"The Barge"
Has landed in affluent Portland...a place I have served in and visited many times..fully refurbed Des-res for our "Visitors"...They don't like it up em darn sarf do they ?... Why not Moore it opposite the house of commons on't Thames. ? Heaven forbid.
Started: 18th Jul 2023 at 19:25
"a place I have served in and visited many times"
The Billinge Borer strikes again
Have you ever put a post up without mentioning yourself?
Replied: 18th Jul 2023 at 19:36
nice catch BB, hook sink and liner,,,,
Replied: 18th Jul 2023 at 20:49
Billinge Biker, serving.or visiting, as the case may be!
Replied: 18th Jul 2023 at 20:52
If you climb up there just a little bit more Tom you will be able to brush his teeth…….from the inside
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 05:30
Yes BB, But the latest is that they can't use it there something about not having the right permit for mooring it there !! Has this GOV got any sense of spending or should i say WASTING TAX=PAYER'S MONEY???The cost of moving it around is astonomical why oh why can't they get things in order and place before doing botched tasks. One immigrant who happens to be in an Hotel in Reading said it's disgusting housing him and his sort on a barge ( Bloody Cheek) I know where i would put him , another question whilst watching our coastguards getting a line on yet another boat full of aliens ,i would like to suggest when they have the rope tethered TURN THE DAMN BOAT ROUND AND GO BACK TO FRANCE AND LET THEM DISEMBARK THERE ! EASY PEASY AFTER ALL we have put men on the moon ( i think) But no lets' bring em ashore sod it !!!G.B.
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 14:17
where`s all the sewage going to go straight in the sea sack the gov and al the councils wigan first
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 14:34
Same way a cruise ship gets rid of waste I imagine
Holding sewage until returning to shore and treating the water part of the waste so it can be released into the ocean.
Holding solid waste in storage tanks with aerobic bacteria, which begins digesting it while waiting for the return to port.
Cruise ship waste
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 14:45
Last edited by First Mate: 19th Jul 2023 at 14:49:32
Facts, eh, FM
They don't like em on here, you know.
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 14:57
Being a sailing person I know a thing or two.
Sometimes google helps
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 15:20
Last edited by First Mate: 19th Jul 2023 at 15:24:20
Ooh, hello sailor.
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 15:23
Sailing is the way to go with the price of fuel now.
Wind is free. So is sun. Solar is the future!
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 19:03
Every one a gem TP... .I propose.....when they land on our shores...let's greet them with well done...and leave it to em...no hotels...no hostels..no aid...let them wander as vagrants...and when they commit a crime...jail and deport them...simple ..
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 19:11
As we type, the barge is being hooked up to the shore utilities, electric, water, sewerage, phones, computers, sky, virgin media, atm etc etc etc
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 19:19
(Comment removed because it broke the rules)
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 19:21
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 19:24
I don't understand the figures, this barge will house 500, Thats approx half a days new arrivals, So working on that , we need 360 barges like this every year until someone stops it happening, Is there enough ports in the country ?
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 21:27
It's mental.
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 21:30
All this immigration will certainly be the end of Britain as we know it. Different cultures cannot harmonise, We will see much bloodshed in the future. Well, ok, we may not, but our grandchildren will.
Even the cultures that are already here are on the take. Look at that story I've told, many times, about the 86 year old Pakistani woman, being brought over here, from Pakistan, only to be looked after with a full care package along with disabled living accommodation, £000's spent on her by the NHS.
At the same time, my mum was paying £602 a week for the same care package and she's worked in the UK, and contributed, for over 50 years.
We've had it !
Replied: 19th Jul 2023 at 21:49
tonker is correct about not wanting to harmonise as they all want to live in their own enclaves in the towns and cities with no intention of mixing with people who are not of their own ethnic origin.
A fact that some friends and myself discovered in thirty years of travelling in and out of many of the towns and cities with large immigrant populations in the course of carrying out a hobby of ours.
Our country is becoming a powder keg waiting to blow up as more and more people from countries where they hate and even kill each other are being allowed into our country.
