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I,m Back

Started by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

Watch this space...those previously ignored...nothing has changed.,Tee-Hee.

Started: 5th Jun 2024 at 19:44

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16191)

I thought that you had rejoined the navy, and you were off to the Baltic, feightin those Ruskies

Replied: 5th Jun 2024 at 19:50

Posted by: PeterP (11620)

BB welcome back were down to one amigo now

Replied: 5th Jun 2024 at 20:27

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

How do.

Have you returned to join in the merry banter and witty repartee?

Replied: 5th Jun 2024 at 21:00

Posted by: tonker (28549) 

He’s back! Back in the WiganWorld groove!!

Replied: 5th Jun 2024 at 21:25

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

welcome back BB, no doubt you've just watched history at the TT races as I have with Michael Dunlop having his 27th win,,,

Replied: 5th Jun 2024 at 22:08

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

I have TP...a marvellous achievement...however had Joey not Passed in 2000...how many more wins may he have gained in the TT ?
Glad to be back folks

Replied: 6th Jun 2024 at 09:38

Posted by: Domin0 (692)

Glad to see you back.

Replied: 6th Jun 2024 at 10:17

Posted by: nanajacqui (4363) 

Hello BB welcome back

Replied: 6th Jun 2024 at 11:46

Posted by: gaffer (8147) 

Replied: 6th Jun 2024 at 12:38

Posted by: Brasstoff (542)

Glad to see a decent poster back on the message board.

Replied: 6th Jun 2024 at 12:55

Posted by: daveo18 (86)

Somebody going back on ignore (although he cannot see this)

Replied: 6th Jun 2024 at 14:23

Posted by: retep1949 (1272)

Is lectric legs ok?Last I heard he wasn’t too well.Perhaps he that’s why he stopped posting.

Replied: 7th Jun 2024 at 07:36
Last edited by retep1949: 7th Jun 2024 at 10:53:43

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

Hope one and all are OK..it's nice to be nice

Replied: 8th Jun 2024 at 21:13

Posted by: PeterP (11620)

BB Leccy legs not posted since Jan and Basil b not posted since March

Replied: 9th Jun 2024 at 14:21

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

Mit of snuffed it. Turd will be getting lonely...bless him/her .

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 18:37

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16191)

Jarvo & Basil are the same person, and Jarvo posted on here last week

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 19:39

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

I ts a game they play on here Tommy Tee, Sledge has multiple names, So does Leccylegs they can't fool us Tommy tee hey

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 20:42

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

Brain dead T P

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 20:55

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

For the benefit of tomplum, I'll say again that I'm not lectriclegs thank the lord, I hope lecky is well and maybe looking in.

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 21:37

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

booiong up pops one out of the bog,,,

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 21:43

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2404) View Billinge Biker's page

"Mit of snuffed it. Turd will be getting lonely...bless him/her"

So, who's stirring the pot now? Mr Biker! I expected better of you and such remarks are beneath you, or anyone else.

I don't care who anyone else is, who they were, or who they later become. All any of us should ask of each other is politeness and respect, and remarks like that are unkind and unnecessary.

As you said yourself - "It's nice to be nice," so be nice.

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 21:49

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

Eeee, Ya gotta Luv that Mollie, Admin Make Mollie a moderator,,

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 22:02

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

Posted by: tomplum (12710) View tomplum's page
Eeee, Ya gotta Luv that Mollie, Admin Make Mollie a moderator,,

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 22:02

You should ask mollie to moderate your site tomplum. She'd probably make a better job of it then you.


Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 22:16
Last edited by First Mate: 10th Jun 2024 at 23:47:53

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

and you have just give yourself away Leccylegs, i've left a message for you over there,

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 22:32

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

What,,,,( hand to ear) nothing to say ??

Replied: 10th Jun 2024 at 23:17

Posted by: retep1949 (1272)

Normal service has now resumed on CBeebies.

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 07:01

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2404) View Billinge Biker's page

Mit of snuffed it. Turd will be getting lonely...bless him/her

Posted by: tomplum (12712) View tomplum's page
What,,,,( hand to ear) nothing to say ??

After the above comment Tom I don’t think there is much anyone can say.

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 07:24

Posted by: cheshirecat (1233) 

Anybody would think that he has been away sailing around the world with no internet connection or communication for 9 months doing a Francis Chichester.
Get real! For Petes sake he's only been on Facebook which is a mouse click away
Full of self importance if you ask me
I agree, It is nice to be nice

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 14:16

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

“Full of self importance if you ask me”

Glad to see I am not the only one who shares the sentiment

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 17:12

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

mollie m...you have a point...not been scolded for a while....wrong to summise someone had crossed the bar...the ignored will remain on ignore as they are acid Tongued non contributors....and the Turd will keep his/her title as it's well deserved .

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 18:00

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

Actually BB you summised a none person, he is a username, nothing more and the only person with any concern is the one who took over from him. Flat mate is Leccylegs and I have proof, So don't feel too bad,

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 19:19

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

Posted by lectriclegs
6/11/2023 telephone consultation with non specific symptoms consultant.
7/11/2023 full blood test (Linacre)
11/11/2023 CT scan RAEI anomaly found on lung.
13/11/2023 endoscopy Leigh.
17/11/2023 lung function test RAEI
18/11/2023 PET scan RAEI
19/11/2023 MRI scan RAEI
20/11/2023 Further endoscopy RAEI
21/11/2023 ECG RAEI.

I know the above statement on my health will bring great glee to some on here)
Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:23

In reply to toms post above. I'm certainly not lectriclegs. I don't know him from Adam, but clearly he is very unwell.

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 21:57

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

daft mate you've been sussed, sort your life out, be a man and say who you are, where you're from and admit, That cyclist is YOU

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 22:27

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

You are a sick man Tom, seriously, a sick man

Replied: 11th Jun 2024 at 23:18

Posted by: PeterP (11620)

Over the years not only some members come on-line using various guises but members who had comments to each other under these guises or replied to their own postings because no one else will

Replied: 12th Jun 2024 at 06:28

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2614) 

Split personality Peterp

Replied: 12th Jun 2024 at 14:00


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