then blew out the candle and I went to sleep.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 18:50

Posted by: momac (12541) 

Tonks,I could write a book..my Dad used to love going in his shed and his garden..years later after died I’d gone to my mams with my little lad who was a bit bored and asked my mam” Nan can I mow the lawn “ of course love..it wasn’t an electric one so…on the way down the Avenue he said “Mum did my grandad have black round his glasses”,meaning the frames…of course I said yes love..” oh he said he was waving at me through the window and put his thumb up..I’ve loads more to tell but it’s a bit late so tomorrow’s another day.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 22:16

Posted by: mollie m (8379) 

Momac: I remember you telling us of your experience of someone crying, (was it on some stone steps), which could well have been a hidden memory of something that happened to you as a child, in a place similar to where you were, but you could also have picked up vibrations of something that happened to someone else in the past.

Looks like you passed that on to your son, but please tell us more. I have more to tell also.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 22:31

Posted by: momac (12541) 

mollie m.i think you’re referring to the time we went to Rivington..we used to go there a lot and would have our sandwiches in the little churchyard then go the the other chapel because there was a toilet there..but in order to get to the front of the chapel you had to go up a few steps but one particular morning as I’m going up the said steps I got emotional and was crying but didn’t know why…it happened every time I went there..until the day came when I said to my hubby it’s all stopped..I found a photo of her family and the little girl on it I just knew it was her ..they were all sat on the steps of the chapel..there’s more to this story which entails trying to find her gravestone in the chapel grounds ..but that’s another story which came to a dead end.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 23:02

Posted by: mollie m (8379) 

Ah, yes, I thought I remembered some stone steps, but couldn't remember where you were at the time. I was almost right with my memory.

I wonder why the little girl was crying, poor little soul.

Looking forward to more.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 23:15
Last edited by mollie m: 12th Nov 2024 at 23:37:38

Posted by: First Mate (2903)

Not sure I believe in the "spirit world" [well perhaps a wee dram] no more than I believe a cat has nine lives.

Replied: 12th Nov 2024 at 23:55

Posted by: momac (12541) 

When the children were small ( but only had two then) we lived in a council house in Norley..lots of things seemed to keep happening there..firstly I caught my finger in a link of a dog chain,had the top of it torn off,it now looks just like Telly Savalas it was a messy affair..then I had a miscarriage a very messy one,sorry if anyone is squeamish reading this..but it looked like there’d been a massacre with the state of the bathroom and staircase walls.my mam threw the bathroom rug through the window..then the back bedroom was a bad atmosphere..I’d be here all day if I told you what went on in there..the whole house seemed to reek of blood..sorry there’s no other was to describe it.
We wanted to get out and quick so moved to the other side of Wigan..
Going to town I met someone who was in my class at school,she told me they’d just moved to ..guess where???the house we’d just left..she didn’t stay long though.
Years later I was talking to a workmate about the area where we lived and she said “ Oh do you remember no ??..of course it was our old house..she said they locked the back bedroom door..it was haunted”..not like it would stop them
anyway…more things happened there but I’d be here all day if I put it all down on here…it was a nightmare to live there.

Replied: 13th Nov 2024 at 14:48

Posted by: mollie m (8379) 

That must have been awful. I'm not squeamish, but all that blood and the smell of it, would have knocked anybody sick.

This one I have already told in another thread a while ago but, for the benefit of whoever didn’t read it, I’ll post it here again while there’s a specific topic.

Next thing was, still as a young child in the 50s, we were going home in our car from a holiday somewhere in Wales – Barmouth I think.

We were driving along a country road with just fields and hedgerow either side, when I asked my dad if we could go to the sweet shop round the next bend. Dad said that, as he’d never driven that road before, how did I know there was a sweet shop. I just said: “There is.” He kept driving for a little while longer, then there was an S bend in the road and there, on the right hand side, was a little stone cottage painted in white, and there was a sign hanging over it which said “Post Office.”

Curious, my dad stopped the car and we all got out, and went in. It turned out that there was a little tea room at the back of the Post Office, and there was a variety of sweets on sale at the front.

Replied: 13th Nov 2024 at 19:33


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