Use them or Lose them
50 public houses a month in England and Wales are closing never to reopen...I do my bit in my locals and bowling club....and this Saturday supported several boozers in Southport with my enterage...£16.40 return from wallgate for me and her indoors...It's about time the powers that be reduced taxes on public houses and give them all a fighting chance...they state they only make 12p a pint profit.....with the vast price difference in different establishments...someone is telling Porky's. Use them or lose them..yes I still buy my 12 litres of cider from Aldi every week...(Bargain) £1.99 for 2 litres...
Started: 23rd Sep 2024 at 13:38
BB it sounds like you like a pint or two. You went to Whitby and over 6days you visited 25 pubs/eateries. Now you are posting about buying 12 Litres of cider EVERY week plus visiting the pub/bowling club you must have hollow legs
Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 14:30
It took years of Royal Navy practice ..carried on through my Plod years (off duty) I was a lightweight compared to some of the owd bobbies...I like a pint....don't Galavant all the time....Moffatt for a week in September...
Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 15:50
Over the Northern border if you are caught drinking anything less that 8% proof, You will be considered to be ' Half pint Shandy Andy from Inger Land' and you'll no be served at the bar, Ock do nu Jimmy, The bairns bar is roooond the corner, knock on the Windea,
Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 18:23
I think that these days folk don't have the time to go to the pub, because of all the stuff they are doing online at home, and then there is the cost involved in going out these days, it is much cheaper to get sloshed at home
Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 21:46
In other words Tommy, they have priced themselves out of the market, Greed had caused their own fate,, The gov't has never helped them, nor has the brewery's , I know plenty land lords who built a good pub up and when they were making decent money, the brewery upped their rent and put the landlord in trouble, an average pint in a pub now is £4, the average price from a soooper market is less than a pound,
Its a no brainer to a boozer,
Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 22:14
Another reason for the drop off in the pub trade is that years ago gangs of men would finish their shift and head straight for the nearest boozer. Now the number of large employers are few and far between and the workforce choose to go home and Cook their wives tea? How times have changed.
Replied: 23rd Sep 2024 at 23:33
Wasn't there once a time when the price difference of a beer between the outdoor licence and the pub was almost so small that it wasn't worth thinking about?
These days! Well, we really do think about the difference.
Changes certainly need to happen.
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 00:42
In my life time the pubs/clubs that have closed down within a few miles of each other.
The Ben Johnson Cranberry Lodge
Red Lion Golden Ball
Oddfellows Britannia
Star North Ward Labour Club
Pit Pony Kings Arms
Fleece Queens(top house)
Colliers Arms Cross Keys (little fifteen)
Rams Head Cross Keys(Stubshaw)
Angel (Ashton) Rocklea
Further a field
Stag Garswood Labour Club
Garswood Conservative Club S&S Club
North Ashton Village Club Angel (Edge Green)
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 03:14
Last edited by PeterP: 26th Sep 2024 at 17:20:07
But how many of what were just drinking pubs have changed to other uses like chain food pubs, restaurants, takeaways, accomodation etc as people have become better off and how many have closed as result of a large Weatherspoons opening in the vicinity?
Plus we now have multi channel television and supermarkets to provide us with our evening entertainment which our parents and grandparents never had in their lifes.
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 07:57
Years ago most people could walk to work and would call in the pub on their way home.Also at Christmas the men were sent to the pub out of the women's road while they prepared the dinner.Also on match days football /rugby men could go to the pub . Now most people commute to work sometimes over many miles and the last thing they want to do is go to the pub . On match day people sit at the front of the TV and watch the match in the comfort of their home.
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 09:12
The wholesale price of a pint of beer varies between £1.70 and £2.50, depending on quality and alcoholic volume. Duty on a pint of beer can be anything between 55p and 80p for regular pub stuff. That doesn't change and doesn't include any profit, manufacturing costs or losses. It's the Chancellor's cut!
Example: if Tomplum pays £4 for a pint of Carling, the landlord makes £1.80 (less 16.6% vat leaves £1.50).
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 12:52
I've done my bit to keep em open
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 12:58
Why and how does the Harrow Inn remain open ?
Because it is in the middle on nowhere, so where is it, is it in Golborne ?
Is it in Stubshaw Cross, Ashton in Makerfield ?
It says it's in Edge Green, so where the bloody hell is that ?
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 13:41
Nudge nudge, wink wink. Always been a favourite for couples trying to be secret.
Replied: 24th Sep 2024 at 18:13
While shopping in Wigan last week me and the Mrs called in the Wiend Bar for a drink I asked for a pint of bitter and half a lager for the wife. The barmaid said You might as well get a pint of lager for the extra. It was £2.40 for a half and £2.70 for a pint. Why is this?
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 07:09
Edge Green would have been a hamlet at one time around Edge Green colliery and Cromptons rolling mills. The colliery closed in 1932 after an explosion that led to the deaths of 27 miners.
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 08:00
peter g
The normal practice has always been to charge the exact half price, but sometimes an extra 5p or 10p is added to the half price.
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 10:06
I believe the WIEND bar has an extended happy hour 12 - 5pm daily !!
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 11:29
Peter g that sort of pricing is becoming the norm
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 12:13
Free gear kier wants the pubs to close sooner,he does not want anybody smoking or drinking and that includes liarbour supporters but their too brainwashed to see that aren't you pitmon
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 13:04
Gaffer said:
Edge Green would have been a hamlet at one time around Edge Green colliery and Cromptons rolling mills. The colliery closed in 1932 after an explosion that led to the deaths of 27 miners."
Thank you for that information
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 13:24
Edge Green, originally, was what it says on the tin, a 'green', and most of it's still there. Nothing was ever built on it, or maybe it belonged to Edge Green Farm? I think it must've been common-land at one time, as places called "green" often used to be common land ie: village green?.
Anyroadup, it was in Ashton, not Golborne, although Edge Green Colliery was in Golborne (it's Hanson's nowadays). It was Richard Evans's first coal-mining investment before he moved up north from Surrey. We had the story about him at school in Haydock, and most of that story turned out to be shite (like most of the stuff we were tought at school!)
Replied: 25th Sep 2024 at 19:29
looks like you wasn,t "tought" spelling.
Replied: 26th Sep 2024 at 17:16
I must’ve had the day off when that word was covered.
Replied: 26th Sep 2024 at 17:28
Taught is the past tense of teach.
Replied: 26th Sep 2024 at 18:36
Noooooo. It's "touwt"!
Replied: 26th Sep 2024 at 19:25
Spelling police will be shot at dawn...
Replied: 27th Sep 2024 at 12:44
If tha con reed this then thur is nowt rong wit yur english
Replied: 27th Sep 2024 at 13:36