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Black friday tomorrow folks

Started by: tomplum (13250) 

I'm getting a 55 inch Smart TV from Amazon. normal price is £429 The black Friday price is £149.00, Its invitation only and I've qualified for the invite,

Love a bargain I do

Started: 16th Nov 2023 at 19:07

Posted by: First Mate (2615)


Amazon says invites will be sent out between November 22 and November 25.

And it warns that it won't be able to grant all requests
Moral of the story, dont count your chickens

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 19:15
Last edited by First Mate: 16th Nov 2023 at 19:19:55

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

I thought black Friday was Nov 24th, not tomorrow?

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 19:27

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

I think they are starting earlier this year. But what do I know.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 19:33
Last edited by First Mate: 16th Nov 2023 at 19:56:09

Posted by: PeterP (11620)

If you can sniff out a bargain good luck to you

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 20:23

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

You seem to know that invites will only be sent out between November 22 and November 25.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 20:24

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

I googled what can I say

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 20:26

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Know nowt.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 20:27

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

I seem to have kicked up a storm in the cell block, Anyrode Peter My Asian friend over at my plumbing site put me onto it, They know whats what and because I've helped him out with plumbing a few times, he's returned the favour and used his influence to get me this deal.
Its not what you know, Its who you know,,,,,

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 20:39

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 20:47

Posted by: riocaroni (737)

Last time I bought anything online it was an aussie rugby league shirt. That was in 1998.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 21:38

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Last time I bought something online was yesterday.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 21:48

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

Well done you Rio, In 1998 I would't know how to do that,

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 21:51

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

I've never bought anything online, well, not personally, but please tell me, why is it called Black Friday when it's on for one week? I'm sure it used to be for just one day only.

Anyway, whoever gets a good bargain, good luck. Come back and tell us what you bought, and why it was such a bargain.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 21:56
Last edited by mollie m: 16th Nov 2023 at 22:30:28

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

Mollie, Its the new way of living in England, We produce nothing so we have become a nation of corner shops, buying and selling to earn a crust, There are no bargains, its called, ' marketing procedures' , a way of dipping in your pocket/purse to get rid of stuff BUT, like the old illegal seaside markets did in the '70's, They tempt you in with a telly at a stupid price and when you are unlucky to get that telly, you stay in and buy a stupid ornament , If I actually get this telly, I will let you know but, its odds on that, they are ALL GONE before the actual sale,,,,

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 22:08

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

Martin Lewis advice.
"If you were going to buy it anyway and it is half price, you have saved 50 percent. But if you weren't going to buy it but do cos it's half price you have wasted 100 percent of your money."


Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 22:34

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

Thanks for the explanation, Tom. I don't really think bargains are what they're cracked up to be. Same as shops bragging about having a sale on. You might get something for a couple of quid cheaper, but it's not a bargain.

When I lived in Berlin my friend and I went to a really great 3/4 storey shop called Ka De We and there was a sale on. Bearing in mind we only used Deutsch Marks at the time but, in English money, if something was, say £5, you'd get it for something like 50/75p. Now that was a sale. Mind you, it was total madness and I only ever went the once. A fat German lady tried to grab a blouse out of my hand which wouldn't have fitted her anyway, but I grabbed it back. 'Twas such fun!

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 22:36

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Buying cars on Amazon from next year, in U.S.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 00:37

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

So Tom is (allegedly) buying himself a new TV on Amazon on a Black Friday deal along with the thousands who will do they same thing……,,and he wants to tell us all.

How absolutely scintillating!!! Do passing on these random mundane facets of everyday life to us give you some sort of deep rooted satisfaction Tom?

I think you should start calling yourself…..Tom ‘interesting’ Plum.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 04:13

Posted by: riocaroni (737)

Unlike the dross you pour out!

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 10:28

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Posted by: riocaroni (635)
Unlike the dross you pour out!

So tell us more about this Aussie rugby shirt you bought on line in 1998?

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:10

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6727) 

I must be a killjoy for my views are if these people can sell their items at such a vast reduction ,then they were not worth the original price in the first instance ...............just saying u believe it's all a huge CON and joe public falls for it year on year !!

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:15

Posted by: riocaroni (737)

I had bought a Cronulla sharks top from the club shop whilst in Sydney in 1996. So I decided I would like the new top and ordered it on line at a cost of 78quid. The post office put a card through the door saying I would have to pay import duty before I could collect the shirt. I went to the sorting office and was told the duty would be 19 quid so I ended up paying 97 quid for a rugby shirt in 1998. Now isn't that an interesting tale, hope you enjoyed it?

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 16:12

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Absolutely fascinating anecdote Rio, and you put it across in such a captivating manner.

My life is now all but complete!

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 17:12

Posted by: riocaroni (737)

Thank you!

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 18:30

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 


Do you mean you're going to the USA next year to buy driveable cars, or do you mean you're getting toy/miniature cars for a collection?

