ex-downall greeners 5
Started: 17th Nov 2012 at 20:24
Last edited by bambam: 17th Nov 2012 at 20:36:49

Replied: 17th Nov 2012 at 20:38

Hi Trixie,hows that
Replied: 17th Nov 2012 at 20:50
'Come in No.4 your times up!' & 'Welcome No.5!'
Replied: 17th Nov 2012 at 21:34

Nice one suesa i like that
Replied: 17th Nov 2012 at 22:13

About time too may get something to talk about again
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 12:09
i was once talkin to an old lady and she told me that a bomb dropped on brocstedes feild . at the back near to wear the foot ball feild is now....does any one no any thing about this not exactley down hall green i know but not far is it ?
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 13:00

Yes it dropped in the field at the back of our house, we lived in Coronation Street at the time not that I remember anything of it being as I was only a baby, it was said they was returning home after bombing Liverpool and couldn't go back with left over bombs, so they just dropped them in the hope it did some damage
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 16:06
Last edited by dougie: 18th Nov 2012 at 16:08:54

The Germans spent a lot of time in north west area with their bombers,looking for ammunition factories euxton and beech hill, also burtonwood airfield i remember my father telling me a tale about bombers trying to locate the ammunition train but cant remember where he said it ran from don't think they ever hit it though.
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 19:06

I'm happy this new thread was started, I've not been able to get onto the old one for a long time.
Nothing to do with DG, but according to a history of Burtonwood I read, the germans never found it with any bombs.
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 21:22

Hi uncle joe,sorry it took so long to update thread glad to hear the gerries never hit burtonwood.
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 21:39
I have heard about a bomb being dropped in a field and 2
Homeguard lads were killed (1940) Don't know if this is the same but the lads killed were John Henry Davies and Jack Adamson.Any help rbilly?
Replied: 18th Nov 2012 at 21:54
If you google:
Wigan & District Air Raids Revised XLS
you will find a list on a pdf file. I certainly never realised that there were so many reported incidents in Ashton.
I think this must be the one that you are interested in.
13.30 hrs. 12.07.1941 in Park Meadow, half mile South of Brocksteads Rd. Type of bomb unknown.
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 09:59

I've true story here straight from the horses mouth so to speak as I asked them myself,
it's about a house in Fredrick Street just off Wigan Road at Bryn, during the war unknown to them a bomb was dropped down their bedroom chimney pot that didn't explode and stayed there for over 20 years before it was found
I could verify this story with their son that is still living in the Wigan area "hope you see this John"
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 11:21

very interesting, thanks dougie would like to learn more about that.
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 11:32

Bambam, I know the last few posts have not been about Downall Green but it's getting us talking again that's the main thing at this stage
Strabismus Link Here if anyone would like to look
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 11:57
Last edited by dougie: 19th Nov 2012 at 12:18:03

The bomb that killed Jack Adamson & John Davis was in the field next to Garswood Rec, They went to dig it out when it went off.
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 21:19

Tumtingle, Tha have fot do a bit of scrolling on this No5 in a bit,
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 21:22

Tumtell, it's only on my laptop that I have to scroll
Replied: 19th Nov 2012 at 22:42

Back When I lived in DG, The "Croft" was used as a football field by Rectory School. Is it still used for that today? As some of you know, its a long time since I've even been in the village.
Replied: 20th Nov 2012 at 10:40

Hi uncle joe, as kids the croft to us was at top of elm ave which stretched both sides of birch grove, i think i know where you mean it was at rear of school backing onto what we called the dell and running down to millingfords factory,if thats the one its still there and used as a sports field by the school.
Replied: 20th Nov 2012 at 21:25

Hi Bambam, the one I mean was between Poplar Ave and Rectory Road. It was bordered by the houses on Elm Ave., Poplar Ave., and Rectory Rd. The Village Club bowling Green made up the 4th side.
Replied: 21st Nov 2012 at 07:26

Hi uncle joe, i know where you mean now its everton street the shop at the bottom leading to field was daintys, the shops facing was tommy evans and annie deacons but that was in my days late 60s 70s,i also remember real goal posts being there i think there maybe a bit of history on that patch,where the name everton street come from i don't know maybe bentlegs or dougie can help.
Replied: 21st Nov 2012 at 20:34
Last edited by bambam: 21st Nov 2012 at 20:45:56
i have often wondered why they called that everton street bambam
Replied: 21st Nov 2012 at 21:20

Me to rbilly, there used to be iron gates on entrance from poplar side and some kind of turnstile posts on entrance from rectory rd end, maybe a football team played there at one time.
Replied: 22nd Nov 2012 at 10:07

The croft as we called was just part of the fields that the estate was being built on, it was cleaned up and just left after the council had finished using it as a big storage place for everything that was needed for building the estate, goal posts in the 40/50s there was no grass in the middle as the soil was full of lime from the mortar mixer and nothing would grow there for years,you couldn't even walk across to Rectory road if it had been raining
Replied: 22nd Nov 2012 at 12:30

I do remember some permanent goal posts on the croft. When I was at Rectory in the early 60's, its where the school football team used to lose I also remember some metal posts on the Everton Street side, and something (tubular railings?) on the Poplar Ave. side.
Does anyone know what it is like now?
Replied: 22nd Nov 2012 at 15:15

The next street down that leads to the Club is Bolton St, I expect they had to call them something,& like Dougie said , what was made into the play area was the storage area & cabins, Bert will never forget that place,
Replied: 22nd Nov 2012 at 21:07

Your right Tumtingle, Bert was one lucky lad when playing on that field to still be with us today
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 12:51
it is now all fenced of and is a chilldrens play area..not open all the time they lock the gates at a certain time in the day ..well they used to not sure if they still do
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 13:45
hi bentlegs i was lucky that day.but like a bad penny i keep coming back just banged in dougie in ashton he was telling me about the croft,it was everything to us we played football and rugby .and we used to camp there all through summer hols.some good memories and bad ones to
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 16:16
hi bentlegs i was lucky that day.but like a bad penny i keep coming back just banged in dougie in ashton he was telling me about the croft,it was everything to us we played football and rugby .and we used to camp there all through summer hols.some good memories and bad ones to
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 16:19
We used to play football rugby and cricket all day on there and the bother because there was a greenhouse behind the goal at the Elm ave.end.Bentlegs I was with your brother in law George got cut bad when he fell on a broken bottle and cut his artery and severed a tendon blood everywhere took him to mr Jones who was in the St. Johns Ambulance and he had to go to the Infirmary.
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 17:08

I was amazed growing up as a youngster on this estate, all the streets was named after trees, i think rectory rd was obviously named after the church where its sited at the top, would love to know where the streets everton and bolton come from strange thing is they are named after famous football teams.
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 21:14

Did the street opposite Everton Street have a name? The one that had Tommy Turners on the corner?
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 21:58

Evens old age
Replied: 23rd Nov 2012 at 22:37

Now where did I get Turners from? Apart from rbillys influence.
Just send me to the wrinklie home...
Replied: 24th Nov 2012 at 07:56

Hi uncle joe, good old days daintys tommy evans and annie deacons, she always had pumps for jelly sunday and displayed all photos in window for weeks after the event.
Replied: 25th Nov 2012 at 22:09

I dont think any of us realised how good the days were back then. Or for that matter how thriving the village was. I reckoned a while ago that when I lived there, on or close to Rectory Road alone there were 14 or 15 small businesses.
Replied: 26th Nov 2012 at 08:11

i remember it being a very busy estate uncle joe,as a lad i used to get mi wheelbarrow and get coal for my mother from leyland green mine,think most of business on estate is gone now.
Replied: 26th Nov 2012 at 21:09
Last edited by bambam: 26th Nov 2012 at 21:23:54

Bambam, I'm still trying to work out who you are. We must know each other, I think.
Replied: 27th Nov 2012 at 15:28

My family lived in elm avenue,you would problably have known my father gerry he was coach driver for many years and liked a pint in bell and village club, at one time he lived at 50 birch grove and was best mate with jimmy hill who also lived on birch grove.
Replied: 27th Nov 2012 at 16:04

Bert, or anyone from Downallgreen, A chap has posted on Guest , James Antony Stewart who says he lived at no 4 Leyland green rd in the 60s & attended (as he said ) Rectory lane school, Anyone know him? If you read Guest it must have been where Ronnie Harrison lived,
Replied: 28th Nov 2012 at 20:12
#4 was Ronnies house. Rafferty's lived there, but I don't remember when they moved in...maybe Tony was there inbetween Harrisons and Raffertys...I don't remember the name Stewart at all, but, I've always been bad remembering names..
Wonder if Greener still looks on here, he/she hasn't posted in a long time.....
Replied: 29th Nov 2012 at 18:22
Hi jouell it's greener yeah I still look in. Regarding Rafferty's they lived at number 2. And Stewart's lived at number 4. Before they emigrated to Australia in the 60's. Thats when i moved of the estate as well.
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 12:29
Hi Greener, was Tony Stewart Margaret Fayles son... She lived there after she got married...
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 13:19
The reason I came up with Ronnie and Raffertys at #4 was because I counted the empty lot as one, guess whenever it gets built on it will be two houses Is it big enough for two houses?
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 13:55
hi jouell yes i remember margaret living there but dont rememmber her children.
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 14:00
Hi Bert, Stewarts post said he is 56, so he's a good few years younger than us, a couple years older than my youngest brother Stephen and Stephen doesn't remember him at all. So maybe they emigrated when he 'Stewart' was quite young.
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 14:53

eeup jouell Girl I courted was from Birch Grove,Her Dads name was Albert Coward,
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 16:17
Right, I know who you mean....
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 16:35

Jouell, I think that solves it, It could only have been Margaret Fayles son, I do remember Margaret living there now,
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 19:21
Think so bentlegs...
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 19:33

On second thoughts it would be Brenda Fayle who lived there,
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 21:11
Brenda or Margaret, can't remember who was what, but that Stewart must be her child....
Replied: 30th Nov 2012 at 21:26
I'm sure Stewarts also had a daughter. And do you remember Hodsons living there before them?There were 2 brothers 1 called Tom can't recall the other name.
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 00:17
I remember two brothers, don't remember names well at all... I left DG in 61, although my parents lived there until passing, my Mam in 92 and Dad in 2003... I was going through a lot of stuff for years, so didn't really keep up with what was going on in DG...
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 01:35

Was it Billy and Eddy Felstead that your thinking of jouell, they lived in the first house next door to Fayle's as you went down the steps in the path, do you remember them steps
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 09:58
Last edited by dougie: 1st Dec 2012 at 21:28:25
Dougie, do you mean the steps going down from Lilac Ave to Hawthorn... Billy and Eddie Felstead sounds familiar, but I can't place them... There were two brothers lived in the row of terraced houses next to Slaters pen, they had a bench next to the front door, one brother would sit on the bench, the other leaning on the door frame.
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 13:55

Yes them are the steps I was meaning sorry about that wrong brothers I think you must mean Zack and Phil Naylor they always looked like old men
both worked in the pit
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 15:42
Yes, they're the ones... yes they did always look old, but it also depended on what age you were.... I remember as a 11/12 year old, I'd see bentlegs walking past my house all dressed up walking to the bus stop, all dressed up on his way to a night out and thinking he was a grownup... Now I look at 20 year olds as kids still, with a lot of growing up to do....That said, at 20, back in those days I suppose 20 was grown up lol...
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 16:26

Jouell, I was swinging them round at the Wigan Emp at 20.
Regarding the Felstead brothers, They lived next door but 3 to me on L,G, R,
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 20:30

it was Mick and Pat Riley that lived in that house not Felsteads, also come to think it was Ack Naylor not Zack
Replied: 1st Dec 2012 at 21:38

Thanks everyone, i have enjoyed the last threads i obviously don't know the families you all mentioned i was not old enough,but i remember the steps from lilac to hawthorn my cousins lived in first house on hawthorn at side of the steps.
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 01:39
I remember Rileys, they were a nice family.....bentlegs, Felsteads, they lived between Moores and Fosters??
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 03:04
Pat & Terry (Mick) Riley are my cousins. They did live in the first house in Hawthorn across the road from Robin Hughes and Bill Duffy's. They left Downall Green when they married and have both lived in Golbourne ever since. Auntie Marion & Uncle Jack moved to a smaller house in Lilac and Tommy & Thelma Simm moved into the house in Hawthorn.
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 12:38

suesa, Hope they are both keeping O.K. if you see Terry or Pat tell them Dougie Yates is still around and was asking about them, can't remember the last time I saw either of them well over 25 years
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 14:46

Jouell, You aint won this one, I lived at 31, Griffith at 29 Nures at 27 & then Felsteads at 25,
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 20:41
Hi Dougie, Both Pat & Terry came to the Rectory reunion. It was very busy that evening and so easy to miss people in the crowds
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 20:46

Hi suesa, you are right love simms lived there from me being a youngster, they are my half cousins think thelma is still there.
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 20:47
Thelma lives in Lilac Ave bambam. See her quite regularly out and about in Ashton.
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 21:46
Suesa I didn't know they were there that night, wish I could have seen them, but as you say it was busy with a lot of people there...
Bentlegs, you didn't give a number, you just said 3 doors from you... I didn't remember where they lived, so went up some instead of down...
Suesa, the win Bentlegs is going on about is, he said you and Kevin were twins, I said you weren't, well he said he had people who said you were, but I stuck to it that you weren't.. Then he found out you weren't and I think it bothered him that I was right now he wants a win with the Felstead brothers..
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 22:16
I am 7 yrs YOUNGER thank you Bentlegs. Well done Jouell, you're the definate winner on that one
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 22:28
Last edited by suesa: 2nd Dec 2012 at 22:32:10
I do know that Eddie Felstead was in our Pat's class at school. There's a school photo on here (Rectory) with them both on. Can't remember the year, will have to have a check on it
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 22:31
Listed under 'North Ashton Holy Trinity C of E School' 1946? Second row, 2nd from left. They are both on there and someone agrees that the date is correct. I guess they would be 5/6 yrs old (?)
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 22:47
Suesa, he'll probably fall out with me now
Replied: 2nd Dec 2012 at 23:15

suesa, Your school photo is here again
Back Row Keith,Haydock, Dougie Yates,Walter Stanley,Ken Savage, (?) (?) Billy Hurst ,Jackie Smout,
Next row Les Bowl,Sylvia Parry,Margaret Sherrett, Ethel Thompson,Phillis Shaw,Sheila Wilson.Joan Cunliffe, Betty Walker,
Next row, Audrey Simpkin (?) Philis Clayton,Vera woods,Elsie Hunter,Stella Crompton, Margaret Prescott,
Pat Riely,
front row, (?) Alan Walker,Alan Berry, Eddie Felstead,Alan Heaton,Alan Jones,
Replied: 3rd Dec 2012 at 09:46

