
What time do you turn your heating off ? Here in Petesake's ville it gets turned off at 10pm, Then I put a coat on until bedtime, Its not that I can't afford the gas, Its a balance of being comfortable and environmentally friendly as well as having in mind that, covid-19 seeks out the weak, So by keeping warm naturally you are building strength to fight the virus,
any thoughts ?
Started: 3rd Oct 2020 at 21:48

Me dad would have liked yoo
Replied: 3rd Oct 2020 at 22:31
Next April. We never turn ours off in Winter. False economy as the ceiling from the hall to the bedrooms must be at least 16ft, high. Vast space to reheat if it gets cold.
Replied: 3rd Oct 2020 at 22:49

My dad would have hated yoo
Replied: 3rd Oct 2020 at 22:52

Posted by: broady (16028) View broady's page
Next April. We never turn ours off in Winter. False economy as the ceiling from the hall to the bedrooms must be at least 16ft, high. Vast space to reheat if it gets cold.
31st Oct to 1st March give or take a week or two
Replied: 3rd Oct 2020 at 22:58
Last edited by First Mate: 3rd Oct 2020 at 23:01:10

1st October till it looks like it as stopped switching it self on, time set for (6.am to 11.am) then again (4pm to 9pm) can always over ride if need be all radiators thermostat controlled except the hall and thats the last to go off
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 08:18

People talk about the good old days but isn't it nice when you can switch on instant heat or turn it off when not needed? none of that trying to get the fire going in the morning, raking out the ashes or banking it up at night in the hope there would still be an ember in the morning! Love my radiators!!
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 08:26

I have two heating systems. All water and two attic radiators by combi boiler situated in the attic. The rest of the house heated by a warm air system, boiler situated in kitchen. I never actually turn warm off, simply turn thermostat to nought in summer. It is timed when on in winter running mode. Attic radiators not timed, turn off and on when required.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 08:45

Mine goes off around ten. But I have no need to put any extra clothing on.
The place has loads of insulation and stays warm for quite a long time.
Thermostatic controlled radiators too. Keeping warm is important as you get older, so eating and heating is paramount to health, in my opinion.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 08:54

Mine goes off at 8pm and during the day I switch it on/off as needed,the bedroom radiators have never been switched on
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 08:59

Mine neither Nana. No heating in the bedrooms, and always a window open just a crack.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 09:07

I bet yoo two were in the Scouts when you were younger
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 09:17

Haha I was a Girl Guide many years ago
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 09:22
Turn the heating on when I get up and leave it on till I go to bed . Wall thermostat plus stats on every radiator.Not sitting with blankets or coats on,Too many people die from the cold because they think they cannot afford to heat their houses.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 09:39

Kathpresseys reminder of fire care in the good old days made me think of paraffin heaters in outside loos, which in turn made me think, does anyone find the need to heat a detached garage.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 10:06
Anne I used to hang a paraffin lamp in the garage just behind the door to help keep the frost away from the engine . Was easier to start without using the good old fashioned CHOKE
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 12:07
We have two systems, one room where the radio and tele is as two Baxi gas wall heaters, the rest of the house as normal central heating, the wall heaters are cheap to run and very effective, the central heating is switched on when needed.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 13:10

So was I Nana. St. Cuthbert. Did the proper camping.
In a field, no toilet or showers, water drawn from a well and latrines a hole in the ground. We survived
Made from tough stuff back then.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 13:16

I was Queens Hall jathbee
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 13:19

Forgot to say. Washing facilities was a bowl set in a wooden tripod, the tripod being sturdy sticks gathered from a nearby wooded area and cut to an even size.
Marched to mass on the Sunday into Landuddno and back again. Was a great adventure in those days.
You would have paraded on St. George's day then.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 13:24
Last edited by jathbee: 4th Oct 2020 at 13:27:19

Combo boiler used daily for hot water and showers.. Give the heating a run for half hour every other week.
In my lounge multi fuel burner.
In my dining room/kitchen another.. All heat circulates to upstairs.. Mid terraced house.. Marvellous.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 13:46

Billinge Biker
Yoo and me dad would have got on like a house on fire, he only put hot water on once a week
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 14:06

