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Are they still around?

Started by: i-spy (15270) 

Cockles in the pub and the War Cry

Started: 22nd Apr 2024 at 19:33

Posted by: admin (1741)

I ALWAYS bought cockles off the man was it FORSHAWS from Southport? That name rings a bell???And I ALWAYS bought the WAR CRY The Salvation Army is one of the organisations I always donate to at Christmas..

Replied: 22nd Apr 2024 at 19:59

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

I remember the cockle man selling crab sticks what ever they where

Replied: 22nd Apr 2024 at 20:13

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Forshaws used to come in pubs and the sellers must have got fed up of the
" have you got crabs" comments from customers like me, I don't think they are trading anymore, The chinese cockle pickers that got drowned in Morecambe Bay caused the H+E safety to be reviewed when, A meeting at a sharks convention in the Mexican Gulf heard one shark saying to another,
" hey fancy going to morecambe for a Chinese ?"

Replied: 22nd Apr 2024 at 23:06

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

expect complaints for that

Replied: 22nd Apr 2024 at 23:07

Posted by: tuddy (1320)

Was it nor Kershaw's? Salmonella in a bag!

Replied: 22nd Apr 2024 at 23:25

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i remember kershaws ste & i hav,nt seen them in years .

Replied: 22nd Apr 2024 at 23:38

Posted by: timl (93)

If it's the same mob, they used to come in the pub with a white jacket on and carrying a basket, as well as cockles, they sold things like crab sticks, potted shrimp and kipper fillets. Never used to buy anything from them because there was a chippy next door to the pub. Always gave to the Salvation Army when they came in.

Replied: 23rd Apr 2024 at 02:56


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