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Started by: admin (1778)

A soldier in full uniform, in front of his house is attacked, knifed 12 times - and the media is gagged from saying that attacker is an immigrant or a Muslim, shows what is wrong with Britain.
JD Vance may have said in jest that the UK will be first (European) Islamic country with nuclear weapons, may not be far from truth.
The terrorist did not harm the soldier's wife who tried to get the attacker off the soldier. His target was only the soldier. The terrorist used to go for evening walk in the area daily. So the attack was well planned.
The soldier staggered towards his house after stabbing but was chased down and attacked for a second time.

And our LISA said last weeks knife attack in Wigan was an isolated case..

Started: 24th Jul 2024 at 15:26

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Everything I have read in the media says the police are not treating it as terror related and are exploring the possibility that the attack was ‘mental health’ related

Still….., let’s not let facts get in the way of more anti- Muslim sentiment eh?

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 15:51

Posted by: sonlyme (3381)

so you are excusing him because of illness.

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 16:36

Posted by: tommy39 (509) 

stardelta,do you believe everything you are told???

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 17:16

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)


What on earth possesses you into thinking I am excusing anyone?


No I don’t, neither do I jump to conclusions or listen to rumours and heresay. What about you?

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 17:20
Last edited by Stardelta: 24th Jul 2024 at 17:53:41

Posted by: tonker (28549) 

Don't you mean hearsay?

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 17:32

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Yesss eye doo, fank yoo fore hi-lyting my acsidentall spellin misstayke.

Eye wyll trie hardder neckst tyme

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 17:45

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Eye havve gonne bak andd correkktedd myy shpellinng mistayke.

Eye hoppe yoo ar happee noww

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 17:55

Posted by: admin (1778)

British radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary, whose followers have been linked to numerous plots around the world, has been convicted of terrorism offenses after a trial in London, the capital's Metropolitan Police said on Tuesday.
Prosecutors said the 57-year-old Choudary directed al-Muhajiroun, which was banned as a terrorist organization more than a decade ago, and encouraged others to support the group. Choudary denied the charges.
He was found guilty of directing and being a member of a terrorist organization, as well as addressing meetings to encourage support for a proscribed organization after a six-week trial at Woolwich Crown Court.
Commander Dominic Murphy, Head of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said Choudary was facing "a significant sentence." He is due to be sentenced on July 30.
He stood trial alongside Canadian citizen Khaled Hussein, 29, who was arrested on the same day as Choudary in 2023 when he arrived on a flight at Heathrow Airport. Hussein was found guilty of membership of a criminal organization.
"I have no doubt that these convictions have left communities here in London, but also right across the UK and beyond, much safer," Murphy said.
Police around the globe unite
The joint investigation by the Met Police and Britain's domestic spy agency MI5 was assisted by the New York Police Department and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who together gathered evidence that Choudary was running and directing al-Muhajiroun via online lectures with followers based in New York.
Police said Hussein helped him host the lectures with other extremists and edited extremist online blogs and publications for Choudary.
Once Britain's most high-profile Islamist preacher, Choudary was previously imprisoned in Britain in 2016 for encouraging support for Islamic State before being released in 2018 after serving half of his five-and-a-half-year sentence.
Choudary drew attention for praising the men responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and saying he wanted to convert Buckingham Palace into a mosque.
How is this guy still here??????

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 18:05

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Still here?

Errrr.......because Choudary is a British citizen and has as much right to be in the UK as every other British citizen, including you and me

Appreciate this small technicality probably doesn't align with your narrative but facts are facts

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 18:16

Posted by: admin (1778)

SHAMMIMA BEGUM is a BRITISH CITIZEN born in London but we revoked her British citizenship....

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 23:00

Posted by: whups (14015) 

he,s not a muslim.

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 23:40

Posted by: admin (1778)

some comments on social media...

I can’t help thinking of Lee Rigby, RIP.
They’ve arrested a 24-year-old man but there’s no other information. I’m waiting for them to trot out the inevitable “mental health problems” excuse.

They already have. ‘not terror related, mental health’

Same here, I thought if Lee Rigby too. That was just so awful.
I really hope they're not going to trot out the old ‘mental health’ excuse - this person (poor excuse for a man) apparently drove there? If the photo of him with the motorbike is anything do with it.

Britain should have listened to Enoch.
He did try to warn you…

And the “mental health” defence is already being lined up.

Why is this bias in reporting on the immigrants?
Why are the news agencies afraid or paid to such cover up. I feel this is not just in UK, even in India some news agencies do this.
Highly biased.

