Westwood Lane and St Mary Ince,
Good morning. As a Wiganer by birth.. I have been asked to write my bio and am seeking more detailed info about various aspects of my ear ly and even later years. I was born in Ince in 1943. At Prospect House in Westwood Lane/ Not the new one in Standish/I can confirm this from funeral records as well as my clear memories pf the name sign on the gatepost.
I have found some records but would love to know how my granny as a pit brow lass came to marry a rich engineer with a house like that. Not so far found christening or marriage details but I think it would be St Mary Ince where I was christened.
Any input gratefully received. Thank you
Started: 28th Sep 2021 at 13:51

what was your grannys name i will see what i can look up for you
Replied: 28th Sep 2021 at 16:07

this is from Ince Directory 1925/6 Chivers John, colliery fireman, Prospect House Westwood lane
Replied: 28th Sep 2021 at 16:23
Thank you
The family name is Riley
According to Ince Cemetery records my grandfather James Riley died there in 1937
Followed by several of his children.
I had assumed they lived there as soon as they were married.
But Elsie died aged 18 in 1939
So born in 21?
Leaving this tonight.
Thank you
Replied: 28th Sep 2021 at 18:00

As a Wiganer by birth. ...... I was born in Ince in 1943. ????????
Replied: 28th Sep 2021 at 18:05

Marriage: 24 Dec 1910 St Andrew, Wigan, Lancashire, England
James Riley - 25, Collier, Bachelor, 196 Woodhouse Lane
Elizabeth Harmer - 25, Spinster, 41 Holt St
Groom's Father: James Riley, Collier
Bride's Father: Matthew Harmer, (dec'd), Collier
Witness: Henry Finney, (X); Harriet Finney, (X)
Married by Banns by: W.A.Wickham Vicar
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 00:09

Baptism: 5 Apr 1885 All Saints, Wigan, Lancashire, England
Margaret Elizabeth Harmer - [Child] of Matthew Harmer & Martha
Born: 20 Jan
Abode: Douglas Bank
Occupation: Collier
Baptised by: C J Buckmaster Curate
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 00:37

Hi, If you're not local perhaps try putting a photo request for (same?)Elsie at link below, There's also a James riley died 1937 showing there too.
I had 2 min look on ancestry, loads of poss info on Harmer family winnie mentions above showing margaret (harmer) riley died 1949, son arthur born 1915.
1939 register shows a widowed elizabeth riley (born 20 feb 1885) at 69 westood lane with leonard, arthur, doris & ronald.
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 02:28

Name: Elizabeth Riley
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widow
Birth Date: 20 Feb 1885
Residence Date: 1939
Address: 69 Westwood Lane
Residence Place: Ince-in-Makerfield, Lancashire, England
Occupation: Unpaid Domestic Duties Household Members
Elizabeth Riley 54 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Leonard Riley 21(son) Railway Fireman
Ronald Riley 11(son) School
Arthur Riley 24(son)Wagon Builder
Doris Riley 239(Daughter in law)Unpaid Domestic Duties
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 11:27
Winnie and others.. Many thanks!
So the Alfred Street James Riley was my ??great uncle.
Some years ago working on my family tree. Wigan Library gave me a lot of info.
They said that the James Riley who married Margaret was an engineer and the older one a collier. Hence the house?
The house passed to Uncle Leonard and family. Of the nine children Margaret gave birth to only three survived to adulthood. My mother, Margaret, Leonard and Arthur. We used to visit both families; Leonard at Prospect House and Arthur on a council estate. TB took the others.
Which colliery?
Is there in the UK a Land Registry as there is over here?
Fascinating and nearly all the jigsaw pieces in place. Wondering where they lived at first .
Oh we visited Alfred Street often. Annie and Finlay Webster
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 12:01

the James Riley that lived at 7 Alfred street is James father
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 16:58

Marriage: 29 Mar 1874 St James, Poolstock, Wigan, Lancashire, England
James Riley - 20, Collier, Bachelor, 4 Corporation St.
Margaret Gaskell - (X), 19, Spinster, 15 Pottery
Groom's Father: John Riley, Breaksman on Railway
Bride's Father: Thomas Gaskell, Porter on Railway
Witness: Peter Harrison, (X); Bridget Tinsley, (X)
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 17:02

Baptism: 29 Jul 1894 St Mary, Ince, Lancashire, England
Annie Riley - [Child] of James Riley & Margaret
Born: 8 Jul 1894
Abode: 6 James Street Lower Ince
Occupation: Collier
Baptised by: Thos. Taylor Incumbent
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 17:06

Name: Annie Webster
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: 8 Jul 1894
Residence Date: 1939
Address: 7 Alfred St
Residence Place: Ince-in-Makerfield, Lancashire, England
Occupation: Unpaid Domestic Duties Household Members Age
Finley Webster 47 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Annie Webster 45 Agent (For Clothier's )
Replied: 29th Sep 2021 at 17:09
Hi, I know this is an older thread but I found this off a google search. My grandad was Arthur Riley but unfortunately he passed away not long before I was born, I would have loved to have met him. My grandma was Doris Riley, they lived in Foster Avenue, Lower Ince
Replied: 21st Nov 2024 at 12:09
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