Jouell, OK i give in about Kev & Suesa But i am reet about the Felsteads, So Theer,
Replied: 3rd Dec 2012 at 20:36
Don't 'so theer ' me... I never said you were wrong and I was right... when you said 3 houses from you, I asked ( check the question mark on my post)... There is a difference between saying I'm right and ASKING.. SO THEER
Replied: 3rd Dec 2012 at 21:29
Hahaha!!! Go Girl!!!
Replied: 3rd Dec 2012 at 21:39
Sue, we have to speak up don't we....or we'd be trampled on..
Replied: 3rd Dec 2012 at 21:43
Oh yes Janet. Girl Power and all that!
Replied: 3rd Dec 2012 at 22:21

Or a case of "blowing your own trumpet!"
Replied: 4th Dec 2012 at 12:30
It's all in fun uncle joe
Replied: 4th Dec 2012 at 12:49

Yep, so was my comment. I was referring to the Silver Band...I know suesa used to be a member.
Replied: 4th Dec 2012 at 15:02
right...too early in the morning for me then,it went right over my head... totally missed the connection with Sue and the band, although I knew she used to be in it...
Replied: 4th Dec 2012 at 15:35

Jouell. So thas not fawed eayt wi mi? Un if i want theer thi altheer thi,
Replied: 4th Dec 2012 at 20:08
Well done uncle joe, that was quick eh!
Replied: 4th Dec 2012 at 20:47

uncle joe where did you live on estate, if i don't know you coming from a different era perhaps you may know some old friends of mine who i still see.
Replied: 5th Dec 2012 at 21:44

I used to live on Poplar Ave., more or less opposite where Dougie used to live. I left there in '69 when the family moved. Its my late brother that most people remember, not me.
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 07:22

Margaret Fail lived next door but one to Rileys at the top of Hawthorne avenue and married somebody callell Jimmy but i dont think his name was Stewart,but i could be wrong.he was a tall thin fellow.
Thanks bambam, glad to be back,
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 08:12
Trixie,it was the oldest girl and I don't remember if it was Margaret or Brenda, but it was the oldest one after getting married moved into #4 Leyland Green Rd.
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 13:46
jouell The oldest girl was Brenda
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 15:12
Rightio folks! Just been on the phone to my Mum and she knew straightaway that Tony Stewart is Brenda Fayles son and they did live at No4 Leyland Green Road. Brenda and her husband & family emigrated to Australia. Mum was talking to Margaret a short while ago and having a good chinwag and catchup about life in Downall Green in the 'good old days'
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 17:37

I remember now Margarets husband was called Pat.i think he lived in stubshie,
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 18:25
Sue, I told bentlegs a couple of weeks ago we should ask you...I said you or your Mum would know..
I've said before how lucky you are to still have your Mum and her having such a good memory still...She is DGs Historian...
Mystery solved then Tony Stewart is Brenda Fayles son....
Next mystery, who is Greener.. I have no clue, though he says I know him... help anybody, Sue, Mum Atherton...
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 18:46
Last edited by jouell: 6th Dec 2012 at 18:46:53

I just started to ask the same question then deleted it
, as I think everyone that wishes to post on the Downall Green thread should be able to do with out us knowing them if they so wish
but I would just like to know his age
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 18:58
I know what you mean Dougie... I'm saying he, but it maybe she, I have no clue.... I asked greener one time, if I knew him/her... the answer was yes.
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 19:17

Hi joull no i don't live on Downall green anymore moved in 1960's who am i you ask , let me just say i am one of you a Downall greener. It is intresting reading about the old village life and the stories of the people through the past generations.
Hi greener, I only asked if you still lived in DG..I didn't ask who you are..someone asked me if I knew, I said 'no', but maybe bert knew..he said he didn't, so you're idenetity is safe...
I do agree reading about everyones memories and stories about DG is very interesting...
Sorry Jouell wasnt having a go at you i wasnt affended at people asking who i am its quite funny trying to play the guessing game, i have the advantage of knowing all of you. I guess someone will sus me eventually. Lets get back to the topic of Downall Green, regarding shops in the village does anyone remember the toffee shop on Leyland Green Rd. this is the only one thats never been mentioned.
greener, I don't remember names well at all, but if you told me who you were, would I know you?
As for the toffee shop, in my earlier yrs, the only places on L G rd, was the row of terraced houses on your right as you came up the brow, then the row of council houses on your left, the old pop place then the farm at the top..but I don't remember a toffee shop.. Nurse Nuttall used to sell cigs from her house..but not toffee..I'm stumped..
your trying to throw us off sent I would say you can't remember the shop in the middle of the terrace houses you would have to be in your very late 70s its interesting
thou, two sisters had the shop Bet & Dolly but I only remember the Shaw's living in it as a house latter, tell the parson that give you the question they would know my family
Now you've said that about the shop Dougie,I vaguely remember hearing something about it..it must have been my Dad..I know he was born and lived in Cox Lump and Doe Ridings until moving to D G..But he used to tell us stories of him coming to D G as a young boy to play and explore...
uncle joe i meant the people i had been speaking to recently, are the ones that are familiar, and yes thats the shop Dolly's.Yes jouell you do know me. You never know Dougie i may be in my late 70's.
O.K. then greener do you know me are any of my brothers and sisters
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 20:05
So, as Alice in Wonderland said, it's getting curiouser and curiouser
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 20:09
Last edited by jouell: 6th Dec 2012 at 20:10:02

Dougie do you or bentlegs know where the names everton and bolton st come from, i have been searching but not found owt yet.
Replied: 6th Dec 2012 at 23:25

No idea bambam they was named well before my time , there was no houses at all in Everton street as you know and only one big house in Bolton street, that I think most have been made into the village club with extra land given for a bowling green and playing field years ago,but both streets would have opened up to field maybe for building on at a later date,
Replied: 7th Dec 2012 at 08:09
Greener isn't biting Dougie
Replied: 7th Dec 2012 at 14:00

Replied: 7th Dec 2012 at 14:18

Thanks dougie, i was baffled with the street names, obviously d-green streets was named after trees and most places are named after famous people, i know a few people with surname bolton, but never heard of any surname everton.
Replied: 7th Dec 2012 at 22:17

There was a Bolton lived on Poplar during the '70's. Is that one of those that you are thinking of?
Replied: 8th Dec 2012 at 08:11

Hi uncle joe, yes i think that would be dennis bolton who origanated from stubshie cross, his sister sheila lived next door to us in elm ave before moving to rectory rd.
Replied: 8th Dec 2012 at 09:56
Last edited by bambam: 8th Dec 2012 at 17:11:27

I knew the Bolton Family very well when they lived in stubshie.a loooong looong time ago.
Replied: 8th Dec 2012 at 10:57

Thanks trixie, now the penny has dropped. I last saw Sheila when she was about 16 or 17.
The Bolton that I was thinking about on Poplar was called Doris. Her brother was the lad that drove a motorbike around the Village Clubs Bowling Green during a match.
I wonder if anyone remembers that incident?
Replied: 8th Dec 2012 at 13:30

uncle joe, if it's same one she lived at number 20 across the road from you but that was her name before she got married "Doris Bolton" don't remember her brother but she still lives there at number 20
Replied: 8th Dec 2012 at 17:11

I remember the motor bike incident but i cant remember the lads name,
Replied: 10th Dec 2012 at 20:27

Dennis was a stocky lad with curly hair.
Replied: 11th Dec 2012 at 07:33

Bentlegs: I think that the lads name was Harry, but I think that someone else was involved as well.
Do you remember much about the incident? I was told that it was in the middle of a bowling match. Could that be true?
Replied: 11th Dec 2012 at 12:15

I just saw the damage the next day,
Replied: 11th Dec 2012 at 20:50

Nice lad dennis, he worked at makerfield mill same time as me until it shut down late 70s.
Replied: 13th Dec 2012 at 08:02

Did you hear about Gwilym bambam.
Replied: 13th Dec 2012 at 18:07

Whats wrong Trixie, Is he OK,
Replied: 13th Dec 2012 at 21:26

yes trixie, mick middlehurst told me he had passed away he was a lovely chap and will be dearly missed, he liked a pint in anvil where i met him on a regular basis, R.I.P me owd mate.
Replied: 13th Dec 2012 at 22:47

No he passed away last thursday if my message was right.
Brian will know.
Replied: 14th Dec 2012 at 12:13
i banged in richard eclestone last friday in ashton.he said he had been talking to young gwillam and he told him.sad nice chap.rip gwillam.
Replied: 14th Dec 2012 at 13:58

Sorry, I didn't know Gwillam had died,
R I P Gwillam,
Replied: 14th Dec 2012 at 14:46
Yet another ex-pitman bites the dust RIP
Replied: 14th Dec 2012 at 21:38
Bert, the last time I saw Richard Eccleston I had a drink with him in the Village club, must be about 12 years ago...Hope he's doing ok..
Replied: 18th Dec 2012 at 00:02
To all Downall Greeners,
Best Wishes to you all,
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year..........
Enjoy, be merry and be safe..
Replied: 21st Dec 2012 at 12:41

You beat me to it.jouell.
A very Merry christmas and a Happy New year to you all. xx
Replied: 21st Dec 2012 at 17:13
All the very best for Christmas and the New Year to all. xxx
Replied: 21st Dec 2012 at 19:15
Dougie, Don't forget your CAMERA next time you go to the club !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas !!!!
Replied: 24th Dec 2012 at 20:03

Merry Christmas all Downallgreeners
Replied: 24th Dec 2012 at 20:51

Jouell, you must have been talking to him it was going to be a surprise for you as I had seen your post on here
, the club looks good at this time of the year, did he tell you that we would have been standing at the bar together having a drink, may be next year are if you would like me to take one for the new year, that's it you pay for the drinks
P.S. Merry Christmas to you all
Replied: 24th Dec 2012 at 23:36
Last edited by dougie: 24th Dec 2012 at 23:38:54
Well Dougie it may not be a surprise now, but I would still love a pic, as you say, the both of you stood at the bar having a drink... He'll have to pay, it will take a while from here I've said before you are very thoughtful and it is very much appreciated...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ...
Replied: 25th Dec 2012 at 00:14

Merry Christmas to all of you from me also.
Replied: 25th Dec 2012 at 12:45
I had the best Christmas Day I've had in quite a while... Hope all you DGreeners had a goodday also..
Replied: 26th Dec 2012 at 13:39
Dougie, I talked to him on skype yesterday, told him he had to buy you the drink, he laughed, don't know if that's a yes or a no I guess you'll find out next time you see him.....
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 16:25
Hi Janet, glad you had a lovely day. Ours was lovely, Mum came for dinner and it wasn't long before we were talking about the 'old days'
Yesterday (Boxing Day) turned out to be more special than we thought it would as we had all our family here, plus Mum and our Elaine and her family. Our daughter who lives in Spain wasn't home but we had spoken the day before. Then the doorbell rang and guess who was on our doorstep? .......Yes it was Tracey who had flown into Manchester in the afternoon and hid out at our eldest daughters house until the evening. Both our other daughters knew this was happening and kept it from Derrick and me. We were overjoyed ....... what a fantastic surprise
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 17:23
Oh that was lovely Susan... I've often dreamt of that happening to me, not just at Holidays but at any time... Sadly though it has never happened... In the 37 years I've lived here, two brothers have come over once, one came in 1981, the other in 1999,the other brother not at all, although he flies to 'friends' in Wisconsin just about every year.. a daughter has come three times, 1983, 86 and 91 and that is sum total of 'family' visits in 37 years....
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 18:16
Awww Janet I hope 2013 holds lots of family visits and surprises for you,
, I think everyone should get at least one of those
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 21:15
nothing is going to change, not after all of these years... I have always been the one to give up all our holiday time and money going over there... I guess thats enough for them...the ones that have been over aren't in a position to make the trips anymore, the one that hasn't, still goes to their 'freinds' but doesn't come here, but he doesn't see the other family either..I don't get upset anymore, life is too short to waste on getting upset over something I have no control over...
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 22:31
I agree about not getting in a state about something you have no control over. There was once an issue that just wound me up over and over again but there was no way that things would be different so I did eventually turn myself off to it before it totally consumed me. Still sending (((HUGS))) to you because I know when living far away from family how these visits and contact are so very important
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 22:38
Thanks Sue, (((hugs))) back to you... yes, it takes someone who has been in such a situation, ( living far away) to understand what it's like...But it's a nothing compared to what I've been through in my life, I survived all of that, I can deal with this, I'm a tough old bird, I'm OK...
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 22:49
Great to hear it Jan Us Downall Greeners are made of strong stuff eh?
Replied: 27th Dec 2012 at 23:17
got that right
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 01:08

I totally agree with you both.
I have to say that i am a surviver too.
Families heh,whood have em,
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 08:13
families .i am the only one o f our family who goes and visits them all over the year.even though we dont live so far away.not one of our lot ever think of calling.so i make sure my own kids and grandkids and my wifes family see each other regularly.we all had a lovely christmas together and will be celebrating the new year together.so i wish everybody on W World all the best for the new year.p.s.jouelle you may be lucky in 2013 with your family.
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 13:25
Bert, did you see my Dec18th post Re Richard Eccleston... how is he doing?
Re visits, I know two can't afford to do it now,but we're on good terms, never has been a falling out or anything, just disappointment for me... The others won't ever come to visit.. I've given up wanting and waiting, I spend my time with the people that care about me and I them...
Happy New Year to you and family Bert...
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 14:37
Susan and Janet,
Hope you both had a great Christmas and can I say to all Downall Greeners all the very best for 2013.
Wish your Tracey best wishes, Susan. I hear she isn't at the same resort anymore?
AND, Janet just to let you know I'm up for adoption!!
Best wishes,
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 18:10
Ha ha Eric....Thank you Eric, yes we had a very good Christmas, after the holidays, we will talk..been saying it for ages, not done it yet though..
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 21:12
Happy New Year everyone...
We will be away for 3 days over the New Year... hope you all have a great New Years, be Merry but be safe.....
Replied: 28th Dec 2012 at 21:15
We were lucky when we lived abroad that our family did visit regularly, though some of our friends weren't as fortunate.
Hiya Eric, just relayed your message to our Tracey, she sends her best. She has moved house but because of her full time work tends not to work in the resort as much in the winter months but will be there sometimes in the summer season.
Enjoy your time away Janet ........
Happy New Year to all, hope it's a great one for you
Replied: 30th Dec 2012 at 00:16
Over on General, Tomplum posted about a plane crashing on Winstanley Rd by New House Farm....2 mile stretch area....
I have vague memories of a plane crashing in the field across from Winstanleys farm were the old outcrop was, probably early 50s? Does anybody else remember this, or did I dream it... seems funny there would be 2 plane crashes along that rd, one north and one south of Windy Arbour....
Replied: 30th Dec 2012 at 18:19
Sorry I can't help you on this one Janet. I will of course ask Mum if she has any recollection of this happening, I'm sure someone on here can give you some info ....
Replied: 30th Dec 2012 at 22:51
Thanks Sue, I thought bentlegs, dougie or Greener, who it would seem knows everything, would know... maybe they do and just haven't been on in a while to see...
Happy New Year Sue... I'm off in the morning, hoping we have a good/great New Year... it's time for one.. lol..
Replied: 31st Dec 2012 at 01:21

