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Morfa Nefyn

Started by: tomplum (13528) 

reported to be one of the best coast lines for scenery in the UK, So I'm gonna take a trip there tomoz while the sun is shining,

stand by for a full repot

Started: 23rd Jul 2024 at 21:38

Posted by: mollie m (7726) 

Enjoy yourself, Tom.

What is that link supposed to be for?

Replied: 23rd Jul 2024 at 21:52

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

that's a ' google map' view of the coastline or . supposed to be

Replied: 23rd Jul 2024 at 22:18

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

but anyrode,, i'll be doing a video

Replied: 23rd Jul 2024 at 22:20

Posted by: mollie m (7726) 

I didn't get a Google map. I got a lot of Google gobbledegook!

Replied: 23rd Jul 2024 at 22:22

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

ok thanks for that Mollie, I dunno what happened there, In the picture i lined it shows a coastline of the North Wales view over the Irish Sea and,

As the Irish folks say,, for folks that don't know, The Irish sea is between the Irish B and the Irish D ....

Replied: 23rd Jul 2024 at 22:30

Posted by: tonker (28694) 

"stand by for a full repot"

20mph = Cymryd am byth!

Replied: 23rd Jul 2024 at 22:58
Last edited by tonker: 23rd Jul 2024 at 23:37:06

Posted by: PeterP (11761)

Tom I don't think you will get away with your wild camping down there There is 120miles of coastline along the Llyn Peninsula and I bet you cannot park overnight any where bar a camp site

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 08:31

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2686) 

Enjoy Tom....be careful....there are a lot of Dangergoslow's lurking out there ...

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 09:20

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16392)


What a splendid place to go to, and where the google maps photo was taken is on a point of land which lies between Morfa Nefyn and Nefyn, and of the two I am most familiar with Nefyn, and there is a road down to Nefyn Beach which is known locally has 'Screw Road' although it does have a Welsh name, and at the top of Screw Road before you steeply descend to the beach, there is a cliff path which runs parallel with the beach and as go along there is another path which leads down to the beach, coming out in front of the 1960s built, and totally out of place flat roofed property, at the top the cliff path continues on to the point of land in your posted photo Tom, and I think the path may carry on then to Morfa Nefyn.

A drive down and up Screw Road, to which about halfway down there are toilets if yoo need to have a pee or a poo LINK

On the beach in Morfa Nefyn there is a pub and a lifeboat station

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 11:01

Posted by: tonker (28694) 

....... and, if you go in the pub, you might bump into Daffyd Thomas!

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 11:36

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16392)

Yep, the only Gay in the Viiiilllage.

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 11:55

Posted by: tonker (28694) 

Aye, Myfanwy, t'Reading Room!

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 14:11
Last edited by tonker: 24th Jul 2024 at 14:12:37

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6776) 

Shouldn't this thread be on PLACES??????

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 16:00

Posted by: mollie m (7726) 

Golden Bear, according to The Rules of this board, politics shouldn't be discussed, but they are, ad nauseum.

Replied: 24th Jul 2024 at 16:59

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

Tommy tee, that road you went down, I went down on't baaaaike laaaike and its steep, The baaaike refused to go back up so I pushed it up,,, Then I had go for a lie down,,,,

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 14:49

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16392)


It is steep

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 14:51

Posted by: tonker (28694) 

He'll aft' steep his socks an' underpants when he gets wom!

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 15:58

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

Tha not far wrung Tonks, I selected lowest gear and the highest assistance and the hill is so steep the baaaaikes on the point of rotation ,,Thats a pilots term for the nose lifting off the ground at take off and, the bike flipped into a wheelie, I did manage to control if but then I was going downhill backwards and toppled over and thowt, Sod this, I'll walk and walking and pushing a heavy baaaaike laaaaike put my smartfone fitness App into applaud motion and rated me with a high score and alerted me to find the nearest heart defibrillator which is, At the lifeboat station at the bottom of the hill

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 16:29

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16392)


So how did you enjoy Welsh Wales, I presume it was packed with holiday makers, it being this time of the year

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 18:11

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

The weather kept them away, Only the die hard venture out in Wales when the wind blows the tent and the rain batters the fold away rain coat which , is a must have to the, ' I'm having a trip even if it kills me' breed of tourist of which, I'm a paid up member,

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 18:29

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

I did the coastal walking path, Its a cliff top path that goes for quite a distance in and out of the coves and there is access to some of the beaches and its common to sea seals on them, Gulls are everywhere and other wildlife too, At one point I was fishing a river inlet to the sea and a passerby asked, " is there any fish in there?" I said, " I dunno but my thinking is, A river to a fish is a road, and this fish road is to the seaside So I'm guessing there will be fish heading for the sea", I did't catch anything but enjoyed the time trying,

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 18:37

Posted by: mollie m (7726) 

Glad you enjoyed your trip, Tom. Pity the weather didn't hold out, but this is England after all.

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 18:59

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16392)

In my younger days in Nefyn I would wander over the rock pools at low tide, and in the abundance of marine life in them, I once found quite a large stranded Dogfish, which I suppose is a small shark, and the beach was full of crabs, fishermen would return with bucket loads of Mackerel, which weren't quite dead, and on a few occasions I went by boat up the coast to a place which was known has Bird Rock for obvious reasons, and it were full of Puffins and other types of birds

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 19:00

Posted by: tomplum (13528) 

Yes Mollie its been a wicked year for sunny days but, according to the news the jet stream has lifted above England and that will mean the warm air is coming, My Son coming from Canada on the 1st of August so, I would be rude of me to take off with him here so, I'll have to stay put until he goes home and You just watch it slip back down again when he's gone,,

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 19:14

Posted by: mollie m (7726) 

That's called sod's law, Tom.

Replied: 26th Jul 2024 at 19:48


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