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Where is this place

Started by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

Anybody know where I took this picture

Started: 5th May 2010 at 21:38

Posted by: lisalee (12155) 

From the Galleries carpark?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:42

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

No,sorry Lisa.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:47

Posted by: mavis (1063)

yep definitely the Galleries carpark its on the open part overlooking the mesnes field ( I think)

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:47

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

No it's not Mavis, sorry....

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:48

Posted by: lisalee (12155) 

I thought it was looking over towards Market Street.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:48

Posted by: jarvo (30254) 

Old Trafford...

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:50

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

Well it's not Lisa

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:50

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Is it down near the pier?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:55

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

No it is not near the pier brenda

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:57

Posted by: jarvo (30254) 

Great George Street...

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 21:59

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

That is brillant that jarvo, because I know exactly which building you mean on Great George Street and it is right next to the railway line and I would have said it was that building, because it looks very similar to the building in the picture

However it is not the same building.....

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:03

Posted by: jarvo (30254) 

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:08

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Well how about a clue then?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:09

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)


Vote Nakky

Those machines are a clue.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:11
Last edited by dustaf: 5th May 2010 at 22:16:39

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Well ok - that shows the Jessop plant - is that where they're at?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:19

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

They are 'diggers'.

The clue is not about machines.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:20

Posted by: xxstuartxx (5799)


Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:21

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

So you want a Cloo brenda

I will have to think of one

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:23

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Google it APLS.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:24

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Well be kind - I'm a long ways away!

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:25

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

Well I am not sure if this is a Cloo but I think that tower is a bell tower, that is my own opinion though, so it is probably wrong

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:28

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

From a standing position.

With the camera up your bottom.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:28

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

I think it's actually a chimney APLS.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:29

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

So it doesn't look like a Church. Could it belong to a school?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:30

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

It's his house.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:30

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

"I think it's actually a chimney APLS"

Well it looks like a chimney, but it has those slats on the side which church towers have, so that the bells can ring through them

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:32

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

It's a 'house'.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:32

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

... or a factory?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:32

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

It is not a house and it is not a factory

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:33

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

I agree APLS, but if you look at some of Brian's photos of it, it looks very much like a chimney.

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:34

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Do you remember where you took it????

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:34

Posted by: xxstuartxx (5799)

Work house?
Slaughter house?
Ale house?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:34

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

It is not a house and it is not a factory

Apoligies. I thought it was GWH

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:35

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Diggers hmmmmm - is it near the Roman dig?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:36

Posted by: rio caroni (5077) 

apls I think the best shot of this is from the Parish Church Gardens?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:37

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

Course I remember where I took it brenda and no stuart, it is not a

Work house?
Slaughter house?
Ale house?

What's a GWH dustaf

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 22:37

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

All gone quiet - has everybody given up?

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 23:22

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

quote rio caroni

"apls I think the best shot of this is from the Parish Church Gardens?"

Many apologies rio caroni I have only just seen this posting, we posted the last two posts at the same time

And you are bang on the button correct, I took the picture of the tower on the top of the County Court building in Crawford Street Wigan, from the Parish Church Gardens

And I had never seen this tower before and I don't think you can see it from the roads surrounding the Courthouse

And dustaf knew where it was too, these are Brians pictures

Are you happy now brenda

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 23:28

Posted by: brenda m (790) 

Yup - and what a neat building it is too - complete with turret!

Gooin wom neah...

Replied: 5th May 2010 at 23:59

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

The old Bluecoats School is this?

Has this picture been airbushed?

Where has the congregation of alcoholics gone from the Church grounds?

All these questions eh!

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 10:40
Last edited by the_gwim_weaper: 6th May 2010 at 18:32:14

Posted by: ©art© (6154)

That's the old telephone exchange,to the right. The slats are probably housing the Wartime Air-raid Warning & all Clear Sirens.

I can't see'em having slats in a chimney..

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 10:53

Posted by: vera howarth (2584) 

it's the old court house on Crawford St.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 12:56

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

GWH = Gerrard Winatanley House

JCB 'diggers' Diggers

Brian's pics

As for the 'chimney'. I suspected that it may have been for the central heating system (boiler house). But it could possibly be a ventilation chimney to cool the place down, Similar to the one on Strangeways prison.

Jarvo's comment about the Gt George Street tower was the giveaway.

Some time ago Elizabeth enquired about a structure with metalwork on top of it, which she had noticed from the NW Station platform. Prompting a look at the Wigan rooftops and Brian's pics from the Parish Church.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 14:13
Last edited by dustaf: 6th May 2010 at 14:14:57

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

Why do you not get a job proudidiot?.

You could then spend your time, doing something useful.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 16:43

Posted by: upthetims (6591)

fp,he was supping his cans in the parish church yard with his mates

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 18:25

Posted by: xxstuartxx (5799)

fp,he was supping his cans in the parish church yard with his mates

You probably know this because you were there also?

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 18:29

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

the foorum clown stooie is on again.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 19:24

Posted by: xxstuartxx (5799)


......and I'm the clown??

Just go and buy the wig and be done with it.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 19:35

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)


......and I'm the clown??

Just go and buy the wig and be done with it.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 21:11

Posted by: xxstuartxx (5799)

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 21:15

Posted by: rio caroni (5077) 

What I love about this site is the level of adult conversation, pure magic.

Replied: 6th May 2010 at 21:44

Posted by: ©art© (6154)

The Crawford St side (left hand) was the County Court & Lancs County Police, building.
The Dorning St (right hand)side was the Telephone Exchange
The door on the right of the vehicle entrance was The Employment Exchange (dole)
At different times & for different reasons, I attended all three..

Replied: 7th May 2010 at 01:04

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Replied: 7th May 2010 at 15:41

Posted by: joseph 1 (inactive)

To good to miss!

Replied: 7th May 2010 at 15:43

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

I nearly did it the other day.

Was giving lots of thought to the GWH chimneys. Did a bit of googling about the Strangeways tower but nothing positive.

Someone briefly suggested that it served as a chimney and a ventilator.

Seem to remember Adam Hart Davis doing something about the design of Victorian prisons. Improved ventilation systems saved many lives.

Replied: 7th May 2010 at 15:48

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Spot the chimney/tower.

Photo by Harry Gardner on Album.

Replied: 12th May 2010 at 18:22
Last edited by dustaf: 12th May 2010 at 18:24:37


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