Sorry I don't know anything about a plane crash up that way
Forgot to take my camera to the club again last night
Replied: 31st Dec 2012 at 09:05
Dougie!!!!! What are we going to do about you... Are you going tonight? get your camera out and put a sticky note on your door to remind you...
Have a Happy New Year...
Replied: 31st Dec 2012 at 12:32
plane that crashed was a F-86F Saber pilot was Stockdale, survived Crash taken to Wigan Infirmary, March 22 1956.
Replied: 31st Dec 2012 at 14:09

I dont remember it,& only lived 2miles away,
Replied: 1st Jan 2013 at 20:29
Asked my Mum yesterday and she doesn't remember it at all.
Replied: 1st Jan 2013 at 20:56

If anyone would like to read about it's Here
Replied: 1st Jan 2013 at 21:38
I guess you haven't taken any pictures yet Dougie, will he not buy you that drink..
Replied: 10th Jan 2013 at 14:37

All the nice Christmas atmosphere and the decorations as now gone out of the club "sorry" , maybe next year
Replied: 11th Jan 2013 at 21:05
My uncle was Tommy Evans and he had a grocers shop in Rectory Lane. There was always a wonderful aroma if coffee in his shop.
Replied: 11th Jan 2013 at 23:32
Edna,I grew up in Downall Green, I remember Tommy Evans, used to get all my supplies for 'Domestic Science' as it was called then, from his shop...
Then when I was married I lived on Meadowcroft for 10 years and got my bread from your Dad everyday, plus going to the shop more times than I can count..
Replied: 12th Jan 2013 at 02:27
Dougie, I'm really not that bothered about the decorations, although I'm sure they were very nice.. I would have liked a pic of both of you though.....
Replied: 12th Jan 2013 at 02:29

Hi Edna H,Welcome aboard the "Downall Green Thread"
Whats took you so long to find us, I would say everyone on here knew Tommy Evens the man from the shop , but a few of us also knew him from the "Village Club" as just Tommy when he could be himself and not have his shop keeper hat on
then later from the"Garswood Hall Bowling Club" at Bryn, he was a very nice man and not just in the shop
Replied: 12th Jan 2013 at 09:20
Last edited by dougie: 12th Jan 2013 at 09:21:49

Hi Edna i remember tommy very well, i used to do all errand runs for people on estate spent many hours in his shop on rectory rd, lovely chap.
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 12:14
Well Dougie I don't consider myself a Downall Greener. I consider myself a Brynner as we lived at no 183 DG road. Apart from my Uncle Tom, Aunty Edna and cousin Enid who were at the shop I knew Kathryn Roberts from Birch Road. She was in my year at Ashton Grammar. Also Irene Fazakerley on Spindle Hillock. She was also in my year at AGS. I first went out dancing with her, Xmas 1968, to the Monaco at Hindley. I believe she is now in Chicago.
I am glad everyone liked my Uncle Tom. Yes he was a nice man. My cousin will be pleased to hear that.
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 13:47
I mean Birch Grove not Road, sorry
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 13:56

Sorry for welcoming you to the Downall green site but it was the first time I had seen you post on here
so I'll take the welcome back
I remember your uncle Tommy taking over the shop at Downall Green from Rushton's in the late 40/50s, also your cousin Enid but she was more the age of my younger brother or sister,
I also lived on Rose Hill at Bryn for a few years when we first got married in the 60s but I never think of me being a Brynner more of a Rose-Hill-er, knew your Dad P and his brothers Jack and Bob
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 16:55
Dougie I lived on Meadowcroft from early 60s to early 70s, but never thought of myself as a Bryner... I have lived in the States longer than I lived in England, but I am still a DownallGreener...
Enid was at the reunion, did you not see her.... I know it was crowded, there were people I would have liked to have seen, but didn't get the time to do everything...
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 17:52
Dougie, I didn't mean it as an insult to D Greeners. Sorry if you thought that. You asked why it had taken me so long to find you ie the Downall Greeners. As I wasn't from there I thought it would not be for me. I know better now.
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 18:02
Edna you posted on the DG site Jan 11th, I responded to your post and so did Dougie, he responded to your post then Welcomed you..
Replied: 21st Jan 2013 at 18:09

Jouell, which reunion do you mean?
Replied: 22nd Jan 2013 at 18:43

Hey bambam how you doing?
Replied: 22nd Jan 2013 at 20:04
Uncle joe, the Rectory Rd School, was it 4 years ago, I don't remember
Replied: 22nd Jan 2013 at 23:51

Hi lanky, doing fine love nice to see your post hope you and family are ok as well.
Replied: 23rd Jan 2013 at 08:38

Hi BamBam, your Downall Green 5 is running well started 17th November so call it two months, "2236 Views and 173 posts" thats not bad for a little village is it
But we need new blood on the site like you that just look and say nothing, so just come in to say Hello
Replied: 23rd Jan 2013 at 09:41
Last edited by dougie: 23rd Jan 2013 at 09:44:53

jouell, that was in 2009, I think. Just after I joined the message board. What confused me was someone mentioning that Edna H was there. She must have been in the same class as me at Rectory but I honestly cant remember her from there, only AGS. (Sorry, Edna H).
Replied: 23rd Jan 2013 at 16:15

Uncle Joe, I don't think Edna will be back on here so I'll try to answer for her, she went to St-Peters at Bryn then on to A.G.School that would be when you got to know her,
It wasn't Edan H that was a the Rectory School Reunion it was her cousin Enid Evens that we was talking about, you would be better contacting her on the Bryn thread
Replied: 23rd Jan 2013 at 16:50
Hey Dougie. I think you misunderstood me. I said " I know better now" meaning this thread IS for me after all. I was wrong to think it wasn't. You are right. I did not go to the Rectory. I went to St Peters as you say as i lived at 183. My cousin Enid went to the Rectory.
Mind you there were children just up the road , the Kay's, who went to the Rectory.
Replied: 23rd Jan 2013 at 19:54

Sorry Eric hope you don't mind me uploading your photo on the Downall Green Thread,(I will delete it if you wish) but it is far to good not to be uploaded here,
Tumtingle we will have to have some help off the people that just look in with the names on this photo, as we only know the twins Alf and Jimmy, that right
Eric Winstanley added these names to the photo on WW album so I may as well copy them to here
Back Row, left to right:
Jack Heaton, Harry Heaton, Harold Parkinson, Colin Davies, John Leather, Alf Edwards, Derek Holland, Tom Cunliffe
2nd row:
James Edwards, Marion Barton, Jean Barker, Jean Eckersley, Betty Sadler, Norma Glover, Marion Hill, Marian Halliwell, Billy Hurst
3rd row:
Robin Green, Ann Frodsham, Barbara Heyes, Cynthia Littler, Margaret Williams,Dorothy Topping, Mavis Gorner, Gwen Jones, Keith Fairhurst
Front row:
Allan Abbott, Bill Felstead, Terrance Riley, Stanley Yeates, Derek Atherton, Eric Ferguson, Raymond Ashton
For you thats not seen the old photo's of Downall Greem you may like to look
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:00
Last edited by dougie: 24th Jan 2013 at 20:59:34

These comments have been posted on album about the photo can you help
Comments by wuz, 23rd January 2013
I grew up in Downall Green and remember a family who lived on the roundabout in Elm Avenue. The families name was Edwards and they had two sons who took up boxing in their teens, James and Alfred, The third from the right top row has a look of Alfred in his younger days. The only other name for the same person that keeps popping into my mind was a boy called Taberner who lived in Garswood somewhere down Victoria Road, near the old co-op. Just guessing I lived in Downall Green from 1947 to 1958 a long time ago
Comments by dougie, 23rd January 2013
Waz I must know you lol, it is Alf his brother jimmy is first on the left second row down,
Comments by JONDAV, 24th January 2013
I went to Rectory school from 1950 to 1957. I dont recognise any of these at this age,but I probably knew them when they were older.
I have mentioned this before but their doesn't seem to be any class photos from when I was there. Is their a reason for this?
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:07
Last edited by dougie: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:26:03
I did leave a comment on the album pic, but for some reason it isn't up yet...
I was only 4 when this pic was taken, so obviously I wouldn't know anybody...Any way, I do recognize who you dougie says is Alf, because I think he looked the same as he grew older..A lot of faces look familiar,the 2nd row, 1st girl in on the left, was she a Frodsham and 3rd row, 4th one in from the right, was she a Hinchcliffe, her younger sister was in the same year as me.. But I couldn't even attempt to give names to anyone else....Middle girl 3rd row, is that Betty Sadler?
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:21
Last edited by jouell: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:25:47

Of course you must know a few look at the lad first row second from the left
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:30
Dougie, that lad and Alf were the two faces that jumped out at me when I first saw the pic... I don't even know how old these people were then.... aaggghhhh, I hate being put on the spot...I'll go out on a limb and say it's you
3rd lad in from left top row, was he a Sutton?
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:48
Last edited by jouell: 24th Jan 2013 at 14:50:42

Wrong both times look again at that lad and alf
we'll have to wait for someone to put the some names we don't know do we Tumtingle
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 15:20
I'm looking, I'm looking and I can't see any connection between the two... If Alf sees this, I'm sorry Alf, but Alf looks like a lot of us did back then, not dressed the best, the other one is nicely dressed and looks taken care of... I don't know Dougie, really... please put me out of my misery and tell me who the heck he is..
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 15:42

Can anyone help jouell with this one lads name please
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 15:50
I thought you knew, why can't you tell me You're just going to have fun with this aren't you..
What about the girls names, was I right with any of those?
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 15:53
Last edited by jouell: 24th Jan 2013 at 15:59:22
Billy Felstead
yes remember him now
I was right about Betty Sadler and Ann Frodsham... Terry RileyI remember him, he used to live partly back to back with us and can't say I remember any of the others.....
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 18:22
2nd from right top row looks like Alec Williams - though I could be wrong ....
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 19:07
Well according to Eric apparently it is Derek Holland and not Alec .....
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 19:13

suesa, your wrong Alic will be about 3 years younger than these in the photo
jouell, Made you work for that name and he lived in your street so you've no excuse for not getting it first time,
Eric as put all the names on the photo in Album so I've now uploaded them to the photo on this page
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 19:18
Cheers for that Dougie, it was only a guess, I wasn't around then
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 19:22
Last edited by suesa: 24th Jan 2013 at 19:24:02

Tumtell,I think you have got them right but maybe the first lad back row was Harry Cunliffe,
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 20:16

Jouell, Do you mean, Harold Parkinson?
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 20:21

Tumtingle, Eric Winstanley added the names that he got off Betty Sadler,I just uploaded them on here
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 21:05
So how old were these children when this pic was taken.. I had my 4th birthday in Nov of 48, so as a 3yr old, as I was then, how was I supposed to know them as they were then...
I'd have a tough time recognizing any of them now, apart from Betty, as I saw her at the reunion...
Someone I've never heard mention of on here, Irene Armstrong ?...tallish, slim, fair hair, lived in one of the Bay windowed terraced houses across from the Church...She was older than me, 3years, maybe more.. Anybody know anything....
Replied: 24th Jan 2013 at 22:03

Don't remember any Irene Armstrong from Rectory road but she may have been younger than me , there was a Tommy Armstrong my age that lived in the corner house across the road from you, now he had a younger sister think she would be about 70 now don't know her name was that not her, the only girl I remember across from the church was Eileen Shaw
Replied: 25th Jan 2013 at 08:05
Last edited by dougie: 25th Jan 2013 at 08:08:03
I got it wrong, you are right Dougie... Eileen Shaw is the girl I meant... told you before, I am awful when it comes to remembering names....
Tommy Armstrong lives in Texas, he was a Airline Pilot, last I heard 4 years ago was he was training pilots...When I was over last time, I went to visit one of my brothers who lives in France and living close to him was the youngest Armstrong girl, Irene. Anyway we went to visit her and her husband, hadn't seen her in 45 years or more.. had a lovely afternoon with them..
So, Eileen Shaw, anybody know anything of her, where she is, anything..
Replied: 25th Jan 2013 at 14:02
Last edited by jouell: 25th Jan 2013 at 16:42:33

She was living in Bournemouth but don't know if she is still there, one thing I know she's not round Ashton unless she's keeping out of my way
Don't call me and Bentlegs old again
that's two you've got wrong in two days(Billy and Eileen)and both lived a stones throw from you
I'll not tell David on Sunday honest
Replied: 25th Jan 2013 at 21:59
I know I'm getting worried, I have been getting things wrong something awful these past few days... I do have something going on medically right now, maybe it's the meds doing my head in
... BUT, I never said you and bentlegs were old, I said OLDER and you are OLDER than I am
OK, who else do we know who doesn't come on here, but maybe somebody can tell us something about them...and David will only laugh, I know you'll tell him... Please take your camera....
Replied: 25th Jan 2013 at 22:32
irene armstrong was in the same class at school as me .she lived across the road from jouelle.she is toms sister and will be 65 this year.
Replied: 26th Jan 2013 at 17:20
Hi Bert, did you not see my post above... I saw Irene 4 years ago in France.. spent the afternoon with her and her husband..
Replied: 26th Jan 2013 at 18:32
yes i did see it .not seen her for a very long time .she was always verry quiet at rectory school.but a very nice girl.it is nice to hear she is fine.and nice when old names you went to school with turn up .oftten when i pass there house i have often wandered what be came of them.
Replied: 26th Jan 2013 at 19:30
Bert,I remember Tom and of course Irene, but I have no memories at all of the older girl..... I did hear that Irene and her husband moved from France to Wales a couple of years ago, don't know if she is still there or not, or if our Roy is still in touch with her...
Replied: 26th Jan 2013 at 19:43

Bert 371 rowan has decided to stayi at judes
Replied: 27th Jan 2013 at 19:46
Last edited by chief57: 14th Apr 2013 at 20:08:09

Janet, I've deleted the photo's now, but I've printed them off to give David next week
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 00:00
Last edited by dougie: 28th Jan 2013 at 09:34:07
Thank you SOOO much Dougie, lovely pics of you all, although the third person looks familiar, I don't think I know him, ( Lawd help me if I should know him, I really will be thinking I'm losing my mind.)...
What was Davids reaction when you told him what you were going to do, bet he laughed...
I've saved them all, so you can delete them, Thanks again I soo appreciate them...
Forgot to ask, who bought the drinks?...
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 01:13
Last edited by jouell: 28th Jan 2013 at 01:17:27

