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roman gates

Started by: brianjgreen (492)

how many romam gateways does wigan have,example wallgate.

Started: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:24

Posted by: owd dave (4318) 

5at a guess

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:29

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:30
Last edited by dustaf: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:31:43

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Hasn't one gone?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:34
Last edited by dustaf: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:34:58

Posted by: mojim (1679)

Wallgate,stairgate,millgate, hallgate, bishopgate,standishgate.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:41

Posted by: gaffer (8148) 

If I remember correctly from my schooldays it was seven.

I can only remember six. Wallgate, Hallgate, Millgate, Standishgate,Stairgate and Mesnesgate ( Hope Street ).

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:43

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)



Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:46

Posted by: owd dave (4318) 

where is stairgate ive only lived here 68 years and never heard of it must get out more

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:46

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Ran from Millgate to Station road.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:48

Posted by: mojim (1679)

Dustaf,is it churchgate that's missing?if it is I've no idea where that is.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:52

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

I thought it was seven (pub conundrum). After a Google, it seems two weren't too old. Churchgate and Bishopgate.

However, I've learned two new (or older) ones.

Mesnesgate, as Gaffer said, And Turfgate.

See page 25

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:55
Last edited by dustaf: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:58:23

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Mojim. See the link above, Churchgate is at the side of Bradford and Bingley (Santander) Market Place.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:57

Posted by: moodysue (inactive)

interesting... reminds of a skipping game we used to play called ...
if ya miss ya millergate or stop the rope your out
Hallgate .. Wallgate...Standishgate ya Miller gate

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 17:59

Posted by: mojim (1679)

Brilliant,and there was also a Marketgate wasn't there?.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:04

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

There is a Marketgate now. Wigan Centre Arcade renamed 1990. (Marketplace to Galleries)

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:06
Last edited by dustaf: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:09:06

Posted by: mojim (1679)

Thanks Dustaf.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:10

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

You're welcome.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:11

Posted by: danni (inactive)

but they werent gates

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:16

Posted by: aspuller (1835) 

danni, Your reet ,nothing to do with "gates" as we know them.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:19

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Oh dear. It's (the great gate debate) started.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:22

Posted by: jo anne (34751) 

Isn't it an open and shut case?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:25

Posted by: aspuller (1835) 

Come on Mester, get 'um gooin'

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:25

Posted by: danni (inactive)


Posted by: ianmcl

the "gate" is in fact gate pronounced gahta( garter without the r's!) which is the general Scandinavian word for street.

Wallgate is actually I believe the road to the well - the well being just in front of the Dog and Partridge/Bee's Knees/ Last Orders

At the Scholes end of Millgate was a corn mill; Hallgate - Wigan Hall, Bishopgate - the building ( Walmesley House) lovingly destroyed to make way for a BT monstrosity, Standishgate - the way to Standish, Stairgate is a mystery to me but I'm sure someone will know - maybe because it led down to the river and was stepped?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:27

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

I'm not a great gate (or grate) debater.

See Micklegate Bar York. That's a gateway not a pub.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:27

Posted by: ayrefield (4465)

You've not mentioned Ourgate.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:28

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

"You've not mentioned Ourgate"


Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:31

Posted by: jo anne (34751) 

In Dustaf's link, p.25, it says:

'The suffix '-gate' derives from the Old Norse 'gata' meaning a road. Standishgate is, then, the road that leads to Standish.' (as Ian said, as quoted by Danni.)

And it mentions the other 'gates' too.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:33
Last edited by jo anne: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:40:02

Posted by: ©art© (6154)

Stairgate was/is at the side of Penningtons shop Millgate, Christchurch was at the other side. It's a steep drop down to Station Rd.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:38

Posted by: brianjgreen (492)

Was it stargate and not stairgate?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 18:58

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Stargate is in Blackpool isn't it?

Seen it on trams.


Notice how it's address on the link is Pem.

Send for Tonker.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:03
Last edited by dustaf: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:08:00

Posted by: ianmcl (inactive)

My whole life flashed before me ( never been so bored!) when I saw this thread!

Roman gates? dear god! we've only just got roman blinds in Wigan!!!

I may need to lie down in a darkened room for a while . . .