. Every year my boiler passes with flying colours. Every year BG put up the cost of a yearly service.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 15:38

Was he a tad "careful" with the coins TTS.?
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 17:20

Tighter than a ducks bottom .....
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 18:16
When I was a kid our gas and leccy was always beggin, it was a rush to put a penny in to keep them on.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 18:28
First mate why pay for a yearly service when you could just pay if and when it needs it. Should be between £50-£70
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 18:48

I have mine serviced mid july so as to be ready for winter.It costs 80 quid and for me its worth it to be ready for winter plus because im a regular customer if anything untowards happens they come out quickly.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 19:26

I've had no central heating since September 2013. The service engineer came but condemned the boiler. A bit of a blow I suppose, but I manage, just like we did in the 50s as kids.
So, I turn on my electric fire in the living room when I start to feel cold and, as I'm on blood thinners, I do feel the cold more now than I used to, so for most part of the year I'm wearing jumpers, unless it's exceptionally hot like the lovely weather we've had this summer.
The rest of the house is freezing in winter, most especially my kitchen and bathroom, but what I do in the kitchen is light my gas oven and leave the door open for a couple of hours, and I warm up my bathroom with a little electric fan heater for half an hour before I take my showers and yes, I do remove the heater before running the water.
It's not cheap to run the electric - around £140 a month in winter, but I refuse to be cold. I have three double bedrooms but there's no point heating them all and I've never heated my bedroom, but always leave the window open a couple of inches, no matter how cold it gets.
When I am at work though, the central heating makes the atmosphere dry and as a result makes me cough so, when I'm off furlough, they won't be happy with me - for a while.
Replied: 4th Oct 2020 at 23:30

Our central heating goes on when it gets cold, and our immersion heater for hot water as never been off in the last ten years.
Somebody once told me that you must have money to burn by laving it switch on all the time, but thats not true because its like boiling a kettle of cold water for a cup of tea, leaving the immersion switched on, it only needs to come on for a few minutes to just keep the temperature of the water up.
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 06:56
Mollie M can you not apply for a FREE boiler under the new Govn,Scheme?
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 10:29

Mollie take Martin Lewis the money experts advice & apply for Green Homes Grant,you may get £5000 towards a new system
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 10:39
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 12:20

My boiler packed in about a month ago, I fitted it in 2007. it cost me £370 at the time , I never serviced it and it had no problems till this year, 13 years of trouble free heating, Then it start to be troublesome, I could not get a free un, So I bought a new one, just short of £600, I expect to get at least 15 years from this one, That service malarkey is a con,
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 20:08
Still £370 seems like a little bit overprices. I've seen these things for about 300 eac. Hereyou can find someone to pay someone to write my essay Check it out
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 20:39
Last edited by sindi 21: 11th Oct 2020 at 14:48:08

Only 13 years I got over 30 years
New pump, New thermostat Blocked pipe, no Electrical parts to go wrong, I had the same one in the shed was only been used for two years if I could have got it changed over.
now paying £70 a year servicing as you have to have it in case anything goes wrong
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 20:40

sindi, £300 13 years ago would not get you a decent boiler, it wold get you a ravenheat or biasi and they would start to get faults while still in warrantee and a final life of 6 years, Mine was a Baxi, a good British boiler but, the lifetime of a modern boiler is 15 years,
Dougie, boilers put in when you was a lad last 40 years plus but, the boiler manufactures learned, service and repairs was the way to go, So they stopped making those boilers and scared everyone that, the new high efficient boilers needed to be fitted, So now the differance is here to be seen,
then, there was one boiler parts shop in Lancashire
now, there are hundreds and thousands of, so called engineers, because new boilers are a 'throw away ' item, the spare parts average £100 to buy and £250 to fit, Its a rip off industry, you did right Dougie to keep the old boiler for so long,
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 20:52
Over here your gas supplier has fitters on standby and if you have a problem they come out FOC. In Winter everything is a priority. I phoned them once around 6pm one day and they phoned to come and fix it at 5.30am next day. If there were children or someone with medical issues they would see to you first. You do have to pay for the parts.
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 21:05