You may not know the other person by his photo but it's spectre a good friend in the club, you will have talked or seen his posts on here but never seen him now you have
I got the drinks as you can see there's no spectre I only had enough money to buy me a pint and Dave half as you can see
He had no time to react we just went and sat by him as he was about to shout the bingo
then after the bingo we had the one taken at the bar as he had got over the shock by then
Sorry but should I have taken one of him and his wife for you
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 09:28
dougie I'll tell you what there were no flies on you this morning.I looked on the site and they'd gone,some of us work you know.As far as getting the drinks in pigs would be flying over the bowling club if you did.jouell he even had to borrow a camera to take these,I used to go to st.helens tech with your roy in the 60's.I believe he is living in france now.
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 10:37
So funny, Thanks again Dougie... I've just got off the phone with David,, we had a good laugh and spectre, yes Roy does live in France, I'll send him the pic, maybe he'll recognize you..
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 13:51

Yep I am a qualified ex downall greener 30 hawthorn was my addy 1970 to 73. How you doin bambam.
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 18:14
Dougie, my brother Roy was asking if Jacky Pilling still goes to the club... Roy worked at Rank Xerox in St Helens with him years ago....
Forgot to say, Roy recognized and remembers Spectre, but I don't know him...
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 21:15
Last edited by jouell: 28th Jan 2013 at 21:21:36

Spectre said, jouell he even had to borrow a camera to take these Photos
Yes I did are it would have been me in the wires with Jouell not you,but I had to set it up then ask a man from the top end of the club to come and take the camera I have photos printed off for you both
Jack Pilling doesn't get in the club these days as he as been having a rough time, but he may get back in the summer months I hope so as I know Jack very well
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 22:28
Well Thanks again Dougie, what you did is much appreciated.
I'll tell Roy about Jack Pilling... hope he gets to feeling better really soon..
Replied: 28th Jan 2013 at 22:46

Does anyone remember a family called Newton that lived in Hawthorn Avenue?
Replied: 29th Jan 2013 at 10:20

how long ago uncle joe ?.
Replied: 29th Jan 2013 at 16:15

Early '70's. I dont think that they lived there very long.
Replied: 29th Jan 2013 at 16:54
I lived in Hawthorn until I married in 1972, No 30 was where the Cardwells lived and I thought Margaret was still living there when I got married. But there again UncleJoe time and brains get a bit mixed up
Replied: 29th Jan 2013 at 18:46
Chief57 says it was between 70 & 73, I'm sure Bri whups will know
Replied: 29th Jan 2013 at 18:48

Or reet unc joe think I have your number lol
Replied: 29th Jan 2013 at 20:18

yes uncle joe , they were called ant & stuart . but do you know ant,s name before he changed it to newton .they lived at no-28.
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 01:09

Whups: no, I dont know the name before it was changed.
chief57: If you are who I think you are, you used to be mates with one of my cousins.
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 06:53

it was kinsella . i,d like to know who you are as well uncle joe ? .
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 12:00

Whups: I used to live opposite Dougie, then later we moved to Bryngates. Bert, Suesa, Dougie all know who I am if you are in email contact with them. Its my elder brother that most people seem to know.
I dont know who you are though...
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 12:16
hi whups chief is my son in law.going for a meal with him later and rest of my family for my birthday.i am officialy an old age pensioner.
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 16:47

Uncle joe/ whups,
I know you both
I've just been looking at the school photo on the forum they are talking more about Downall Green than the photo,
To Lyn Crompton if you see this you must be loosing it as you don't know the names of Colin's brothers
, so it's no good asking you for the name of the dog or that of Pam Heatons dog, see if he still looks on here
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 16:50

hi bert , 4got that ant is ur son-in-law .yes dougie i know , was talking to my aunty nora the other week . but if you live on here where did you live ? .
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 17:03
Happy Birthday Bert... enjoy your meal and the rest of your day.. yer owd bugger
I have no clue who Whup or uncle joe is and that won't surprise you Dougie, will it ?
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 17:34
Last edited by jouell: 30th Jan 2013 at 17:36:05

Hi chief57, i doin fine pal just trying to think who you are.
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 18:25
Last edited by bambam: 30th Jan 2013 at 18:26:36

Whups asked, if you live on here where did you live ?
Darting at the Village Club, Bath Springs, Star Hotel, Pit Pony, Bowling Club, I've scored a lot of 180s but only ever gone round the board in seven twice and you never forget the place you did it
Do you remember when the new Pit Pony opened about 1982 I gave a trophy for the first person ever to score 180 in a dart match, you did try but didn't get it a lad from Goose Green as that trophy or had it,don't remember his name
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 18:32

Oreet whups long time no see yes you got the name right but we lived at 30 hawthorn then Percy Lowe lived there after us ( I think) ? Don't forget our Andrew also Brian.
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 21:28
Last edited by chief57: 30th Jan 2013 at 21:54:22

Eeee tha slow thee bambam mind you last time we saw each other was stewarding at Jjb Have you got it yet ?
Replied: 30th Jan 2013 at 21:31
Last edited by chief57: 30th Jan 2013 at 21:34:36

thout it was 28 ant . must be anzimers cummin on.
Replied: 31st Jan 2013 at 01:14

Where did Ann Zheimer live? Was she related to Al Zheimer?
Replied: 31st Jan 2013 at 12:13
Last edited by uncle joe: 31st Jan 2013 at 15:44:59

Hi chief57, i know who ya are now but i must confess i had to ask whups, i not been at jjb for years now, i am working on wigan galleries security now so you will have to pop up and say hello, hope ya doin ok pal.
Replied: 31st Jan 2013 at 18:39

Bambam cheers mate take it easy dav
Replied: 2nd Feb 2013 at 20:51

Thanks mate, hope to see you in near future i call in bryn club most sunday afternoons.
Replied: 7th Feb 2013 at 19:30

Or reet whups is r billy on here.
Replied: 8th Feb 2013 at 16:31

dont know who rbilly is ant.
Replied: 10th Feb 2013 at 01:40

Whups, rbillys Mum used to live in Cedar Grove.
Replied: 10th Feb 2013 at 08:04

I remember the family well, i used knock about with terry if my memory serves me right his mothers name was joan.
Replied: 10th Feb 2013 at 20:10

Remember this almost four years old
Replied: 11th Feb 2013 at 11:56
Last edited by dougie: 11th Feb 2013 at 17:03:35
Surprised me there Dougie... David getting his own back eh.. I'll have to have a word with him....
Replied: 11th Feb 2013 at 14:07
Last edited by jouell: 12th Feb 2013 at 01:17:01

Had some bad news today, an old downallgreener and good friend of mine john tattum has been diagnosed with cancer, john ran the pub at simms road, then moved on to the hen ole on gidlow lane in wigan, i wish you all the best john hope you fight this terrible trauma, good luck mate.
Replied: 12th Feb 2013 at 22:17
Is John, Eileen Tattums brother? Best wishes to him in his fight against cancer.....
Replied: 12th Feb 2013 at 22:44
Awww sorry to hear this bambam. I'm the same age as John so we went to school together from starting at Rectory to leaving Central school, we also both lived in Hawthorn. You're right Janet about him being Eileen Tattums brother.
All my best wishes are with John.
Replied: 12th Feb 2013 at 22:51
Its just sent a shiver down my spine. Me and John were good mates. Hope he fights it.
All my best wishes are with him and his family.
Replied: 12th Feb 2013 at 23:50

John goes in for surgery on thursday 14th, he has this terrible disease in his chest, hopefully they can catch it in time.
Replied: 13th Feb 2013 at 08:31

Best wishes john.
Hi Roy.how are your brothers going on?
Replied: 13th Feb 2013 at 11:32

Is that the same John Tattum that was in my class at Rectory, or were there two with the same name?
Either way, my best wishes to him.
Replied: 13th Feb 2013 at 12:22
Uncle joe it is the same John Tattum although he was always in my year throughout our school lives. Maybe it was one of those terms when we all started school at different time and he happened to be in your class til it all got sorted out - if you know what I mean ....
Replied: 13th Feb 2013 at 21:06
Just checked and all three of us are on the picture titled North Ashton Holy Trinity C of E School 1959/60 on photo album, under schools. We are all different ages on there.
Replied: 13th Feb 2013 at 21:09

It was that photo that threw me a little.
I think the reason that there are children of different ages on it was because at that time, there was no Class 2. That room was always empty as I recall. So Mrs Kellars class comprised of the first two, and then we went on to Mrs Cromptons, which was Class 3.
Replied: 14th Feb 2013 at 10:28
I have pondered on this photo many times, thanks for the explanation. I'm pretty sure there was a class 2 when we moved up from class 1, so it must have been your age group that moved straight to class 3.
Replied: 14th Feb 2013 at 11:20

I think that the photo was taken between Easter, 1957, and the start of the summer holidays 1959.
It seems to me that it covers three school years. I'm sure John Hayes was one school year younger, and John Tattum was one older. Unless of course, I'm getting names mixed up...
Replied: 14th Feb 2013 at 13:07

There was another lad from elm ave possibly same age as john, geoff knowles i remember he used to mate with {chowey} john hayes.
Replied: 14th Feb 2013 at 18:32

Looking at that photo again, it struck me that some of the others that were in my class weren't on it.
I wonder if the reason that three years were in the same photo was because a lot were off sick at the time? I have a vague memory of that happening when the school was painted. Thoughts anyone?
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 11:52
There are definately 3 age groups on this photo. You, uncle joe, were in the older group, then next age group was John & myself and the youngest age group is John Heyes. I have to agree with you about some missing children, there are some who were in my class missing.
Good for your 'vague memories' possibly filling in the gaps of this photo I will put the fact that I have no memory about sickness due to painting the school down to me being younger than you at the time
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 13:25

You still are younger....
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 14:38
Oh I know!!
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 15:47
was the other Hodsons lad name jimmy ?
cheif 57 do i know you ? are you berts son in law and yes Terry is my brother bam bam .. i was only a Downhall Greener for a few years but i know some of the People that you are on about not a lot of them but a few lol.. the people i remember are Joan Kathleen and John Shepard. the Bowlers .The Scullies.The Bowlands. The Suttons .and the Roberts they were good family freinds of my mum used to call Peggy aunty ,,and Arthur he was A giant of a man the famiy were a lovely family also Margaret Hayworth she is my god mother bump in to her often in Ashton lovely lady ..not seen David for a long time though ..also John Littler not seen him in a good while either last time i see him was in Teneriffe he was living over there at the time fancy going all that way and bumping in to some one from Downhall Green
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 18:41

Hi rbilly,i know all the people you have mentioned the roberts family was good friends of mine, arthur was a true gent sadly two of his sons died young dave and keith, i see shirley from time to time and keep intouch with kath and geoff via wworld,rita and chris boland are still in cedar grove i visit them on a regular basis,aint seen dave haworth for a long time i was told he is now in haydock, i used work for john littler when he had night club in ashton,and last time i saw your terry was in llandudno he was in same hotel as me on a golfing trip, nice lad good old days.
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 18:58
hiya bambam yes i kow two of the lads died Dave died in america so i beleive . I have not seen any thing of any of them for ages u used to see Geoff reguler as his lad lived acroos road from us but he moved away .. and if i am not mistaken i think Geoff and Ann moved To southport . Shirley is as mad as a wasp lol great girl so funny though .. and Kath also used to like hearing her play the cornet
i did not know Geoff posted on hear or kath what do they post under?.. as for my brother he sure is a nice lad comes from good stock dont you know lol....
Replied: 15th Feb 2013 at 19:10
An old friend asked me the other day if I knew Billy and Eddie Felstead... funny that, as the Felsteads were only mentioned on here a couple of weeks ago.....
Dougie knows I don't remember them, but I am asking if any of you D Greeners remember them. Billy would be about 70 now, I think Eddie was younger, mid to late 60s..
They lived halfway up Leyland Green Rd, went to Rectory school, don't know if Central or Grammar school, did one have polio or something wrong with his legs, where are they now. anything I can tell my friend... Thanks
Replied: 16th Feb 2013 at 17:55

Eddie will be 72/73 and Billy will be 73/74 think both went to Grammar school,think your on the wrong family with Billy and Eddie about the polio, was you thinking of Brian Fellows he had infantile paralysis as a child that left him with a bad leg, I think they changed the name later to polio,
I also hope someone will let us know jouell
Replied: 16th Feb 2013 at 20:10
Thanks Dougie... I was guessing about the ages...I knew from the school pic that Billy was older than me, but by how much I hadn't a clue, same for Eddie, pure guessing..
It's a friend of mine, same age as me, 68, from Garswood who was asking... He used to play football on Garswood Rec with a lad he named as Eddie Felstead, he came up with the name Eddie Felstead, thought he lived in DG, but wasn't sure and said he thought he'd had polio because he had bad legs, but he admired him because given his disabilty, he still played with the rest of the lads...
I can't believe bentlegs doesn't remember, they are closer to his age and only lived a couple so houses from him... Anyway, D Greeners, help please, anything you can tell us about the Felstead boys....
Replied: 16th Feb 2013 at 20:49
Looking for help....read above posts..I don't want to tell my friend I couldn't help him...Thanks..
Replied: 17th Feb 2013 at 15:26
hello jouell i will ring my sister in laws dad he knows a lot about down hall green may not be to night though
sorry jouell just rang him does not know them
Replied: 18th Feb 2013 at 20:04
Last edited by rbilly: 18th Feb 2013 at 20:13:34
Thanks for trying rbilly... I'm not getting much of anything...Might have to give up on it...
Replied: 18th Feb 2013 at 20:33
i have another person i can ask she used to have a shop on Rectory Road she may know them i will ask her to morrow or i will get her grandaughter to ask her .. as she is my sons girlfreinds gran
Replied: 19th Feb 2013 at 22:59
sorry jouell the lady was asked and she knowes the name but can not think were from sorry .. i do have another lady i can ask she is 92 but at the moment she is in hospital she had a bad fall and fractured her pelvis poor love
Replied: 22nd Feb 2013 at 09:45
Thanks rbilly, but don't bother her... As I said yesterday, it isn't a life or death matter... Just a friend asking about them.. I didn't know so was just trying to find out for him...
Thanks again, appreciated
Replied: 22nd Feb 2013 at 13:40

Anyone remember the Flynn family from Popular avenue? I think there were 2 brothers and a sister.
Replied: 24th Feb 2013 at 20:27

Remember Steven,
Replied: 24th Feb 2013 at 21:00
Kathleen was in the Girls Band same time as me.
Replied: 24th Feb 2013 at 21:05

