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RIP Brian Shep

Started by: reddi8 (1107)

Just heard the local character around Standish has died.

Started: 2nd Dec 2009 at 18:57

Posted by: cindy (5992) 

He was a real character.R.I.P.Brian

Replied: 2nd Dec 2009 at 21:37

Posted by: upthetims (6591)

just heard big Colin Shep from New Springs got the big C,Prostate,hope he gets through it

Replied: 3rd Dec 2009 at 01:44

Posted by: millykate (63) 

R.I.P. Shep. He lived in our street, but I've still not heard the details surrounding his death. It was so sad to see the state he had got into these last few years, but apparently he'd always refused offers of help. There were even pages on Facebook about him.

Replied: 3rd Dec 2009 at 20:37

Posted by: jo anne (34754) 

Police are searching for relatives of Brian Shepherd.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the police at the coroner's office on 0161 856 7962.


Replied: 4th Dec 2009 at 11:23

Posted by: alan lad (443)

I hope he gets a good turn out for funeral RIP Brian owd lad

Replied: 4th Dec 2009 at 13:30

Posted by: reddi8 (1107)

I have been told he fell and hurt himself last week and signed himself out of hospital.

Replied: 4th Dec 2009 at 17:46

Posted by: lisalee (12155) 

I used to see Brian in the Lychgate alot before it was done up. RIP Brian.

Replied: 4th Dec 2009 at 17:56

Posted by: bennielechat (5762)

Will miss seeing him forever walking up and down Preston Road.

At rest now Brian.

Replied: 5th Dec 2009 at 10:34

Posted by: cindy (5992) 

If anyone hears when Brians funeral is could You put it on this thread. Thank You

Replied: 5th Dec 2009 at 11:52

Posted by: sammyjade (495)

aww RIP brian.

Replied: 5th Dec 2009 at 23:57

Posted by: ksbuick (18)

Shep's funeral. I have been told it's on the 4th of January but i dont know the time.There is a collection taking place to raise approx £800. st wilfreds church in standish have waived all their fee's and have said £500 has been donated so far so that he can be buried with his parents, otherwise it would have been a paupers funeral at the crematorium.

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 10:17

Posted by: alan lad (443)

thanks for the update ksbuick

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 14:37

Posted by: kenny (inactive)


"Will miss seeing him forever walking up and down Preston Road"
This is not the tall thin fellow who used to walk from Wigan to Standish almost every day is it

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 15:11

Posted by: alan lad (443)

kenny the tall thin fellow with the grey suit and glasses ? i think it was coppull to wigin and back rain snow or hail he has been doing it not seen him for awhile he is not owd shep

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 15:47

Posted by: reddi8 (1107)

It was such a pity he refused help and got himself into such a state. Anyone know where you send a donation?

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 16:28

Posted by: kenny (inactive)

Thanx for that alan lad,that was the same one I was meaning

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 17:07

Posted by: cindy (5992) 

I believe the Community club in Cross Street Standish are having a collection,Hope this helps Kenny.

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 17:24

Posted by: ksbuick (18)

cindy, the Black Bull in standish is having a collection as well. Kenny the man you mentioned was Tom Dawson of standish,he used to walk to wigan about 3 times a day.He was on Wiganworld a while ago referred to as the { walking man}

Replied: 18th Dec 2009 at 20:21

Posted by: sammyjade (495)

i heard poor brian shep went downhill when terry wilson passed away n he missed terry so much.awww glad there is a collection for him,n i will donate.

Replied: 19th Dec 2009 at 00:01

Posted by: reddi8 (1107)

Terry was very good to him and made sure his washing was done and he had food in. His neighbour was also good to him and always gave him Xmas dinner.

Replied: 19th Dec 2009 at 12:15

Posted by: ksbuick (18)

shep's funeral. according to Standish website the funeral is thursday the 24th december 10am

Replied: 22nd Dec 2009 at 11:33

Posted by: cindy (5992) 

Went to sheps funeral service this morning, If I may say The People of Standish did him Proud,There must have been about 150 people there.God Bless You Brian, Rest In Peace.

Replied: 24th Dec 2009 at 12:59

Posted by: alan lad (443)

cindy just imagine how many of us there would have been had the weather been better they did forsure do him PROUD and it showed in the bargain that the villagers of STANDISH will rally round when one is helpless . it made me feel privliged to be a STANDISHER.

Replied: 24th Dec 2009 at 18:50

Posted by: tonker (28641) 

It's only a pity no-one 'rallied round' when he was still alive, instead of taking the p155 and saying 'eeeeuuuurggh'. If they had, he might not be dead.

Replied: 25th Dec 2009 at 00:35

Posted by: alan lad (443)

tonker i think you will find brian was offerd various help but turned it down. oh and by the excuse the SPELLING

Replied: 25th Dec 2009 at 08:09

Posted by: elizabeth (5439) 

Why is Tonker like he is , he seems to have achip on his shoulder about everything these days

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 11:02

Posted by: cindy (5992) 

must be his age

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 12:35

Posted by: tonker (28641) 

Elizabeth, let me explain WHY I posted that above.

I have relatives who live right near where that man lived.
Everybody, let me repeat that, 'Everybody', used to talk about him, call him filthy, smelly, pull their faces at the mention of him, 'something should be done about him', they'd say, 'it's not good enough'.

Then, when he's found dead in the house, 'Everybody' feels sorry for him, they're all his 'mate', 'poor chap'!

They have more faces than a town hall clock!

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 13:58

Posted by: elizabeth (5439) 

I apologise Tonker

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 16:38

Posted by: alan lad (443)

relatives did alot it seems tonker or did THEY turn blind eye to his plight to ? NUFF SAID

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 16:39

Posted by: tonker (28641) 

MY relatives you mean, Alan? Yes, they ignored the chap. Like the others, they would have nothing to do with him because he was dirty and smelly.
BUT, that said, they aren't into FALSELY pretending to care and feel sorry for him now that he's gone. Unlike many!

Do you get it now, Alan?

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 16:59

Posted by: alan lad (443)

thanks tonker you have corrected yourself. there is a difference between EVERYBODY and MANY so you cant tar everbody with the same brush . end of conversation

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 17:51


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