My Wife and I fear for the future of our decendants!
Replied: 20th Jul 2023 at 09:40
Posted by: tomplum (11119) View tomplum's page
nice catch BB, hook sink and liner,
Replied: 20th Jul 2023 at 12:58
Owd Codger
"in thirty years of travelling in and out of many of the towns and cities with large immigrant populations in the course of carrying out a hobby of ours"
And what hobby was that then ?
**** bashing
Yoo racist pig
Replied: 20th Jul 2023 at 13:24
“as they all want to live in their own enclaves in the towns and cities with no intention of mixing with people who are not of their own ethnic origin”
You probably haven’t noticed Todger but neither do the majority of the contributors to this very forum.
Replied: 20th Jul 2023 at 13:30
Well i utterly agree with what Tonker/BB/ OWD CODGERhave written i also see a time when the BRITAIN we love ,and fought for will be no more, After all we had the "RAT"T.Blair with hie open door policy in 2000, I know people will say i have said this before but,why the bloody hell can't the GOV just give a simple order to turn the boats around ,i am sure that after shed loads of times doing it the crossings will stop.!But i'm afraid they have no bollocks when it comes to doing the will of the people . Th issue that grinds me is what "TONKER" wrote about his own mother AND the PAKI owd woman this repeats itself over many thousands of time 'sthe cost must be astronomical!! Without sounding like a parrot the very same thing happened to my wife's mother also!! IT'S ABSURD WE KEEP LETTING IN THIS FILTH ! I just do not accept these MPs when they say we can't stop it,they can if they want to .
Replied: 20th Jul 2023 at 14:32
Oh dear...training base of SBS ..SAS...RFA..RN..nearby...it's not gonna work is it ? I fear it may get scuppered.
Replied: 20th Jul 2023 at 21:10
Tommy Two Stroke
Since when has observation been racist?
But I supposed living in Wigan, a a case of people not seeing what it is like in many other towns and cities!
Replied: 21st Jul 2023 at 07:10
Last edited by Owd Codger: 21st Jul 2023 at 07:14:46
Posted by: Billinge Biker (2049) View Billinge Biker's page
(Comment removed because it broke the rules)
oh dear
Replied: 21st Jul 2023 at 09:33
More trouble in Portland
Buisness people not happy ,pubs empty hotel bookings down cruise liners refusing to dock gangs roaming round ,all because of the migrant barge, believe there his a big row going on that's caused the delay to use them
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 12:57
Could you give a link to this story?
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 13:12
Scapa Flow
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 13:31
The latest news on the "barge" is that they will not be putting immigrant in yet due to Health & Saftey Rules being not quite right ! Also another fact was released today and that was that last month of JULY was a record number made it across the channel some 63 boats bring in 3,300 to Britain on one month . It is only going to get ever worse !
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 14:51
Dogger Bank !
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 15:23
German Bight
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 15:28
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 15:32
Interviews with local business people said princess cruises refuse to dock ,local business people say they are losing a lot of money , and migrants people are stopping going, if gangs start roaming town
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 15:55
Last edited by surfer_tom: 2nd Aug 2023 at 15:57:20
I am in central London today. Thought it was interesting to see this advert on a tube train whilst passing through Embankment.
Replied: 2nd Aug 2023 at 23:38
Surfer Tom, how are businesses / Pubs suddenly losing money cos of this barge? The Green Shutters pub only opens at 4pm, there's a small convienience store, The other pubs have shut, post office gone years ago. The previous barge there was a prison and local businesses were more thriving then.
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 00:09
Last edited by Pewfall: 3rd Aug 2023 at 06:31:13
They should start to put them on the cruise ships and then there would be a uproar, resulting in more people realising what provision of accommodation is being provided for migrants while many of our own homeless will still be living on the streets and no accommodation being provided.
Priorities all wrong in this country!
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 09:18
Gaffer, I don't know what them ship's passengers would spend £400,000 on in Portland. There's sod-all there!
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 10:30
Most of the passengers leaving the ship will go into Weymouth using the free shuttle buses laid on by the ships owners.