Dougie, I can see that a lot of changes have been made to our old house, it looks a lot different even from the outside.
Regarding the Fynns. didn't one of the lads want to become a chef? does anyone know if he made it?
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 08:04

uncle joe, I know you would have looked at the old place on Google Earth before now , I was thinking some may not be into things like google earth and may like to have a look round
Flynn's lived across the road from you at number 24, do you remember Woodcocks living next door at 26 well they still do
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 13:05

If my memory serves me correctly, going towards the big island on your side of the road starting after your house, it was Wildings, ? who moved to be replaced by Youngs, Ormshaws, Flynns, Woodcocks, McElwees.. then????? Is that correct?
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 13:17

Almost the two you missed are Peets and Greens,
Also it's one of the Woodcock daughters that live in the house next to Flynn's,did you know that Tom McElwee had passed away,
plus Mr(Jack)Wilding that lived across from you is still with us, he must be a good age now I'll ask him next time I see him
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 16:41
The McElwees you are on about are they Margaret . Ann . and Danny?
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 17:27

I went to school with Anne Mcelwe and Valerie Woodcock,
I think Valerie moved to Hawthorne Avenue when she was Married,
I remember her husband breeding a pigeon and sold it for quite a lot.
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 17:55

Dougie: When you see Jack Wilding, give him my regards.
Rbilly: I'm surprised you remember the McElwees, they must be a good deal older than you. Hows your Auntie Ann nowadays?
Replied: 25th Feb 2013 at 19:44
hello uncle joe i only know Margaret as she lives near me and she told me she was a Downhall greener .. and her brother Danny used to live around the corner Downhall green road and our Ann is fine thank you she spends a lot of time in Spain now dont blame her bit better weather than we are having .a bit warmer to
Replied: 28th Feb 2013 at 23:40

hi dav, i see that the supposed deal with tony roe fell through as i thought it would for the buying of the village club. now they are trying to table a "deal" with frank phillips. but there is something more suscpicious happening down at the club of recent times ?.
Replied: 4th Mar 2013 at 11:27
some sad news my Freind Mary Halliwell nee Thompson . Passed away peacefully early hours of this morning .thinking of her Chilldren and the Thomson family REE Down Hall Green .. condolances to Bert
A lovely lady RIP Mary...xxxx
Replied: 5th Mar 2013 at 16:50
Last edited by rbilly: 6th Mar 2013 at 11:48:22

R I P Mary.
Condolances to Bert and Family.
Replied: 5th Mar 2013 at 21:49
So sorry to hear this sad news.
R.I.P Mary
Thoughts and prayers are with Bert and all the family.
Replied: 5th Mar 2013 at 22:18
So sorry Bert, such sad news...
R.I.P Mary, God Bless You...
Thoughts and Prayers with Bert and All the Family
Replied: 6th Mar 2013 at 01:10

so sorry to hear the bad news about mary, i remember mary working on wigan market lovely woman i also worked with her daughter julie for a good few years, R.I.P mary you will be sadly missed.
Replied: 6th Mar 2013 at 20:59
Last edited by bambam: 6th Mar 2013 at 21:00:29

Hi whups,mick middlehurst has told me the club has asked all members to pay a subscription of £10 pounds to help them out, seems a lot of money these days for a small village who are not working.
Replied: 11th Mar 2013 at 08:05

there,s more to it than that dav. why is it that everyone who they approach is into the building trade ? . when have you ever known honourary members to pay anything , they have put a five pound subscription on them as well .i dont think putting membership up so much is helping anyone , it,s driving people away .is there method in this madness i ask myself ? .if the club is sold to a concern like that where does the money go too ? .
Replied: 13th Mar 2013 at 16:00

Do you know how big their debt is bri, cannot understand why they have not been supported over the years, it's the only club in the community.
Replied: 14th Mar 2013 at 18:05
Thanks to everyone for their kind word of sympathy on the passing of my sister, Mary. Special thanks also to jouell, who very kindly sent us a sympathy card from America, it's nice to know you were also thinking of us even though you are so far away. Once a Downall Greener always a Downall Greener...
Replied: 15th Mar 2013 at 15:31

as you know dav , there,s always been that thing with the club & anyone who goes in the bell . but the heirachy always wanted the club to be only for themselves & now it,s coming home to roost .there is a large hole in the roof that keeps leaking , there has been no central heating for over 2 years + no incentive to attract new members. for me it,s always been going down this road & i think it,s reached it,s destination .it,s the only club i know that never wanted it,s own villagers in the place with the exception of the few .iv,e heard it,s 30 grand in debt , so putting the subs upto a tenner is,nt going to solve anything is it.
Replied: 15th Mar 2013 at 15:47
Always Bert, always... Was thinking of you all, especially yesterday... Mary is at peace now... Now you all go on with your lives.. chin up love..
Replied: 15th Mar 2013 at 16:25

cheers bri, i understand where your coming from it's always been a klick in there but such a shame one of best bowling clubs should bite dust like that.
Replied: 15th Mar 2013 at 19:55

it,s not a "bowling" club dav it.s a club that,s supposed to be for the village . but it,s my opinion that it,s the biggest hinderance that,s got it into this mess . if they had been fairer with people instead of making the bowling section the big i am it might have had more "local" members fighting for it . but this is wot they wanted & look what it,s got them .
Replied: 16th Mar 2013 at 01:29

Thanks for info bri, no wonder the property developers want the land it stretches from bolton st to back of poplar ave they could build houses or even a small industrial estate on there, no doubt making an absoulte fortune i am sad at the current situation as i spent many years on committe there and met some very nice people,i remember ken Dollin being concert secretary and he worked hard to get good entertainers on i used to fill in as compere when stan
foster was unavailable, good old days.
Replied: 16th Mar 2013 at 11:21

if they would have been fair with everybody instead of the chosen few it may have stood a chance . but tell me when they have done anything for the others that go in there . they had quite a good dart team & all they did was put a few butties on for they . anyway this is how they have ended up . i hope they are satisfied.
Replied: 16th Mar 2013 at 12:02

cheers bri, i agree with you it is their own fault but what a sad ending for a club that had everything in the past.
Replied: 16th Mar 2013 at 19:20
The Village club has probably never changed from when I was a member nearly 40yrs ago.Then there was a click of members and if you where not party to this click you had no chance of getting anything from the club.Times have now changed but I bet they are still trying to run the club like it was in the 50's and 60'sMost villagers never go near the club today because of the click
Replied: 17th Mar 2013 at 07:57

you are spot on peterp, the club was run by one family in the 70s-80s mentioning no names so everything went their way, but i do feel sorry for the people who have tried to amend this and get club back on it's feet but has you say the click has ruined it and drove all decent people away.
Replied: 17th Mar 2013 at 11:01

you,ve just backed - up everything iv,e said peter . they hav,nt done a thing for the "younger" element since the beat night in the 70s.
Replied: 17th Mar 2013 at 11:30

Hi whups, please keep me informed on the up date of club, i have done a dvd of marsh family and put you on it i will send a copy to you.
Replied: 31st Mar 2013 at 11:54

ok dav ,iv,e got 1 that chris bolan has made about downall green set to music.
Replied: 2nd Apr 2013 at 16:06

I remember that bri, i did it for him i have 3 dvds for you now, 1st one is john marsh family with bryn and d-green, 2nd one is arthur roberts family with pics from bickershaw and parkside pits, 3rd one is ashton and old wigan.
Replied: 2nd Apr 2013 at 21:27
Last edited by bambam: 3rd Apr 2013 at 08:34:49

ok dav.
Replied: 4th Apr 2013 at 12:03

Hi Bri, im going bryn club sunday dinner chris boland is picking me up so he is going drop dvd's of at yours on way back, is that ok mate.
Replied: 5th Apr 2013 at 18:47

got em dav.
Replied: 8th Apr 2013 at 15:31

Brilliant bri, hope you enjoy them pal .
Replied: 8th Apr 2013 at 21:01
Last edited by bambam: 9th Apr 2013 at 17:37:58

Hi whups r billy is billy collins
Replied: 14th Apr 2013 at 20:14

That's a name i remember used to knock about with a lad of leyland green rd, billy collins his sister's name was gill is it same family.
Replied: 15th Apr 2013 at 13:54
Chief57 on WW r billy is female
Replied: 15th Apr 2013 at 20:58

Watched a doco about the Blue Bell on Virgin 202 this morning,Jonny Haliwel, Pat Painter & Billy & kev Duffy,were on + a few more who i don't know,
Replied: 18th Apr 2013 at 20:56

Do you know any of these Downall Green lads photo taken on holiday about 1956
Replied: 24th Apr 2013 at 16:55
Definately Alf Edwards at the back Dougie, I was only a 'tiny babe in arms' at this time. When the others are named I will be saying "Oh of course it is!"
Replied: 24th Apr 2013 at 18:52
Could that be Alf's brother Jimmy at the front (in his super cool trilby)?
Replied: 24th Apr 2013 at 18:55

Yes your right suesa they are the twins Alf & Jimmy, the only two I can't put names to are the lads left and right on the middle row, they may just have been two lads that were in the hotel at the same time, to me they look like brothers
Replied: 24th Apr 2013 at 22:34
I think the middle person on front row is Harold Parkinson.
Replied: 25th Apr 2013 at 12:32
Hi everyone. New on the site, but have had conversations recently on another board with Dougie. The photo of the seven lads on holiday brought back memories, Alfred and Jimmy Edwards, Harold Parkinson, I remember breaking his elbow playing football on the Rectory School field. I recognise three of the other faces but can't put a name to them. It was nice to see the Rectory School photo, they were tough times, but we were happy. I lived in Booths Brow Road until 1960 when I joined the RAF, now live in Kent and have 2 daughters and four grandchildren.
Robin Green.
Replied: 25th Apr 2013 at 22:59

Nice to see you on here Robin ,
but you will have to watch as if this Wigan World site gets hold of you
, you'll not be able to stop yourself clicking you every day just to have a look,
You do know the lad on the bottom right as he only lived 100 yards from you , the next row up I seem to know their faces but can only put a name to one of them that's Danny ---- in the middle,the other two look as if they could be brothers
Replied: 26th Apr 2013 at 08:44
Thanks Dougie, I do recognise the face, but the name escapes me. The one I do not know is the lad centre back row. I wonder how many of those the earlier Rectory School photo are still with us.
Replied: 26th Apr 2013 at 11:29

It's not surprising you didn't remember a Dougie at first that only lived a few hundred yards from you in the 40s
, You'll kick yourself when someone buts his name on
Replied: 26th Apr 2013 at 18:25
Is it John Leather, lived 4 or 5 houses along the Avenue.
Replied: 26th Apr 2013 at 19:43

Yes did you kick yourself we also remember when Sudworths was the last house in the row not many on here will
Are you finding the web-site interesting Robin, if you would like to know anything just ask on any of the forums, you will always get an answer of some sort
Replied: 26th Apr 2013 at 22:30
Thanks Dougie.
Replied: 27th Apr 2013 at 13:00

Hi Robin.you should know me.you send us a Christmas Card every year.
M from next door.
Replied: 27th Apr 2013 at 17:06
Last edited by trixie: 27th Apr 2013 at 19:14:01
Hi. Hope Stanley and your family are all well, give him my regards.
Replied: 27th Apr 2013 at 20:07

Wrong side Robin..sorry not that M.
Replied: 27th Apr 2013 at 21:09
This is getting out of hand, I will have to get a new crystal ball, hope Edward is well.
Replied: 27th Apr 2013 at 22:47

Haha.you will get the hang of it.yes he's fine just got back from another Cruise yesterday.
I hope you are well these days.i bet the Grandchildren keep you on your toes.
Replied: 28th Apr 2013 at 07:31
hi trixie i noticed it says back from another cruise.where have you been this time.i remember your old neighbour robin green like a lot of people.bit older than me.
Replied: 30th Apr 2013 at 14:03

We have been to the Western Med this time.
Going of in September next time.
Have you been anywhere lately Bert?
Replied: 30th Apr 2013 at 14:56
Hi Bert, the name rings a bell, were you one of the crowd in DG in the late 50s, Keith F, Ken H, Jonny H, Alan R.
Replied: 30th Apr 2013 at 15:42
hi trixie not been away yet still trying to come to terms with losing mary.went to italian med last year realy enjoyed it .robin those who you were on about were older than me. they were my brothers mates.iwas friends with jimmy ormshaw and peter mcnulty.
Replied: 1st May 2013 at 18:35

Yes it was very sad for you and your family.
Especially being your twin too.
Replied: 1st May 2013 at 21:22
Hi, RobinG, hope you are keeping well, remember you joining the R.A.F.in 1960 ,could be the last time I saw you, Bert L. Ken H. John H. still with us , sadly Alan R. passed away a few years ago (R.I.P. Alan) All the best for now , Keith Fox.
Replied: 2nd May 2013 at 11:33

Welder, is the Alan R you refer to the one from Poplar Ave.?
Replied: 2nd May 2013 at 16:43
Hi,Uncle Joe, Alan Ratcliffe was the person who lived in Poplar Avn. Moved to the corner of Smock Lane/Thornhill Road , Later went to live in the Lake District.
Replied: 2nd May 2013 at 17:20
Hi Keith. So sorry to hear about Alan. Keeping well and very busy, enjoyed my time in the RAF, please remember me to the other chaps, and the ladies, Winifred, Margaret and Brenda are the only names I can recollect, it was over 50 years ago.
Replied: 2nd May 2013 at 17:45
Hello Robin, I lived on Leyland Green Rd, now in Florida.. I was at the Grammar School same time as your sister, although she was a couple of years older.. We rode the bus together sometimes and I came to your house a few times when she helped me with my homework....
Replied: 2nd May 2013 at 23:45
Hi jouell. Thank you for your message remembering Isobel, sadly she died in July 1971.
Replied: 3rd May 2013 at 14:23
Hello Robin,yes I know,it was Keith that told me, we were both in shock,very very sad. She was a lovely person and I will always remember her for how nice she was to me..
Replied: 3rd May 2013 at 14:52
I have lovely memories of Isobel. She taught us at Sunday School........ always a lovely person
Replied: 3rd May 2013 at 18:42
Thank you susan. My eldest daughter is named Suzanne.
Replied: 4th May 2013 at 15:13
I was scrolling through this thread late last night... Not seen Greener in a while... you still around Greener?
Replied: 4th May 2013 at 15:30

Hi whups, hope you enjoyed your dvd's pal.
Replied: 4th May 2013 at 20:28

Robin, I see you have found a few old friends on here don't get addicted to WW be warned,
Jouell,He should know Robin as he said he was an old Downall Greener, I think there was someone helping him as he couldn't remember the bluebell cottages in the school yard
Replied: 4th May 2013 at 23:32
That is what he said Dougie...
Did you hear about my cousins wife Dougie?
Replied: 4th May 2013 at 23:42