The building next to Churchgate was the Black Horse pub btw

I had never heard of Turfgate or Mesnesgate; the remains of Faggy Lane can still be seen just behind the garage ( Citroen?) on Queen St and before the mainline railway bridge over Chapel Lane . . .

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:17

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

No mentiion of All Gates from you Ian?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:19

Posted by: ianmcl (inactive)

I prefer Allslops (burp!) - credit to old Frankie R !

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:21

Posted by: dustaf (inactive)

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:22

Posted by: kitekat (1498)

If you go through the opening near the Last Orders (use to be Bees Knees) and look towards your right. There's a street plate that says Churchgate. The War Memorial is right in front of it.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 19:58

Posted by: ©art© (6154)

The sign on Penningtons wall, says Stairgate

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:02

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Ianmcl, i have only been on Wiganworld a couple of hours and have come to the conclusion your bloody ignorant and obnoxious ad are flouting the rules of what is acceptable posting.
Sorry people but i had to say that because all i have seen from him are, personal attacks and clever languague that is nothing more than foul in another form.
I had been warned by my daughter but chose to come and see for myself.
You should be ashamed of how you speak to people.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:14

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

I don't see anything wrong

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:16

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Billy?? with the greatest of respect and if I may coin a phrase.....You aint seen nothing yet.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:26

Posted by: danni (inactive)

evenin pikey

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:29

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy!

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:31

Posted by: danni (inactive)

Ive taken the bailey pledge Gwim, no falling out....unless

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:32

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

I have seen enough to come to that conclusion. And who may you two be his little side kicks, to coin the phrase.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:32

Posted by: ©art© (6154)

2 posts & swearin' already. Tha' con allus dodder off if tha' duzn't like it 'ere

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:33

Posted by: danni (inactive)

oh joy

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:34

Posted by: mache (inactive)

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:34

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

Well said, Art.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:35

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Well Billy....there is a saying, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"....your comments have lowered you to the same level as that on which you place ianmcl. You could have chosen to let it ride, ignore and move on as many do but instead you chose to react....unless I am missing soemthing that makes you no better than anyone else who chooses to make trouble in here, myself included

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:38
Last edited by sledge: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:39:15

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

I have not been swearing! but i can see what this site is about, a gang of vultures that never move out of the bloody house and terrorise people from the behind their computer screens.
I have heard a few stories about you lot and i am so glad to meet you all.
I live in high park, shevington and i am not using any fake names here and invite any of you to prove me bloody wrong

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:42

Posted by: sledge (3085)

OOhhh you live in Shevy eh??.....respect IS indeed due

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:44

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)


Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:44

Posted by: tonker (28559) 

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:44

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

I am not having a freak show like you lot have my daughter in bloody tears, so please do not come the high ground with me Mr Slegde or what ever your name is.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:44

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

Who is your Daughter, Billy?
Have I Miss-ed something?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:46

Posted by: mache (inactive)

he can't roads up

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:46

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Where do you live Mr sledge, would your care to disclose, in fact do any of you have the bottle to

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:46

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

Why, will you visit us to deliver beatings, Billy?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:47

Posted by: ianmcl (inactive)

Well, I am astounded!

Shall we take my post on this thread line by line for those of the readership who are hard of understanding?

"My whole life flashed before me ( never been so bored!) when I saw this thread!"

This was a reference to MY life being boring - comprendez?

Roman gates? dear god! we've only just got roman blinds in Wigan!!!

This is what is commonly refered to as a "Joke" - you may google if you wish ( or can)

I may need to lie down in a darkened room for a while . . .

( never has my need been so great as now!)

The rest of the post was surely not as offensive as has been made out?

Wigan World is a hugely fanstastic site with many aspects and resources to gladden the heart of any Wiganer . . . I suggest Mr Dudd that if you can find nothing better to read than my posts there is something sadly lacking in your life; my advice? listen to your daughter.

