I see they have left their usual mess ..filth.. excrement for Cumbria council to clear up. These non contributors to society...tax evaders...earn money from dubious means..should be made to pay a bond to the council beforehand. All pubs closed due to previous behaviour...proper Romany gypsies do not purport to be supportive of the travelling tinker. (Spoke to many in the past) Why is this still allowed to happen ? I know it's been happening since 1700's. Get a grip of em
Started: 10th Jun 2024 at 16:12
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 16:42
Posted by: Billinge Biker (2399) View Billinge Biker's page
Hope one and all are OK..it's nice to be nice
Nice to be nice??
Well that didn’t last long!!
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 17:24
First Mate, I can't read whatever it is on the link you gave because I can not abide animal cruelty. These people should be rounded up and jailed, and their animals taken into care. I'm an avid animal lover, and despise anyone who mistreats any creature of the earth.
As Mr Biker said, these people are not gypsies in the truest sense because they don't leave a mess, nor are they cruel to animals. These are low-life excuses for humans.
Our old former member Billy, who died some years ago, attended these horrible spectacles and I had many a conflict with him about the treatment of horses.
I've been in the coach-built caravan of Mrs Silcock when the fair came to town back in the 50s, and it was absolutely stunning inside. Those nasty tinkers give true gypsies a bad name.
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 17:34
Bandits at 6 o clock BB, I hope your shields are maintained and muck proof, not that I know what bile they are chucking but, I'm sure its not complementary
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 17:35
You can't argue or defend the evidence .
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 17:43
I know the Silcocks well...they wintered at the back of the shops on market St Hindley.. Don't know what the "Turd" says...still on ignore...he's/she is not sticking up for the Tinkers is he/she.
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 18:15
Would someone mind telling BB that no one is defending gypsies and their conduct, particularly with regard to their treatment of animals.
Instead they are pointing out his rank hypocrisy and reminding him that despite his recent absence it would appear he is still the biggest gobs***e WW has ever known.
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 18:46
Eyup TP...caught one...don't know if it's male or female "Turd"...
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 18:53
Well the peace didn't last long did it.
Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 21:54
I have no gripes with so called travellers but where ever they visit they are a law upon their selves. They most of the time trespass and cause damage. They leave all their crap and most don't clean up when they leave. There are some millionaires amongst them and long gone when they towed a battered caravan with an even more battered transit. If they pitch up then before they are moved on they should be made to pay for the clean up or have a fancy 4x4 motor and a even fancier caravan impounded till they pay up.
Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 09:39
Trading standards also relieved them of £500.000 worth of fake goods from their market stalls...sunglasses...fake perfumes etc....what a shame....
Replied: 12th Jun 2024 at 14:03
We once met several Irish "travellers" who had no less than 5 Ford Transits, all in white, all with the same registration number!
BB, the 'Silcocks' you mention, in Hindley, would be Arthur. He's only one of many and not the 'main mon'. Not all rides belong to a Silcock.
Replied: 12th Jun 2024 at 15:35
Aye Tonks and Lawrence...junior and Elder.
Replied: 12th Jun 2024 at 15:58
Welcome to Appleby
Replied: 12th Jun 2024 at 20:56
Last edited by peebee: 12th Jun 2024 at 21:22:41
I have no time for travellers because they contribute nothing to society and leave a mess when they leave. They park up in the park and ride near me then take over the local pub and intimidate locals. But, being the Devil's advocate here, I'm looking at the above picture and that could very easily be Glastobury.
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 08:32
Kath admittedly Glastonbury looks like a tip but people are hired to clean up afterwards After Appleby the local council have to clean up and the locals get landed with the bill through their rates
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 10:27
In the late 50’s and 60’s I remember gypsies coming about twice a year down Liverpool rd in Hindley and set up camp way into the fields and never seem to cause trouble.They used to ask for people to fill milk churns with water.Some came in horse drawn caravans.We got friendly with the gypsy kids and used to go out with our dogs together and some used to come to our school.The ones today seem totally different and could not care less about the trouble and mess they cause.
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 10:59
Our very own Billy ( Billy Gardener) was a Gypsy, A romany and he was a proper Gentleman . I had the pleasure of meeting him, He's not posted for a long while and I know if he is still alive , he will be in his nineties,
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 11:28
Billy passed away shortly after he stopped posting. Some time later his bungalow in Hindley Green was put up for sale.
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 15:55
It should be realised that the Travellers who leave the horrible mess behind when they leave, and who normally only leave after the local authority has invoked the legal means to move them by force if necessary, they are not the true Romany Gypsies, they are in fact decedents of the Irish workers who built the infrastructure in this country, mainly in the post war period, with the motorway building of the 1950s 60s and 70s, they would follow the 'job' by towing a staying in a touring caravan on the building site, I know one fella who actually did that, a lot of those workers either returned to Ireland, or stayed here permanently, buying their own houses etc
Some did not though, and have carried on living a nomadic existence in the decades since.
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 16:38
Gaffer I'm sorry to hear that but, He was expecting a greeting on the other side and I hope he was right about that
Replied: 17th Jun 2024 at 17:13