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 23:19

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

No, next year, Stateside to begin with, you can buy Hyundai motors on Amazon.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 23:27

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

Will you have them shipped over here?

I'm really not understanding, so please forgive me. If you're buying cars from Amazon, online, there'd be no guarantee that they actually run, or even have engines in them. Is it not a bit of a risk?

The reason I'm so sceptical is that I once saw a lady in an episode on an American court show (genuine people) who saw a photo of a mobile phone, advertised on E-Bay and, what she got, was a photo of a mobile phone which came nicely packaged in a marked box!

There was a similar one where a man ordered a car which he'd seen online, and was sent a toy car of the same manufacture.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 23:56

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I don't know if/when they will extend the arrangement to UK.

I also do not know the full details, but the stock (ie cars) will be supplied from Hyundai's existing dealer network.

What incentive gets a customer to use Amazon as opposed to negotiating a sale with the dealer remains to be seen.

Replied: 18th Nov 2023 at 00:03

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

Oh right, now I understand. Thanks.

Replied: 18th Nov 2023 at 00:08

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

In UK, they do something similar with groceries, which are supplied by Morrisons.

I have not used it, as I like to go look, and pick and choose what I buy in the light of the alternatives that are on offer.

From time to time, they post an offer to me, such as £10 of your first Morrison order.

I prefer to shop on foot. (value the exercise), but if I get a big shop from one of the very big stores, I need to use the car.

IF I get to find I am no longer able to drive, I would use the Amazon/Morrisons though so glad to know that it is there.

Replied: 18th Nov 2023 at 00:38

Posted by: mollie m (7556) 

I echo you, Ena, although I've never shopped online, as I said earlier. I'm not sure I'd like to shop for food that way because I like to touch, feel, smell and taste certain items, such as fruit and veg, so I wouldn't trust anyone not to sell me something close to end of life.

Nope, as long as I'm able I'll continue to do my own shopping.

I did say in an earlier post that I've never bought anything online personally, but I have a friend who has an Amazon account and, if I need something, I'll ask her to get it for me.

I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to trusting any agencies/outlets with my banking details, except for the usual utilities, and I use my DD for local shopping, and that's it.

Replied: 18th Nov 2023 at 00:54

Posted by: daveo18 (86)

Riocaroni - I'm sure you know the proverb about the fool and their money

Replied: 18th Nov 2023 at 17:11

Posted by: riocaroni (737)

I'm sure I'll spend anything if I want it enough. There are no pockets in a shroud!

Replied: 18th Nov 2023 at 20:32

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I have been shopping, (unsuccessfully) for a new telly for quite some time.

It would be good if I could find one at a discount.

It would be good if I could find the right model, at any price.

I need to replace an existing set. It has developed a number of faults. In view of its age, it is not worth the cost of repair.

Now this set lives in my study. There is not the space for a large set.

Existing model is 24 inch, Full HD (1080p) Freeview Twin HD tuner (Terrestrial & sat) with inbuilt DVD player, and USB PVR.

It seems that there are not many 24 inch Full HD (1080p) sets to be had. A number of times I have seen it claimed that you do not need 1080p for a set of this size. I am not convinced by such excuses, as plenty are offered in both next size up and ALSO NEXT SIZE DOWN. At present, I have a 19 inch 720p set alongside to get the audio (which is poor on the 24 inch set) and I can certainly see the difference in picture quality.

I really do not want to trade down and replace what I have with an inferior set. If available, I will trade up, ie spec as per existing set, but a smart TV, though this is not essential, as smart features are available via my Freeview PVR that I use with the set.

Been looking for weeks. Just not finding owt that measures up.

I have only found two that come close, (and they do not cover all the bases) One is 'Cello' (which is the old Ferguson) the other is 'Sniper'. Both have too much negative appraisal from users for me to be tempted.

Not insisting on a particular manufacturer, but I would prefer one of the makes that have established a reputation for quality: Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Philips etc.

Google is much less helpful than it could be. Dozens of times I have followed up a model whose headline description says Full HD, but drilling down into the specs reveals that it is 720p. Even a number of sets from online sources such as article "best 24 inch Full HD" turn out to be 720p.

I am really surprised and disappointed that I am finding it so difficult to replace an old telly with one of at least equal quality.

Replied: 20th Nov 2023 at 16:55
Last edited by ena malcup: 20th Nov 2023 at 16:58:45

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16191)


Like you say most 24 inch TV's are HD Ready, rather than Full HD, but here is an LG 24 inch Full HD TV LINK and as regards LG TV's I bought an LG 42 inch full spec TV in 2009, and it still works perfectly after many thousands of hours viewing, I replaced it with a larger TV mainly for the smart functions, because as time goes on, more and more TV channels will be delivered via internet connection only, and all terrestrial TV will disappear in a few years time, in favour of internet only TV services LINK that article says it will disappear by 2030, but more recent articles suggest it will be gone by 2034, and they have already started to switch off the Freeview SD Channels.

