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Leader of reform party ?

Started by: GOLDEN BEAR (6776) 

I was intrigued by the leader of the Reform Party comment on the issue of the boats coming across the channel. ""HE Claims that under the EUROPEAN CONVENTION ACT"" That GREAT BRITAIN CAN LEGALLY TURN THE BOATS AROUND MID-CHANNEL AND TAKE THEM BACK TO FRANCE"
I have been trying to find out if there is any truth in the statement ,and if it's so ,then why doen't the last GOVERNMENTS DONE SO ??????

Started: 20th Jun 2024 at 14:31

Posted by: First Mate (2731)


France says that a turnback policy would negatively impact its cooperation with the UK. There are no international waters in the Dover Strait, the narrowest part of the Channel, which is divided between the UK and France’s territorial waters. France simply may not permit the UK into their territorial waters if returning migrants by force, triggering a stand-off.

Replied: 20th Jun 2024 at 14:38

Posted by: Brasstoff (552)

And....next month why won't the next government turn them around?
Because the crawling bastards are all looking after their well paid jobs!
Plus nobody wants to upset the Woke brigade.

Replied: 20th Jun 2024 at 14:46

Posted by: Owd Codger (3784)

Do we in our countries of Europe not have human rights in deciding who can come into our countries, especially with those who are anything but genuine refugees and have other reasons for wanting to get into European countries?

As for the humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, is that is any different to the many other countries in in Africa, Middle East and Asia which are under the control of undemocratic people?

To keep allowing different factions who hate each other into European Countries everytime there is a conflic or civil war is not a good thing for any country of Europe, especially with the way that that Muslim fundamentalism is on the incease in the countries that they have entered!

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 06:55
Last edited by Owd Codger: 21st Jun 2024 at 06:59:01

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2689) 

We're giving the french millions in funding to stop the boats....might as well save that money for some other worthwhile causes.

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 08:12

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

Owd Codpiece said, " Muslim fundamentalism is on the incease in the countries that they have entered!"

Aye., we will be forced to take up arms against them!

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 10:17

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

Like in the Crusades

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 10:35

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

Yes. We will be like The Hospitallers. We will fight them. We will wear the T-Shirt!

"Dieu sait qui a tort et a peche"!

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 11:04

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

Well yes, but I suppose you have to believe in a god

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 12:04

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

Any excuse is good enough to have a fight over!

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 12:34

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2689) 

Aye Diddly Dee...It's Nigel for me......shake em up Lad ..

Replied: 21st Jun 2024 at 13:07

Posted by: Owd Codger (3784)

In the eyes of the fundelmentalists entering the countries of Europe or have already arrived it is their belief, the revenge of Saladin in getting rid of the Christian infadels!

And Europe is doing nothing about the invasion!

Replied: 22nd Jun 2024 at 08:18

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

It's as if the invasion is European led and against a massive majority of European Citizens !

Replied: 22nd Jun 2024 at 10:31

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

It is simple, before the EU came into being, you needed a passport/visa to enter a European country, I remember in the mid 1960s arriving at the border between Farnce and Spain very early one morning, and the border had not opened, we set off early towing a caravan to miss the afternoon heat, by getting to our destination by about lunchtime, but I remember the border was like Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, and although the border was closed it was still manned by soldiers, not police, both sides and they had guns and dogs.
In those days kids were put on to a parents passport and if you did not have a passport, they did not let you in, and it was as simple as that, and if they caught someone trying to sneek across the Pyrenees into France or Spain, that person was kicked out of the country, straight away or put in prison, in countries like Greece if some migrants tried to sneak into Greece by boat and they were caught either on land or in Greece's territorial waters, they would be put on the next ferry back to Tunisia and deported, even if they said they had come from another country such has Libya.

From places like North Africa has well as a passport, people would need to have a visa too.

They just said "NO" you can't come in, and don't give us any asylum seeker crap, because we consider Tunisia to be a safe country, so you can sod off back there.