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 13:53
Posted by: gaffer (7603) View gaffer's page
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 08:33
The passengers were due to visit Stonehenge. They are also due another
Visit in September. So if the locals are out to protest then docking in Portland will most likely be cancelled again.
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 14:16
The five pledges that rushi sunak promised has failed , when he is asked about them he changes the subject and blames Labour,
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 15:39
Maybe, just maybe, possibly, it might be due to the fact that, and it is probably because, then I suppose it is the case.
There are a lot of foreigners of a none British, maybe dark skinned variety on that ship, who if those protesters spy them in 'Weymouth' or Portland, they will think that they are the asylum lot on their way to that barge, so they might give them a load of hassle, so the cruise company have swapped the itinerary to miss out Portland and Weymouth, and stop somewhere else instead
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 16:00
They will have to dock some were. but that Portland have invested big money Ithey will not be happy losing out
Replied: 3rd Aug 2023 at 17:13
Portland is a big land mass, arguebaly an island. A small part, the harbour area, the former Navy Base was sold in 90's and now commercial port. The Bibby barge is in a secure area of that with only allocated buses to get in and out. People can't just wander around and it's not near where cruise ships go.
Replied: 4th Aug 2023 at 00:11
Last edited by Pewfall: 4th Aug 2023 at 06:01:18
I've seen many cruise ships go in and out of there. Portland port lays on buses for tourists, I have seen 30 buses and coaches all lined up - Tourists don't wander around the port or in and out the gate there. Stonehenge i am told is a favourite destination from Weymouth .
Replied: 4th Aug 2023 at 00:21
Last edited by Pewfall: 4th Aug 2023 at 06:02:21
Why not berth these barges next to Westminster Bridge...
Replied: 4th Aug 2023 at 15:06
It'll not get so far up the Thames as it won't get under London bridge and only that far if its not too wide to get through Tower bridge
Replied: 4th Aug 2023 at 15:23
O.K. leave it at Tower Bridge
Replied: 5th Aug 2023 at 19:44
Loads of scrotes wandering the streets of Portland...get ready for civil unrest..can you blame the decent law abiding rate payers to put up with this scandal ?
Replied: 5th Aug 2023 at 19:50
What the hells going on
Now there is a story going round that Tory goverment is cooking the books about migrants saying there is more here than what there really is , then
Say they reduced the number , looks good when election comes,
Replied: 6th Aug 2023 at 10:59
The Labour Party has said it would have "no choice" but to continue housing asylum seekers on barges and ex-military bases if it forms the next government.
Where is Labours plan? They criticise everything that the government try to do, yet haven't come up with an alternative.
Replied: 6th Aug 2023 at 12:23
Is there an alternative?
Replied: 6th Aug 2023 at 14:07
If there is they haven't thought of it yet.
Replied: 6th Aug 2023 at 16:19
I have been in a rowing boat, don't you know,
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 11:39
Did you have a lovely day out bentlegs and did you get back in time for tea?
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 12:12
Migrants removed off barge ,doctors have found liegonellla bug in water system,
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 13:14
Dirty buggers
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 13:21
Anyone ever watched Papillion (pappy yon) those French had reet idea when it came to imprisoning folk
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 13:29
You know what will happen next migrants will end up suing the goveverment , more money wasted our money,
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 13:29
"They're gonna need a bigger barge"!
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 17:07
I expect the government will be asking questions of the management of the Falmouth Dock company where the barge went for a dry dock refit before moving to Portland.
Replied: 11th Aug 2023 at 18:10
And the "Joke" goes on....eyup...on't news...disaster...more drownings.
Replied: 12th Aug 2023 at 17:50
why are people not asking questions about THIS GOVERNMENT ? .
Replied: 12th Aug 2023 at 17:51
This Tory goverment will not change their policy they don't care how many people die they refuse to stop the boats in fact they help them across the channel same with the nhs record waiting list over 7 million waiting for treatment what chance have they got .cost of a mortgages young people can't afford now , pm who makes pledges that he has no intention of keeping ,
Replied: 13th Aug 2023 at 10:00