Yes, it was a shock not seen Dave for about three week but he maybe in the club tonight
Replied: 5th May 2013 at 08:31
Jouell your cousins wife jean was my wife's cousin, small world. Funeral was last Thurs(2nd) at Wigan Crematorium
Replied: 5th May 2013 at 11:19
Yes Peter I remember you saying that. Such a shame, I was shocked when Paul called to tell me...I was told there were a lot of people there at the funeral to pay their respects... She went too soon.
Dougie, I did talk at length with him a couple of days after she passed, naturally he was very upset..I do hope he goes to the club tonight, I would hate for him to become a recluse.. he needs to be out with friends..
Replied: 5th May 2013 at 14:53
Hi Dougie. It is good to remember old times, however, it is sad when you learn about the friends you had who have passed away. I remember the Blue Bell Cottages being knocked down, would have been about 1946, I think that they did it to extend the School playground.
Replied: 5th May 2013 at 20:41

jouell, Dave was in the club tonight I did have a chat with him
Yes Robin, I also remember us playing there before it was concreted over making rick-racks and red shall , my Mum lived in the them cottages as a young girl before she got married,
Replied: 5th May 2013 at 23:34
Thank you Dougie, I'm so relieved to know he went... He needs his friends and family around him, not to be sat at home alone... Thank you
Replied: 6th May 2013 at 00:59
Are you all having great weather, are all Dgreeners on holiday, not a peep from anyone all week.. Something good must be going on for you all
Replied: 10th May 2013 at 15:04

We had a few "summer days" over here but gone cool again now they were probably enjoying the outdoors.
They will be back soon.
Replied: 10th May 2013 at 15:46
Summer is here now and I am miserable, hate this heat and humidity.. Alright for people on holiday who can lounge around the pool or on the beach all day... But for everyday living and gardening it stinks will be counting the days now until Nov
Replied: 10th May 2013 at 16:06

Well i think we have had ours again now.
The sun is shining here but it's a cold wind,
I spoke to Margaret last week,she is okay.
Replied: 10th May 2013 at 17:13
Last edited by trixie: 10th May 2013 at 17:13:46
That's good, one of my brothers speaks to her every now and then too.. Pleased she is doing ok...
Replied: 10th May 2013 at 17:27

Hi Trixie, got sun burned mon -tue at work, had to put donkey jacket on wed thurs fri, hope that's not the end of our summer.
Replied: 10th May 2013 at 21:19

yes thats very true bambam me too.
The garden centres will have gone quiet now i think.
Replied: 11th May 2013 at 09:27

This was for BamBam, Deleted
Replied: 11th May 2013 at 12:40
Last edited by dougie: 20th May 2013 at 06:53:50
Any news about the village clubgone quiet on here
Replied: 19th May 2013 at 11:04

Hi peterp, whups will keep us informed if owt changes, I am also in touch with mick middlehurst who goes in there on a regular basis so if anything happens we will be first to know.
Replied: 22nd May 2013 at 08:34
Bambam cheers
Replied: 22nd May 2013 at 20:16

Well has everybody had a good weekend so far....
I have ended up with a face red as a turkey ,but no doubt it will cool down today.
. Roll on Summer.
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 08:11
Last edited by trixie: 27th May 2013 at 08:27:51
Well I shampooed the carpets all through the house on Sat and worked in the garden all day yesterday, more gardening today and it's been in the 90s F, mid 30s C...
Roll on Nov, I hate the heat
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 13:31
Last edited by jouell: 27th May 2013 at 14:07:32

You can have some of this very heavy rain we are having today to water your garden,jouell,
Absolutely chucking it down here.plus we have the heating on as its freezin..
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 15:44
Last edited by trixie: 27th May 2013 at 15:51:25
Yes we need some rain, haven't had any all month.. I had 2 sprinklers going for 3rs yesterday, but only got 3 sections of the garden done, have 7 more sections to do
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 16:02
Down here in the Garden of England, my plot is looking like a jungle. As my gardener has not been able to mow the lawns for a month because of the wet weather he will have to get out the strimmer, quite sunny today, but we will need a lot more heat to dry it out.
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 17:33

It's still chucking it down.Been occupied watching the surfers,very brave men,it's so cold.
I hope tomorrow is better!!!
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 20:16
Last edited by trixie: 27th May 2013 at 20:18:51
No I couldn't go in the cold water, that's one thing I like about Fl, the water is warm, body temp, most of the year...Yes, hope you all get better weather soon...
Robin, where do you live?
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 20:51

He lives in Kent.jouell.
Replied: 27th May 2013 at 21:18
Ok, thanks Trixie..
Replied: 28th May 2013 at 02:26

Do you remember me putting this photo on of Stan Sudworth and Tommy Atherton collecting in Asda for poppy day 2010, I am sad to say Stan past away this morning aged 93,
R.I.P. Stan and thank you
Replied: 29th May 2013 at 22:12
God Bless Your Soul Mr Sudworth, Rest In Heavenly Peace....
Replied: 30th May 2013 at 01:57

R I P Stan.
Condolances to Minnie and family.xx
Replied: 30th May 2013 at 07:25
RIP Mr Sudworth..
Replied: 30th May 2013 at 10:03

R.I.P. Stan,
Replied: 30th May 2013 at 19:17
To Stanley.
May you have calm seas and a blue sky.
Replied: 30th May 2013 at 20:12
Trixie or Dougie.
Do you know any details of Stan's funeral please.
Replied: 2nd Jun 2013 at 21:31
Had a word with Joe C, the funeral is on Wednesday 5 June at 14.00 (or 2 o clock in old money) at Holy Trinity, Downall Green. I will make it if I can.
Replied: 3rd Jun 2013 at 15:18

Rest in peace mr sudworth thanks for serving our country and all the work you have done after retirement, may god take you in his open arms.
Replied: 4th Jun 2013 at 08:36

Sorry Robin but i could not get hold of Minnie to ask her.
Very good of you to go,if you can.
I can't as i am away.
Replied: 4th Jun 2013 at 12:49
I've just been told that a property in Fernlea Grove which backs on to the Village Club bowling green, has been sold to be demolished and make the way for a road.
Anybody add anything?
Replied: 5th Jun 2013 at 11:34

Whats wrong with using Bolton St.
Replied: 5th Jun 2013 at 21:43
Have you seen the state of Rectory Road. Parking both sides all the way. You'd never get out of Bolton Street.
Replied: 5th Jun 2013 at 21:56

Hi erwick, don't think that's going be much of a short cut you may as well stay on billinge road and and follow road to left past the old cromptons.
Replied: 5th Jun 2013 at 22:18
So has the Village club been sold to be demolished too, to make way for more houses, otherwise why would they extend the road up there...How many houses could they fit on there? Be really sad of that is the case that said DG is a sorry place now, compared to what it was....
Replied: 5th Jun 2013 at 22:32

jouell, I agree with you for some strange reason the people in the village do not support the club anymore when I lived there the place was packed every weekends.
Replied: 6th Jun 2013 at 08:50
I attended the funeral of Stanley Sudworth yesterday, a very moving Service in Holy Trinity Parish Church that was attended by a very large number of people, a measure of the high regard that Stanley was held in, also a good turnout by his ex-Service comrades. One thing that I think I am correct in recalling is that 69 years ago today, Stanley crewed a Landing Craft taking men and equipment onto the Normandy beaches.
Replied: 6th Jun 2013 at 18:10

Sorry to say I was unable to attend his funeral on the day but I was thinking about him at 2.00pm, I'll pay my respects next time we are in the church yard,again R.I.P. Stan
Replied: 6th Jun 2013 at 19:01

Very good of you to attend Robin,well done.i
It was a long trip for you.
Replied: 6th Jun 2013 at 19:32

hi dav, you know why the people dont support the "club" as it,s had a downer on anyone who went in the bell & known as a club that did,nt want it,s own villagers in it . i did tell you dav that this lot that,s in charge of the club has been going down this road from day 1 & it,s no surprise to me that this has happened .
Replied: 9th Jun 2013 at 13:24

Does anyone have any photos connected to the Legion (S&S) pre 1980 or so?
Replied: 10th Jun 2013 at 12:03

Hi whups, that's such a shame I remember back in old days it was same then they did not like bell lads going there on sun afternoons when bell shut at 2, but them lads spent a lot of money in there and there was never any trouble, place was packed then with good drinkers to name a few myself tony Harrison, peter sharples ,yourself, roy mac, Sammy,chris boland, jack scully, colin an Stephen hayes, pye, brian halliwell, and bill ryder, they took more money on sunday afternoons than they did all week, and they still moaned about it, not to forget the bell lads used to get up singing on the free an easy and it brought the house down.
Replied: 23rd Jun 2013 at 16:15

Yes i remember my Grandad doing "turns " when there was no artist on.I can hear him now.
Replied: 23rd Jun 2013 at 17:01

Trixie, i have laughed at your grandads turns in the Blue Bell, Always a good laugh,
Replied: 23rd Jun 2013 at 21:31

Yes he was so funny.with such a straight face.
And our Bernice + Gwilym singing " theres a hole in my bucket dear Liza "
Replied: 23rd Jun 2013 at 23:32
Last edited by trixie: 23rd Jun 2013 at 23:34:41

Hi Trixie, I remember them singing that one in bell with George grimshaw on the old piano.
Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 08:22
Remember someone playing the piano in the blue bell and he was that drunk he overreached the key board and fell off the stool
Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 08:59

Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 16:20

Peter, I remember him early 60s but his name i've forgotten but I'll have a stab "George Martindale" rings a bell , he was a very good piano player but he liked a drink I think that was is down fall
Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 16:33

Tumtingle, George Martindale played at Bryn Labour Club, It was as Bambam said George Grimshaw at the Bell, & they both could shift a pint or three,
Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 21:29

Trixie, Your grandad (owd jem) & billy Duffy, +5 or 6 more used to have a laugh telling tales, Billy Duffy said when he moved into his new house in Hawthorn Ave, We have little warts on't wall un when tha flicks um down a leet comes on ina bottle, un we have things tha con put thi feet in un pull a chain un it washes them for thi,
Owd Jem said that he & his mate got their calling up papers for the Army, so they went to Warrington to sign on, His mat said i will go in first, anyway he came out with his paper stamped M, E, , Owd jem said whats, Mean, his mate said M,E,, Military exempt, hows gett'n away wi that ,,he said , well i wear a truss , lend it me while i go in said Jem, Jem came out with a long face, whats up said his mate , thas gett'n M. E, on thi card, I have but Doctor said , Middle East, If tha con wear a truss upside down for ten years then tha con ride a camel,
Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 21:55

If you say it was George Grimshaw Tumtell in the Bell in the 80s it was George Grimshow
but I was talking long before Bambams time when the old bell man and the piano player would come down to the club Sunday afternoons in the late 50s early 60s thats why I said George Martindale
Replied: 24th Jun 2013 at 22:15

Thanks for that bentlegs.another for the memory box,
Replied: 25th Jun 2013 at 07:34

Tumtingle, My dad played in the Bell a few times also in the Simms Road Inn,
Replied: 25th Jun 2013 at 20:38

I remember George grimshaw staggering down elm ave most nights, he lodged with old mother hill on birch grove.
Replied: 26th Jun 2013 at 08:36
i remember ggeorge grimshaw falling out with harry fellows over who was playing piano had some good nights in bell.if thy did not get in early you could not get on domino table.
Replied: 28th Jun 2013 at 11:05

Hi Bert we are off again tomorrow to the North Cape .£500 for 14 days
Trying Princess Cruises this time.
Replied: 28th Jun 2013 at 15:15
hi trixie not been anywhere this year .with mary dieing. and now my son had a seizure which left him unconcious for around 20 hrs.he is just waking up a little after 15 daysin intensive care.enjooy yourself and think about us poor people.
Replied: 29th Jun 2013 at 16:47
hello Bert hope every thing is going as it should be for Darren. every one is pulling for him and hoping he gets better soon .....
Replied: 29th Jun 2013 at 23:22

Hi bert ,you have had some bad luck in past pal hope everything goes ok with your son
Replied: 30th Jun 2013 at 07:42
Hope everything is ok with Darren normally chat to him when he passes our house
Replied: 30th Jun 2013 at 09:01
Bert, I've been away for a few days and just now seen this.. Good Grief you've been through some bad stuff in your life, now this with your son..
I'm so sorry with what has happened , you are all added to my prayer list.. Love and God Bless to you all..xx
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 15:47
hi jouell. i must have killed a priest in another life i think.but darren is making a bit of progress even though it is very slow.it is three weeks he has been in intensive care.and were all pulling for him .and thank thhe lord we have a good family who pull together.
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 19:11

Just like to tell you my sister Nora Scully 84 ne(Yates)passed away yesterday afternoon (3rd July), peacefully why having a sleep in her armchair I know people from Downall Green will know her
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 19:15
Hi Dougie. So sorry to hear of your sad news, she certainly had a good life. It would have been Mums birthday today, she was born on July 3rd 1911.
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 19:35
So sorry Dougie, I didn't know her, but sorry for you all the same... I think we all wish we could go the way she did...
God Bless her Soul, may she Rest in Peace.
God Bless and Condolences to All the family.xx
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 20:08
Bert, I know what you mean.. I too have gone through hell many times in my life.. it's been far from easy. but we keep plodding on don't we..
Pleased to hear there is some improvement, praying for a complete recovery and soon.. Family is so important, glad you have a good family pulling with you.. Keep us in the know as to how he is doing.. Chin up love....
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 20:15
Dougie Condolences to you and your family, may she rest in peace
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 20:46
So very sorry to hear of Nora's passing Dougie, my Mum, sister and myself knew her very well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
R.I.P. Nora
God Bless
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 21:45

Tumtingle, Sorry to hear about Nora, May she rest in peace,
Replied: 3rd Jul 2013 at 21:53
Last edited by bentlegs: 4th Jul 2013 at 13:47:51

So sorry to read that, Dougie, may she Rest in Peace
Replied: 4th Jul 2013 at 12:34

so sorry to hear of Nora's passing, I grew up with her son john she was a lovely lady and good friend r.i.p nora may god take you in his open arms.
Replied: 7th Jul 2013 at 09:50
sorry yo hear about nora dougie. i remember her well. our thoughts are with you and your family. R I P Nora and god be with you.
Replied: 7th Jul 2013 at 12:54
Bert, any improvement with your son.. I hope all is going well for him, you and family...xx
Replied: 8th Jul 2013 at 16:23
Sorry to hear about Nora she was a neighbour of my mums for many years ..RIP
Replied: 8th Jul 2013 at 19:44
hi jouell there is a small improvement.but he is not waking qiuick enough.so we are waiting for specialist ward at salford or one at leigh.they helped my mate a few years ago and he is a lot better than they expected.heres praying,
Replied: 9th Jul 2013 at 18:13
You are all on my prayer list Bert, I am praying with you...God Bless.xx
Replied: 9th Jul 2013 at 18:40