That is how they did it, and the bloody EU stopped that and said let them in, let em all in, and to make it even easier they did away with the EU internal borders, with that bloody Schengen Area

Replied: 22nd Jun 2024 at 11:03

Posted by: whups (14294) 

spain was under a dictatorship just like you want it here 1stroke .

Replied: 22nd Jun 2024 at 12:56

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


Yer reet, General Franco was in power at that time

Replied: 22nd Jun 2024 at 13:49

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6776) 

Surely most of these bone idle young men do not adhere to any rules whatso ever , AND pray tell me when all this lot cross several countries before getting to France and the channel shouldn't they have registered at thier first """SAFE"" country of entry ,NOT traverse 7 or so then say we want to go to UK ! I lay most of blame in the first place with all theses countries that have willingly let them have safe passage thro thier's .
A similar thing is playing out over the ond in USA ,they are having people travelling all over from places like CARACAS/ BOGOTA/ Walking all the way thro PANAMA ,/ NICARAGUA / HONDURAS/MEXOCO/ THEN ALL the way up to the border near EL PASO TEXAS THOSE NUMBERS are astronomical compare to ours ,BUT if TRUMP regains the office he has said this will cease , UNLIKE HIS COUNTERPART BIDEN who seems to be encouraging them. Finally i just wish we would start showing the same aggression as the USA .

Replied: 23rd Jun 2024 at 15:01

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

Golden Bear, think about it. If the UK gave them nothing, they wouldn't come here.
In Spain, they have to register for work and pay into the autonomo. Anybody caught (and there's been a few caught) employing them gets a heavy fine and the immigrants are immediately deported. They get nothing free.

Replied: 23rd Jun 2024 at 15:18

Posted by: whups (14294) 

that,s why they come here as it,s easier to get work here than the other EU countries.

Replied: 23rd Jun 2024 at 23:59

Posted by: Owd Codger (3784)


That may be because more and more of our own people have become lazy sods content to live on the present benefit system with all its perks rather than do a mondane low paid minium wage job which in the past people had to do because the benefits and perks were nothing like they are today.

The immigrant workers have become a godsend for far too many today!

Replied: 24th Jun 2024 at 07:38
Last edited by Owd Codger: 24th Jun 2024 at 07:58:32

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

"If you enter the UK illegally, you don’t have the right to work". (but don't worry too much about it, we'll sort you out with what you need, for nowt! )

Replied: 24th Jun 2024 at 11:37

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

This is Robert Kenyon who is the Reform candidate for the Makerfield constituency


Amongst other things he has done, he is now a Plumber, so I wonder if Tom knows him

Replied: 27th Jun 2024 at 20:51

Posted by: whups (14294) 

trying it on again 1stroke . next you,ll be denying that your trying to sway people on here like you did with ukip . a wasted vote if ever i saw one

Replied: 27th Jun 2024 at 23:44

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

Replied: 27th Jun 2024 at 23:54

Posted by: albion (419)

Most Migrants do cash in hand so they can still claim Benefits.They seem immune to prosecution.

Replied: 28th Jun 2024 at 09:00

Posted by: whups (14294) 

yes & some pay tax unlike sunak & his tory cronies .

Replied: 28th Jun 2024 at 11:19

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


There is what look to be a good 'Question Time' coming up tonight on BBC1 at 9.00pm.


IT will be just the two them, the Green chap and Nigel Farage, and they will both answer questions from the audience for 30 minutes each

Replied: 28th Jun 2024 at 11:44

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

The Question Time program last night was a load of biased rubbish, and the BBC back to it's bigoted best, the BBC rented a bunch of Farage hating audience members to smear Nigel Farage, the same way that Channel 4 rented a Farage hating production company to smear Reform in the Clacton constituency.

Gutter politics at it's worst

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 11:16

Posted by: whups (14294) 

yes usual rubbish by the blinded who cant see farage lies . never answering a question & going round the houses & cannot provide the figures to fund anything on his contract . blaming others instead of accepting the racists in his party . the buck stops with HIM . wot he needs is a bullet thru the brain .