Replied: 20th Nov 2023 at 18:39

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Thanks for your link, Tommy, but it does say the model is discontinued. Same as the one that I am attempting to replace.

I can get internet stuff/ smart TV through my Panasonic PVR (SSD video recorder) which is patched through HDMI to the telly. (Also through my Bluray player, though I have that linked to big telly in the lounge.)

Ironically, I get my broadband through 5g mobile broadband, so my online television is still coming over a terrestrial transmitted radio signal.

Replied: 20th Nov 2023 at 18:50
Last edited by ena malcup: 20th Nov 2023 at 19:23:20

Posted by: PeterP (11620)

Which magazine say 98% of items for sale during the alleged black Friday sales can be bought at the same price or cheaper outside of the BF Sales

Replied: 21st Nov 2023 at 18:18

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Not sure about 98%, but I think that the general point is well made: a hell of a lot of misleading hype going down.

Buyer Beware!

Replied: 21st Nov 2023 at 18:49

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16191)


I did not notice the 'discontinued' thing on that webpage, but why have LG left it up on their website ?

Instead of trying to fit a smaller sized telly into your study, would it not be easier to fit a larger sized TV into your study, as in alter your study to fit in a larger TV ?

Replied: 21st Nov 2023 at 20:20

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I would if I could. Tesco on Saturday had some large smart tellies going cheap.

It is very, very cramped in here. No room for anything bigger than 24 inch screen. It is a room within the roofspace, ie sloping ceilings. Usable wall space is really at a premium. But, wintertime, it is warmer than the lounge, and I like to have telly droning in the background whilst I get on with other stuff. If something comes on to grab my attention then I will watch it.

I think I do this because for decades I would work with Radio 4 droning in the background, but they have dumbed it down so much that I no longer like to listen to the dross.

Replied: 21st Nov 2023 at 20:46

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

Did you get the Tellie tom.
This is a high demand deal with limited quantities. All invites for this deal have been claimed.
You could try googling for a deal if you missed out

Replied: 24th Nov 2023 at 13:10

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Do you recall when it used to be 'The January Sales'?

Which sometimes started on Boxing day!

And TV news showed people camping on the pavement overnight/ over the weekend to await the doors opening on morn of the sale commencing.

It was oft believed that it was to do with stock disposal of stuff remaining after the peak of Christmas trading, but I suspect also giving a boost to slowing down trade also figured.

Traders holding less inventory, and increased online shopping will have eroded some of those factors.

I wonder, to what extent Black Friday, albeit an American import, has flipped this event to be prior to Christmas. I bet they get customers to part with more dosh than they would have in January.

Replied: 24th Nov 2023 at 13:33

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Some prices are bizarre!

Just look at this.

The kindle edition is more than three times the cost of the hardback book!

Replied: 24th Nov 2023 at 14:11

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16191)


"It was oft believed that it was to do with stock disposal of stuff remaining after the peak of Christmas trading, but I suspect also giving a boost to slowing down trade also figured"

There are the four trading quarters of the year, and the last trading quarter is the one to the end of the year, and that was always the busiest because of Christmas, the first trading quarter of the year was the quietist, and yoo always found that with what you made before Christmas, that was cancelled out with what you lost after Christmas, and both quarters averaged out at the same level.

Replied: 24th Nov 2023 at 14:33

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

How's the new telly, Tom?

Replied: 4th Dec 2023 at 21:49

Posted by: PeterP (11620)

Ena did you get fixed up with your 24" Tv ? Argos are advertising various makes

Replied: 5th Dec 2023 at 09:09

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 


I have checked Argos a number of times, and they were not offering a 24", Freeview, 1080p resolution set. They were commonplace: now hard to find.

But thanks for the heads-up, I will check them again, as I do anyway. Ditto Amazon, eBay, Curry's, the posh hifi shop etc.

I have found sets offered at more than£400, when the going rate for such specs as these is less than £200!

Two sets from unknown manufactures, and both have lousy user appraisal.

Lots of sets with headline description stating full HD/1080p, but when you dig down into the spec, they turn out to be 720p (sometimes 768)

I am not going to buy 720p. Even 1080p is a standard now being left behind as 4k sets become the norm.
(Though also not found 24" 4k.)

Do not know why it is just this size which is so scarce, 19, or 22 inch, also 32 inch and above are available.

Manufacturers still releasing new models with 24" screen size. God knows why they all seem to be HD Ready 720p or similar. People must be willing to buy 720p 24" sets, or there would not be so many being offered.

Replied: 5th Dec 2023 at 09:50

Posted by: tomplum (13250) 

My guess is, Since the invention of the 'Pad' many use that for watching filums its lightweight easily storable and uses WIFI instead of wires and arials,

Replied: 5th Dec 2023 at 10:28

Posted by: First Mate (2615)

A tad smaller than a 55 incher. Did you get your telly Tom?

Replied: 5th Dec 2023 at 10:45


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