They will sentence him/her get fed 3 times a day at tax payees expense have human rights or some asshole persons will defend him saying something is wrong with him or he's be radicalised. Bollock's should have the same treatment he gave that soldier. getting fed up of these scum coming into our country should send them all back to their own country don't care if it's a war zone or persecution we don't want any of them here and I don't care what people think of me.

Unfortunately true I really don't understand how the defence can live with themselves defending scum like this but they will and charge the country for doing so.

Still sleeping Britain?

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 23:58

Posted by: whups (14015) 

why is this bias towards immigrants ? .

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 01:03

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

‘Mental health’
It isn’t an excuse or justification, it’s an explanation.

This sort of thing is happening up and down the country on a regular basis. The only reason the media have picked up on it and given it status is because the victim is a soldier in uniform…… and people say it’s me walking around with blinkers on.

Come back to us when it has been confirmed as a terrorist attack with a religious or racial motive then we can take it further.

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 07:09

Posted by: Domin0 (692)

SD, he is rather dark.

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 09:57

Posted by: Domin0 (692)

why is this bias towards immigrants ? .

Whups, you are in the minority,the 300 a day of mainy black young men are a drain on the country,and the population of Africa is growing by
over 35 million each year, you should be worried.

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 10:04

Posted by: gaffer (8147) 

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 10:13

Posted by: whups (14015) 

really domin0 so wot ethnic was harold shipman or fred & rose west or the IRA who have killed thousands of innocent people ? . am i in the minority there ? . and no i,m not worried or a scaremonger like you either .

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 12:23
Last edited by whups: 25th Jul 2024 at 12:30:55

Posted by: Domin0 (692)

Whups,what have English murderers got to do with the uk being overrun with illegals coming here, and getting free board and lodging, free NHS, and free bus passes etc, and most of them are young black men from Africa.

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 15:25

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

So it appears details of the attacker are now coming out.

Nothing to say he is Muslim
Nothing to say he is an immigrant or in the Uk illegally
Nothing to say the attack was terror related

Any comments from the panel?

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 18:22

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6174)

Not defending any crimes committed by asylum seekers, illegal immigrants or anyone from an ethnic minority, but has anyone anything to say about the two young white boys who stabbed an elderly man who was simply out walking his dog for apparently no reason in Orrell the other month? I could quote quite a lot more instances of the same thing that has happened nation wide.

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 21:53

Posted by: whups (14015) 

bullshit as usual domin0 . you shud check you facts before shouting the odds & i notice you hav,nt mentioned how many are leaving the uk ? .

Replied: 25th Jul 2024 at 23:37

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Can you explain why it is that most of the people now in our overcrowded prisons for committing crimes ranging from shop lifting to murder are now people of a efhnic background or from the former Communists countries of Eastern Europe?

And the IRA wer not the only ones killing innocent people in Northern Ireland as many innocent people were also killed by the UDA, UDF etc, urged on by ranting Ian Paisley!

But you are right about people leaving the country, but many are not the people who you seem to think they are!

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 12:30
Last edited by Owd Codger: 26th Jul 2024 at 12:45:06

Posted by: Domin0 (692)

Just to answer your question Whups.

How many migrants come to the UK?
Net migration - the number of people coming to the UK, minus the number leaving - was 685,000 in 2023, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show, external.

Just over 1.2 million people came to the UK expecting to stay at least a year, and about 532,000 departed.

That is a fall from 2022's record net migration figure, which has been revised upwards to 764,000.

However, the ONS said it was "too early to say if this is the start of a new downward trend".

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 12:37

Posted by: tonker (28549) 

Beans on toast wi'cheese on or Cheese on toast wi'beans on?

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 15:49

Posted by: whups (14015) 

still no answer to my question domin0.

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 16:43

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)

And still no answer tio my question, Whups!

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 18:52

Posted by: Domin0 (692)

i notice you hav,nt mentioned how many are leaving the uk ? .
I anwered your question, about 532000 left the country in 2023.

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 23:28

Posted by: whups (14015) 

you 1st.

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 23:34

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6174)

Not condoning this despicable act. But.

What do folk think about an elderly chap out walking his dog in Orrell getting stabbed for no apparent reason by two teenage white lads?

I'm pretty certain if it were black lads some people would be all over it.

Replied: 27th Jul 2024 at 16:38

Posted by: Owd Codger (3646)


Works both ways!

Just before Covid, a white lad in Glasgow was attacked and murdered by five Pakistani's, but it was hardly mentioned on the national news!

I feel sure that if it had been the other way round we would never have heard the end of hearing about it!

Replied: 28th Jul 2024 at 08:42
Last edited by Owd Codger: 28th Jul 2024 at 09:12:05


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