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 11:25
Last edited by whups: 29th Jun 2024 at 11:26:41

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


Yoo are just being a Farage hater

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 11:41

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6776) 

I also watched that BIASED bbc prog , and i have to say that for his his faults NIGEL FARAGE for me is a TRUTHFUL person i place him in thr ranks by the side of Winston Churchill and Enoch Powell ,why i hear you ask?? Well if history serves me right (((It was Winston in the early 1930s constantly tell the Gov of the day about Adolf 's Hitler's impending power and everyone laughed and called him a "Warmonger" AS for our other great parliamentarian Enoch Powell , He warned the then british government about the huge influx of Migrants and forecast the trouble's and problems that would ensue , And what was the outcome ??? They ridiculed him and called him a racist , and as for the last 10 years or so rightly as Nigel Farage has stated our population has exploded by 10 MILLION mostly as he he says young lazy terrorist men.
One question i ask is this ,,, ""WHY ARE THESE LEARNED PEOPLE IGNORED FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH "" .WHY?????????????
PS.i Dread what this country will be like in the next 15/30 years !!!

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 12:25

Posted by: whups (14294) 

yes well farage & his reform party draw the racists in dont they & idiots who fall for his rhetoric deserve wot they get . totally wrapped up in himself , wont answer a question , in denial of the umpteen racist party members he has , wont take responcability for them & blaming a none existant so called set-up . wot a bunch of losers you are .

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 13:01

Posted by: whups (14294) 

alan this reform party stated that britian shud have been neutral in the war with hitler ? . we were if you remember neville chamberlin waving a piece of white paper agreeing to that very fact & then bombing london ? . are you saying we shud have let the nazis walk all over us & not fight back like this racist reform party wanted us to do ? . so much for patriotism & alan with due respect you wont be here in 15 or 30 yrs will you? .

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 13:09
Last edited by whups: 29th Jun 2024 at 13:28:41

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

Golden Bear


You obviously didn't watch the debate last night, as is clear by your remarks, and you are referring to remarks about the second world war which were 'alleged' to have been said by a Reform Party candidate, who Reform have dissociated themselves from, his name may already be on the ballot papers, but it is to late to do anything about that now, only for them to say that he no longer has the support of the Reform Party.

10 million people have come here since Tony Blair was elected in 1997 and that is a 20% increase in the population of this country (net) and 2 of those 10 million have come here in the last 2 years, so what do you think about that Whuspy, and a reply would be appreciated and not just by me, instead of the usual tirade of abuse from you.

And if this lunatic ranting of your continues Whupsy, then I am going to be forced to start taking the piss out of yoo

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 15:46

Posted by: whups (14294) 

yes i did & he avoided every question thrown at him . blair did,nt open any borders it was EU policy . seems your a little confused 1stroke maybe it,s your hero worship of farage that,s causing it . how many have left since then 1stroke ? .

Replied: 29th Jun 2024 at 23:54

Posted by: tonker (28716) 

It was UN policy, Whups.

Replied: 30th Jun 2024 at 08:50

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)

Reform did well in Makerfield, they might not have won, but they got an healthy amount of votes.

Replied: 8th Jul 2024 at 17:03

Posted by: whups (14294) 

so i,ll ask again . HOW MANY SEATS DID THEY WIN IN WIGAN ? .

Replied: 8th Jul 2024 at 23:40

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


Wot's up wi thee, as't forgotten eh't ceawn't

Replied: 9th Jul 2024 at 09:44

Posted by: whups (14294) 

just answer the question .

Replied: 9th Jul 2024 at 11:22

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


Replied: 9th Jul 2024 at 11:27

Posted by: whups (14294) 

because your a loser just like your racist party.

Replied: 9th Jul 2024 at 12:05

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


Replied: 9th Jul 2024 at 13:51

Posted by: whups (14294) 

no just honest unlike you .

Replied: 9th Jul 2024 at 23:41

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16402)


Replied: 10th Jul 2024 at 10:17

Posted by: whups (14294) 

true isnt it .

Replied: 10th Jul 2024 at 12:23


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