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Broad Beans Anyone ?

Started by: tonker (28602) 

Aye. Broad Beans. Hated by children as a status quo.
Green Beans too, presumably?
So, over in Spain, a couple of years ago, we were given a lovely dish as a course on the menu of the day. It consisted of Green Beans ( a bowlful) in a bolognesy type sauce, covered in toasted cheese. Delicious!
So nice that I took it's picture so I could attempt a replica when I got home.

Which brings me onto Broad Beans ..........

A couple of weeks ago, same place but this time the dish was Broad Beans, a big bowlful, with bits of stewed rabbit in it. Absolutely gorgeous!
I was told, by the owner of the place, Antonio, that it was a popular Catalan dish.
Reet, I thought, I'm having a go at making that when I get home ........ But, and it's a big BUT, can I find Broad Beans anywhere? Not a chance!

Why? I asked a lad in Aldi and he had never heard of them ??????? Are Broad Beans extinct in England? I couldn't even find them in a tin, until today, when I came across some frozen ones in that Iceland in Ashton. £2. But they are only very small ones. Not like what they used to be, you know, back in the day, when you wouldn't eat them for a gold pig?
Come Back Broad Beans - All is Forgiven!

PS: how your tastes change when you get older?

Started: 4th May 2024 at 21:05
Last edited by tonker: 4th May 2024 at 21:08:18

Posted by: mollie m (7634) 

I was bad at eating my greens until my doctor told me I had to because my folic acid was too low. Relunctantly, I had a go at some Hispi cabbage, and bought some green beans, which I now love. I don't mind sprouts as long as they're really well cooked and smashed up with butter.

No good asking a lad in Aldi about broad beans. If you'd asked him about burgers or pizzas etc he would have had a plethora of knowledge.

Now then, broad beans are one thing I could never enjoy, but I have seen them in tins, occasionally. Perhaps ASDA sells them.

Replied: 4th May 2024 at 21:14

Posted by: First Mate (2636)

Broad bean season in UK May to July

Replied: 4th May 2024 at 21:18

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

it would never occur to me to make a dish with summut I didn't like , I'd do the toast cheese and the Sause over a can of peys or baked beanz laaaaaike,

Replied: 4th May 2024 at 22:02

Posted by: sonlyme (3385)

they sell frozen ones in asda and morrisons.

Replied: 5th May 2024 at 07:00

Posted by: linma (2944)

Love all vegetables, I also like the dreaded sprouts raw when I’m ready to cook them. Each to his own!

Replied: 5th May 2024 at 07:15

Posted by: jacks (460) 

I love 'em. Grow them every year on my allotment.

Replied: 5th May 2024 at 08:50

Posted by: kathpressey (5649) 

i love broad beans but buy them frozen

Replied: 6th May 2024 at 09:02


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