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Wigan Genealogy

ANDERSON, jane ellen - any

Posted by: elaine
Notes / Message
looking for info on my grandma; jane ellen evans. she married charles e anderson in 1915(he was killed in 1916)on the marriage cert. her name is given as jane ellen kelly...no fathers name. when she married my grandad in 1917,her name was given as jane ellen anderson. widow..but now it says father william griffiths! did her mother marry him,after 1915,but before 1917? at the time of her first wedding,her address was given as 50,queen st. wigan. before she married,jane ellen lived with amelia bradshaw;walthew lane; platt bridge. any info gratefully received..thnx. elaine

Requiring help with these family names:

Surname / Forename Year
      bradshaw any
      jane ellen any
      william any
      william any
      jane ellen any