Sledge: your brickbat was received with pleasure - many thanks

Oh! and, unlike Santa, I do not have or require any little helpers

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:47

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Your daughter in tears?? laughter or sadness? If its the latter is she not capable of leaving this forum and finding one thats more agreeable with her tastes?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:48

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Weaper, she has not asked me to come here so why should i disclose her name to you.
What is your real name?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:48

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

LOL....Do you want to take me on a date, Billy?....I must warn you, there will be no kissing on a first date.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:49
Last edited by the_gwim_weaper: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:50:11

Posted by: sledge (3085)

High-park eh? My parents used to live on Longbrook and I grew up there. I have probably pi**** on your garden wall many times late at night on the way home from cassinellis/henry africas

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:50

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

I just want your real name, nothing more.
I am aware of where Mr obnoxious lives, in the bloody coucil flats in wigan so it shows how far he has got in life. Manion house isnt it?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:52

Posted by: danni (inactive)

Ho hum, reading this right your daughter would be Missmiss or Blue?

If so then read some of your daughter's posts Mr Dodd, they don't make for very pleasant reading.

I suggest you do before you start issuing threats.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:52

Posted by: tonker (28559) 

Mrs Tonker is from Longbrook and my sister in law is from High Park.

We've got you surrounded billydodd!

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:53

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

I have a house in Chester, CH1 to be exact, beat that then write a thousand lines, must strive harder

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:53

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Mr Sledge why do you not come and do it tonight, just let me know when your on your way and i will be ready with a bucket of water and will bloody drown you.
Your all so Big on here aren't you

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:54

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

I already guessed that with my 'Have I Miss-ed something?' post. Danny.
Even though I have never typed to, nor been typed at, by the girl.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:54

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Danni why dont you disclose who you really are and where you live.
Your nothing but a bunch of bloody cowards.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:56

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

Anyway, Welcome to WW, Bill. I can see you are going to be a great asset to the boards

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:57
Last edited by the_gwim_weaper: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:57:23

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Does Phil Nicholsons folks still live at the bottom Billy? Tell em I said hello

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:57

Posted by: ianmcl (inactive)

Evidently not as big as you Mr Dick - nor your fascist daughter - can see where she gets it from.

For the record bullyboy I do NOT live in Mannion House - I would hate any innocent people to suffer at your hands . . .

I suggest you politely get the flock out of here with your threats: I am of course reporting you and will see that you are banned because of your implied violence against one or more members of this forum.

Get back to the kind of crowd you understand best - idiot!

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:58

Posted by: tonker (28559) 


Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:59

Posted by: sledge (3085)

I dont live anywhere near there now Billy...but I just wanted to let you know all the same. Let me know what number and I will see if I can fit you in over xmas

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:59

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Why dont you pop round and see for yourself and stop at my house while your here.
Come on big shot let have you

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:59

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)

Billy, a gift, for you

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 21:59

Posted by: sledge (3085)

tell us what number then

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:00

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Ian, your a big man with all your talk but when it comes to the crunch, your nothing but and silly little idiot who has no life.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:00
Last edited by billydodd: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:01:40

Posted by: ianmcl (inactive)

Bully Dudd: you are, like your right wing and senseless daughter, using a forum to spout your meaningless crap.

Now please run along and play with your marbles or summat . . .

I would never come to your crotch . . .

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:03

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

I tell you what Mr Sledge give me your phone number and i will ring you and tell you.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:04

Posted by: the_gwim_weaper (inactive)


Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:05

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Billy??? I am getting a whiff of a certain something eminating from the High park area of Shevington.....and its the same whiff of that which makes the grass grow tall in texas

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:06

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Ian what are you about, your nothing but a lazy idiot and need to get a bloody job. Stop pretending to be some bloody philosipher, with your garbage that dribbles from your foul mouth.
Some one pass the man some toilet paper, because there is s**t come from his mouth

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:07

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Non no no, I insist, let me stand the bill.....give me your number.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:07

Posted by: mache (inactive)

Is that William R Dodd

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:09

Posted by: billydodd (inactive)

Your phone number Mr Sledge?

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:09

Posted by: cindy (5991) 

Im closing the gates on this thread,

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:09

Posted by: tonker (28559) 


Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:10

Posted by: sledge (3085)

Behave yourself Billy....if you think I am going to give my numbers out in here you are even more deluded than I initialy thought.

Replied: 13th Dec 2009 at 22:11


This thread has been locked by a moderator.