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No energy

Started by: roylew (4111)

Wigan awful in the first half….our halfbacks are devoid of anything….wire making easy yards….mmmmnot Wigan this…Farrell is never a centre….poor thinking of management….but

Started: 26th Jul 2024 at 20:51

Posted by: wigvet (3565)

Just got back after taking /grandson as a ‘treat’!!
spending over 50 quid to watch garbage and drink warm overpriced ale
Having four props on the bench says it all about Wigans game-plan
Correct about the half backs Roylew

Say it again – an average team without the two Aussie ‘superstars’; whatever happened to homegrown talent? Oh for a Gregory or Edwards !

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 22:30

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


On another thread, I have conceeded that you may be right about you said a few days ago.

And you are also right about a game plan of having four props on the bench in addtion to the two starting and questions need to be asked about the lack of quality back up in the backs when we are down to Farrell playing at centre and two scrum haves at half back and no creative Stand Off.

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 22:46

Posted by: roylew (4111)

We had a centre playing fullback when Hampshire could have fitted in there….really poor management tonight but in afraid everyone played very poorly with heavy legs and hearts….our back line looked like a dogs leg….we made Warrington look brilliant and the weren’t….far too easy….wouldn’t waste money going to Vegas….we are still a good team but we are playing very poorly

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 22:55

Posted by: whups (14015) 

wots going on with wigan ? .

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 23:38

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Agreed with you about Hampshire not being at full back and Eckersley at centre, but it is not only at first team level that our teams are not playing well.

Yesterday, I watched the recent Reserve game against St Helens where again the performance was poor and were heavilly beaten and the Academy has also not been playing as well as they should be in recent games.

There seems to be too much emphisis on forwards and not enough on creative and quality backs under the present Coaching set up.

Like Whups has said, what is going on with Wigan!

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 07:09

Posted by: roylew (4111)

We played 6 props last night…so agree OC….no creativity just same old “Wane “ style down the middle…

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 08:55

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Exactly, but no surprise when like Wane, Peet was also a Prop Forward and if you want to compare Wigan to a good all round team of players, look no further than Hull Kingston Rovers under Australian Head Coach and former Wigan half back Willie Peters who despite the comings and goings during the close season has done a outstanding job at Craven Park, reminiscent of the days of another great half back in Roger Millward!

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 09:15

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Perhaps it might be better if a Head Coach was someone who is not local born like Sam Burgess at Warrington and Willie Peters at Hull Kingston Rovers.

St Helens who after having some Head Coaches from down under in a period of success now appear to be having the same problem with local born Head Coach Paul Wellens?

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 09:29
Last edited by Owd Codger: 29th Jul 2024 at 06:19:32

Posted by: roylew (4111)

I think it would be hard to understand the reasoning to sack our current coaches,especially with having our “star” players missing.but I must admit we have lost the wow factor…the energy has gone and we are making far too many errors….Peet said we will learn after the Hull defeat but we didn’t…Miski got one pass all the game and leadership was not there

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 12:15

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6174)

Four trophies in the cabinet and some folk do bugger all but moan!

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 16:22

Posted by: roylew (4111)

We are discussing last nights match,not the whole season..yeah we are going to get beat now and again but that was some beating for a team like ours…we have a right to discuss it…and so does Matt Peet and Co.

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 22:50

Posted by: whups (14015) 

so if they win their game in hand everything is hunky dory . just shows wot todger knows & he can tell us wot burgess or peters have won as coaches in rugby league . 4 trophies in a calander year , no-one has done that .

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 23:49

Posted by: wnwanderer (61)

Ahcawntspeyk and it's always been the same old moaners

We've got half a first team out, and are joint top with a game in hand. Them lot over Billinge hill have lost five on the bounce, or is it six? And are on the verge of dropping out of the top six.

The same folk crying for Hampshire to be in are probably the same folk who moaned when he had a stinker the last time he played.

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 00:16

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Exactly, and some were moaning about nobody discussing Wigan and Rugby League on Wigan World, but it appears that if you do, it is wrong to say anything about a heavy defeat, team selections, game management, results etc.

And if they want to see the real moaners, they need to go on the fan's websites and local social media.

As for having half the team out, we are unlike other clubs supposed to have a sufficient number of back up quality players in the lower end of the first team squad, reserves, academy to deal with the kind of situation that we have had in the last couple of games.

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 08:33

Posted by: whups (14015) 

the reason for that todger is because you only want your post to be heard . how anyone wants to replace matty peet after wot he,s done at wigan for the last 3 yrs is beyond me & shows just how much some people on here have such a short memory

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 15:05
Last edited by whups: 28th Jul 2024 at 15:07:39

Posted by: peter g (3615) 

If you can't support us when we lose or draw, Don't support us when we are winning. Bill Shankly 1966.

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 16:23

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)

Considering that I have been a supporter and season ticket holder of the club for 54 years, I feel that I am entitled to make whatever comment on the performances of its players in games, decisions made by the coaching staff, running of the club etc, etc

Stick to watching United on television!

