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on a more cheery note,

Started by: tomplum (12984) 

A heat wave is on its way, My weather mon is predicating less rain and wind and temperatures hitting slightly less than normal for the time of year but, that's better than it is now, so , our cup duff overflow , having said that my weather mon got his diploma from the 'Michael Fish scholarship for the hard of forecasting' college in 1987, When the village of Ten Oaks had to rename itself,,,,,,

Started: 15th Apr 2024 at 22:29

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Apparently, Britain is going to roast in temperatures of 20C (68F) LINK

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 19:04

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Ayrton Senna's got the voice of a tenor,
Peter Snow sings very low,
Mark Barano is a Soprano
And Tomplum, Tomplum, Tomplum,
Is a weatherman !

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 19:06

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Who do you believe yesterday in one national paper we are going to have a heat wave in the next few weeks .Then further on in the same newspaper we will be hit with a band of snow in the next few weeks What I need is 2-3 dry days so I can get the lawns cut

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:12

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

The weather is crazy. Yesterday it was heavy gusty winds and, in some parts, there were mini tornadoes knocking down trees.

Today started off beautiful then, at around 2.30 p.m. there was hailstone, then sunshine again.

I'll not be roasting in just 20C though. I'll still be wearing me woolly pullies 'cos I'll still be as cowd as a penguin's ar ... er bum.

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:25

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Peter, I went out and cut mine, the front one cut ok ish, but my back one is still water logged, the grass is growing but the wheels on the mower sink into the ground so its umpossible to cut but, in the greenhouse the seeds are now seedlings, I have lettuce .tomatoes, beetroot, spring onions, various flowers including Sunflowers which, I will take to Anne when they are big enough,

The blossom trees in Poolstock lane are in full bloom and raining all over the road and nature is reborn , I hoping soon to be able to turn the heating off

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:31

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Mollie, Its still cowd here too, cowd as a stepmothers kiss

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:33

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

cowd as a penguins breakfast

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:35

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I was so fed-up with that hailstone, wind and rain today that I thought, "I'm Off"! and booked flights to Spain on Saturday for me and t'waaaaife. £31 each, return. S'not worth stopping here at that praaaaice. Forecast 22 to 24 degrees and sunny!

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:41

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

Tonker, do you have room in a suitcase for a little 'un? I don't up take much room and there'd still be space to pack yer socks as well.

Aye, it's still cowd here, but at least that flippin' wind has disappeared - for now.

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 22:52

Posted by: J3mbo (149)

It's been a lovely day again here - parky and windy but still nice blue sky

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 23:16

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

Where's "here", J3mbo? Can't be in Wigan.

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 23:23

Posted by: J3mbo (149)

No - it isn't in Wigan. Then again most of you lot who think they live in Wigan, don't. Right Mr Tonks?

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 23:33

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

Very true, but I am a true born Wiganner, although I don't live IN Wigan now though in accordance with Mr Tonker's Geographical Survey of Wigan Borough and its environs.

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 23:42

Posted by: J3mbo (149)

I hear you Mollie

I'm from 'Wigan Borough' but moved away to Uni and settled there afterwards.

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 23:44

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

Ah, I see. Well, no matter where you are, I hope you continue to have better than we're having.

Replied: 16th Apr 2024 at 23:51

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Been in La Cala de Mijas for the last 4 weeks and here for another 2 weeks…amazing weather..32 degrees yesterday but cooling down to 22ish over the coming week…back home 30th April so hope the heatwave starts then…sorry if I’ve offended

Replied: 17th Apr 2024 at 08:24

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Roy you've not offended anyone , you've made us all jealous but good luck to you lad and maybe when you get back here, Its got warmer,,

Replied: 17th Apr 2024 at 10:17

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)


Yoo lucky bugger

Replied: 17th Apr 2024 at 13:58

Posted by: linma (2933)

Lovely day here I’ve had my washing out in the garden, doesn’t take a lot to please me.

Replied: 17th Apr 2024 at 14:03

Posted by: roylew (4096)

Just making most of life since heart attack 2 years ago…4 stents in and a defibrillator going in May/June….feel fine though..plenty walks to keep everything pumping

Replied: 17th Apr 2024 at 14:29


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