Hi bert, hope everything goes ok with your son's health, I was talking to a good friend of mine last week about the old days on landgate, me,yourself, pegleg pete, earthworm, and john anders, what a good time we had with the homebrew sessions wonderful memories.
Replied: 10th Jul 2013 at 08:36

hi dav, kev g is now doin home brew. he,s got quite a stock on.
Replied: 10th Jul 2013 at 21:44

Hi whups, that sounds very inviting had some really good times mating with kev in 80s.
Replied: 11th Jul 2013 at 19:43

whups, forgot mention just done a week's holiday down south with mick middlehurst, it was like dragging a wardrobe round with me ha ha bless him.
Replied: 11th Jul 2013 at 19:47

not seen spike for ages.did he take his pipe with him ?
Replied: 12th Jul 2013 at 01:24

Bert i have just read about your son,how awful for your Family,i hope he is soon on the mend.
Condolances to Dougie sorry to hear about your Sister,
Replied: 13th Jul 2013 at 21:55

yes bri, he always has his dummy with him.
Replied: 15th Jul 2013 at 08:24
hi trixie keep getting step forward then one back.gone for more scans today,hoping to get him in taylors ward in leigh .a specialist re hab centre.which has a very good name.it will be months.how did your latest cruise go so jealous.could do with one myself.
Replied: 15th Jul 2013 at 16:23

Bert.it was great and interesting.
The weather was a bit mixed but we expected it to be.
We much prefer the The Princess cruises by far.now to try and get rid of the excess weight.
I hope your son will improve soon.xx
Replied: 15th Jul 2013 at 17:49
hi jouelle just a big thankyou for your card.it really made me and my family happy to know people who i have known from childhood still care.my son is still in hospital.has still got alot of problems but is getting a bit better .doctors say it will take along time.talking months and months.and now my eldest sisters cancer has come back and it is looking very bad.so still praying all the time getting tired of it all but will not give up'thanks again.
Replied: 23rd Jul 2013 at 19:14

So sorry for you bert,it's been an awful year for you,i bet you be glad to start a fresh year,(it's not that far off again,)
These years are rolling by so fast,it's scary..
All the best bert,my thoughts are with you and hope there is light at the end of the tunnel for you very soon.xx
Replied: 24th Jul 2013 at 09:22

Hi bert, sorry to read of all the bad news you and your family have been having, I will hope and pray that things will get better for you all in coming months glad you are fighting with head up bert you always was a hard nut to crack, god bless.
Replied: 25th Jul 2013 at 20:10
Bert, I've been away for a few days, just now catching up on what's what...I am at a loss for words after reading your post.... I can't say I know how you feel, but I do know the feeling of constantly being tested..these times are sent to test us, we can't give up Bert.. You aren't on your own Bert, you have to believe that, you and your family are with me in my prayers and a much Higher power is with us all..... Love, Prayers and Gods Blessings be with you all.. xxx
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 04:08
Hi Jouell. Having difficulty sleeping, or have you been out on the Town.
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 12:59
Hi Robin... No, neither of what you thought, but, I had been out of town, been up to the Mountains of North Carolina for a few days.. to take a break from the oppressive heat and humidity of North Florida where I live....
What should have been a eight hour drive became a ten hour drive, due to two absolutely horrendous thunders storms, one that was so bad, it took an hour to go five miles, the other was really bad because of the storms, plus the road was down to two lanes for over fifty miles that we had to share with the huge trucks...
So when we got home, I didn't bother unpacking, I got a glass of wine and got on here to see what, if anything, I had missed over the past week and to wind down...
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 16:41
Last edited by jouell: 27th Jul 2013 at 18:53:59
Sorry Jouell. Did not check first where you are located, did'nt realise you were across the pond. We were forecast to have some heavy thunderstorms today, but I think that the weathermen got it wrong, just as well as we have been holding the annual river festival in town today, however, it is hot and sticky. Hope that you enjoyed your wine.
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 19:01
Spoke too soon, it has just started raining, this rather puts a dampener on the fireworks display later this evening.
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 19:33
Sorry to hear that Robin, maybe it won't last long and the fireworks can go on as planned, at least it stayed dry during the day for the Festival..
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 20:12
Thankfully, the rain has eased off, and it sounds like the 4th of July outside.
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 22:36
Our 4th July was cancelled, first time ever, due to non stop rain and thunder storms.... We've had 18 inches of rain already this MONTH....43 inches so far for the year...
Happy to hear Festival and fireworks all went well....
Replied: 27th Jul 2013 at 22:52
hi jouell just a few words to let you know where i am with my family problems.darren still making very slow progress.been refared to leigh to a specialist rehab centre.but informed the doctor he haas to see has gone on holiday till end of august so heres hoping .sisters problem it could happen at any time.they said her legs will give up first but she will not be a cabbage.still .praying
Replied: 1st Aug 2013 at 19:46
Bert, I had just come on to ask you how thing were... Bert, if you'd like to get in touch by email, ask brian for it...
Love thoughts and prayers with you all... God Bless xx
Replied: 1st Aug 2013 at 20:50
hi joell sorry i have not replied about the e mail.but i do not use e mail.but my wife will to show me how to.i have been busy at the hospital.darren has moved to rehab in leigh.so there his light at the end of the tunnel.he seems to have lost alot of his short time memory.this time.but we will keep going. and his legs are showing a bit of movement thanks for your concern.it does help.
Replied: 6th Aug 2013 at 16:58

Bert,Glad to hear that he is showing some improvement,maybe some of his memory will come back,i bet he is back on his feet soon.
It all seems so slow when it is one of our own,but chin up and keep hoping for better things,i really hope he gets better.xx
Replied: 6th Aug 2013 at 18:11
hi trixie sorry ive not answered you.dont know if i am coming or going at present.alot of running around.but we will get there.and before you know it we will be booking another cruise.seen one around the world.104 days but its a little bit to dear at 6000.500 pounds each .but we can dream.gods good.
Replied: 11th Aug 2013 at 17:33

Hi bert.glad things are going better.you must be worn out.
Going off again on the 7 sept.24 days round the eastern med.
Then have a rest for a while,( till we see a cheapie.)
Not got rid of much of the weight yet.haha.xx
Replied: 11th Aug 2013 at 21:49
Hi Bert, I haven't forgotten you, I hope things are getting better for you all.....Still in my prayers.. God Bless...
Dougie, I talked to David on Skype yesterday, I managed to make him laugh, so I was pleased about that. I know though that it's a long hard road for anyone to travel after losing a loved one....
Replied: 19th Aug 2013 at 14:59
Hi trixie, have a look at the 'Bygone Wigan Video' in this section, your old house in B-B-Road is on it, also a piece of Margaret in the band.
Replied: 21st Aug 2013 at 22:48

Thanks Robin i will look.
There is a photo of your Mum on somewhere in the walking day and a few others you may remember.it is on the brow just coming down the hill..i will have a look and try and find it.
Maybe Dougie will help...
Replied: 22nd Aug 2013 at 09:53
Trixie, thank you M. I was wondering what year that was, if it was pre 1960 I would have been in it, if it was after 1960 I would have been wearing a blue suit.
Replied: 22nd Aug 2013 at 12:07

I have looked for it but i can't find it.but i have seen one somewhere!!
How long did you have the blue suit then ?
Replied: 22nd Aug 2013 at 12:39
Trixie. Only for 2 years, the Queen wanted the pleasure of my company.
Replied: 22nd Aug 2013 at 17:57
Last edited by RobinG: 23rd Aug 2013 at 00:03:32

Dougie, I talked to David on Skype yesterday,
Yes, I was talking to him last Sunday in the club he told me you had been in touch with each other , been away Monday to Friday so didn't see your post before
Replied: 23rd Aug 2013 at 17:23
Thanks Dougie, he looks older , don't like to see him like that.. hopefully as time goes by he'll okay...
Hope you had a good time away...
Replied: 24th Aug 2013 at 02:02

Janet we had a lovely time in Scarborough last week, most people on WW are missing out as they look down on the Travelodge Hotels for short breaks .
An American company took them over a few years ago at that time we could get a family room 2x2 for £9 now we are having to pay £19
will be going again in September Mon/Friday to Morecambe and the lakes,then it's two Friday nights in October for a sleepover with the grandchildren for the lights at Blackpool(they love it)
Then Shearings cheap Holidays start in November which I've already booked for Nov/Dec/Jan down south
P.S. we do go on other holidays and have to pay
Replied: 24th Aug 2013 at 09:12
Last edited by dougie: 24th Aug 2013 at 09:14:13
Glad you had a good time.. Wish I was going to see the 'Lights' haven't seen those since, I can't remember the last time, ...
Trust the Americans to jack the price up
Replied: 24th Aug 2013 at 14:04

Replied: 24th Aug 2013 at 18:46

Was having a few drink with Gwilym's Son and his friends in the Bowling Club yesterday afternoon I only found this out later as we were talking he was Gwilym's Son, it's the first time I've met him and would just like to say he seems to be a very nice chap
, I knew his Dad for years with me living at Downall Green
Replied: 5th Sep 2013 at 09:27
Last edited by dougie: 5th Sep 2013 at 14:48:11

I presume you mean little Gwilym as we call him,but not so little,It was his birthday on the 3 sept.so maybe he was celebrating.
Replied: 5th Sep 2013 at 09:58
Last edited by trixie: 5th Sep 2013 at 10:00:47

hi Trixie no it was me john
Replied: 10th Sep 2013 at 11:40

You've embarrassed me now John
, I didn't know you were on Wigan World and would see my post about you coming across as a nice chap
when I met you in the club last week,
Replied: 10th Sep 2013 at 22:41

Hi Sammy, it was nice to see you and your friend the other day in wigan, so glad you are both well regards Dave.
Replied: 11th Sep 2013 at 20:09
Last edited by bambam: 11th Sep 2013 at 20:11:24

Hi dave it was good to see you as well [:)
Replied: 12th Sep 2013 at 13:28

sammy , your the only person i know who took a ladder with him when he went fishing.
Replied: 14th Sep 2013 at 13:48

while at work today bumped into a couple of old greeners I aint seen in a while, phil simm and tracy duffy oh how I love my job.
Replied: 14th Sep 2013 at 19:11

come on Sammy,spill the beans what was the ladder for.
Replied: 14th Sep 2013 at 19:14

Looks like I was right about John (Sammy)
Janet , I was in Ashton this afternoon sat on a seat waiting for my wife when, this man that I didn't know asked are you Dougie,
---I just said do I know you
---No but you know my sister Jouell off WW
---Yes it was your brother Roy over here from France on holiday, He said he would be talking to you on Skype later
Replied: 14th Sep 2013 at 19:31
For crying out loud... As far as I know, Roy isn't a member, but I do know he goes on and has a look around the DG thread.. I'm surprised he recognized you, you don't post many pics of yourself and when you do they don't stay on long... Well I'm glad he made himself known to you and I envy you, you got to see him and it's been four and a half years since I saw him and that was only for 5 days
Our Roy is just like my Dad and I miss him and all my family sooo much
Thanks Dougie, you've made my day
Replied: 15th Sep 2013 at 15:44

Pity I didn't have my camera with me are it would have been a bigger surprise to see his photo on here with me sat in Ashton
He said they were going up the lakes that afternoon for a few days and wouldn't be able to come to the club Sunday night to see David
Replied: 15th Sep 2013 at 20:10
Hi Dougie, I thought that same thing, re camera...
I was the only one who was close to David, being born there and living there until I was nearly 5.. He could tell you some tales about him having to look after me and such...
Replied: 15th Sep 2013 at 20:30
Jouell if you put your cursor on Dougie's name his convict
photo appears
Replied: 16th Sep 2013 at 09:35
I told David last night that Roy was over, he didn't know.
Replied: 16th Sep 2013 at 12:22
Peter, I hadn't thought of that, and can't imagine our Roy doing that, guess I was wrong...
Spectre, no I didn't imagine David would know..
Replied: 16th Sep 2013 at 13:24

the ladder dave I think you should ask brian he will tell you
Replied: 17th Sep 2013 at 15:11

hi bambam the friend you saw me with sat is annoyed do you not no her name seeing you lived next door to her for so many years
Replied: 18th Sep 2013 at 21:46

Hi Sammy, oh I will never forget her name I was not sure she would want me to put it on wiganworld.
Replied: 21st Sep 2013 at 08:38
Hi suesa ---- did u play euphonium with the girls band
Replied: 21st Sep 2013 at 11:54
Spot on Buddy! Am I right in guessing you were in the band when I was?
Replied: 21st Sep 2013 at 20:18
Last edited by suesa: 21st Sep 2013 at 20:59:58
Hi --- suesa. I wasn't in your band , if u go to the feds web u will c me . south Brisbane federal brass band .ha
fantastic times and more to come . nice to talk once again .
Replied: 21st Sep 2013 at 21:15
Aaahhhh! Have you been in contact before? I'm thinking I know who you are by the clues given. Nice to hear from you again. True they were great times
Replied: 21st Sep 2013 at 22:28
Cornet player now eh! A lot smaller than the euphonium. Hope you are keeping well
Replied: 21st Sep 2013 at 22:36
yea not to bad --finished work last week retired have an issue with asbestos ,not serious though . band practice today , playing for our new prime minister next week .and qld championships the week after .will have a few beers after . still blowing my guts out . nice to hear from u .
did the girls band pack in , c ya
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 00:08

Any newer posters that doesn't already know hit the END KEY on your keyboard to go to the last post on the thread
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 08:36
thanks dougie I didn't know that
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 10:04

hi dave , do u want to know wot the ladder if for ? .
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 14:51

Hi whups, I would love to know what Sammy could do with a ladder while fishing, I grew up with all the old greeners and the tricks and antics they got upto was unbelievable, I suppose we could write a book about the old estate.
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 17:37
Just a general question, and this is a long shot, but does anyone know a house which had a garden railway? I was told this by my grandma who seems to recall a house on Downall Green rd that had a railway running around; think it was a semi. Not sure exacty when, but I think this was maybe the 40s or 50s. I asked my dad who is quite familiar with the area, but he has no memory of it. Anyone know? Thanks
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 20:32

Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 20:39
Hi whups... going to risk it and ask what the ladder is for . ????? mmmm trying to figure these smilies out .
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 21:10

ashtonman01, I live 50 yards from the place your talking about, It was Mr Waterhouse a teacher at the Rectory school who had the railway set up, he would let us kids ride on it, His house was across the road from Soughers lane on Downallgreenroad, It was 40s - 50s
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 22:00
Buddy just click on the smiley you want to add (above the message box) The Girls Band is still going. We had a 50yr reunion 2 years ago. Don't play myself anymore but still have a passion for the music. My granddaughter plays a cornet in the school band ..... now I really can't help myself and love to play the odd tune or two
Replied: 22nd Sep 2013 at 22:43
Replied: 23rd Sep 2013 at 08:03
suesa. I remember the Girls Band very well in Downall Green, I was in the Boys Brigade in the late 1950s, before I left to join the RAF in 1960.
Replied: 23rd Sep 2013 at 13:06

hi dav , he takes the ladder so he can get his hook out of the tree branches .
Replied: 23rd Sep 2013 at 15:02