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 16:23
Last edited by Owd Codger: 28th Jul 2024 at 16:26:27

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16191)

I think they played crap on purpose, because they want a pay rise.

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 20:46

Posted by: wnwanderer (61)

Wonder how many of these 'fans ' were around in the dark days of Millward and 2006?

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 22:29

Posted by: whups (14015) 

it doesnt matter how long a season ticket holder you are or how long you,ve supported the club you have shown wot kind of "supporter " you are with your comments . after wot matty peet has done for wigan rugby league club you want to change him after 2 BAD GAMES . you have a very short memory & shud be ashamed of your derogatory comments . some supporter you are & shud stick will training so-called player you got into the pro ranks which we are still waiting on your comments about that .

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 23:50

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)

wnwanderer and ahcawntspeyk

I for one was not only around at the time of Ian Millward, but was one of those supporters who went to every home and away game and also a supporter who went to every home and many away games in the dark days of the seventies when we won northing and the highlight of a season was watching a Challenge Cup Semi Final between other clubs at Central Park.

Were You two?

And I apologise for any suggestion by myself that we perhaps need a new Head Coach as I was only trying to get across that sometimes having a local lad as Head Coach can result in the lowering of standards as appears to be the case at St Helens under Paul Wellens and as happen at other clubs on occasions.

Replied: 29th Jul 2024 at 07:05

Posted by: roylew (4111)

Playing Liam Farrell at centre was a terrible mistake and playing 6 props was too…Warrington played with speed of passing and lying at 45 degrees in attack…Big props don’t like the speed of smaller players and that proved decisive time and time again…hope that Matt Peet and co will “learn” as he says from this….a good win against Huddersfield will make us feel a lot better…oh and Liam Byrne needs a good run in the reserves or a loan spell somewhere

Replied: 29th Jul 2024 at 08:12

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


I concur!

But somthing is wrong as the Reserves lost again at Wakefield,

The only good news is that the womens team after a good away win at York last weekend won their nines competion and beating Leeds 21-0 in the final.

A big well done to Dennis and the ladies!

Replied: 29th Jul 2024 at 08:22
Last edited by Owd Codger: 29th Jul 2024 at 08:35:59

Posted by: whups (14015) 

tell us todger how many times you supported wigan at catalan ? .

Replied: 29th Jul 2024 at 11:31

Posted by: wigvet (3565)

Just catching up back on this thread:

‘’4 trophies in a calander year , no-one has done that’’

In 1995 they won 5 trophies – the league champions Trophy, The world club challenge, the stones bitter championship, the silk cut challenge cup and the Regal Trophy ..oh and they were awarded the BBC team of the year – (and not ONE of the current squad would have got in that team, including French)

Watching Wigan you expect two things – to win and to be entertained; sadly their current brand of play is anything but

The Wire have signed a proven back rower in Bateman; no doubt Wigan will be on the look-out for another prop.....

Huddersfield, Leigh and Leeds over a ten day period – we can but hope for a quick return of the two Aussie ‘entertainers’

Replied: 29th Jul 2024 at 18:09

Posted by: whups (14015) 

not in a calander year wigvet .

Replied: 29th Jul 2024 at 23:55

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Proberly more times than you have ever been to the former Theatre of Dreams to watch United!

Replied: 30th Jul 2024 at 07:12

Posted by: whups (14015) 


Replied: 30th Jul 2024 at 17:14

Posted by: whups (14015) 

another question you failed to answer . it,s getting repetitious isnt it todger .

Replied: 31st Jul 2024 at 12:08

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


But I have!

Replied: 31st Jul 2024 at 15:24

Posted by: whups (14015) 

you mean you hav,nt . just ask grimshaw , tiger or anyone else who saw your reply .

Replied: 31st Jul 2024 at 17:01

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2894)

He gets confused

Replied: 31st Jul 2024 at 21:56

Posted by: whups (14015) 

he just wont answer a question colin.

Replied: 31st Jul 2024 at 23:39

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


I have corrrected your lying comment on two occasions but it does seemed to have sunk in yet which comes as no surprise with someone of a simple mind.

And as for answering a question, why have still not answered the question on the general section about accepting or declining any neccssary or urgent treatment if the NHS could only provide it at a private sector hospital or clinic.

You should be a politician with the way you twist thing and not give a straight answer

Replied: 1st Aug 2024 at 06:54

Posted by: whups (14015) 

you just dont answer a question no matter WHERE it is . and i answered your question & you dont take the time to look do you dummy .

Replied: 1st Aug 2024 at 11:52

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)

If you say so, pit prop!

Replied: 1st Aug 2024 at 12:41
Last edited by Owd Codger: 1st Aug 2024 at 14:04:23

Posted by: Pyeyta (99)

We'll win tonight and Tuesday and back at the top

Replied: 1st Aug 2024 at 13:32

Posted by: whups (14015) 

todger i wish i had a wallet as thick as you .

Replied: 1st Aug 2024 at 23:55


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