Better than that broady , one Christmas eve about 4.00pm my heating and hot water both packed in yet the boiler was still working so no chance of getting anyone out,
on the off chance I phoned TomPlum to ask him about it his reply was, Dougie cant see you without heating and hot water over Christmas and New year I'll pop round but will not be able to get parts if needed.
Bigger job than expected but he sorted it for me Remember Tom sorry can't find the video you made
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 22:44
Never mind what Tonkers says Tomplum seems to be a good un.
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 23:10

Dougie you are so lucky to have a local plumber as a friend.
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 23:16

Started by: Arfur petesake (91)
What time do you turn your heating off ? Here in Petesake's ville it gets turned off at 10pm, Then I put a coat on until bedtime, Its not that I can't afford the gas, Its a balance of being comfortable and environmentally friendly as well as having in mind that, covid-19 seeks out the weak, So by keeping warm naturally you are building strength to fight the virus,
any thoughts ?
I think you are after business
Replied: 5th Oct 2020 at 23:16

After reading Mollie M's post is there anybody in the Wigan World forum that has a personal connection to her - who can make sure that she has read the helpful post about how to fix her heating and help her follow and work through its advice ? I am sure we would all hate it if in this day and age she would have to spend another winter without a boiler, especially with all the helpful people on WW.
Replied: 6th Oct 2020 at 06:44

Mick-- Tom is still a cyber friend and he's not a plumber now someone I could phone anytime, their are others I could call that I've met on here for a chat or ask anything
Replied: 6th Oct 2020 at 07:39
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 11:49

I had forgotten all about this thread and, I’m so sorry not to have replied to the kind advice I was given but, here I am, 5 years later.
To reply to those who made suggestions the answer is yes, I did apply to get a free boiler under the Government Scheme, but no can do.
I’m sure this subject has cropped up again since 2020, but I’ll repeat what I replied then in case anyone missed it.
I can’t get a new boiler under any scheme, simply because I’ve never drawn any benefits from the Government. None at all, and that was the criteria , so I battle on! I did qualify for loft and cavity wall insulation, so at least I got something. Difference now is that, back then, my gas and electric was £140 a month, which was doable, but it’s now just under £300 a month.
Oh well, such is my luck!
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 18:09
That’s a lot Mollie.
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 18:42

It sure is, but I am, at the moment, in credit.
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 18:50

who reopens a thread that's over 4 years old?
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 18:57

Mollie said, "my gas and electric was £140 a month, which was doable, but it’s now just under £300 a month"
Retep1949, so rightedly pointed out, "That’s a lot Mollie."
To which Mollie answered, approvingly, "It sure is, but I am, at the moment, in credit."
So, Mollie, it follows that you aren't using £300 worth of gas and electric in a month so why are you giving them money for nothing?
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 20:16

I know, Tonker. Thing is, I'd rather keep it as it is for now so I can build up more credit over the coming months. For a while, I was in debit to the tune of around £500 which sent me into a spin, so I started to switch off one electric fire in my living room, and snuggled up with me owd sheepskin jacket. I was okay with that but, if you recall, last November my freezer had to work extra hard as it had completely frozen over, so I blame that for the problem in which I found myself, and I'm now starting to balance out again.
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 21:11

Oh, raaaaight!
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 21:21

Do try to keep in line with Approved Document L !
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 21:28

Approved document L states,
Tha might think tha cowd now but, unless thas getten a ticket to Hell, being dead is cowder than a step mothers kiss, Turn the heat on and let it run and if you're in debt, sod um,
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 21:46

And Gomorrah ! (The heat of the great anger of The Lord - Deuteronomy)
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 21:53

anyone know what happened to Arfur ?
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 22:21

Burram not cowd. I'm owt but at the moment.
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 22:26

Yea, a horse owner friend of mine says, The horses are shedding the winter coats and, that is a good sign that Winter is ending
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 22:31

On my way up Beech Hill Avenue going to work today, I spotted the start of daffodils just beginning to sprout up on the grass verges. No flowers as yet, but probably will by next week.
Replied: 4th Feb 2025 at 22:47

Posted by: tomplum (14112) View tomplum's page
anyone know what happened to Arfur ?
i think one mon forgot to change names
Replied: 5th Feb 2025 at 09:01
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