Ha ha ha, that's funny bri I suppose his new nick name should be Sammy can't cast.
Replied: 23rd Sep 2013 at 22:13

dont know if you know or not dav , but bob kelly died l/week.
Replied: 24th Sep 2013 at 14:32
Replied: 24th Sep 2013 at 15:24

Hi bri, chris boland phoned me and told me about bob he was a lovable character RIP BOB.
Replied: 24th Sep 2013 at 19:30
When Is/was Bobs funeral?
Replied: 29th Sep 2013 at 08:54

friday just gone peter at st helens crem.
Replied: 30th Sep 2013 at 01:26

Hi Sammy,how are you doin,
Replied: 1st Oct 2013 at 19:53
Last edited by trixie: 1st Oct 2013 at 19:53:44

Hi whups, got the sad news today about john Sheridan from elm ave did not know he had passed away, lovely man he had a good run in his younger days playing scrum half for saint Helens R.I.P John.
Replied: 13th Oct 2013 at 17:03
Last edited by bambam: 13th Oct 2013 at 17:05:27
Dave, our Malc told me the sad news of John, they were next door neighbours. Such a lovely man. Only 11 months since he lost Barbara. R.I.P. John.
Replied: 13th Oct 2013 at 20:23

Hi suesa, yes they was a very nice family,my thoughts are with steven and Julie.
Replied: 14th Oct 2013 at 11:28
Last edited by bambam: 15th Oct 2013 at 07:14:44

Zoe, The engineering works that you Grand dad owned closed about 25 to 30 years ago, there is a building estate built on the land,
Replied: 14th Oct 2013 at 16:52
Wasn't this called Millingford Engineering at one time.
Replied: 14th Oct 2013 at 17:36

I remember millingfords very well on rectory rd, knew a lot of the work force as well, good supplier in the 70s.
Replied: 14th Oct 2013 at 20:25
Dave isn't it Julie Sheridan and not Susan?
Replied: 14th Oct 2013 at 22:11

yes dav , got to know on friday .
Replied: 15th Oct 2013 at 01:08

suesa you are right love, its been a long time and my memory with names aint to good these days, thanks iv'e corrected my mistake.
Replied: 15th Oct 2013 at 07:09
Last edited by bambam: 15th Oct 2013 at 07:26:04

Zoe, There was Millingford engineering off Rectory rd, & North Ashton Engineering on the corner facing the Village Green, The chap i knew was Arther Cooper (or Dove)
Replied: 15th Oct 2013 at 17:10
Both sites had contaminated soil. Where they decontaminated before the houses where built or was the top soil only removed
Replied: 16th Oct 2013 at 09:05
Hello PeterP,
Regarding the old Millingford site, the above question should possibly be directed to Frank Philips.
I think I'm correct in thinking that he was the builder of these houses.
Replied: 16th Oct 2013 at 20:45

The Millingford site was infilled with pit dirt from Windy Harbour coliery. North Ashton Engineering site was the old Cromptons Works,
Replied: 16th Oct 2013 at 21:41

just heard that mick cummins from birch grove has died today.his funeral arrangements are as follows - tuesday 5th nov at st helens crem 10-30 followed by refreshments at garswood hall bowling club .
Replied: 27th Oct 2013 at 11:48
Last edited by whups: 30th Oct 2013 at 15:09:20

sad news such a great gent R.I.P mick, my thoughts are with his family thanks for info bri.
Replied: 30th Oct 2013 at 08:01

I think you mean 5 nov brian.
Where has this year gone!!!
Replied: 30th Oct 2013 at 12:05

ur right marge , my mistake . 5th nov it is .
Replied: 30th Oct 2013 at 15:08
Hi Trixie (M), hope you are well, has Edward got his fireworks ready for the big day. Have you been on any cruises lately, Suzanne and Michael have just been to New York with Rebecca and Phoebe, Robert went to Spain for a week with the school choir. Spoke to Margaret today, she seems to be keeping well.
Replied: 30th Oct 2013 at 17:01

We are ok.but Eddie broke his big toe by falling off a chair....so he is struggling on crutches.yes Margaret sounds well and i had an email from Minnie saying that she looked well.
Yes we have been to the Eastern med in Sept.looking to go off again before Christmas.
Got our golden Wedding next March so booked a long cruise for then.
Hope you
And the family are well.not been to New York but would love to go.
He grew out of fireworks years ago.
Replied: 30th Oct 2013 at 18:19
Last edited by trixie: 30th Oct 2013 at 20:12:33
hi trixie i hope you enjoy your big cruise for golden wedding.i bet you have your own uniform by now you have been on so many.we cant go anywhere at the moment butit is nice to see you enjoying it will no what going on with my son till middle of november.then we can think of travelling again.nice to see you still on here.
Replied: 31st Oct 2013 at 13:00

Hi bert,well at least you have a goal to work to.i hope it's for the better for you all.
We have booked 3 nights before joining the ship in Singapore.just planning were to go.been to the Botanic Gardens & the biggest wheel in the world last time we went a few years ago.so planning to got to the Zoo & Santosa Island.,
Take care.xx
Replied: 31st Oct 2013 at 13:18

Have you read this, about a St.Helens church ..... in Downall Green? 127 year old organ!
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 00:37

The address is still Downall Green, North Ashton, Near Wigan, Lancashire,
well to me it is and always will be
, maybe the young people from Downall Green now call themselves St-Heleners I don't know
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 16:33

Well said dougie.
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 16:36

You're wrong, Dougie!
The correct postal address is :-
Holy Trinity Church,
Rectory Road,
Ashton in Makerfield,
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 19:54

Well to us it will always be North Ashton.
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 19:59

It's Downall Green. It's not even the North of Ashton. Bryn is Norther than it!
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 20:17
Lived on Leyland Green Rd
Address was
Leyland Green Rd
North Ashton
Nr Wigan
Wn4 ***
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 20:24
Funny though Ive always put North Ashton nr Wigan as the address when writing home to Downall Green and to my cousin in Spindle Hillock and thats going back for some years.
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 20:32
With you Dougie....It was North Ashton, Near Wigan, Lancashire, when I was born there nearly 75 years ago, and that is the address that I put on my letters still. I was also a member of the Church choir over 60 years ago with Frank Lowe.
Replied: 3rd Nov 2013 at 20:44
Change the record, Tonker!!!
Replied: 4th Nov 2013 at 17:13

9/10 of us will never change, your only an import to Ashton from Haydock so don't try to change the way we see ourselves, the club at Downall Green has always been called
North Ashton,Village Club,Nr Wigan,Lancashire, and so say all of us,and so say all of us
Replied: 4th Nov 2013 at 22:26

My husband is an import from Haydock but he agrees with me.
I am like Robin,i still put North Ashton on my post to.
Replied: 5th Nov 2013 at 12:04

Will you never learn, Tonker is a wind up merchant,although he is often right, but regarding North Ashton it is still North Ashton,
Replied: 5th Nov 2013 at 14:37

We get bored at this time of year so we have to gang up on him.
Replied: 5th Nov 2013 at 18:18
Last edited by trixie: 5th Nov 2013 at 18:19:29

trixie, Even Tumtingle couldn't resist telling it's Noth Ashton, then telling us we'll never learn
is only winding you up
Replied: 5th Nov 2013 at 23:08

I tek no notice of him.we no we are right....
Roll on summer.
Replied: 6th Nov 2013 at 10:14

Bam bam saw a pic of you on facebook as a kid cute pic too
Replied: 14th Nov 2013 at 23:59

Was it the one from stubshaw cross or on the carnival float?
I don't know about cute !!
Replied: 15th Nov 2013 at 07:12
Last edited by trixie: 17th Nov 2013 at 04:31:50

Hi lanky11, that will be that yankee sister of mine.
Replied: 15th Nov 2013 at 20:19

yes your sister posted it Trixie do you own a part of the ship now
Replied: 16th Nov 2013 at 22:24

Yes i think we must do by now,we are off visiting again in 2 weeks.
Replied: 17th Nov 2013 at 04:33

bam bam time to start new thread again getting long
Replied: 19th Nov 2013 at 21:11
Wishing All Downall Greeners Peace and Blessings this Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year... I Wish I was Home...
Replied: 23rd Dec 2013 at 22:13

Thanks Janet same to you and your family,
Me and David was calling you again in the club last night well we often do he said that you had been in touch with each other,he also mention your Steven but I don't know him, I was telling him again about the chance meeting I had with your Roy in Ashton and it making you sick
Replied: 23rd Dec 2013 at 22:29
Aye, I bet you do an all, I expect I'll be talking to him in a few days on Skype.. No you won't know Stephen , I was 14 when he was born, so by the time he was growing up, you'd have gone from DG... You may have seen him when you go to a Funeral Service at the Crem, he's the tallish fellow, sandy hair and glasses that greets the family of the deceased...
Best Wishes Dougie, talk to you in the New Year....
Replied: 24th Dec 2013 at 00:35
hi jouell all the best to you and your family.and all the other people on here have a very happy christmas and happy new year.janet went to the club on friday and a very good time was had.but it was the next morning which gets harder.bye for now.
Replied: 24th Dec 2013 at 13:08
Glad you had a good time Bert...Talk to you in the New Year..
Replied: 24th Dec 2013 at 13:50
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all ex-downall greeners
Replied: 24th Dec 2013 at 19:01

A very Merry Christmas Everybody. And a Happy New Year,
Replied: 24th Dec 2013 at 19:26
Hope that you both had an enjoyable cruise.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you both.
Replied: 24th Dec 2013 at 21:22
Dougie I did talk to David today on Skype, he looks and sounds SO much better, I am so relieved... He said he will be in the club NY Eve...I think one of his son's is also going...
Replied: 26th Dec 2013 at 16:36

Yes he does look better than he did a few months ago,last Sunday night he came in the club with a male & female that I didn't know or seen in the club before that may have been his son and his wife, Dave was getting three drinks at the bar when I was talking to him, so with them sitting together all night I assumed they must be his friends in some way,
I'll tell him you've been calling him again
Replied: 26th Dec 2013 at 18:58
It was Davids son Dougie.
Replied: 26th Dec 2013 at 20:34
Yes it was his son John, they will be with him again N Y Eve....He was telling me he has started playing music again, got himself a piano and guitar.. Who knows, he may be the entertainer at the club before long Oh, yea Dougie, he tells me you are the trouble maker
Dougie, do you know or remember Joan Thomas from Leyland Green rd. she married Bert Leech.. she was in the club last week and was talking with David...
Replied: 26th Dec 2013 at 21:21
Last edited by jouell: 26th Dec 2013 at 21:49:56
Hi jouell. Please excuse my butting in, if Bert Leech is around, could you please remember me to him.
Replied: 26th Dec 2013 at 22:05
You are not butting in at all Robin, I was talking to Joan this afternoon. next time I'll tell her you want to pass on Best Wishes to Bert... Joan and Bert are both doing well...
Replied: 26th Dec 2013 at 22:41

We lived at the back of Joan and family years ago.i am not sure who lives there now.
Replied: 27th Dec 2013 at 04:30
Last edited by trixie: 27th Dec 2013 at 05:11:59

Dougie, do you know or remember Joan Thomas from Leyland Green rd. she married Bert Leech.. she was in the club last week and was talking with David...
No I don't know her or Bert as two or three years in age makes a big difference when your young,I knew her Dad as we worked down the same pit in 1955/60.( I never knew you but know your Dad )
Replied: 27th Dec 2013 at 09:06
Just a thought Dougie
Trixie, it's been 12 years since my Dad died and I haven't been back to DG since, but the last I heard when on the visit previous to him passing, Billy Adamson lived in that house...
Replied: 27th Dec 2013 at 14:26

12 years Janet,I must have been dreaming about you then
Replied: 27th Dec 2013 at 16:39

That would be who was called young Billy Adamson i think?
Replied: 27th Dec 2013 at 18:47
Yes, young Billy Adamson Trixie, Dougie you know I meant staying at Dads, not the Rectory Rd reunion 4 and a half years ago..
Replied: 27th Dec 2013 at 19:20
Went to Holy Trinity Graveyard today It was nice to see so many Christmas flowers and wreaths on the graves.
Replied: 28th Dec 2013 at 16:15

Happy New Year.xx
Replied: 5th Jan 2014 at 06:01
Last edited by trixie: 6th Jan 2014 at 13:22:38
trixie. Hi M. Happy New Year, you were up early this morning.
Replied: 5th Jan 2014 at 23:48

Even earlier this Morning Robin,
I don't sleep very well.
Replied: 6th Jan 2014 at 01:07
Last edited by trixie: 6th Jan 2014 at 01:11:21

Dougie I hope you don't mind but I posted one of the pics you posted on wigan album on face book proud to be from Bryn I wish you was on there as you have some great pics
Replied: 6th Jan 2014 at 16:00

It was a map or drawing of Bryn Station with a seal at the bottom I told Fred that you have some great pics
Replied: 6th Jan 2014 at 16:05

for anyone who knew brenda hill who lives in poplar ave that she died today, i think she was about 50. R.I.P. brenda.
Replied: 15th Jan 2014 at 14:28

RIP ,Brenda.
Replied: 15th Jan 2014 at 19:38

so sad that bri I grew up with her in elm ave,RIP Brenda.
Replied: 16th Jan 2014 at 20:08

Will delete this later it's just for you to look at bambam
Replied: 17th Jan 2014 at 10:12
Last edited by dougie: 25th Jan 2014 at 22:48:41

Hi. Bambam glad to have you back.
Replied: 17th Jan 2014 at 10:49

Replied: 18th Jan 2014 at 09:43
Last edited by dougie: 26th Jan 2014 at 09:11:38
Dougie I have the list of Bryn roaders.
Replied: 18th Jan 2014 at 12:57

Thanks Brian I saved the two pages that was uploaded of Bryn Rd, were it you that uploaded them in the first place as I can't remember who it was
Replied: 18th Jan 2014 at 16:16
I thought you uploaded them.
Replied: 18th Jan 2014 at 17:07

I may have been given them by someone to uploaded for them I don't know, Old age is setting in Brian
Replied: 18th Jan 2014 at 19:20

Hi Trixie, hope you're ok will start new thread now.
Replied: 25th Jan 2014 at 20:09
Last edited by bambam: 26th Jan 2014 at 00:01:59
Replied: 26th Jan 2014 at 00:04
Last edited by bambam: 26th Jan 2014 at 00:07:11
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